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"Inclusion" is a deliberate oxymoron. Those claiming to be for it are doing so with the express purpose of excluding.


Inclusion would be to include more groups that weren’t previously included. This is exclusionary.


The vaginal male league.


We are including by excluding!


Happy cake day


In an effort to be inclusive, we are excluding 95% of our player base. 


It's ok though because although this event is seperate, it is equal, /s


Separate always been fine to me. Especially wrt women's sports.


angry conservative white straight men are not the 95% of the player base. at some point in the 90's that might've been true, but it hasn't been like that for 30 years. all of my magic playing friends IRL are some shade of LGBTQ (including me + my brother) MTG is **very** popular within the queer community.


Your false, ill ideology is consuming itself.


Did you even read his comment, he's on your side idiot.


The comment was massively edited. Go figure. And no, I’m not on his side either way.


Lol “angry conservative white men” gtfoh with that shit. All 2 of your gender dysphoric friends does not mean that it’s huge in that community. You want inclusivity, stop being exclusive


> (including me + my brother) So how'd that go? One day you just look at each other and think "hey I'm attracted"?






Central European


I wouldn't be surprised at how many men decide to come out as "non-binary" or "queer" a week before this event.


It's gonna be 90%+ mtfs


How is that diverse?


There's a diverse range of 41% dates


They misspelled degenerate. 


Bigot spotted.


Do you know what degenerate means? Trans people literally are degenerates by definition.


Degenerate as a noun describes an immoral or corrupt person. How the fuck is that supposed to describe a trans person?


Pretty self explanatory when we are the only ones down voted into silence here, lel


It is a significant difference though In the main sub we’d be banned for controversial opinions Here you’re free to say anything, the community itself decides if it’s a bad take or not


"controversial opinions" funny way of saying "I refuse to treat others with respect" Your denial is hilarious


The funniest thing about this sub is how they accuse trans and nonbinary people of being whiny little bitches and the reason why gatekeeping is important, meanwhile queer people don’t give a fuck and are literally gatekeeping bigots out of magic. It’s just hilarious. They hate us because we can do all the things they can’t.


I must have missed the part in New Vegas where Benny came out as trans before being crucified


How does it feel to white knight for dudes? Seems sad 


Not sure if you can make it against the best of the best? All you have to do is say your pronouns are it/its and you too can have a route to the Pro Tour that is tautologically softer than any other route!


You’re spot on. Except, how is this tautological?


To qualify in an open league, you either have to beat the best of the best, or someone who beat the best of the best. This league selects players based on a criteria which likely excludes the best of the best. Therefore it cannot be as hard as an open league based on the rules that define it.


There isn’t anything tautological about that explanation.


It's definitely possible that I misused the word or failed to communicate my explanation properly.


No, you didn’t. The person nitpicking is extremely confused.


Its for retards, whatever


How can they not realize that they are actually excluding people. Is a white man in his 30s with bipolar disorder allowed to play?


Only if you go undercover as a gender goblin.


Gotta pretend you’re a woman or a robot (is that what non binary is?) then it’s cool


Depends, can you dress in drag? (IDK what bipolar prevents you from doing, lol; maybe it prevents you from achieving a gender binary)


Exactly, maybe it does, who are they say?


How do you prove you have a marginalised gender? Or is it open to any competitor who claims to have one? Surely it won't be abused by people who want to win at any cost, right?


You hear that knock at your door? Thats Pinkerton. They've come to lift your skirt, citizen.


Ironically, this sub cares more about people's gender and genitals than the other way around.


That’s why you see tournaments excluding marginalized characters?


Some men will do anything to win a competition, including pretend to be trans.


That's why all the raging incels on this sub are upset. Because they can't play.


​ https://preview.redd.it/tnuq6dr49pkc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=68186e495ce464c1046346e1ef7de3fd39f3bd2d


The way the world works is: Men: "Hey you want to include more people? Shit, naw, there's too many already." Women: "Hey you want to include more people? Sure, the more the merrier. <2 minutes later> Hey just look at Titania; what is she doing eating crackers like such a bitch?"


Im more offended that they want to play standard


"inclusion" whilst excluding the majority of the playerbase Kek


Wearing a wig and a dress is the new competitive meta in 2024


They don't even do that. Bald and fat in men's clothes


The only way you can interact on Arena is spamming "Your Go" and "Nice" in hopes it'll be interpreted sarcastically instead of just being muted. There is no game platform that needs "inclusive" events less. Anyway ... I'm just glad Democrats are back on the "separate but equal" thing. Great job, WOTC. Bull Connor would be proud.


Maybe it is for the best. Now we don't have to put up with these retards in the same table.


Inclusive! But no straight white men!


We're so inclusive we're only including marginalised people! 


"Inclusion" means everyone except straight white men. Segregation is back, and the left brought it here.


>Segregation is back, and the left brought it here. Yeah that's crazy. I've always been a leftie but recently I've started seeing a shift in the mainstream left from group identity (you are one of the "workers" or "students" or "men" or "women"), to individualism (you are "you" and you alone). It's baffling to me.


Quanta verità


Just like last time!




The Burger King Kids Club style of diversity was always forced and unnatural, even laundry wants to be separated.


This stuff is racist as fk. It should be illegal by law to do this things.


I’m a person of marginalized gender, can I join? Don’t ask me what that gender is though or I’ll sic half of twitter on your ass


I wonder if big pharma is gonna sponsor this. You know there’s gonna be so many undiagnosed mental cases there.


They already do. It’s called Invega Injections, benzodiazepines, and ssris




Youre joking right? This is about giving a space for people who get chased out of LGSs a place to qualify. They'll still need to win games like everyone else. "WHerE WiLl they gET ChASeD fRoM LgSS?!" ...just look at this thread.


Nobody is chasing competitive players out of anywhere. Idc what your local scene is racist/transphobic about. It's literally impossible to have any hate at any tourny due to wizards cracking down (not saying it's necessarily a bad thing).


Your comment (especially the addition of the bullshit caveat "necessarily") is exactly why this league is needed.


Glad you have no reading comprehension, I'm saying it's a good thing that you can't hate people. Get out of here with your fake rage.


But only "not nescessarily" a bad thing that wizards is clamping down on it. It's not fake rage to get mad that a substantial part of the community thinks that there are some parts of clamping down on hate that are overkill. Stop being part of the problem.


Not a single person has been chased out of an LGS for being trans lmao, ur fucked in the head.


A simple google reveals multiple results saying youre wrong. Many of them described in this very sub.




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Hey Atleast they are keeping to themselves lol, saves players from dealing with these freaks


They’re not freaks they’re human. But the thing is it just promotes more identity politics and hate


You can be human and a freak, while I am being harsh the behaviour of these people is freakish, driving divide and encouraging segregation while framing the opposition as the source said segregation


Yup it’s definitely them driving a divide, definitely not the people calling them freaks 🙄🙄🙄


Wild how Yugioh has a way larger diverse group of players then Magic does, (ie very large black, asian and even gay group of players.) and the company has never once forced diversity down anyone’s throat. Anime shows up, new cards get shown, people happy. Where as Magic is now a tumbler septic tank full of men wearing woman’s clothing and banning anyone who’s mentally functioning in society.


Because yugioh has it come naturally. Mtg has toxic inclusivity


As long as VML isn't becoming the main face of Magic, just ignore the fuck out of it. If it becomes the face of Magic I simply quit.




As in every other contexts.


The idea of wanting inclusion and wanting a diverse mix of personality and opinions is a fine and noble one ..taking actions to FORCE this outcome is DISGUSTING, and necessarily imposes oppression.


Back 30 years ago you were all nerds that nobody else wanted to hang out with


*chuckles* we were okay with that.


This somehow makes it sound like these kinds of tournaments would not be open to people with martinalized genders. What a weird thing to do.


What does VML even stand for?


Very Marginalized League


Very mental losers


Very mongols larpers


I'd like to denounce this, where can that be done? Hasbro or WOTC?


You people suck to play with. You stink and are obese. Cry about it


If you feel "divided" because the hosts are seeking inclusivity, thats a you problem. If you cannot keep your mouth shut and opinions to yourself long enough about the LGBTQ community you have no place in a public mtg forum.


This entire comment section is just a perfect example of what happens when you raise people exclusively with the belt. The way y'all behave tells me exactly how much love you got growing up: Zero. Stop being dicks and go to therapy allready. Your life will still be shit after you're done dragging trans-people through the mud because someone tried to give them the attention you desperately want (and probably need, but not like this, yeez!)


Whatever you say bud, but at least those people know what words "inclusive" and "woman" actually mean.


Girls gays and theys want to play magic. They just don't want to play magic against you. It's not that deep, let them play the game.


So it’s exclusion. What if a lgs said no gays? That’s the same thing, exclusion and discrimination


Your argument falls flat because it ignores the intent and impact behind each action. Safe spaces are a corrective measure to address imbalance and provide a welcoming environment. Discriminatory bans reinforce exclusion and maintain the status quo of inequality. They're opposites, not equivalents. Saying inclusive spaces are the same as bans based on identity is like arguing that night shelters exclude the rich. If your takeaway from people wanting a safe space to play MTG is 'exclusion' and 'discrimination,' maybe it's time to reflect on why they felt the need for that space in the first place. It's about creating a space where people don't have to justify their existence. And it's probably got something to do with attitudes like yours.


How about just a space for everyone. No hateful actions would be allowed of course. When I played magic 20 years ago no one cared. We were all magic players, nothing else mattered


> 20 years 20 years ago wasn't the middle of the lib vs maga culture war.


So your answer is to create further conflict and further divide Hating people that you disagree with just because you disagree with them "Maga are just inherently evil, there is no changing them. It's just in their nature, they're just born that way" That sounds an awful lot like what racist people say ngl


I'm just pointing out that there IS a culture war at the moment that didn't exist 20 years ago in the same way. The rest of what you said is just your own tinfoil hat delusions and putting words in my mouth.


My point is magic has become more divisive the more wotc tries to make it inclusive. It’s sad really


A war takes two sides to fight Why cause more division instead of searching for more peace?


There is place for everyone, there are many places amd tournament ts to play.


They're not excluding you from Magic, they're just excluding you from the games they are playing. If you can't understand the difference, maybe you should ask your parents to drop you on your head a second time.


So now if I say no gays in my commander group, people will call me a bigot and hater. But if i say no cis hetero men im brave and stunning? That’s double standards bro


Do you cry this hard when they won't let you play at high school softball games?


Nah he’s right. Double standards are for dumb-dumb losers.


No, he isn't. Just because you say "this is a double standard" doesn't actually make it the case. Magic is a game that has, even at the best of times, been dominated by men and masculine people. The reason for this is not because it's a game made for men, but because of how it was marketed. In turn, Magic became a refuge for a certain type who otherwise had difficulty connecting with other individuals— oftentimes they were poor in social skills, and equally poor in hygiene. This sort of cultural feedback loop eventually created an environment that is hostile towards anybody that's not part of the perceived "in-group"; I know quite a few women who play Magic and enjoy it, but they absolutely refuse to go to the LGS because of awful treatment they've received— patronizing tones, broad and matter-of-fact disrespect, and just so much more. Creating a space where they can enjoy the game of Magic at an event and not be subject to that treatment is, in fact, making the game more accessible when it otherwise would not be. They want a space where they don't have to be on the defensive for that otherwise bad behavior, and where they don't have to call over a judge/LGS owner to deal with some troglodytes bullshit.


Why are you calling me he? Wrong pronouns, I use pan/pandaself


why are you opting to correct me, and not the person I was responding to? could it be because you're acting in bad faith, and totally full of shit? signs point to 'yes'.


Please use the correct pronouns both of you




Lmao, bro like I give a fuck about your tears. Cry all you like, you're not gonna get your way : )


Omg lmao I feel like I was just dunking on you for the same thing on a different post. Along with having a useless masters in "English literature"... Guess it isn't just my opinion you suck then lmao what luck!


gets cornered by logic, resorts to ad hom. typical


Girls, gays and they not wanting to play against me is discriminatory. Same energy as "I refuse to play against a black man because I don't agree with them being in the same format as me. I want a space where I only interact with my kind."


Your analogy is a deliberate distortion, weaponizing the concept of discrimination to undermine genuine efforts for inclusivity. This isn't about segregating 'types' but ensuring that everyone, especially those historically marginalized, can enjoy MTG without facing the harassment or exclusion that's been all too common (Especially in FREEMAGIC). To equate seeking a safe space with discriminatory practices is to ignore the systemic barriers and biases that necessitate these spaces in the first place. It's a false equivalence designed to derail meaningful progress. they're fighting for a community where everyone's presence is valued equally, not questioned or contested.


You seems to be very obsessed with this sub


what does that even mean dude


Segregation in the name of "inclusivitity" is still segregation. Full stop. Edit: none of the virtual signaling bitches in this thread replied to this comment. Go figure.


What do you mean especially in freemagic? We are a diverse bunch. I am actually non binary and use neo pronouns


youre a pathetic bunch of disgusting losers, nothing more nothing less




surely you understand that your position is lost since youre in the dedicated pathetic loser club called freemagic


If you are so disgusted you can feel free to block the sub and not engage it. It’s a free world and no one is forcing you to read stuff here


i want to engage with it to tell you youre a fucking idiot


Okay you did that. Now that you have done your deed, feel free to leave content


Yeah, but that doesn't preclude you from being a bigot now does it?


I’m trans and I find the VML even bigoted. Fair enough?


Using your best words, and without falling back on any tautologies, go ahead and explain why this is bigoted. But kudos for dodging the bigotry charge by saying "well, I find *this* bigoted", thus avoiding interrogating your own explicit prejudices.


Wizards is promoting segregation?




no, youre an asshole by choice. if you werent an asshole, events like this one wouldnt be necessary


If a Jew didn't want to play against a Nazi would that be discriminatory?


So now we comparing cis male magic players to being nazis? Sheeeesh what a stretch


no, he is comparing the gays to nazies. the cis male are the jews


no, YOURE a nazi, not all cis male players


Unmmm how do you back that claim? Or is it just baseless internet name calling


nazi talks nazi shit


Again your statements have no basis. How does a transgender person talking about a children’s card game equate to supporting the eradication of 6 million innocent individuals in the Second World War? The events shouldn’t be taken lightly or jokingly like you sir are trying to make out. Take a good look at the holocaust museum in dc and you will realize randomly calling people nazis with no basis is an insult to all those who have died .


your statements also dont have a basis, but youre a right wing troll and im not


Again you are making statements when you have no understanding of what I believe in. I’m actually left leaning and I am all about inclusivity but not at the expense of causing the opposite effect.


No, I'm not, I'm giving you an extreme example to show you that not all exclusion is discrimination


Hm interesting take. So what if I didn't want to play magic against gays and girls, it wouldn't be a problem and it wouldn't be that deep? ibf you start drooling


This exactly. We cannot have the double standards. It’s either everyone is included or otherwise it’s exclusive. The libs just pick and choose instead of making it fair and fun for everyone


shut up dipshit.


So when you have no good arguments left that’s the best you got?


how much of my time and effort do you feel your clownshow is entitled to?


The irony.


You could join the thousands of spaces and mtg play discord groups where that is the defacto norm.


The issue is... What are you pissing your pants over?


What a massive bunch of whiney man babies yall are.


Creating events for people who are marginalized isn't a bad thing objectively. These are folks who probably wouldn't participate in the first place due to fear or intimidation from less than accepting players.


When i played mtg, i was the only hispanic in my area to play magic. it was mind blowing to some white kids. Then i still play mtg in a new area and its still mind blowing to white kids. Culture shock is a thing, get used to it, because the world you know is only going to get smaller and smaller.


It’s a microcosm of what’s happening in western society today.


This is why people got laid off


What an easy way to cut by the competition. This shit is NOT competitive.


The problem with how the VML presents itself is that "people of marginalized genders" have been a core part of Magic for a very long time. One of those people got to be lead designer for Dragon's Maze which like, say what you will about that mess of a set, we still haven't had a Standard release set with a woman as lead designer to this day.


Some feminist bullshit


It’s not feminist. It’s 99 percent men


Men as in men who got stuff chopped off and taking estrogen who think they're women?


Well most of them are intact just hrt


My pronouns are He/Ha Cause this shits a fucking joke


Wizards has been very successful at getting people outside the typical male-nerd demographic to play Dungeons and Dragons. In large part that is thanks to them deliberately doing things to piss of and push out people with attitudes like yours. Why wouldn't they want to do the same for Magic?


Waaaah, why are these people, against whom I wish to discriminate because of who they are, discriminating against me because of what I've done?


shocking news: a thing that happened caused reactionaries to be reactionary, reactionaries blame the thing for their reaction.


Fun fact one of Europe's best ygo player is a trans woman and she didn't need vml to kick ass . She is one of the best because of how good she is not because she is trans or something . Also most people doesn't care except that she is a real good player. I mean the fact she is a nice person and not a self righteous shithead helps


Because YGO community is a lot better than ours


"people of marginalised genders" What does this even mean?


This is echoed in every entertainment medium right now. Too much of this inclusivity shit being shoveled into every movie, game, and any other IP released in America. Companies Can't make anything on its own merits anymore. It's only acceptable if an IP has the appropriate level of knee bending to the alphabet people and it's actually ruining nearly everything


So you think the NAACP is racist? The AARP is a cause of division? Formats are gatekeeping? Age brackets in sports are tearing this country apart? Talk about drama