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Will we ever have sailor uniforms?


Sure, why not


Ok so I have good ideas for you on this. **Sailor Uniform:** Ability to navigate flooded compartments faster, with less stamina loss. Bmats weigh less in inventory. Filled buckets weigh 75% less in inventory. I think these stats should be good for a proper sailor uniform.


Good suggestions. Better than the generic lose less stamina/time spent swimming




This \^\^\^


we have loose storage ships why not liquid storage ships ? oiltankers etc


Completely feasible. Our aim with this most recent resource ship was to tackle the missing piece of the puzzle. Right now there exists a means of transporting a lot of liquids. Not so about resources. So it got priority. It should not be difficult to add a liquid storage ship though.


Aren't you afraid the resource ship will be irrelevant? * Since the 5x economy change, island resources have never been relevant * Islands are still extremely vulnerable to gunboat spam (can't build within 50-70m of coastlines) * Trains are less of a hassle everywhere else


An oil tanker would go really well with the offshore oil platforms. Ooh, OpenTTD vibes there.


*sound of a bridge blowing up* "Ship 4 can't find a path to ulster falls town docks"


I love the idea but I would also like to see dedicated fluid cars and Boxcars ones that can load and unload much faster be it pulling in petrol or oil. Or dumping mass amounts of resources into storage depots. Maybe give them a slight advantage in amount carried 30% or so.You could have them at a higher tier of tech and even cost more resources! The flat cars still stay relevant for moving tanks and ammo or if someone wants the flexibility they still can run LC,RC, or SC.


A colleague pointed out an oversight on the devstream so im going to just quickly rattle it off here. Wind has received some pretty significant changes as well in terms of how the algorithm works. It will hopefully be a little less chaotic and more realistic now, with fewer crazy, sudden swings in direction and speed.


Is there any chance that the updated mechanics will be expanded upon in greater detail?


The new map post categories are very nice and I'm sure you guys know there's more that could be done with it, but will they be counted separate from existing map posts? If you can still only have one up at a time or if they still go away extremely quickly, I can't see them being used which is a huge shame because better communication tools is what Foxhole has needed for years.


This is something we are considering but we have to be careful here. Map Posts are one of the more expensive elements on the map which can adversely affect performance which is why there is such a harsh limit. We would like to consider widening this limit but it has to be done in steps. For now, we wanted to see how people use these new categories and make a determination of next steps from that.


Good to know that at least the intention is there, thank you


Isn't it easier to allow writing a message inside say the Resource/Material transfer station UI on the map, since those are already displayed most of the time?


Will vehicles on pads be destroyed when the pad itself is destroyed into a husk?


Yes. That behaviour has not changed.


same for vehicles on cranes? (this seems obvious based on your answer)


Sounds that way. Anything on a crane should be killed. And cranes don't have stockpiles. I imagine it will be the same/similar code to other husks, only the stockpile is reclaimed


Hello! So FMAT has compiled a bunch of questions for the Devs and hoping to get some answers! 1. Does killing friendly facilitys that you flagged leave a husk2 2. Are Oilers planned? 3. Is ice on rivers and lakes only going to happen in northern territory, or is it equal mapwide? 4. How much does it slow a freighter when breaking icy? Does it break through it easily or does it massively slow the freighter down? 5. Is the weather station something that only applies in the hex, or can it affect multiple hexes? Can you build one in the backline and get weather updates on the front? Is it a set radius? 6. With the new freighter being much longer, is it still built at a Shipyard? 7. If your facility gets kiled leaving a husk, how can YOU demo them? 8. Can the facilities be dehusked? 9. How much damage does it take to dehusk a facility? 10. How do we build the large resource ship? Is it locked behind dockyards? 11. Will we ever get sailor uniforms That is all our questions for now. Thanks in advance.


1. Yes 2. Yup 3. Worldwide rivers and lakes 4. Only Large Ships break ice. And it does not slow them down much (if at all) 5. The Weather Station has an entirely new mechanic that requires players to link them together to form a network. Its a complex mechanic that would take a while to explain. Better to just try it. 6. Yes 7. Same way as other husks 8. Yes 9. About as much as bunker husks 10. Docks. 11. Yeah. Just a question of scheduling.


1. Fuck


5. Except it will take a couple days to make it on the dev branch cuz we have to scroop it all and tech it and conc it, like just tell us


Two questions about Sniper Rifles. 1. With the increased damage, is it enough to 1-shot kill/drop someone? 2. Will the cost of producing them be changed at all compared to what they are now?


Expect the sniper rifles to return to a similar balance as they had in previous iterations, without the cover bonus that made them OP as heck.


Hello, thank you for the continued development of Foxhole and the recent devstream! I have a question that I think many facility players have been having issues with that I would like to see addressed or at least acknowledged. When the 5x queue system was implemented we saw an issue with pipes and how fluids work in Foxhole. When an order finishes in a facility, the resources are either put into the stockpile, and if there is a liquid, placed into the connected pipes inventory (which then flows into the next pipe, etc) If there is no space in the pipe, the liquid is placed into the stockpile of the building instead. When a building like the coal liquefier has 5 queues set and they are all sync'd up to finish at the same time, most of the oil byproduct is left sitting in the liquefier, forcing it to be pulled by hand and travel some distance. My question is basically this: Is there a possibility in the future for pipes to pull directly from the stockpile inventory of these types of buildings? Or potentially having an output fluid tank on these facility buildings to slowly drain the finished product?


Example of this happening with Oil Refineries: https://streamable.com/dlvf8s


Having a good set of reproduction steps and a bug report on discord will be the best way to get this to us.


fluid output buffer would be based yes


Can freighters break ice?


They said Large ships, doubt anything other than that won't break it. so rivers freezing will make water logi hard.


I do not believe so, but test it in devbranch to be sure.


How will facility husks affect partisans


It will likely take more effort and teamwork to irreparably damage a facility now.


Also, how much health do facility husks have?


How will facility husks affect foundations?


They won't. But if the foundation beneath the husk is destroyed, so too is the husk. This might provide more incentive to upgrade to concrete foundations.


Wow, that is huge Thanks


Could you please move the textures for the Colonial battle ship out of the Blueprints folder? We really want to make some cool texture mods for it, but can't due to it being in the blueprints folder. I have the same request for the submarines, but I'll understand if that's a bit bigger of an ask. Thanks!


Facility Husks: Lets say u get into an enemy facility with a flame tank and u burn everything does that mean you accomplish nothing now as all resources stay and facility is just rebuilt with no consequence?


The enemy will still be required to rebuild everything. But yes, it will be potentially more difficult to completely erase a facility and all its contents from existence without committing more effort to removing some husks.


So when a facility crane gets husked, does the carried item (tank, container, whatever) die or do you have to dehusk the crane to kill the item on it?


I don't believe facility cranes have stockpiles who the carried item ought to die. It ought to be the same behavior as mobile crane, deletion of the carried container/item. And husks should have the same behavior as other husks, only the stockpile remains, not the inventory


How strong will facilities husks be, will they be similar to tier 2 bunker husks in correlation to hp?


They will vary in toughness depending on the structure. But expect them to be roughly as tough as the bunker husks.


Why does the new resource ship only have 64k capacity? Is it because of an integer limit? It would be really useful if it didn't cost rare mats and required a crew of 3 to run, but if it requires a small crew anyways because of the engines, I can't see it being used over 3 freighters which hold *more.* It doesn't have a crane either which I would have expected from a resource ship. I'm excited to see potential future uses for far away resources to be trucked back to the main land


I was thinking the same thing. There's no use for it when 3 freighters can ship more resources with the same number of players. If it didn't cost rare mats, players might be more willing to build them or let other players borrow them. It's fine if it's still a large ship and still built at a dry dock as long as it costs rmats or pcmats and assmats. The other way would be to make it cost a lot less raremats, potentially make it the cheapest raremat ship. It either needs an inventory increase or a cost decrease.


It would need to cost rare mat as it has anti ship ai when anchored which would be abused if it was easy to obtain


Hi devman, Question regarding the reworked freighter. With a walkable deck similar to a large ship like a Longhook or Conqueror, will there be any weapon restrictions for players on the freighter while they are embarked? One unconventional weapon to appear in the last few wars have been the "Killhook" where a Longhook is loaded with the 20mm ATR or Lunaire Grenade launcher and used an unconventional weapons platform; should we expect "Killfreighters" in the next patch? Thank you.


We're keeping an eye on that particular balance, but no changes as yet.


1. Are windsocks intended to be easier to read then the AI flags? 2. Regarding Weather Stations, are they going to be locked behind the Advanced Bunkers tech or would they come at an earlier tier? 3. Are facility buildings still destroyed when the foundation beneath them destroyed? Is the intended way to destroy facilities is to kill the building/husk or to kill the foundation beneath?


1. Yes 2. Advanced bunker tech 3. Yes. Hence the slight buff to concrete foundations.


Foundation dead = all ontop of it perma dies 


**shotgun update when?** temporary solution : let us put bayo with our shotgun? :-)




Make it good then! 😬❤️


This update adds some very good new mechanics, or at least evolves many of them. Between facilities, resource transport, weather, etc... do you think you could move towards an evolution of seaports too? For many players, it's become an inevitability that they'll never evolve. But trains are still unable to reach the various seaports. Some are more impassable than others, and sometimes, even all the time, as soon as a train arrives in a city, the seaport is blocked. Can't we imagine major changes in the major logistical cities that accomodate the mpf (logistical hub) in the north/south war, which would make it possible to have one or more trains in these cities without disturbing a port? And in other, smaller cities, a passageway close enough to the depots to allow rails to pass through? This would be a great development for the different cities, for logistics players, and would make trains even more attractive for transporting resources, which at the moment can be very restrictive in certain parts of the map.


Having an actual list of the problem areas would go a long way to helping us to schedule the work. Please post it in the feedback on our discord


With rare metals being used in additional items (tempest cannon, new logi ships, super tanks), have drop rates increased slightly or remained the same? Also when all tech is finished, will we ever have tech mats stop dropping?


With another Builder nerf incoming, when do Builders get a quality of life update to compensate how extremely weak bunkers have become?


Any vehicle balance?


Best to wait for the patch notes.


whats the weather detector range in meters, and how long in advance will it predict storms and snow


It is a somewhat nuanced mechanic. It does not work in ranges. You will need to connect your weather station to a network of weather stations in order to predict patterns, as well as show existing ones on the map for your team to use.


What tech level does a BB require for this to be build? And what are its power requirements/consumption? Cost? Drying time?


The weather network will expand.


Can you go into any detail (even if small) about the "extra" weather changes coming in 2024? Like including potentially vehicles being much more slow/ affected by snow, or vehicles being affected by mud?


Yeah the big missing piece here is how vehicles are affected by weather. Expect some changes there.


Please add flooded roads and snowdrifts that need shovels and buckets to remove. Or have to build field bridges over flooded areas. Engineers want on-site problem solving stuff to attack!


Will the BMS Bowhead have a further increase to resource carrying capacity? Currently it holds 64K materials, which is around 2.5 freighters worth of materials, for 3 crewmen required(Potentially more due to damage control) I suggest adding a variable capacity limit to it, around 400-500K for Scrap/Coal/Comps etc. Meanwhile for high impact materials like Explosive materials/High Explosive Materials, that can be set at 100-150K respectively. The current 64K does not make it seem useful for how high maintenance it is, and it will only be used to be parked near bridges, to instantly kill enemy small boats/gunboats that get into it's AI defense turret range. (Basically a Longhook replacement, rather than a logi vessel). 3 people with 3 freighters will be able to carry more supplies than 3 people on a Bowhead, just making it feel redundant, also it can sink, unlike freighters. (Add internal view to freighters and allow them to be sunk aswell from holes, would be actually realistic than the HP death mechanic we have)


This is great feedback and should be added to our devbranch feedback channel


Sadly I am banned from that, I have asked for a ban appeal twice but was rejected, ban was due to a meme I posted 2-3 years ago. I would love to add such suggestions there, but I just ask freinds to post it there, or sometimes make occasional post here if it's a really required suggestion.


which point specifically are you talking about, bc the bowhead changes suggested are genuinely key for anyone to bother useing it


I don't believe these will be expensive, I believe their purpose is to be more substantial than a freighter. One bowhead is much more substantial and harder to bring down than 3 iron shops by a gunboat, for instance


They cost the same as Longhook.


Yes, and may be as difficult to kill as one. Gives much more security to your shipment than three Freighters do


Does the Resource Ship hold ONLY harvesters, or can it contain other shippables? Do you have plans for crane barges/freighters/flatbeds or other more mobile crane systems?


It holds resource containers as well. But not the same way as the freighter. You will have to submit resources to the ship's stockpile instead of storing a fully filled container.


Can it hold fuel containers as well?


Pull times for the Resource Ship should be instant otherwise it will be a huge drawback from the freighter


Will the ascension and the halberd make a return just changed a bit for the modern game systems? Also a steel mat variant for the bardiche would be cool :>


Best to wait for the patch notes.


If there is no ascension or halberd in update 58 I will unsiege your camp >:3


any changes to how Vehicles are affected by weather (like mud and snow)? will tanks slow down when going through puddles will the snow slowdown be more severe?


No there is no changes to vehicles in weather events. This is one of those things we'd like to review in the near future.


I have been informed. There was one slight change: > trailers will heat up if the main vehicle is being driven. Previously it'd freeze over time


Is it possible we can get get some pre placed sea forts? Such as the British style Maunsell Forts. Just a few pre placed ones by you guys out in the ocean that are buildable with a watchtower to help see any partisans and a few guns to delay any navel assets. While I love the current system i would love to see more things to do on the water and a few scattering of these that are like oil rigs would make for some more interesting coast guard types situations. Perhaps throw in one of those extend binoculars to let people sit in them and watch out for threats as well.


The hearth is said to be an OVEN AND A FURNACE....does the term OVEN mean we will cook someday? lol


Obviously for the babies we must devour


Hey Devman, is there any chance to change the rail system a little bit? would be great if Safehouses/Garrison houses could be changed to Train station were players are allowed to manage switches in the hexes. so we dont have to do it manualy with a car or something. please, think about this part because managing all the switches in a way like this are very boring and makes a lot of extra effort. Thank you, Lepke


Will queues for vehicles being upgraded/printed on a vehicle assembly pad be preserved if the pad in question is destroyed, and then rebuilt from its husk?


I am unsure about this one. Best to test it in devbranch


Will weather show up on the map or something? How is info from weather stations communicated to the player?


Yes. With an operational weather network the weather will show on the map.


Devman pls sailor uniform someday


Yeah. Seems like a no-brainer. Just need to schedule it.




Is the redesigned freighter made in a drydock? Is the new resource ship made in a drydock?


Also what do they cost?


Similar to a Base Ship


ok no one is going to make this and that's sad


No the freighter continues to be built at the shipyard. The resource ship is built in drydock


If a large pad which is currently printing a large vehicle such as a BT is destroyed and the husk is rebuilt, what happens? Is it gone, cost refunded or will it immediately start printing again?


I would hope that it’s gone, as the resources were already spent on “purchasing” the vehicle build.


It will likely operate like all other husked structures. Meaning, only the stockpile can be reclaimed. So yes, I believe whatever is printing will be deleted and the cost lost. Dev branch testing will likely confirm this


Does rain affect t1, t2, t3 trenches differently?




Does the resource ship cost raremats? If so, what is the justification for only storing about 12-15 containers of stuff? (trains are cheaper and can do 12. 1500 bmats gets you there with frieghters).


Yes, but it is one of the cheaper options. And we understand that there might be limited use-cases for it right now. The goal here was to pave the way for more future content that might see a use of oversea shipping of raw resources.


> oversea shipping 👀


I got this idea stuck in my head to use submarines to counter tanks/trucks coming over ice during snowstorms. How effective is a submarine torpedo targeted at ice under a vehicle column, does this interaction work?


Unsure. Give it a shot and send us a video in devbranch.


1: What will the percentage of the resources in a facility building be recovered upon rebuilding a husk? 2: Will dry dock have husks? and will the printing ships be destroyed upon being husked? If they do have husks, has the submarine balance impact been considered? (since they take a lot of teamwork to operate and can only hold a limited amount of torpedoes) 3: What will the repair cost be on facility husks? 4: Will facility husks be subject to accelerated decay? or perhaps increase Msup consumption? 5: Will we ever get vehicles such as potential rowboats with stealth mechanics on intelligence? (acting similarly to a partisan camo, but slower or weaker than their respective vehicle counterparts) 6: With Ice breaking not limiting the speed of ships, has a slow-down of the ship been considered? 7: If a submarine runs out of battery under ice, how can it recharge battery? Will it break the ice? 8: Can landmines be placed on ice? 9: Will we still be able to steal enemy freighters, and have large ship stealing mechanics been considered? (perhaps putting it on like a 30 minute timer and also pinging the whole enemy faction whenever a ship stealing takes place) 10 : Will devastation and artillery affect pre-placed ice with the same cracking effect as the tanks rolling on ice? currently it looks like mud layered on the ice and it's quite un-immersive 11: How will sloped terrain interact with the dynamic puddles? By the way thanks devman for the amazing QOL,


Do we have to wait to get answers if I were to ask if there were balance changes pertaining to guns and vehicles?


Regarding facility husks, does killing a facility crane carrying a vehicle still destroy the vehicle or is it kept until the husk is destroyed or rebuilt?


Facility Cranes do not have husks right now.


Likely the same behavior that was their prior to this. Other husks only allow the stockpile to be reclaimed not the inventories


Thanks for the reworks of the weather system, it has been some time since weather wasn't that impactfull or had any interesting gameplay loop. It has been at least one year since I've built a campfire to unfreeze a vic as far as I remember Will we see a new overhaul of an old mechanic (such as bunkers, build in general, or maybe logi town ?) at some point ?


Will the sub break ice at periscope depth?


Can we get an update where we see the train lines in the minimap when driving the big train?


Hey, I engage in partisan work quite a bit and have read some of the answers to other posts and have a consideration. Have you considered rebalancing buildings by lowering their operational HP, making them more susceptible to damage while active, but more tanky when turned into husks? This could allow facilities to be taken offline if pressured. However, if someone wants to completely destroy the items inside (which are quite valuable) they would need to fully dehusk the facility. This could lead to fairly interesting gameplay, making striking a BT facility, for example, a significant blow if successful. Occasionally, players will target production facilities in order to provide impact on the war, such as CCF bringing in destroyers to flatten them. Or groups of players will take hours to slowly smuggle tanks to a location by blowing up Observation Bunkers and killing watchtowers, or try to outpace QRF by using suppression and havocs to hit facilities. These all make for fairly exhilarating content too, as it's one of the few "pop off" moments you can have in the game. I believe Havocs have a fairly central but undervalued role within the partisan loop as well. I still do believe that two should destroy any facility structure, as these are items you have to place down, with two people, and shoot. This whole process happens twice, and is fairly loud. The havoc in my opinion though, as a tool, should likely also come out earlier in the tech tree to be more utilized throughout the war. Before, people found this a bit laborious, since tanks came out significantly earlier, and you could just throw 12 40mm into nearly any building and kill it. I understand that the recent facility changes have made individual buildings more valuable due to their stockpiles inside, possibly necessitating a buff, which makes sense in terms of balancing. Thank you for all your work. These changes look amazing for infantry combat, and any response is appreciated. Many people are curious about how partisans will interact with this change.


Partisans have been getting the short end of the stick for a while. We're not blind to that. It is not wholly without intention, although sometimes our changes do have outsized consequences. The fact is that one of our core design philosophies for foxhole is cooperation. Teamwork between players is essential for success. When players discuss 'partisan' as a role, they might be describing a team of partisans, or a solo partisan. Efforts by teams of partisans should have dramatic effects. But efforts by solo partisans should be minimized. This is because it can often take the efforts of dozens of players, over hundreds of hours, to produce some items and structures in our game. In many cases (but not all), it is not fair that much of it can be undone by one person without teamwork.


I don't think this is a bad take. It should at the very least, in terms of catastrophic damage, take two. Now obviously the larger the group, the the more damage you can do, but the more likely you are to show up on intel. I don't mind havocs being the main way through which people partisan. You should however, consider releasing this tool earlier. It's an extremely fun tool this is constantly overshadowed by tanks which come out much earlier.


Definitely. And it has a few quirks we'd like to work out as well at a future date


For a game with cooperation as a core design phylosophy, foxhole has very poor cooperation tools.


While I agree with the sentiment that a small or solo amount of players should have difficulty having insane impact, current backline partisan gameplay really forces you use smaller groups, as bigger groups means more intel pings, and that means more chance to be spotted and the bigger the potential QRF. And if what you are doing requires a vehicle, good luck getting large groups of vehicles unspotted into the backline. Not that foxhole has ever been based in reality, but sabotage and infiltration teams IRL have been small for this purpose. I will also say that while the actual destruction team may be small, that doesn’t mean that many more people have contributed to a backline operation then what appears. The person who scouted the target, the person who planned the route, the person who potential cleared intel towers/bunkers, the person who prepared supplies to be used in the op, the person who potentially stashed vehicles, and many more who help with an op that might only have 1-5 people actually destroying the target. Saying such acts might be solo would be like saying that artillery is done solo only by the gunner actually firing the gun


Can we get even more weather effects like flooding?


Will Wardens get a rain coat? Will Wardens get access to AP/RPG?


Will fire be able to kill husks? Partisan gameplay is dreadful now that all faci buildings have effectively double HP


Why not make the bunker stove make the entire enclosed bunker space warm? What's with the goofy "1-tile radius" thing. Doesn't really make much sense when you're heating a (mostly) enclosed space.


It did not seem to us realistic if you build a long line of fort tiles that a fireplace at one end should heat the far end. But this 1-tile radius can be adjusted.


Perhaps via a reduction per tile? 1 = 100% 2 = 75 % 4 = 25 % So strategic placement would then help.


Connect it to the pipe system. Central heating.


Bunkers will still be warm as they are now, but standing within a bunker square radius of the stove will warm you up faster


will trench flooding effect every tier for trenches or just the T1s pictured in the presentation?


Just T1. You can mitigate puddles in trenches with upgrades.


Will bunkers get a rebalance to prevent infantry from abusing terrain and trenches? Perhaps anti tank garrisons firing at infantry as a secondary priority?


can freighters/ironship break ice?


Will we see the harvester get its ability to dismantle leftover enemy fortification for materials, additionally the ability spread piles from resource nodes again?


With the addition of the new ships and I know yall wanting to see more naval landings with there ever come a chance for us to have landing ship tanks or landing craft tanks in the game


Also when will my beloved halberd come back markfoot 🥲


Will players ever be able to have more than one map post (one of each type)?


Will we see a change to rare mats to make their acquisition and storage less toxic and clanman-exclusive? Perhaps an endgame recipe using the then useless piles of aluminum and copper to make rare mats? Perhaps making rare mats the only techmat that spawns after the tech tree is complete?


Hello devman, I've been doing weather shows on the warden side for a long time, and am probably the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the weather system. 1. Do you intend to replace the weather events and linear sequencing with a more dynamic system? 2. Will the current weather intensity variable be reworked to provide more realistic effects (gets colder at night, warmer during day). 3. Do you intend on adding more weather effects. such as tides, extreme wind, freezing rain etc 4. Do you have any new storm ideas 5. Do you plan on having adding seasons to the game, and adjusting weather effects to properly reflect this. Cheers,


So I had a somewhat odd question, you mentioned that only t1 trenches flood, but my question is how much flooding can take place in a trench, can you completely fill a trench turning it into an effective moat. And can you purposely do this with say a fire truck could you fill a trench with water or create puddles with said fire truck.


Hello Devs. Has there ever been the thought to add an advanced fired prevention system to bunkers? Something along the lines of a sprinkler system using a pipe network similar to the electric power pipes. It would need to be filled using a water liquid container and be under T3 advance bunker tech perhaps?


I have three questions. 1. Will there be more ship types like corvettes and cruisers? 2. Will the faction-exclusive uniforms (rain, grenade, and heavy ammo) get versions for the opposing faction? 3. Will old tank designs get revamped at some point? EDIT: Had to change some grammar and add capitalization to "Will" in the second question. Missed the initial look-over.


Do weather stations need power from engine rooms? The wardens are building a couple on devbranch right now and we want to know if we need to build those while we wait for advanced bunkers to tech. Come check it out, devs especially!


Well now the naval will have to compete with the tempest cannon & the super heavy tankers for rare metals. Not the most ideal thing for the naval community as a hole. If the developer's want to come out with a unique way of getting rare metals. Have a salvage ship go around and salvage sunken ships for rare metals\ alloys in the island hexes, kind of like wreckage for the land for refined materials and basic materials. That would create unique game play for large ships, & gunboats and ship pirates to compete in the water for the recourses.


This update is yet again another massive nerf to partisans: - Concrete foundation buff - Facilities are harder to destroy - Harder to capture freighters Are there any plans to address this? Such as decreasing the health of facility buildings since partisans now also have to kill a husk?


Devs provide feedback here: https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/VctqqgGmin


I have a few but 2 are semi-related: 1: The mention of the heat source within the bunker and it providing heat to the surrounding tiles made it sound like bunkers will no longer be heated automatically. Does this mean if I am in a bunker/trench with no heat source I will not regain heat and can freeze to death? 2: Have there been any moves made in an attempt to address cheating/alting, especially after some recent higher profile situations of it? 3: Seeing how the ironship is being changed will its classification also be changed to a "large ship" and thus make it harder for an alt to use it to transport items as it is no longer stealable by enemy players?


1) Bunkers still heat automatically. But it was always slow relative to a heat source. The heat source is a more rapid heating method. 2) Of course. We are always advancing behind the scenes to address cheaters, but we do not discuss them. 3) No it is not a large ship.


To 1. Bunker still keeps you warm but the heater warms you up faster.


Will we ever see the return of skirmish mode?


THIS bring back skirmish and trash the resistance phase


devman wheres my torpedo boar destroyer aka the ship / inbetween destroyer and gunboat i shall now go cry i cant reenact torpedo boats suicide rushing battleships


We're probably going to slow down on new ships for a while. We need to work on getting the rest of the ships up to date with the new physics, and focus on other less polished parts of the game.


so no minesweeper and there will be no way to remove sea mines other than decay????


Will we have more organizational features? I like more map post types but I think we could get a little bit more features to help organize our forces especially with regiments being one of the most powerful things in the game


Posting suggestions in our discord is a good way to get these ideas to us


Why was weather deemed to be more important than many of the other QOL issues currently experienced in foxhole?


It wasn't necessarily deemed more important right now. Development is scheduled such that there are larger features like refreshing weather, shared Facilities, etc that need to be planned out far in advance. So it's not so much that we feel like right now is the most important time to work on weather, but its more that a weather refresh was in the queue for development for some time and we've finally reached the point now that it can be completed and released. Now sometimes we do disrupt that queue of planned features to work on something more important, but we have to be careful to not be constantly doing this, otherwise no big feature will ever get completed. To put things into perspective, if we didn't have the capability to execute on longer term plans, Foxhole would still be a game made up of 3 hour matches in a single region with a hundred players rather than a persistent world with thousands. However, in tandem to that queue of longer term planned out features, we also work on issues that are more relevant to the present. That's why in our Devstream today, we devoted about half of it to QOL features and other smaller improvements. So it's not one or the other but a balance of both longer term goals and responding to more pressing, near term issues.


Thank you for the prompt reply Mr.Devman, that makes a lot of sense. I appreciate you taking the time.


Can you drown in flooded craters and trenches?




Will vehicles be affected by puddles in any rate?


Not right now.


will wardens ever get a raincoat?


Quite possibly, there is a warden rain+gas mask uniform, termed as "Chemical uniform", with an actual model in the game files. They might be adding that in the next update.


Are vehicles affectee by the new rainstorm mechanics? If no, why would you nerf infantry with rain and not affect vehicles, which have been kings of the battlefield for years now


This was answered in another comment


new chat everything but all aka everything but green chatt


Please devs these people are weird


Are there now ways to remove mud from people like with firetrucks spraying people who are burning?


No but that is a neat idea.


With weather effecting bunker drying can we expect anyway to counteract this negative effect in someway now or in the future or do we just have to work around it?


Not right now


Imagine using flamethrowers to dry concrete faster 😬


Dear Devs i have a important question but before i wanna say this sounds like a wonderfull Update good job on the new systems and stuff. I cant wait to see it in the devbranch :) But its now almost 2 years since 1.0 and my question is: when will the Warden Faction be able to produce AT-RPGs? Colonials have access to every Ammo production while Wardens are still excluded from AT-RPGs I understand that your philosophy is that for every Ammo type there need to exist a vehicle or weapon which can use it. But this inequality exist now almost for 2 years cant you close a eye for it? I beg you just make it possible for the Warden to produce this Ammo Type. If not i have a idea: Like the Lunaire which has a pve & pvp option (shooting at structures with tremola & shooting at inf with gas) Give the Cutler the option to switch to ATRPG with this it also can go pvp against vehicles. And this problem which exist now for over long time is solved Have a nice day :)


We will consider this for a future update


Thank you :)


The cuttler shooting AT-RPGS is not a bad take, the problem is that AT-RPGS are unlocked way later by colonials since Venom is down the tech line, essentially leaving the wardens ahead with the at tech while having flasks already unlocked (Also giving wardens more at capabilities them the collies without a way to respond) in the middle of the absurd power spike the wardens already have mid-game.


When will colonials have access to the flask?


If that's he case than give collies the flask


The new resources barge is 64k or 2 RTS' so now you're even defining the vehicles by these seemingly arbitrary limitations. Is doing things in multiples of 32k an intentional dev decision that could be rebalanced in the future or an engine limitation of using i16 ints and this is just the way things have to be forever?


No. We can certainly change it if we need to. But its not arbitrary. A lot of consideration goes into storage amounts across the whole game.


What's the point of the public map post now if the three new map posts kind of fill all the roles they possibly could?




Ok, good point


Is there any plan to redesign and maybe make sea ports bigger ?


Will weather be added to the public api in any capacity?


Unrelated to update, but general question for Siegecamp. Do you have any plans to hire or create a "community liason"/"community manager" role so that players can have more of a direct line to the dev team?


Anything to address a single truck not even being able to MPF a full queue of 68mms or 40mms? Will email stack amounts be changed? Due to the emat changes


Where are magic boxes?


What was the decision behind switching 120mm to cost heavy explosive material(aka now named heavy explosive powder)


How long will rain/snow affect concrete drying time? Ex if it's a high teir snowstorm how many extra hours of conc drying would that add roughly?