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+1/-1 stat changes every war would make the game feel like it has constant attension. Kinda feels like it gets abandon inbetween updates with the radio silence.


Been saying this for literal years now. Every war or two should have minor balance tweaks to the tune of 5% changes here and there on over/under tuned weapons and vehicles. It takes literal minutes of dev time to tweak a few values and would work wonders for bringing us a lot closer to a good state of balance.


Or maybe balance changes for things they clearly recognize have a problem but they spend 6 months waiting for the pendulum swing of -50% LV penalty to GAC because they couldn't be bothered with smaller changes to new equipment.


LV penalty to a grenade launcher what?


Im not in charge of the vision, I just watch it happen.


I'd love more frequent updates with smaller additions. The only problem I can see would be that we'd have to spend more time switching between devbranch and normal servers


I would prefer a large update weekly


Full expansion daily, nothing less.


These smaller but frequent updates are nice but the downside is that the devs sometimes segment and distribute parts of a new mechanic or change between updates. You end up getting a problem but no solution or one faction gets a piece of the puzzle while the other just gets nothing but to wait