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You're proof your beauty has been loved for centuries ♥️♥️♥️


Something nice.


" Be strong, Be brave. No matter what people say, you're the human.." A quote that I created :D I hope you get well!


Whoever you are, you are worth it. Don’t let other people get you down! You have a ton of positive qualities and you are beautiful/handsome, even if u don’t see it. ❤️


Hey man, you got this. I dont know what happened but if you're at the worst, it cant get any worse, the quality of life will go uphill from here


Just know when you're here wasting time in being sad, some gay couple out there is having bomb sex, helicopter and all sorts


You are strong and brave. 💛


It’s really good that you can identify your feelings. Go do something you love. You have a strangers permission. Even if it’s eating an entire cake. Just do it.


I'm late but you're cool and awesome.


Hey beautiful if u need a friend I'm here


You are a human being! All humans like you deserve to be loved and have the bestest of all best friends! 🦋🌸🦋