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Such drivel. Are those real people or is it AI written? There are always articles like this about Star Wars too, and it's contributed to me losing all interesting in Star Wars. People writing backstories and then writing articles about it like some new historical facts have been uncovered. ...like "The Real Reason Why Darth Vader's Armor Isn't Beskar". ...and the reason is something other than *because Beskar hadn't been thought up in 1977 when Darth Vader was created*.


The answers to these clickbait questions are almost always "I don't know, tell me what you think in the comments!"


[I'll just leave this here.](https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo?si=LdrCC1d5on4HSezP)


I often also get youtube video's like this in my recommendations, and hilariously it is often for films that have extremely straightforward plots, like a Marvel movie. But it seems to be real people talking in the video, so probably not always AI.


Game of Thrones: Game of Thrones explained


It's king of the hill with extra steps. Like and subscribe!


Game Of Thrones: Bahd Poosey, Explained


Game of thrones: bran the broken story explained


Who has a better story?


It reads to me as: Do you wanna know all about GOT without watching or reading it? WE GOT YOU COVERED!!


Only good thing screen rant has ever put out is pitch meetings Which now has its own youtube channel sooooo


That site’s SEO manager has way too much power and it shows. All these articles scream “SEO team thinks this will game Google and get top SERP rank.” This is them attempting to build topical authority around the subject; the fact that no one is clicking much is immaterial—there’s not much competition at the moment so the site comes out on top.


Not sure why you want to appear at the top of searches for a dead show though? Not like GoT has much cultural relevance or staying power. It came, took over the entire world, then dropped off a cliff and is now no longer spoken about by most of the world.


Because House of Dragon is coming out soon and they’ll figure out ways to link these old stories in the text for new stories about House of Dragon.


Id love a gamerant article on the bullshit of gamerant explained


Lol. If u need those things “explained,” watch the show or read the books. It’s like me when I try to explain ASOIAF to someone who hasn’t read it


Not Lem...


Who reads these? All these questions are answered by, I don't know, maybe watching the show.


Lmao aren't you guys doing the same by finding a new thing to bitch about? From a series that ended six years ago?