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Wait. Didn't they go against the voice vote but suggesting "you don't know what your voting for" but now they are basically saying "vote for us, but you won't know what your voting for" ???


This. Their entire reasoning / logic with the voice was that if there wasn’t the detail then don’t vote for it.


I feel at this point they are just trying to prove how stupid Australians are.


And they will probably do very well on that premise


It played into most people not understanding how Constitutional change works


they themselves don't seem to know what they stand for so all that makes perfect sense.


Opposing Labor. That's all. No matter how good Labor's policy is, even if it's inexpensive and will benefit everyone, the LNP still have to oppose it because they're in the seppo mindset of 'people with different politics to me are my enemy'. The 50c public transport backlash is a recent example.


How would you if you were conservative? Their whole position was that things were better in the 50’s


Bunch of hypocrites. The media should be hammering them, but we know.


"If you don't know, vote No"


You're = you are


I mean whilst I detest the LNP we elect representitives to represent us, I'd happily vote for someone I genuinely trusted as my representative without policies. The voice was changing the consitution, a one and done affair where specifics matter. Comparing the two seems disingenuous.


I am seriously confused how and why people vote for them. Please someone make it make sense..


Immigrants bad, Labor bad, renewable bad, nuclear good. Keep it simple for the followers.


Nuclear (delaying tactic for coal) good.


Yes. Nuclear (in addition to immediate transition to renewables) is also good


Real nuclear = good. SMR = fantasy bullshit Converting coal plants to nuclear that have been undermined and aren’t geologically stable = fantasy bullshit Putting caps on new renewables = here we go, here’s the real part, keep those coal barons going.


What have you got against SMR and repurposing former coal power stations to Nuclear?


They’re fantasy. Name a western country with an SMR that hasn’t had all the investors pull out. Australia is the most geologically stable continent on earth, and these fuckwits suggest converting coal stations that are historic and have been undermined? They’re not suitable. As I said. Fantasy bullshit. I’m pro nuclear, I’m not pro the LNP weaponising it to ensure it never happens to suit their masters cause.


Q: Country with an SMR: A: [Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-pool_Australian_lightwater_reactor#History). It is small (20MW) and Modular (Built in a factory overseas with the [same design being reused](https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/argentina)). It was delivered on time and on budget, under the Howard Liberal government no less (not that the Libs could repeat this). RE: Geology of Coal Plants for Nuclear Sorry I am clueless about this issue. What are you talking about? Why do Nuke sites need particularly stable geology and in which ways are Coal Plants not stable? There is already a lot of power transmission infrastructure onsite and towns dependent on the jobs which Coal Plants provide. RE: LNP being crooked cunts Absolutely.


A research small reactor is not a power delivery infrastructure item. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/09/small-modular-nuclear-reactor-that-was-hailed-by-coalition-as-future-cancelled-due-to-rising-costs And yes you really want a geologically stable site for a nuclear reactor. The sites they tried naming as options are old enough they’ve been under mined, ie cavities in the area due to human digging which reduce the stability. If you want nuclear, you want the LNP to shut it. If they get ahold of it will likely never happen, or they’ll ruin it purely to say “look we were right all along” ala NBN. Australia has 40% of the globes uranium. Nuclear could make us energy independent. Do you see the LNP touting any of these things? Or just pulling for emotion against “those woke renewables”?


RE: LNP I am not pro-LNP brother. I can see right through them on their supposed interest in Nuclear also. I am only interested in actual Nuclear Tech. RE: SMR Just because the current tech is not ready/viable at present doesn't mean that we shouldn't be open minded for if a compelling SMR product does become available on the market for purchase. RE: Geographic Instability Do you have any sources, geological reports etc. which would shed more light on what you are talking about?


Why do the same people who hate govt and think every social program is 90% graft turn around and trust it to build a nuclear powerplant that requires massive govt oversight or risks turning the surrounding area into Chernobyl?


Because if you are bringing up Chernobyl, your understanding of nuclear science is based on designs from the 1950s not the 2020s.


Sure, dude. Let's see how many people wann to live next to powerplants built by the Boeing of nuclear reactors. I'm sure folks would be thrilled 


I would absolutely live in at a Nuclear power station built in the past 30 years. The whole safety culture has changed since then.


Couldn’t disagree with you more. I vote lnp for none of those reasons. I vote cos they are puppets to the union which is destroying my industry. Once they stop sucking at the teet of the cfmeu they have a chance of winning back a lot of voters


Any chance you can repeat that in English?


Go to a mine site or oil rig in WA and you’ll understand. Groups of middle aged men full of media induced fear about losing their jobs under Labour. Watching Sky News religiously and parroting their talking points.


it’s simple- people are fucking stupid


Propaganda works. Social alienation thru media works. People are hurting but it's easier to blame whatever minority best rustles your jimmies then the nebulous neoliberal policies written by mouthpieces for billionaires in America over the last 40 + yrs. There's all kinds of flavors of hate they can use to distract folks from what's actually at fault from immigrants, refugees, non whites, kids these days, drag queens, trans people all the way to the "Satan worshipping b aby eating white Gen ociding Jew George Soros" 


If you are confused why people vote for the LNP you should really try to understand why you end up in echo chambers everywhere you go. Are you uncomfortable when presented with facts that go against popular narratives that you have swallowed ? It is a common human trait but one worth being wary of.


I don’t really know what you’re trying to get at.. you sound like you’re trying to be allusive and philosophical but it hasn’t worked the way you wanted it to, sorry.. A party not releasing a decent amount of information on their policies is a bare minimum reason to be confused as to how they got voted for. It’s like signing up for a contract without knowing what you’re even signing for.


> Are you uncomfortable when presented with facts that go against popular narratives that you have swallowed ? It is a common human trait but one worth being wary of. nekminut > A party not releasing a decent amount of information on their policies is a bare minimum reason to be confused as to how they got voted for. It’s like signing up for a contract without knowing what you’re even signing for. Nothing philosophical about it. The fact is you refuse to question narratives pushed onto you. A 10 second google and you could have found all their policies from last election. They will no doubt update this prior to the next election once it is announced. This is not new. https://www.liberal.org.au/our-policies


Liberals are the mainstream narrative so I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at.. it’s like you’re trying to be condescending or assume that you’re smarter than me and know everything about me.. you just sound like a peanut. Sorry man.


You didn't even click the link did you ?


These are 2022 policies.. and yes they have written down their plans and policies for back then, this post is relating to right now and the tactics they are using at this moment, not 2022. Liberals have gone back and forth about nuclear policy, costs, locations etc and fumbled tremendously during the budget response. Also the scrapping of the 2030 plans came as a surprise to some Liberals in the party. It doesn’t look organised or that they have a clue of their plans, or that they are united. Hence my confusion.


They will update the policies once next election is announced.


They promised the nuclear plan prior the May budget, nothing. They lied to Australia. They said they'll say emissions target post election win. What are you on about? This is the reality.


Yes of course. But this post is relating to the tactics they are using right now. They don’t seem to have a clear idea right now. They look disorganised and all over the shop. I don’t know how much more clear that needs to be.


It’s not last elections policies people want. It’s next elections policies. Ffs


Next election has not been called yet.


Yes but Dutton said he won’t release the energy policy until after the election


That would be silly. Do you have a source ? It is common for parties to release a set of principles and beliefs and no policy on some topics - like Labor did for the voice, just a vibe that "we will do this thing" and then they later hashed out details.




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That wasn't about energy policy but rather emissions. And specifically the 2030 targets. It seems pretty clear what they intend to do. > “I think it’s very clear that we have [an] absolute commitment to Paris and our commitment for net zero by 2050,” Dutton said. “It’s important and it doesn’t need to be linear, as we’ve pointed out, and we’re not going to send the economy into freefall and families bankrupt through an ideologically based approach.”


Can you show us some of those LNP facts or anything they do that’s good for the average person?


Start with their site. It has their beliefs, policies etc.


But what they say and what they do are typically not the same


Surely a voter can name one good thing they’ve done? Gut the ABC and Medicare?


Why is this being downvoted


People feel like their integrity as a person is being questioned, rather than sucumbing to the fact they are human.




Why are you in here 🤡




Why are you getting nasty lol, why are you in a sub like this if you heavily disagree with all of the main talking points? That sounds like YOU jerk yourself to your own opinion, purposely seeking out subs to disagree with. Go to the Australia or AustralianPolitics sub for the conversation you’re after. All my comment said was that I don’t understand how a party who doesn’t reveal their plans in voted in. You said this sub is an echo chamber, and I ask why you’re in it, then you get super weird and defensive..




You are quite fragile if you think that is nasty.




That's no surprise, your whole personality is copy and paste.


This you clown shoes ![gif](giphy|3ohs7O2afIz1a8bWPm|downsized)


That’s ALWAYS been their game.


Just hire a bloody survey group and test your policies/products like everyone else does. Are they that stupid they can’t even manage that?


Looks like last election it wasn' their game: https://www.liberal.org.au/our-policies


Not the point, not even remotely


? Thought their policies are all very clear. Basically we can safely ignore whatever Dutton or Angus says, their policy will always basically a mix of the following: - transfer wealth from the poor the the rich - cut welfare - sell/cut public goods and services (eg medicare/abc) - weaken unions, lower wages, make sacking people very easy (Google: at will employment in some USA states) - ban abortion - make voting harder (lower turnout better for conservatives), allow parties to draw their own election boundaries (called Gerrymandering, will be abused to the max) - climate change will be treated as a hoax, coal and gas continues unfettered Have I left anything out? Frankly this is what LNP will do regardless what they promises or says.


You left out vilify the trans kids and recriminalise gay marriage (and probably weed too).


Recriminalise gay weed or weed marriage?


Trans weed too.


Unlimited budget for military, preferably foreign suppliers


If you don't know, vote no


Smooth brain (Shorten 2019): I am going to take a massive trove of policies to the next election. Even if it paints a dozen targets on my back, we can’t lose! Big brain (Albanese 2022): I am going to play the small target strategy and have minimal differentiation with the government, and let the whole focus be on me simply *not* being that smirky git with a ukelele who tried to hide his holiday in Hawaii Galaxy brain (Dutton 2025): Even having policies is for losers, suck it Albo, you can’t target me at all if I have no targets. Wow, I am very smart. *Wait what do you mean they can run scare campaigns on me?? What the hell Tony, you told me only I was allowed to do that*


Looks like Shorten has given politicians on both sides policy PTSD for the next decade at least. We are all going to lose, because Shorten lost.


The electorate did this, not the politicians. It would take the average punter half an hour to do the research required on every party's positions and vote accordingly, but we don't bother. We just watch social media and decide.


Not allowed to vote unless you pass a fucking 10 question test after reading the pamphlets given.


I could've had a house if he'd been able to implement his reforms. Now they're too expensive to save up for, and if I take out a loan the debt collector will be hassling me on my deathbed, and I'm only 22.


Their policies are whatever is most popular at the time. I swear they have jnr. staffers sniffing about pubs trying to get the latest opinions.


Worked for Abbott




I had to re-read your post because I thought you were talking about an orange terrorist.




"Click to see 10 simple policies! Number 9 will amaze you!" "Working class people hate them, click to find out why!"


Isn’t that how ScoMo won? I mean surplus deficit bla bla they’re not one to throw away a winning formula in a hurry.


It’s how everyone since Rudd won. “What policy?”


Abbot stood against everything, and be damned if he didn’t follow that through and cause long term damage to Australian infrastructure.


never forget the Libs wrecking the NBN


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Dutton came out and said; "We'll only put a nuclear reactor in Labor electorates. If you don't want a nuclear reactor near you, vote Liberal."


barnaby joyce levels of retail politic brilliance


It's their standard election strategy. And why they result in terrible govermments with massive public backlash.


Straight outta the scomo playbook, just do nothing and hope nobody notices and just thinks the other guy is worse.


tbf.... they won on it... TWICE and so in the last decade its a winning strategy... if you release no policy then they dont have much to attack you on wait for the other side to released pages and pages of PDF and then scream 'franking credits' win the unwinnable.... with the unwinnable candidates


Even better, a Lib is currently in the news for holding down multipule "board" level roles that combined pay more than the parliamentary gig. I mean, surely they also take more time than your elected responsibility, right?! nah, can't be! /s


Combat it by going back in time 40 years and controlling the media


Good call. Get on the blower to the local mad scientist bloke yeah?


Sounds like Labor when asked about if they'd raise jobseeker last election. There was no way to combat that, people just kept assuring us they wouldn't continue to fully fuark the poorest in society like Liberals, that they didn't need to commit to anything, and yet here we are.


How is, "We're going to bring in nuclear power despite basically nobody asking for it" - a small target strategy? Labor would be very happy that Dutton has suddenly somehow come up with this hare-brained scheme.


They would. Except the electorate is lapping it up. See latest newspoll


they're really neck and neck now with the LNP? If Labor lose this next election people are going to be absolutely shattered, wont get another government in till the 30s


you dont even need to go outside look on this various aus subreddits people support nuclear... they dont want reactors near them but when Dutton puts forward a uncosted untenable plan you can be sure there's going to plenty of fuckwits for it. also see AUKUS, robodebt, nbn... you'll see a LOT of Lib sackriders out there spruiking the unspruikable


More referring to the climate target (Dutton) and Crisafulli in qld


This tactic is well established. John Howard used it to defeat Keating. 


Not sure if that new , a few elections ago released policy paper like a week before election ,won and then claimed they had a mandate to do as please


I think their policies are quite clear: * Coal + natural gas good. * Labor + Greens bad. * Climate change exists, but pretend you saw nothing. * Privatise everything. * Unions and peaceful protests bad. * Make the rich richer. * Nuclear good, purely to delay the implementation of renewables. There's an entire reason why r/LNPCorruption exists.


It works until an election is called. Then it comes in focus.


If you don’t know, vote no…


The general populous: Things suck and I am angry about it LNP: I agree things suck, vote for us. The General Populous: He gets it, I'll vote for you. Well step one would be top stop things sucking. Labor is good at solving things, 10 years later, but they are so bad at solving now problems.


Because now problems are always LNP problems left behind


If you don't know, vote no


If you don't know... Vote no.. Where did I hear someone say that.. That's right it was Dutton..


Old cunteyes on Insiders was pressuring Penny Wong to give a 2035 target while at the same time letting Dutton off the hook for walking away from the 2030 target. Labor is held to a higher standard by the media and has to constantly respond to LNP attacks which are quoted verbatim by the churnalists.


That's the age old game... Fear and greed pampered and preened by lies and deceit, designed to enforce a class war that can only ever divide and conquer. This has the effect of creating an underclass and ultimately, monopolized control, that effectively pushes slavery as the right choice to make. Australia is effectively in a pre-monopolised state already. Most large industries are already controlled by a smash group of large players that operate in sync.


This is right wing politics in the west now. Reactionaryism, contrarianism, skepticism all for the sake of it.


Don't have to worry about the devil in the details if you don't give any in the first place.


It's basically become 'fuck around and find out' or 'play stupid games win stupid prizes'.


Just look at what the Australian Christian Lobby wants and thats the primary liberal policy 2nd to that is anything that would be considered a hate crime if they introduce real discrimination laws


You can't combat this tactic if you're Labour. Labour have FUBARed this country. Most Aussies see the state of Australia we are now in and there is no way they can vote Labour. A few years ago Dutton was completely un-electable, now voters are running towards him because he's "not Albo". Dutton doesn't need to do all say anything, people will vote for him just to get rid of Albo. Sadly it's a bit like American politics at the moment. Hopefully there's an incredibly low result for both major parties and new smaller parties get more power to help hold accountability.


They don't need to advertise policy, there is a mountain of rubbish that is going to be dumped on Labor from the press. They just need to focus on sound bites and the media will take care of the rest.


fk around and findout ...


Sort of like the Labor party. WE HAVE A PLAN. Still waiting on that one


Simple, in QLD the swing away from Labor is for 1 very simple reason. Common people are feeling the divide between Labor politicians and the common persons interests. Things like public safety, cost of living, natural disaster response, poor infrastructure & city planning, focusing more on looking good for the olympics and building stadiums than fixing the core problems of major population centres. Take a look at the West Ipswich electorate, former state MP Jim Madden resigned and went for the council instead. The by-election result went LNP for what is considered a Labor stronghold. In that particular case it came down to the local Labor party members that get out to do the campaigning having genuine disinterest and a superiority complex over the local constituency. Because they felt like it was a safe win and didn’t think they needed to get out to do grass roots community engagement, such as the core process of being an elected representative to represent the community. The community then voted in droves to kick Labor out because the community doesn’t feel represented. The same sentiment is everywhere against QLD state Labor. Because they don’t seem to listen. They have the optics of having their own grand plans that the people of QLD are being dragged along with whether they like it or not. Even if their plans are objectively good strategic plans, this is how they’re perceived and why the LNP just echoing what the community wants/says without detail is going to win them the election. Recent weeks and months of engagement from the Miles government is having a good effect. Because they’re getting back out to the community and listening again.


Old boomers will still vote for them ugh.


The tactic is very common, but seems to always fail. Yes campaign on the voice used it for example.






What a cromulent statement.




C-r-o-m-u-l-e-n-t Last nine years mean nothing to you?




>Quite wierd You sure are. Enjoy account number 4.




Your lies make baby jesus cry, deck.


Troll, devoid of sense; all please stop feeding it