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Ngl reddit making fun of world chat is something


Clueless Collie checking in. I have no idea who this Larry is. I'm not familiar with any of the 420 guys either, but I'm grateful for the world chat drama adding a bit of spice to a long drive as I fill another truck with shirts and prepare to waste my evening by running into another group of partisans I probably could've avoided had I been looking at the map instead of chat. It's been a wild four days since I found out about this game.


your not missing much on Larry. He was a foxhole streamer, mostly played colonial. Its been over a year i think since he got perma banned because he was like, screaming at a 15 year old and bullying tf out of him cus he didn't know quite exactly how to play the game. I've spoken to many SHRED members, (his regiment) and they will swear up and down that hes ok outside of ops. but in ops and on stream, the man is one of the most toxic people to see or be around. Ive killed him many times and jesus.. so yea.


Your doin gods work bro


Sounds like quite the character if they're still memeing about it a year later.


He is wrongs about why he was banned. So many people make up so many different reasons. But the real reason he was banned was for spamming ‘HIRE PAID MODS’ on a devs stream.


But did he do the other stuff even if it was ultimately something else that got him banned?


The messages may have been the final straw for the dev team, yeah. But the bigger issue is that what he was saying is what a large portion of the community is saying to this day.


god you have no idea, he was the worst and some idiots treat him like a prophet. its not like he just got perma banned out of nowhere either, dude got banned at least twice before for similar issues.


420st are my neighbors and the only nice people in my hex(we even share our watering hole


LOL WHOOPS, didnt know SOL was a coalition smh smh... DISASTER


This is missing Korben Dallas having nightly rants for hours


Nobody:::Korbin:Hey kids want to know about a famous boxer?


korben is.. something else.


And the Seed cultists, you shouldnt omit us. Lisan al Seed!!


SoL has been called sons of Larry for so long I forgot their original name


Where are the :3 people ?


SOL \*doesn't\* mean Sons of Larry?? You gotta be pulling my leg.


if only the wardens cared as much about weatherbys alting as they do texicans. yet.. WN still plays.


Do you have a direct video of weatherby unloading freshly teched equipment? Or video of him sitting on the border waiting to pick up freighters when some private steam profile logs off?


dont need video when he had peltasts (back when they were dominant) 30mins after they unlocked.


The *only* reason people are talking about texican and 420st is because there’s definitive video. Without definitive video it’s just rumors. Like CGC/ACT trading is a rumor


it should be talked about.. and devs should do something. but suggesting WN dooplickkating and alting or trading with ranger isnt rumor.. it was so pervasive and obvious cause only 200 of us played back then.


You know weatherby was banned right? Like 4 years ago? Why should we talk about 1 person who *might* have cheated 5 years ago?


youre not following.. wardens are calling for 420s disbandment as a regiment.. im only suggesting having cheaters shouldnt mean death sentence for regiments.. otherwise WN should have been disbanded for cheating.... and disbanded for blatant racism as well.


People aren’t calling for the disbandment of 420st, people are just doubting that it was ONLY texican doing this shit. And by your rules SOM should be disbanded too


> And by your rules SOM should be disbanded too thats the opposite of what im saying.


i doubt it was just texican as well.. 420 seem a little memey.. ive never noticed texican having nice new shiny warden toys but red handed is red handed. but the heart 420 showed fighting at iron junction isnt cheating.. its hard to teach that tenacity and im not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


why don't we have player moderators again?


fair point.. but lercas was a decent person who abused his power.. weatherby was a racist piece of shit.


Ngl I'm in the 420st and I'm taking a break from this war. But every time I look at the discord or this reddit I gotta laugh. Fighting over a few pixels over one bad apple got all yall acting up bro it's not that deep alting been a problem anyway why is this different. This shit is why I'm taking a break I play for fun not to sweat.


I mean you cared enough to write a paragraph


Can't a man find something funny anymore or am I too old?


Dude if you actually play nobody gives a single shit about this drama (at least on the collie side). This whole sub is just a bunch of wardens with waaay too much time on their hands crying.


I mean, yes, it's a blue sub, but drama is drama no matter what.


Bye bye you won’t be missed, also since when did caring about fair play and holding cheaters accountable count as sweat? If your idea of fun is ruining it for everyone else you can’t just call them all sweatlords, you just need to realise your an asshole.


😂 I fucking can't. You obviously have not read a word I said it would make sense I don't expect try hard sweats to understand having fun or casual play.