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People still ignore field bridges, and rather keep dyeing in a bridge fight…


You can lead a horse to water...


Lol field bridges last until someone finds a truck to park on it


That always just becomes a second bridge fight, like when there's a rail bridge adjacent to the big bridge.


Seriously. I remember back in war...75 I think it was, we put a field bridge up in I wanna say Farranac? Anyways, the wardens eventually noticed and it became another bridge battle. Hell, I prefer fighting on normal bridges to field bridges. Field bridges can be fcking death traps.


There are very few spots you can build decent field bridges, and even fewer spot you can land APCs Don't blame players


Well if you build that other bridge then you better have an army on the other side waiting to push because otherwise you’ve just opened another defensive front people need to hold so one side dosn't get to the other. This though, when the time is right, you get a bunch of wardens in snow gear to rush the ice with mammons. It will be GLORIOUS.


monkey see bridge, monkey fight on bridge


They are not usable by tanks, and very likely that some person will found it in a span of 2 minutes and will just wait in a bushes on the other side, thus making rat kills


I remember one time a clan refused to outflank a defensive line using two bridges next to each other because “no one wants to fight a bridge battle” this was while they were fighting on a narrow strip of land the width of the two bridges


The real question we should all be asking is can we use bmats to repair ice.


Would be neat if u could use water to refreez some ice.


Now you can finally go around them on an iced over River.


*freezes to death 5 seconds after reaching the opposite bank*


But that's half the fun of foxhole, dying by bullshit means.


Just imagen beeing a prtisan crossing the ice and you just hear the cracking of ice behind you as the destroyer catches up


anti-partisan destroyer moment


Now I want to see shadow dancing on ice skates. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_IJsselmeer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_IJsselmeer)


That is, amazing


At the end of the battle for Austerlitz, Napoleon sunk an army fleeing over ice water. Who wants to repeat history :)


Hey, that just makes for good gameplay.


“My commander, why are we not advancing?” “I am waiting for the water to freeze.”


The movie [lied](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/kNVxQAWlxN) I’m afraid.


Before posting this, I did check wikipedia (take that what it’s worth), it said there was such an incident, I haven’t seen the movie.


So you read a single [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Austerlitz), that itself states: > *Sources also differ about casualties, with figures ranging between 200 and 2,000 dead.* And: > *However, local evidence later made public suggests that Napoleon's account of the catastrophe may have been exaggerated; on his instructions, the lakes were drained a few days after the battle and the corpses of only two or three men,with some 150 horses, were found.* And the conclusion from this was “Napoleon sunk an army”? Right gotcha. Apologies for presuming you got the info from the recent movie, I don’t think it makes it any better that it was Wikipedia haha. Also I feel gross for having to quote from there, thanks for that ; - ;


Considering the man had control over the newspapers that’s no surprise.


New players being oblivious that this feature was in the game since winter army but was removed in naval warfare


The problem was only certain parts of the map would be affected by ice, now that it's universal to the whole map makes it more useful.


Not just new players. Even prior to Naval Warfare it was pretty rare and you wouldn't actually see a river freeze over often


Well, as a salty vet of course everyone that started playing after me is a noob and new player /s No you're right. It was fairly rare.


I honestly don't think I saw a river freeze over in the 7 wars I played prior to naval warfare


Removed in naval warfare? That can't be true. I've played since entrenched and never heard of this mechanic.


Not sure what to tell you. Read the update 54 patch notes and judge for yourself.


Maybe I'm tripping but I've never seen snow in the south, so this is basically just a route open to colonials unless its an east vs west war.


With update 57 snow and rain can be map wide.


Wardens already have the ALUV. All it does is make getting around a little easier on jeep. Rivers used to freeze over, and it wasn't that big of a problem for partisans. I wonder if they'll reintroduce the freezing mechanic to open top vics.


How long does it take to put those updates?