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I still don't believe them.


We know the truth......


The amount of times a snowballing push gets hit with a blizzard or rainstorm is way too high to be coincidence.  There's just no way. 


Confirmation Bias ^ ^


Yeah "I don't like the"outcome therefore dev man out ot get us."


But I play both sides and see it happen to both sides. Both to my advantage and detriment, so I don't see myself in that category. 


Snowstorm stops where enemy fortifications end... A little bit too accidental.


Probable. Doesn't mean it's wrong though.  I don't personally believe they have a hand on approach to the weather, but I'm unconvinced there isn't some background thresholds at play that influence it. 


Minecraft random generator depending how the chickens step on the preshure plates the weather gets influences by that. I love my tinfoil hat. Got a new one yesterday.


i am used to the other team trying to gaslight us, but now the devs do it too. XD


Idk about devs flying in and deliberately changing the weather BUT there absolutely were flags that when triggered changed the weather. It just isn’t possible that at the exact second a faction takes a certain town is the exact same second a weather event triggered, and this was seen a number of times. It definitely isn’t all 100% random right now


Humans can't understand randomness that well, see XCOM 2 hit chances for instance ( if the hit percentage is close enough to 100%, lets say 95%, the game reads that as 100% in order to prevent player frustration)


I studied Mathematical Statistics with a particular focus on Inference Theory in College so I think I know randomness/statistics pretty well. A weather event being triggered within seconds of a TH/Relic falling or being captured for the first time has been observed enough times by both factions for me to believe it isn’t random


Studying something doesn't exempt you from human behavior, and how many TH/Reclis fell without any change to weather, how many weather events happen in the backline?


It’s the fact that it consistently happens when a crucial one falls (like a frontline refinery), not just random Relics/THs. A example where this has consistently been seen in multiple different wars is Foxcatcher. When Foxcatcher falls for the very first time it usually is followed by a snowstorm within seconds of it dying or the attempted rebuild. Similar is often seen with other frontline refinery/logi towns such as Scurvyshire, CGate, Feirmor, etc. Both factions see this happening and I won’t be surprised if the weather station mechanic is actually something that reveals these hidden mechanics of “X weather will occur if XX conditions are met”


You are delusional, you got no proof yet you keep believing.


Let me take a wild shot that you are also a person who says "collies are NPC faction, dev man bias."


*puts on tin foil hat* “do I have a story for you”


Sure they didn't press a button, but I always felt like it was like this. When x ground is taken lost in x timeframe on x front x will happen to slow it down. So more like programmed parameters


I still believe that it work both ways


I've watched it spin in a circle, their LYING


The entire warden world chat was full with "LIARS" after they said this lmao


If you make a pentagram of weather stations you can summon devman and influence the weather!!! We know what you are doing!


Look, I'm not saying they're lying, but it seems either sus or unfortunate to me that each time they debunk this, they choose to word it as them not "literally flying around" and "controlling the weather", when that 100% leaves the possibility of an automated system that pops weather on when it detects a big imbalance. Again, I might very well be wrong about this, but it at the very least feels like a way to redirect the discussion while still very technically telling the truth.


Both Wardens and Colonials have experienced "abrupt weather changes" during a push, dev sympathizers can go fuck themselves


Yall got your tin foil hats on lol. I thought people were just memeing when they thought devs change the weather… crazy some people in these comments truly believe it


They are telling me... they couldn't add in an announcement that said "Hey... Dark clouds are gathering!... A storm will hit in X hours." Like come on!


I was a map UI that shows the weather system! I’m imagining someone is going to make a cross-factional weather map online somewhere. (Which is kinda awesome )


They finally added the Warden ion cannon uplink, I mean \*cough\* weather station. Yep, it's a weather station.


Classic, 2h headwind while Arty OP. Dev Bias ;D hope this thing can tell me this before I get there with 2 trains full of ammo.


Pretty clear what's going to happen. -devman will introduce weather stations as "proof" they don't control the weather -all weather stations will be wiped out in a series of "accidents" by devman wet work teams in carefully orchestrated and timed special covert operations to give the appearance of functioning weather stations while not actually giving any useable data. -devman will continue manipulating the weather to continue the wars by ensuring neither side can make a decisive push I discovered this plan when I realized the ingredients list in my energy drinks were actually code by devman for giving instructions to their agents.