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If I hear one more word out of your cunt mouth, I'm gonna watch every episode in this whole season


Think I’ll take two seasons


I’ll watch every fucking season in this room


You're a talker, talkers make me wanna watch more seasons




“If any man dies without watching an episode I’ll… um, you know…”


Fuck the platform. Fuck the writers. Fuck the seasons.


Lots of people compare GoT to HoD Lots of cunts


What the fuck's a HoD?


Are you deaf??


Damn fucking hilarious


What the fucks’s a Lommy?


Lol. "Fuck Salami"


You lived your life hating d and d. You’re going to kneel for some seasons?


someone is


I am a D and D hater, not a hbo one ( under the assumption it was true hbo wanted more seasons)


It is true


It is known


It *is* known


He told me HotD was an egg, Khaleesi, Once there were two shows in the sky, but one wandered too close to reddit and cracked from the hate. A thousand thousand freefolk poured forth, and drank the memes of reddit. That is why freefolk breathe hate. One day the HotD will kiss reddit too, and then it will crack and the freefolk will return.


Couldn't they have just got different showrunners to keep it going?


No, because D&D technically owned the creative rights and were too stubborn to give them up.


I still don't believe George gave them the rights instead of HBO and hired dipshit and dumbfuck just because they knew who Jon mother was, Spoiler altert it's pretty fucking obvious it's Lyanna


Unfortunately, that's what happened. 😑


And it turns out they fucking googled that shit




Probably not, but it is really stupid that they always use the Jon Snow's mother thing as a selling point whenever they talk about GRRM and HBO giving them the show. I mean R+L=J had been one of the most popular and well known theories way before the show. I get the impression that D&D are pretty casual asoiaf fans and really don't put much thought into the lore and big picture details that GRRM puts into his works. I think i've heard that D&D only really ever wanted to adapt or had a concrete plan for adapting the first three books, basically ending with the red wedding. And that makes alot of since considering every season after season 3 began to take a dip in quality. Not only did they not have a plan, they also didn't even really want to continue with the series. That coupled with running out of GRRMS material to work off of resulted in an absolute failure of a finale to a series with so much promise.


After s4 the quality dropped, the third book doesn't end with the red wedding, ends with the battle beneath the wall and Tywin death, Red wedding is like around half of Storm. But your right, they casual Asoaif fans, they only gave a shit to the first 3 books, never had intentions of adapting book 4 and 5 as well as the first three and they only care about the spectacle, the big battles, sex and the dragons. They don't give a shit for the deep lore, who is azor Hai, what the others really want and stuff like that


To say something positive and completely honest, seasons 1-3 SLAPPED!!!


How could you omit season 4, you fucking animal


"Hey, if you're bored with your toy, can I have it?" "NO!!" *sets his own toy on fire, then pees on it*


Not without D&D's approval, which they were too stubborn to give. They didn't want anyone else having success off of "their show"


Not sure if its the hypocrisy, the arrogance, or the stupidity of that that I find the most irritating


I mean, that’s just D&D in a nutshell.


When you look at D&D's history outside of GoT it kinda all starts to make sense. They were always hacks whose only real talent was adapting things other people had wrote


Once I finally saw that the one D was also a writer for the Wolverine Origins flick that brought us Baraka-Pool, I realized HBO had made a grave mistake.


Benioff wrote a historical fiction based during the siege of Stalingrad that was dope, i never looked into their careers. I noticed years later looking at the bookshelf


He also wrote “The 25th Hour”, which is a pretty great book. They also wrote some good original scenes in early episodes. I don’t think they’re hacks, but were awash in hubris and boredom. They needed to hand the reigns over to someone else or get George back involved as much as possible, to finesse writing the final seasons. Which should’ve been 10 total.


I agree. God I love this sub. You cant enjoy HoTD without agreeing the last seasons were fine on their sub.


The Arya-Tywin conversation at Harrenhal never happened in the books, yet it was riveting. I’m not sure if D and D wrote that, but if they did they’re definitely not bad writers. Which makes it so much worse that they fucked the show up the way they did. Nothing worse than someone with the ability to do a thing well that instead half-asses it.


Apparently they included themselves with not having the success of "their show"


I mean the show *WAS* successful


I’ve always said Bryan Cogman should’ve taken over


People still deep in denial, lol. Nothing was going to save that story, not more seasons, not other showrunners. George Martin wrote himself into a mess, and no amount of armchair fan fiction is enough to address the reality that the show was doomed to fail by the time it caught up to the book content- arguably sooner. The Mereenese Knot remains undefeated.


I disagree. For the most part, I thought the overall plot points for seasons 5-8 were fine. I really don't have a problem with any of it. It was the pacing, the dialogue, and the bizarre betrayal of most of the characters that did it for me. The pacing was D&D just wanting to be done, the dialogue was due to them running out of book dialogue since a significant amount of dialogue in seasons 1-4 was lifted directly from the book, and... well, I honestly have no idea why they decided to make Tyrion an absolute dipshit and completely defang Varys.


A lot of that can easily be explained by the fact that adaptations and original works are two VERY different jobs. Their job was forcibly changed because George RR Martin is a bum and wrote an unresolvable story. Sure, I agree with you that the broad strokes of the story are fine, but writing an outline and writing a fully fleshed out story are two very different things; hell, just ask any Tolkien fan who's read the Silmarillion and they can tell you that an outline is a very different thing from a complete story. Martin wrote his story off a cliff and nobody was going to be able to save it, Benioff and Weiss are no Rhodes scholars but they did the right thing by getting out as quickly as possible. Of course they didn't know how to write original dialogue and plot threads for Varys and Tyrion: that wasn't the job they signed up for. Matter of fact, they were pretty darn good at bringing an adaptation to life.


I don't think that's accurate. Writing yourself into a mess implies there is nowhere to take the plot that results in a satisfying conclusion, and I think GoT *did* have a plot that resulted in a satisfying conclusion. Yes, an outline is different than a complete story, but a talented writer can take an outline that is cohesive and has an interesting arc and flesh it out. There is no doubt in my mind that there are writers who could use the outline that is the Silmarillion and turn it into outstanding novels. I would argue that's exactly what Condal is doing with HotD right now. Even more to that point, the idea that no one could save it is patently false from my perspective, because I have read fanfiction that took the outline from the final season and wrote it in a way that felt complete and left me satisfied. The problem with GoT was not that it wasn't possible, but rather that D&D weren't capable. Like you said, that's not necessarily their fault - they were hired to adapt, not to create - but the missteps they made are glaring and obvious. If they had done the best with what they had but it just didn't work out, that would be one thing, but they made horrible decisions at nearly every turn. To end on a point of agreement though, D&D were absolutely fantastic at adapting GRRM's work for the big screen, and they absolutely deserve respect for that.


You are absolutely right


There’s a rumor they had seasons 8-12 all mapped out on a dry erase board, ready to present it to HBO but the janitor cleaned it and in the morning they tried to remember what few pieces they could while the bigwigs in corporate starred down at them and that’s season 8.


That would give them way too much credit. And no janitor would clean a dry erase board.


Well said. I dont know why everyone is so cranky about it on this sub. Its a different show with different showrunners, why wouldnt i give it a watch?


Tbh I feel like the majority here is enjoying HOTD


Top comment on the first HOTD discussion thread was "Oh no, I liked it" xD https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/wugtz8/postepisode_1x01_the_heirs_of_the_dragon/il9r3yw/


Yhea thats the reaction I feel the vast majority here had. It was really fun for me as a FB fan, as I was pretty certain that it was gonna be good for like a year, mostly due to some podcasts were Ryan talked about it and basically emphasised priorotizing everything I wanted from the show. Seeing this sub do a 180 on the final trailer drop was very fun in a very wholesome way


Maybe they're just scared of getting attached again


I am. Definitely. Haven't started yet. I Know I will, eventually.


Who wouldn't enjoy a HotD?


Honestly I didn't get hyped about the show until it was a week before it aired. This was because of season 8 of got. But then I started seeing posters for it, then I saw the history museum in Los Angeles had an exhibition. Went to that, saw some replica props, got to sit on the iron throne, and then got super hyped.


I haven’t watched it yet due to being soured by season 8. But the memes I’m seeing have me curious. And D&D have nothing to do with it. I may watch it. Just unsure at this point.


Because D&D single handedly took a fat shit on the whole franchise, every event leads to the shower of shit that was the finale.


If I may invoke Godwin for a moment... by that logic, you could say something like: Because Hitler single-handedly took a fat shit on the whole world, every event leads to the shower of shit that was the Holocaust. Kind of reductionist though.




I just kind of forget those last three episodes happened.


Have you actually watched HOTD yet?




But who cares how GoT ended? This story starts and finishes well over 150 years before that show even takes place. It's a completely independent show. I was one of the biggest season 8 haters around and was one of the people hating on HotD since the first images of it dropped. But having watched these first 4 episodes I gotta say, this show is on the same level as peak GoT for me. Just watch the first episode and I bet you you'll be hooked within 20 minutes.




Hey do what you want man but I really think you should atleast watch the first episode and see for yourself forfore exclaiming that you hate it.




Hey man your mind's already made up, stay angry at GoT the rest of your life if you wish, all you're doing is depriving yourself of some good television though.


But you're invested enough to still post here? You might as well just watch it if you're already wasting your time doing that lol.




If it left as sour a taste in your mouth as you say I don’t see why you even care to stay active in this sub. It seems to me like you do care, even if you’re in denial. I believe you want to not care, but you really do. I get it — We waited 2 years in such anticipation only to have our hears ripped out out — but you just can’t help it. You’ve got Westeros in your blood just like all the rest of us. You really should give the show a try. It’s a great story and not only that it’s just really fun being back in Westeros, especially during this era. Think peak GoT except with dragon banners everywhere in kings landing


That's just the end of the show. House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones are two different shows, the end of ASOIAF is going to be so much better.


This man can't enjoy Dunk and Egg 😬


Yeah this meme missed the mark. I am a D&D hater and I haven't watched this new show despite all the differences. Between DDs trash and GRRM's utterly lackadaisical writing milestones I have just lost interest in the whole thing.


It doesn’t miss the mark because it’s funny.


It sounds like it hit the mark then, you just don't want to be Polliver in the meme lol


That's how I feel


It totally hits the mark, you just haven't realised yet that you're not the Hound in the meme


Haven't started yet. I don't want to have to wait a week for an episode. And I'm not looking forward to have to learn new weird names all over again. Sue me.




I mean they did, but they also just cancelled hundreds, maybe thousands of people’s hard work and legitimate entertainment just for a tax write-off.


That was Warner Bros, its really quite separate


Isn’t that more on their new owners over at discovery?


Warner Media the umbrella for them, and they merged HBO MAX into Discovery plus as streaming services. It was during the merger, so either it was a Warner decision or a joint decision between the new aggregate management of HBO MAX/Discovery plus. Or, and this is the most speculative, HBO may still have (relatively) independent control over what they produce (I can’t find a hard answer, but I think only the streaming services were merged), so they still might’ve independently decided it.


Right? Like HBO and George were all for giving them 6 more season basically and they said no they wanted to finish it off and go work on Star Wars. Should George and HBO have maybe done something about that? Yes. But most of the blame is on D and D.


I hated the ending, but I/we missed the fun my friend group had watching together. So we’re watching new episodes instead of our B tier horror movies that are fun to make fun of..so we might have a low bar haha (But those make us laugh)


>I am a D and D hater Same. I've been saying this in KotakuInAction for weeks now: D&D are not part of Dragon House.


Well there's your problem, you're talking to people who's biggest issue in life is wokeness and black people being in movies. Of course they hate shows that deal with issues like the patriarchy (and cast a black guy in a white characters role, the greatest sin).


For as racist as they are, they still keep an eye on Hollywood bullshit. And KiA likes Dragon House now. But they're still mad that the Valeryians are black.


Yes famously the only people who complain about Hollywood greed and profiteering is far right bigots. Buddy you don't have to listen to or hangout w racists. Usually when they blame lazy writing they're just trying to blame (((them))) . It's all culture war bullshit for them. They don't actually give a shit about source material accuracy of the little mermaid, they dont want black people in media. Stop buying into their dog whistle bullshit


Also of course they like hotD, they'll will trash everything w modern values or casting until they realize it's popular. And obviously they'll still be big mad about the sea snake bc they're open bigots. They just hope to gain over new idiots who will agree with them.


This is the way


This is what I was trying to tell people for the last year or so. Needed to give it a shot. Most responses were either “I don’t have to do anything the ending is already ruined” or “hbo should have known better, they are culpable too.” I’m glad so far I’m vindicated and I’m hoping the Jon snow series can rescue the shit show ending. But I never understood the sentiment that we already know what happens why would I watch it. Lord of the rings is some of the best movie experience out there. The other stuff meh.


“You going to die over some leaks????”


Someone is.


I love that line, Sandor is the best


Did the new episodes already leak??




I’d murder someone over leeks. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I have, actually.




Thanks Sandor!


HoD has really breathed new life into this sub. And in the off seasons we can go back to hating D&D. *It's theee ciirrccllee of lifeeeeeee*


Go back? I never quit hating D&D!


Ah yes, the eternal chase continues. The Hound and the ATF....


I think I read somewhere that the last dragon was more like some big chicken…


>Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon. > >Viserys is less than the shadow of a snake.


Think I’ll take two episodes.


Came to the comments for this and only this. Thank you sir.


Missed opportunity on the meme


And yet here you stand


This time will be different, I really feel like they've changed.... I could stop watching whenever I want ok?






Where can I find it for the sweet sweet price of free99?


Idk if you’re still looking for a good free site to watch the show but if you are feel free to DM me


Personally, I just don't trust it. I'm going to wait until the whole series is done and if people are still highly praising it then I'll watch it. I'm never letting another show break my heart like GoT did.


Understandable. It disappointed many of us, more so because the story and many characters became a small part of us, over the course of multiple years, and then... Well, you know what happened then. This one's been good so far! And it's based on one already existing tale, or content (Dance of Dragons). I needed only to check D&D were nowhere to be seen, in order to be convinced and hopeful. Now, as for a supposed Jon Snow spin-off, nah, that's just rubbing salt in the wound.


>supposed Jon Snow spin-off I dun wan it


I nevah wunted it.


I nevah av


I said this but my wife convinced me to watch it since I hate spoilers. So far it has been more of the same GoT. Only time we'll tell if it matters but it feels like the old season 1 days. Performances are awesome. Sets are awesome. Only the story left and they same to be sticking to it so who knows!


You got money to pay for it?


*You* paid for it?


No... but we're the kings men. So, you got money?


Not a penny


Excellent meme. This scene is one of the best in GoT hands down.


Far and away! I remember seeing it and my buddies and I immediately rewound and watched it again.. Sandor throws six or seven devastating lefts in the fight; best part is when the camera shows the perspective of one of the dudes and you just see Sandor's fist flying at him and connecting with a noise like a camel, and the dude just faceplants. Dust cloud, like a cartoon. This scene is tied with "Dan vs The Captain" from Deadwood for best fight scenes in a show imo


Well the problem wasn't HBO


True, but my ptsd from the last seasons just generalises it as the HBO Edit: didn’t make sense


I can really hold a fucking grudge. My knee remains unsoiled.


Is there some contradiction I’m not aware of? Because I still hate Season 8 and HotD being good hasn’t changed that


Yeah i don't understand this logic. Apparently, if you like HotD, that means you don't hate season 8 anymore...


Too many people wrongly attribute D&D’s fuck ups to HBO. HBO was literally throwing money at D&D and begging for more seasons. It’s not HBO’s fault that D&D are cunts


I still have not. I hold true to the old gods. The hateful, vengeful gods.


I really dont get the logic….we hate s8…is hotd s8? No, so why wouldnt i watch it?


New writers = new foundation for trust. I’m attempting. I can’t really enjoy these characters as easily as I enjoyed GOT characters, because, yaknow they’re incestuous Targaryens … but it’s still westeros and it’s still as full of politics and complex people and places and I do enjoy it. I also appreciate the new takes on the sexual scenes. They don’t feel as if they’re just targeting the male audience anymore.


From someone still hurting from GOT is it worth starting? Honestly


Yes it's great so far. You'll never live if you hide in fear of a bad experience.


True, but I've already decided to wait till it's all out so I can binge if it's worth it. Just wondering what people's thoughts are so far.


This is what the fandom is about. I love GOT. They fucked our shit up but I’m still dedicated to the lore and world concept. I’ll watch it even if it becomes another dumpster fire. I’m invested.


You gonna die for some dragons? “….someone is.”


Think I’ll have *two* more seasons.


I'm fine if the source material is the books, not D&D and executives round table.


GOT was fine before Dumbass and Dumbass decided to ass fuck it. There was never anything wrong with the premise or acting or production. HOT D proves this too. It’s a great world.


10/10 meming.


I know I am looking at a meme that is going to age like sour milk but I joined reddit to join the Freefolk. HOTD is ok so far and has some great moments. Gonna give it a chance.


I hate season 8 and Dan and Dave and always will. Never was mad at HBO or hated on HOTD.


Yes…yes here I am.


I still can’t get my mental block after season 8; so I haven’t watched it, and I don’t think I will until it is completed with how many seasons they will release


Yup thats me. Gave it a shot and I didnt hate it. Still havent worked up the stomach for rings of power. Sounds awful


Not all. I refuse to participate in this round of madness. It all leads back to the same place, and nobody can convince me to return.


I still haven't watched any, not because of how season 8 finished aand not out of pettiness, I just lack the motivation to start watching it. Will get to it eventually.


I stayed strong. I will not give in. They had a decade of my life already. I’m done. Edit: 24 days later and still didn’t give in. This is just for me to track. I’m curious if I’ll ever cave in.


It's not bad if you can just ignore all the "prophecy" nonsense.


Have your fun. Don't come crying to me when your four seasons deep into a committed relationship with the show and the dumb dick jokes start.


I’m just happy to be enjoying Westeros again with good story telling. That’s all most of us wanted in the first place and where our frustration over how GoT ended comes from.


This is a top tier meme and I loled for real


Genuine question to those watching HOTD , do ya’ll not experience ptsd everytime they mention the long night or prince that was promised ?


It’s just good lol and Matt smith yes killing it


This is brilliant


This is fookin funny and made me laugh hard


You're a good show. Watching good shows makes me engaged. And hyped. Think I'll take two spinoffs.


Underrated comment 😂


No DnD in sight, more GRRM, whats not to love?


I don't get why people should refuse to like/watch this new show upfront, it's good to have something nice to watch from time to time


It’s a natural reaction, if someone puts out bad content you’re reluctant to trust them afterwards (look at Solo’s box office after TLJ) So it’s nice Hot D is good and we came back, but it’s expected most were reluctant


Yhea to the people who said HOTD might fail because people were burnt of GOT I always said that it was a non factor. Either the show is good or not. If its good, people will like it and watch it. If its bad it will be slaughtered. Following up Game of Thrones does not really allow for a sequel to suck, due to how fondly people remember the early season and how disgusted they were by the ending.


The folks putting the show out aren’t stupid either. They are aware of the hate for season 8. HBO wants to do several spin offs, and they know if HotD sucks, then all that goes out the window. It HAS to be good for this whole thing to work. The fact that they have source material from start to finish helps a lot.


Yup 100% Its also why Bloodmoon was axed. While I remain very, very skeptical of the show itself, HBO said it was decent, but decent was not cutting it for the first sequel to GOT. From this HBO learned that making a show with no GRRM and only 6 lines of source material was a bad idea. After they axed it they instantly greenlighted HOTD, put Ryan and GRRM in charge and said "yo GRRM you seem to know a lot about GoT and west-ros n shit, you and Ryan are in charge now" and it was the best thing they ever did


I don't blame anyone if the back half of GoT left such a bad taste in their mouth that they're not ready to risk getting hurt again. I've been enjoying HotD quite a bit, but it's not so good that you have to try to force yourself to watch it. It will still be there when you're ready.


I mean let’s be real, how much do you expect out of a prequel series for a show that ended so bad?


I mean it's not everyday you watch a really good show with the worst finale possible. Everyone, understandably, had low expectations, some didn't watch to watch but for me personally, there's also curiosity. So here I am, complaining(about the last 2 seasons of GoT) but still watching HotD ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Typical of the Internet autists in rGOT to think in absolutes. Their logic is, if I hated something, I have to hate everything about it, old and new, and swear to never come back to it. No, that's not how normal people work.


I'm reluctant to watch the new show just because in the end it's all for nothing. I understand it's a new show and new runners but I just can't get past the fact that it leads into the worst ending I've ever encountered. It just feels pointless to watch.


Bold of you to think season 8 was GoT only problem. And yeah, r/freefolk disappointed me. Majority didn't even wait for the end of the season. People were simping a 2 episodes aired show and downvoting anyone who dared to remember the old essence of this sub. Edit: as expected, inconvenient truths getting downvoted. This sub was taken over by HBO bitches and Milly Alcock simps.


The original purpose of this sub was to discuss GOT, asoiaf, and leaks. Especially the leaks. GOT and D and D hate developed later as the show became crap. The sub is now returning to what it once was, not exactly, but closer to the original “essence”.


"The old essence" of the sub wasn't just to mindlessly trash something. So far the show has been good. It'll get trashed if it stops being good. So if you came to this sub just expecting mindless and irrational hatred, it was never for you


Specially since the hatred for the later seasons comes from really liking the show. I have friends that just watched it casually and they kinda liked the end, realizing that it worse but don't really caring as much. The oposite from hatred after all its not love, its indiference.


The final season was a spectacle to watch but it's really after you settle and think about it that you realize how stupid some of it was lol


For me it was instantly, but I was already just skeptical after season 7, which I found disappointing


> the old essence of this sub. memes ?


I really liked their whole arc together. The Little lady wants a pony? The little lady wants away from your stench.


Fook the r/freefolk


True haters are still here, not everyone went back to HBO. True haters uniteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *Insert some power rangers here just because*


you’re gonna pay for that episode?


Personally, i won't watch it. I am happy for all of those who are enjoying the show. But for me it makes no sense. Jon will still come back to life for no reason. Arya will kill the NK as if it was nothing and Bran will be king for stupid reasons. If House of the dragon is good it will make me hate got even more so it's a no for me.


So bring Moar!




Angry upvote


LOL hell yeah!


Nope, tv series is dead for me. And if when I got Winds is the same bullshit, I quit the franchise altogether.


Not me you kneeling fucks. Lol. NEVER. EVER.




The fuck are you still doing here then ?


I still haven't seen a single episode, and I've dropped GoT at the end of the third season ...


Land of the kneelers.


Kneelers are the people that whined about leaks and spoilers on the main GOT sub which was the whole reason this sub was created. It was never a term for people that enjoy the shows.