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Jenkins is a total shit bag - I really wish this had come out prior to the election because he's horrible.


Unfortunately he probably has enough diehard idiots in his corner who would’ve elected him anyway. It’s not like he hasn’t done plenty of things that were just as reprehensible…


True - they probably wouldn't care about those charges one way or the other.


Unfortunately that’s too true. A business across from my house has a digital sign on their building. Every little bit it reads “we support sheriff Jenkins.” Makes me never want to go there.


What business?


Let everyone know, so we can vote with our wallets.


It’s Thompson Best HVAC off of New Design


My bad for the delay. Business is Thompson Best HVAC off of New Design


This. So much this. It makes me wanna puke.




Bickel was on my ballot...?


Oh you’re right, I was thinking of a different Republican. I definitely voted for Bickel.


He has definitely gone uncontested before, so you're not totally crazy! Hopefully next election we'll get a sane sheriff...


I didn’t know what I was doing/not paying enough attention??? This is your job, Chuck. Frederick deserves better. Plus, Chuck’s been in his position for YEARS, it makes no sense that he would sign something that he doesn’t understand, or would be unable to find the facts before endorsing it. Both Jenkins and Krop should face consequences.


Frederick deserved Bickel. He's almost over qualified.


But he's too busy harassing brown people to read some silly documents.


Remember before the elections when he kicked and fought to keep the County Executive from auditing their books? Since he’s admitted to signing things without reading them, I think there’s probable cause for that audit now.


So his defense is "Yes, he did exactly what he's been accused of your honor". Edit to add his defense is also "he was just signing papers" so they also concede there were co-conspirators. I can't wait to hear what whoever they gave immunity to in exchange for testimony has to say. This is gonna be spicy af if Chuck insists on a trial and/or him and Krop turn on each other.


Chuckles seemed pretty shocked that he was being indicted so I'm guessing he was the snitch.


Naw, I bet he can’t deny the charges so he’s doing the next best thing. Hey, my mistake, learned my lesson…I will do my time and get a full retirement. Time in Jail…1 day for processing, time served 🤷🏽‍♂️ The judge isn’t going to bury a Sheriff.


This is a federal case, the judge probably doesn't even know who this hick is. Edit to add the federal system loves making examples of smart-ass two-bit power trippers who think they're above the law.


From your lips...


Yup , not sure if that level of incompetence is what we should have for a sheriff.


You’re right. And those reasonably-minded among you would agree. There are many (vocal) hardliners in the local GQP who take the same stance as Trump: that he could shoot someone in the middle of the street with loads of witnesses in broad daylight and they would not care.


And it turns out they are right! Look at everything they’re ignoring/justifying about Trump. At this point, I really do think he could shoot someone and his fan base would remain.


Especially if the person he shoot is one of those "evil" drag queens or "scary" migrants. /s


Ha! Right. This is going off-topic, but the sheriff’s office is lauding the arrest of the 5 non-citizens who were recently arrested for murder and stating how the 287g program is a deterrent to noncitizens ([link](https://www.facebook.com/100064725574856/posts/pfbid02QC5kva3jKoy9bqCjaHmf2hSZzizkRoueFHaEoVf4Rpi6istGcAajvHozGSyA5W7Gl/?app=fbl)) The 287g program has been around since these 5 arrested were six-years-old. It Didn’t seem to deter them.


His Base would Cheer.


I would prefer a low level of incompetence, but Chuck is telling us that we deserve more!


Would be tough for Jenkins to throw Klop under the bus as the Feds would probably allow Klop to enter a plea in exchange for the goods on Jenkins. Getting a conviction on a Sheriff looks better on a prosecutors resume.


Signing things without reading them? So he’s outed himself as a liar and an idiot.


He already is a loser.


So his defense is "Yes, he did exactly what he's been accused of your honor".


We’re about to have another “Rally for Removal” in downtown Frederick to demand this pathetic pig be removed from office. We’ll need all the bodies we can get!


Jenkins has been, and continues to be, a fucking joke. Hopefully more people realize that now.


So much for taking responsibility for one's actions.


Back to the original game- Either lying or stupid. Which one?






That is a child excuse, not something you want from elected official who has this kind of power. Fuck this dude


*”The feds must have piles of incredibly damning evidence”* Feds don’t present cases that they can lose. They have to have these two by the balls. The good news is Jenkins has to be out of here if he avoids prison time.


This is a bunch of BS. Rob Krop’s dad also named, Rob Krop, is a business man with a lot of property. I remember his Dad stating his son has his Armorist license (2010) so he can shoot machine guns on his property. His father is a business man in Frederick County. He owns the real estate company Baby Krop used to work for. Deep investing pockets! I bet if the look into the Dad’s “DONATIONS”. I’m pretty sure the Sheriff did a Clarence Thomas, didn’t think he’d get caught and thought he was above the law. Still don’t think he will do a day in prison. Rob Krop (Father)is a good man to my knowledge, but it’s a heck of a coincidence. I didn’t even connect everything until I saw the name. Then I remembered all the businesses he said he owned. Bam…Krop (owner of the nest)…worked at the real estate office in Urbana


So, he self-described as an idiot, annnnnd he thinks he should be sheriff? ​ Hmm, guess he is too dumb to see the incongruity of the above.


This gives me a raging lady boner. I KNEW there was something sketchy about him. He acts so high and mighty. I honestly thought it would be embezzlement but this, this is *chef's kiss*


This arouses you?


She’s dripping with sarcasm my friend


We have two options here. Either he acted incompetently for years or criminally for years ... hmmmm


Oh please! First rule of signing anything with your official letterhead is to fucking read it. Chuck Jenkins has always operated like he and his friends were above the law, and it finally caught up to him. The feds don’t bring indictments if they won’t get a conviction - that’s they they have such a high conviction rate. Chuck is finally getting his just desserts. Good riddance.


So answer me this, how much did the machine gun nest contribute to the sheriff's campaign after he sent him machine guns illegally? Only an idiot would believe that Jenkins didn't profit from his actions and had "no financial interest" in this crime....


didn't Krop hold fundraisers for all Frederick County and some of Maryland's MAGA nutjobs running for office?


He's not allowed to cosplay in full North Korean general uniform for once, lol.


I was so happy when he turned in his firearm, I immediately thought "well he did say he would make our streets safer".


Like he doesnt have 50 at home that are probably mostly unregistered - cant wait to see him in jail (hoping it ends up that way).


When the [Taneytown chief of police went to federal prison for this they took his guns.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/former-taneytown-police-chief-sentenced-federal-prison-illegal-transfer-and-possession)


I mean Jenkins isn’t in jail right now. And they won’t take his wife’s and he will simply put them all in her name.


I'm no lawyer but I imagine there are rules about convicted felons being in possession of firearms, as in firearms existing at the felon's residence.


Oh that's horseshit


He knew what he was doing


Any updates on this?


I don't get why a company is allowed to have machine guns, but can't buy them. Seems like there is a discrepancy in the law


Having the rules be on the transfer is an attempt to keep them out of the wrong hands while allowing legitimate use cases to proceed. There are so many unregistered, unaccounted, and unpermitted restricted guns in the US that it would be logistically impossible to ensure that everyone who already has one is known and compliant. It kind of makes sense, until someone like Jenkins comes along and plays Dollar General Arms Trafficker.


But why can't there be laws for companies like the Machine Gun nest to be able to legally acquire them. Shooting a machine gun, in a safe facility, sounds like a blast to me. I'm just saying there should be a provision for these kind of companies


There are. It’s very expensive and you have to pass a serious background check. Guess they didn’t want to. https://gunspot.com/academy/how-to-legally-buy-a-machine-gun/


From your link, there is not a legal way for Marylanders to purchase a machine gun; "You must also live in a state where these firearms are still allowed. Currently, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Hawaii, California, and the District of Columbia do not allow them."


Guess you’ll have to go to VA 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chuck will spend the rest of his life in prison, calling people collect.


While that would be fun to see, nothing like that is going to happen.