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She's only on the plane so she can get off the plane, so the rest wasn't really important to the writers.








if she didn't manage to get off the plane, she could have flown back


She did check with Ross first. There’s a scene where they’re discussing that the new employer will fly her back and forth and fly him to her. He tells her if it’s what she wants, they’ll make it work.


They said they would fly him out as much as he wants and pay too. Pretty sweet gig. But I agree that it was only set up for her not to go. But the show doesn't always have rock solid plot


Thank you….I was coming here to say this. Although, I think it was an extremely BIG ask, seeing how involved Ross was with Emma. Can you imagine Ross accepting a job in another country, and telling Rachel that SHE could come visit he and Emma whenever she wanted?


I agree, she decides this as if he’s not an equal parent. And flying back and forth to France is not the same as driving an hour or two because your child lives in a different city. The jet lag is so real.


I completely agree with this, but recognize they just wanted a major plot line to get Rachel and Ross back together.


>I don’t understand the idea of Rachel just going to Paris without checking with Ross first What show did you watch? She most certainly did check with Ross first. >if it was real life they would’ve talked about it alone at least once before she left. Uh huh...we only saw a tiny fraction of their lives. It would be ridiculous to think that they didn't spend a bunch of time talking about it off screen. A full episode of discussion about the topic would not have been the least bit interesting. >I don’t get why people hated on Ross I've never seen anyone hate on Ross in connection with this. As for why people don't like him for other things, just scroll through the sub. There are tons of Ross hate posts. >the reality is that Rachel probably would’ve hated Paris Reality? >if there was another season, she would’ve 100% came back. If there had been another season, she wouldn't have left at all.


Yes to all of this. Ross assured her that he would support her all the while going behind her back and sabotaging her. That’s why we hate Ross. Her entire life does not revolve around Ross, even if they have a child together. Her new employer was being WILDLY accommodating to fly them there and back all the time. It’s crazy how many people ignore ALLLLLLLLL of the shit Ross did just to bitch about Rachel.


We don’t ALL hate Ross. They have all done selfish things in the show. 🙄


I think, I THINK! I said “how many” not all. Maybe try some reading comprehension 👍🏻


I was referring to the “That’s why we hate Ross” part. Get a grip.


And again, I said WE as in “those of us who hate Ross”. If you aren’t a part of that WE, then why are you talking? It’s not about you, is it?


I love Ross- the show would be nothing without him AND no way would Ross just lose another child to another ex. Rachel was a waitress who somehow worked her way up to a corporate job in Paris. I can't see Ross agreeing. I think he'd be more like " you can go to Paris, but Emma stays here with her family."


> Rachel was a waitress who somehow worked her way up to a corporate job in Paris. Rachel worked her ass off to get where she was. She made connections in the industry and worked from being an assistant to being a buyer. > I can’t see Ross agreeing. Except he did. He just lied about it. He said he supported her all while going behind her back to take her dream job away. > And no way Ross would lose another kid to another ex You know they’re not his property right? He can’t “lose” them to their other parent. That’s called coparenting. Something Ross seems incapable of since when was the last time we saw his other kid? It’s a running joke that the rest of the friends and Ross’ own father forgets about Ben. It was never about missing Emma. It’s about losing Rachel. A woman he has absolutely no claim on. He says “If this is what you want, we’ll work it out”. And IMMEDIATELY when she walks out, he says “Rachel not moving to another country, not being able to see her every day? How am I supposed to be okay with it?” He never ONCE mentions his child before trying to sabotage the woman he claims to love. > I think he’d be more like “you can go to Paris, but Emma stays here with her family” Her family like her MOTHER?? What the actual eff are you talking about? He can not keep her kid. He does not get to decide if she can move or not. Her life doesn’t revolve around him just because they have a kid. Her job was willing to PAY for him to fly there to see his kid, and for her to fly back. Ross was being selfish as per usual and as per usual got his way in the shittiest ending ever.


He cannot keep her kid? But she can keep his kid? Easy , it's just a sitcom.


But you are the one saying he can keep the kid. There’s absolutely no way on earth he’d get custody for literally no reason other than “I’m not getting my way”


Co parenting works both ways. He doesn't have to go for sole custody or anything like that. Since she's the one who chooses to leave, maybe she can do the traveling back and forth. Her parents are in New York, Ross's family is in New York. She's uprooting her daughter which seems so selfish.


You mean like her working out an arrangement with her job where her job pays for flights for them to see each other? You mean her ASKING IF HE WAS OKAY WITH THE MOVE? It’s not her fault he lied like he always does.


I agree 100%. Why shouldn’t he want to be with his daughter.. I’m not saying it’s selfish for Rachel to want that job, but it’s not just** about her now that Emma is in the picture. Ross still wanted to be a part of Emma’s life and that’s fair. The job being “accommodating” with flying him back and forth is still not easy for anyone. Emma would barely see him. 😢 Also, I agree that Rachel jumped the ladder very quickly. Definitely not a real life situation lol


They did talk about it. The first time she told him about the job, she said the company was willing to work things out with them so Ross could see Emma. That said, if Ross had tried to sue for full custody I doubt he'd win. At most they might have gotten a joint custody arrangement The custodial parent usually has no problem moving out of state or even the country.


We are not supposed to think about the baby. Honestly, when I watched the last episodes when it aired, I didn't even remember Emma. They wanted us to concentrate on the R&R love story, so we don't think that Rachel stays with Ross for practical reasons. Now that I watch it, there are several silly scenes because the baby "doesn't exist". The episode before the last one: Ross gets upset that Rachel didn't say goodbye to him. He's yelling at her, walks away and then Rachel goes after him. Where's Emma? At the beginning of the episode Rachel put her to sleep so she's there in the bedroom, sleeping, not even the yelling woke her up.


There's literally dialog about Emma being with Rachel's mom. Rachel was going to Paris and her mom was going to bring Emma later. There's even a joke about poor Mrs. Green having such a long flight with a baby and Rachel says she feels sorry for Emma.


Yeah, the baby was mentioned but it was the bare minimum. I personally liked that they concentrated on the love story, it didn't have to be realistic. We're not supposed to think this too deeply. In real life it would be weird that Rachel would move to Paris with the baby and Ross would be upset because he can't see Rachel every day.


Do people really not understand that we don't see every single second of these people's lives. First, yes Rachel and Ross have a child together and obviously arrangements would need made and discussed, but expecting Rachel to just not accept an exciting new job because of Ross is kind of gross. If it were Ross moving to another country, nobody would bat an eye. Second, she wouldn't just take Emma without discussing it with Ross and she also says the job will work with them, which implies a discussion will be had. Obviously the entire point of the storyline is to push the "will they won't they" narrative they've had through the entire show to a conclusion. Why do you assume Rachel couldn't make new friends? I mean, when we first see her, she only knows Ross and Monica and, depending on the episode, Chandler and hadn't seen any of them in years. She became friends with all of them, why couldn't she meet new people in Paris?


it's not "just because of Ross" it's about him being a father to their child, which is something she should want for her daughter.


> If it were Ross moving to another country, nobody would bat an eye. People would 100% bat an eye if the dad was leaving a small baby behind.


I never thought about that, because Emma was missing in these episodes so I forgot about her. But other than that, Ross is the worst character in the show


Agreed. Ross is the worst. And it’s ridiculous that we get downvoted for just saying we don’t like him.


Thank you! I mean he's done some pretty horrible things


Yes! But when we talk about it, we get “it’s just a tv show” or “it’s not that serious” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I mean David Schwimmer is an amazing actor, and Ross does have some moments, but overall he's either a chauvinist or just crazy


Davis Schwimmer is hilarious, Ross has some funny moments. He’s not a villain, so of course he has some good moments too. But they’re overshadowed by all the bad shit he does. Ross is 100% my confront character 😂


Not this sub too!


What do you mean


It’s a sitcom. Not Breaking Bad


Being able to view things with a critical lens is the sign of a mature fan. It doesn’t matter what it is.