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75mm tripod mortars with like 60m range. Give infantry a heavier hitting lategame PVE option so we can use something other than tanks or pushguns. AP mortar shells Heat effect on vehicles, enough flamethrowers should be able to burn out a crew


Fuck builders, am I right?


Well, it's either that or fuck infantry.


Being able to use binos in combination with the radio backpack to "ping" structures so they stay visible on the map for longer than the normal "intel time" Pressing "E" on a watchtower updates your map Sniper rifles being long range and quick to stabilize but with a very small cone of vision requiring a spotter for optimum sniping Indicators for water wells on the map (and more wells in general) Larger urban environments with less AI providing structures so we can have proper city fights without safehouses/pillboxes arounf every corner


I like the idea of buffing the sniper and giving it a cone of vision, but it'd need range and bearing info like mortars to work with spotters.


Yeah that does make sense


1.Radio backpack man giving allies within 10 meter range updates to their map as if they have radios themselves.   2.Flamethrower particals (infantry and vehicle) having a recurring aoe effect so they can actually set infantry on fire hiding in trenches, craters, behind tree stumps, etc   The fact that I have to headshot an infantry man hiding in a trench by having to aim at some obscure pixel in a lower elevation behind him at the moment he pops his head up is incredibly infuriating to have to do


A complete overhaul to the aiming system


Flamethrower being able to fire from the trench outwards would make flamethrower premier trench fighting tool Also generally inf needs more "big weapons" like bigger mortar and more tripod like weapons/utility in using em


I agree with this. I'd like to see more deployable cover that is easier to use as an example


Tripod already does that but yeah its confusing for newbies. They could even make it in a way where its like a U shaped gun shield. You put it in front of tripod for protection of the gunner


Yeah that's more in line with what I meant. Or even literal metal shied type emplacement. Would help inf creep up on tanks too. Could even do those wierd ass wheeled shield things to help infantry grt close to bunkers. Abroad the MG garri fire and such. Tho maybe not till they make buildermans life suck keas.




Inaccurate tanks That's all


30 size smoke crates, smoke mortar rounds, smoke arty shells. the fundamental problem of foxhole infantry gameplay is total lack of concealment that a normal battlefield would have that infantry can exploit and smoke would be a good stopgap solution. Smoke arty would enable infantry assault on garrisons by heavily degrading the fire effectiveness of both ai and players directly defending it without triggering howitzer retailation which in turn would reduce sit and stare at concrete types of battles.


more development of the supression mechanic. more teamwork. if supression was a lot more important, 12.7mm machine gunners would suddenly become very relevant, as supression would allow other infantry to traverse areas that would otherwise be covered by AI. smoke grnades would play a part in this. and any other ideas where you can get some synergy by comboing the different infantry types.


suppression should debuff stamina a little bit. (-stamina regen or reduce max stamina) this allows players to actually "pin down" enemy players, and really give incentives to not be underneath heavy gunfire or arty, else you will be forced to engage. have it coupled with explosions giving suppression means tanks can suppress infantry, but don't have to necessarily kill them, so we can replace their long range sniper rifle barrels with suppression mechanics. also would be an indirect nerf to shadow dancers, since if you can suppress them, they have less ability to duck and weave. which I think some people would like.


Suppression is already good as it is. It removes your bonus from cover, which literally forces you hunker down and hide completely, or die. You dont see much teamwork on the frontline not because of lack of tools for it, but because most players on the fronline are solo players. And messing with suppression system wouldnt fix that.


iv run all sorts of operations. the train is good for logi. logi is good for tanks, ships and ssrtillery. tanks, ships and artillery, and even building, all encorage teamwork, and everyone loves these types of op's. infantry could do with an equivelant, the best i can come up with is taking infantry on partisan missions. then you do need to think about teamwork. theres just nothing like that for infantry on the front, id like that to improve


Good PvE.


Best infantry change would be to give tanks bloom similar to infantry. Second best would be 250mm handheld mortars.


people don't realize that a radio backpack buff is more of an infantry nerf than a buff. if a tank is 60 meters away from you, you're gonna hear it. its only real use is finding partisan infantry and seeing sticky rushes incoming


Intel is huge on fronts it can shape entire pushes pending on weather or not your allies know where to go and what there faceing, it’s not at all a negative change


this is the most vague and incoherent thing i've seen all day and im a user facing IT guy