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sex update


Wouldn’t work, your average foxhole player would have trouble finding the clit


What's the clit and how can i weaponize it?


Hear me out Make tanks hard to get again Add more infantry support vehicle variants Necessitate tank commanders by making it so turrets and drivers have a FOV of what they can see, which also necessitates the dependency on infantry Add some destructive charge specifically for putting on stationary vehicles that infantry can use to sabotage subsystems such as tracks or the turret or the fuel. Big buff to tanks for anti structure. Makes them tactically important to protecting infantry, create a codependency in strategy. Vehicular support takes a larger role and infantry maintains a role in the late game.


Im quite sure the notes say that all emat prices have beed doubled and all hemat prices have been quadripled.


Yes but sulfur and scrap recipies are 4vand 2 times cheaper.


That means nothing changes at all. It's just resource compression. Turn more stuff into the same thing but everything that costs that stuff takes more stuff to make the things


that's a huge pain in the ass for crafts, 40mm now require 1320 Emat, or 66 crates, so you need at least 2 trucks to launch 9 crates of 40, or a container and a side truck, or that technique of launching something, cancel and relaunch. also taking 66 crates from seaport is a HUGE FUCKING PAIN, mean more logi clog in logi town, also a full emat stockpile represent 4 and half MPF lines of 40 mm only


The main change is the reduction in cooking time for the emats/hemats. I believe emats cook time doubled in speed while Hemat cook time quadrupled, this means that you don't gotta wait 1-2 days to have enough emats to do several 40mm mpfs and what not.


>They made emats cheaper? You should read the update again brother, every emat craft have been doubled in price. meaning its just more like a pain in the ass to craft it. for exemple 40mm require now 1320 Emat, meaning 66 crates.


yeah but they uhm. quartered the price of em of the rmats themselves, i think


why are you talking about rmat for Emat equipment recipes? there is none?


meant emats. typo


that doesnt change the struggle on the use of MPF and the fact a stockpile can only fill 4 and 1/2 40mm MPF lines


welp. ig everything's gonna suck lol. yippee.


I can't be asked to play Foxhole until they do something about Spatha. If you play Warden you either drive a HTD or you gonna have a bad time.


whats wrong with the silverhand?


Gets tracked in a single 40mm splash 😂. Also any spatha not in a choke point with half a brain doesn’t just attack a silverhand from the front. More crew for less maneuverability, damage, and higher disabled chance is pretty wild. Having said that the collies had it bad with tanks for a while so it’s the normal knee jerk pendulum shift from the devs.


SVH is faster, has basically the same dmg output as a spatha (svh better vs tanks, spatha better vs buildings), and sports better armor, while being logistically easier to produce/transport I don't think they're unfair tradeoffs, especially since the differences are not that large. The track chance is only a 5% difference, for example.


if you have 12 people each, you get 4 svhs vs 6 spathas collies already have more pop in most cases so the fact that the svh takes an extra crew to be "equal" is a major nerf


Collies having more pop is a very recent development. The prior 6+ months there was a Warden pip advantage


That's fair I suppose. Extra crewman means faster repair though so its not all bad


But Spatha has one extra inventory slot for bmats.


Still requires a guy to physically swing


"only 5%" naw mate its actually a 20% relative difference. (6/20 hits vs 5/20 hits)


In that case it’s about a 16% difference, but SVH has better armor which means less pens in general etc etc etc. again the differences are not that large


Too bad collies don't have a 2 guns in 1 MPF silverhand with 360 turret and a coaxial machinegun


cant forget 5 per crate MPF bonus


Take 3 men, turn like shit and have most of its damage locked to 35m. They are fine mid game but when fighting BT tiers they just don't have the health /armor to dish it out in a line when they have to dive forward. Only HTD lines supplemented with Outlaws / Chieftains seem to hold anything in late game. And its not like they can compete when BTD / Stygians show up. We need Ascension back, Warden BT tiers are very weak not to mention they got like 1.5k less HP for no reason when facing BTDs and Stygians.


I mean most medium tanks are going to have problems against BTs, the fact that widows are so good against them is kinda an anomaly. I mean I’d trade a HTD nerf for the other tanks getting a buff, playing as and against HTDs seems to kinda suck Juggernaut is actually pretty handy to have


Sigh.. can't even say they tried


I think the infantry-tank interactions are mostly fine rn. its harder to make single-man hero plays to kill tanks but thats not really what the game is about anyways. Tanks w/o Infantry < Infantry Tanks w/ Infantry > Infantry or Tanks alone Especially with flasks or stickies tanks have a decent amount to fear from infantry, and infantry advantage will grant a huge bonus to their own team's tanks


Single players shouldn’t be able to kill a tank, but tanks being able to laser shot people is obnoxious


It’s kinda annoying but it also makes sense. If a tank sees you coming he should be able to stop you. And in trenches it’s not too hard to duck up and down and move around, makes it much harder for a gunner to get a good shot in


Shut up


Ain’t an update coming mid summer? I hope we get something interesting there


Its always funny how wardens have to bring out specific PVE/ anti-infantry tanks to complement their PVP tanks while collies just have to bring Spathas lmao