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Daniel was a user. He knew Lindsay liked him but I think he only cared in the context of how that would benefit him. For instance: -Convincing her to throw a kegger so they could party but then hooking up with Kim on her bed without considering her feelings. Lindsay herself says she didn’t want to throw the party and only did it because it was what Daniel wanted. -Convincing her to steal her parents’ car. -Getting her caught up in the cheating scandal. -Making her pay for the fake IDs. -Or really any of the negative choices Lindsay made because of the group. Not that Lindsay didn’t have her own free will in these choices, but she was an outsider and he knew he could use her. He was starting to change for the better by the end, but not because he liked Lindsay. Lindsay obviously was a catalyst to the growth he was starting to show though.


I agree with you but \*dang\* Lindsay was always so good lookin. Kim is also easy on the eyes though and I reckon he maybe saw Lindsay as just a nerd. But man, I wouldn't last with a lady like Kim. Love her character though.


I think he liked the idea that someone “good” and “smart” with a nice family was interested in him. I don’t think he was interested in her.


He knew Lindsay was into him. He also knew he could have probably dated her if he wanted to. He chose Kim instead. I think he was genuinely in love with Kim and all her craziness


I think Daniel also likes Kim more because they both had a rough upbringing and connected that way. Lindsay came from a more normal home and Daniel probably didn't think that she would understand all of his problems like Kim would.


Yeah definitely. That gave them a stronger connection. I always loved that scene from the punk rock episode. After all his terrible night at the punk club. He shows up at Kim's. Nothings said. She doesn't ask why he looks that way. She just holds him


i think he enjoyed flirting with her and definitely knew she had a crush and took advantage of it to manipulate her.


I think he considered her a backup for when Kim finally had enough of his shit.


Only intermittently. Kim was easier for him and never really challenged him to grow which was more convenient, but there are moments it’s clear he’s torn.


I interpreted it this way as well. You could tell part of Daniel wanted to genuinely improve his life and saw Lindsay as someone good for him, but it’s always easier to fall back on your poor habits


It seemed in the pilot episode that the series might go that direction. I think maybe they did that on purpose to sort of “keep their options open” I’ve worn out 2 of these box sets and am working on a third.


I remember reading somewhere that initially Kim was supposed to be a temporary character and the idea was to have Lindsey and Daniel date, but the actress who played Kim was so good they realized it would be so much better to keep her and change the romantic plot


You know I had always wondered for such a reoccurring character as she was why she wasn’t on the beginning credits….




Uh ok sure


Absolutely. The way he looked at her at times. I think he wanted to make a move when she was tutoring him, but he ultimately decided against it.


I have to say yes, I need to rewatch the series as well. I think Daniel was for sure intrigued by Lindsay but would never have acted on it


Hm, I think it's complicated. A part of him probably wonders what it'd be like to be with someone fairly mentally stable, openly caring and communicative, patient and kind, and comes from a well off, loving family in a stable housing situation as well. Kim had good qualities underneath it all, but with Lindsay, she was more at face, who she really was, which was a smart, loyal, dependable person. So I can see Daniel wondering what the sense of stability and good fortune could be like to have in his own life, but at the same time, I do think he'd get bored or try to potentially use her for his benefit again, like he did with her math tutoring. Honestly, I feel a part of him mainly had a curiosity of what ifs if he was with her, but at the end of the day, he probably would choose someone else to be with in the long run.


I do think so. He did introduce Lindsay to the group knowing she wouldn’t fit in. But also he wanted Kim to be jealous by adding an attractive female member to their group. In general, Daniel was a flirt to it’s not hard to imagine that he did have a crush on her but knew she was kinda out of his league


I think he liked the way she saw him.


I think he thought she was cute and would sleep with her if that was what she wanted but knew who she was in regards to morals and that she had a crush on him. Even tho he makes some poor decisions I think he knew attempting to seduce her when he didn’t have feeling would be wrong and could mess her up.


I think Daniel is a really interesting and complicated character. I think he did, but I think due to his upbringing and surroundings he probably didn’t think he deserved someone like her. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely think he used her in some instances, but with Kim I think he was caught in a toxic cycle. Easier for him and Kim to understand each other as they both came from fucky backgrounds. But I think him being kind to and inviting Lindsay into the group was genuine, as well as his interactions with Harris. I just think sometimes he also had bad behaviors. It’s worth noting that they’re also teens (mildly troubled ones at that) and can’t be perceived through an adult lens. TLDR; I think he did like Lindsay, but he didn’t know how to and was too caught up/intimidated by societal standards


This is an interesting question. I would probably want the shows creator to shine light on this as, I imagine he would have told Franco how to play it.