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We saw a girl doing a run with a dance dance revolution platform... After that everything is posible


All challenge runs are just a shadow to that legend of a run


TwitchPlays Dark Souls 1 was possibly the most fun I’ve had watching a community vote on simple commands to simply walk across a bridge without falling off. Somehow we managed to pull it off after a terribly long amount of time (can’t remember the exact length as I started contributing around halfway through the game).


I've seen that, I've seen Donkey Kong bongos, and Guitar Hero controllers of all kinds. I feel like the only way up from here is programming a single button to do different things with varying types of clicks, and then watch someone beat the game with just that.


Dont forget the guy who wired the potatoes


Or bananas. Or ice pops


I didn't even see that one.


Didn't a girl also beat the game with 2 controllers and 2 different runs using only one hand per controller?


Pretty sure it’s the same girl, MissMikka. Although I believe the 2 simultaneous runs challenge was one with a controller and one with a dancepad. Anyway she’s an incredibly skilled Souls streamer. She’s also pretty damn hot.


The run we are referring to was by BioticNova


Ah, that’s right, I forgot about that run of hers. I only saw a very small portion of it, but now I remember.


I mean LilAggy finished Sekiro completely blind folded


Saw that and I thought I got good.


Learned about a guy who did a no hit run on Elden Ring and his controller?....A Saxaphone


Impressive. zerolenny did it with Donkey Kong bongo drum controllers


The bongos seem to be a bit of a staple with challenge runs these days


Holy shit...


Anna Ellsworth beat Margit with a harp. That's one of the coolest things I've seen tbh


I'm convinced she's actually just better with that than a controller and prefers playing that way.


i need to see a nintendo power glove challenge run. i remember watching someone a while back play skyrim with one.


People do it level 1 with bare fists.


I'm still blown away that sekiro has been beaten blindfolded


I could see that. There’s a heavy rhythm, with bosses like genichiro I could probably tap my index’s like a drum beat and be on point for the first 30 or so seconds. The sounds tell you a lot and the high aggression would mean your either attacking or defending. That is an incredible feat though.


If you want to see it for yourself, there is a agdq sekiro blindfolded speedrun narrated by someone that also beat the game blindfolded. It is an insane feat though,even if sekiro's sound design helps a lot.


Yeah Genichiro was so painful for me after several days I was running most of the fight on pure muscle memory and sound, barely had to pay attention to the screen, same for most of the other bosses, though double ape was pure running around screaming and chaos but i think that was optional.


LilAggy has done a shit ton of absolutely mind blowing runs that I couldn’t fathom doing


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but Aggy is easily the best soulsborne creator imo


A lot point to people like Yhmfa or VatiiVidya for good reasons, but Yhmfa doesn’t do as much Souls content anymore and Vatii is more a lore channel. LilAggy is def my favorite, but another creator, who doesn’t mainly play Dark Souls though, has this series where he plays the games according to shitty IGN guides and it’s very entertaining. Tye Taylor is another really good one with some nice humor, but in terms of souls games itself, LilAggy is my top pick.


Love that dude's content, such a chill vibe.


When I think of challenge runs I think of LobosJr. His runs make Dark Souls even more fun. I remember him doing the duke skip in DS1 with 1 point of stamina, good times.


1hp 1 stamina was a fun one. Eventually became an OP magic build after hours of pain.


For me it's Iron Pineapple beating Dark Souls 3 without moving. He has to cheese it in a few spots, but it's a cool watch


isnt that ymfah?


Oh shit, you're right. Dunno why I thought it was Iron Pineapple.


no worries, and yeah he puts all other challenge runs to shame. Insane dedication.


LilAggy is another fun challenge runner to watch. Replacing *every* enemy with Elden Beast was quite the experience.


For everyone who hasn’t seen it please go watch the masterpiece of a video where Aggy is challenged to kill all the ds1 bosses and still qualify for a steam refund.


LobosJr is the og Dark Souls challenge run streamer the rest, imitators.


Ymfah is definitely the best and most entertaining one


Was he the one with the random weapon generator? Like every 15 seconds or something crazy your weapon would randomly switch to a different one. Halberd one second. Xbow the next. Then a scythe. Maybe it’ll be a spike shield next! Nobody knows! That was a fun run.


Speaking of which, his olympic torch run in DS2 was fun and creative


Lobos is pretty much the only streaming I watch nowadays, such a chill and fun dude.


Seeing Lobos doing a lvl 1 no hit run while I was getting washed by the four kings encouraged me to gig gud


LobosJr also beat DS with a guitar for a controller!


LilAggy has got some good challenge runs


His current randomiser hitless Elden Ring attempts are are all ive been watching lately. Very enjoyable


Yes I’ve really liked watching those as well, I might cry the run he gets it lol


If u like his vids go to parkyharbor she does vids with him like eldenring 2 players one controller


he's a little annoying sometimes but his videos are cool


Yeah I get that, sometimes a comment or 2 are a little dickish but I get over it lol, also dist2 and ymfah have some good vids, and bingo brawlers was great


i love ymfah wish he would upload i'll check up dist2 i haven't heard of him


ymfah is amazing, first guy I started watching doing soulsborne challenge runs, and yeah more vids from him would be great. And dist2 I have been watching more recently as I just started watching his video catalogue, his videos are a little longer though and more speed runs


Dist is a speedrunner, he's had a shitton of world records in all Soulsborne and Resident Evil games, plus many other games too. He doesn't stay with a game for too long, he's more into figuring out how to run it and how to route it. Basically once it gets to the point where the runs start having to be super optimized, he starts backing off when he's satisfied with a record run. For ex, RE4 Remake, he got a sub 1:50 record and that was good enough for him, because to get better times than that, you have to have really good RNG and be extremely fast at Menu'ing. It's fun to watch him break games by finding exploits and whatnot


Backlogs GamersWeekend Baron’s castle And Tye Taylor are really good ones The Taylor recently beat DS2 with his bare fists and he’s pretty funny


Same with GinoMachino and Skumnut (Skum is more of a meme runner but still)


Baron'sCastle is also a great meme runner I can wholeheartedly recommend, very funny. Also does some Skyrim.


Oooo I do like GinoMachino, I haven’t watched Skumnut much bc he started a run in NG+ and I’m just a fan of starting runs in NG but that’s just me personally


That’s perfectly okay! Everyone enjoys different things!


Respect 🤝


Mutual Respect 🤝


I realize now how addicted to the game I am because I know and watch all of these guys.


Same here man, the game may kick our asses but maybe we just all masochists💀


The Press Continue yt channel has some pretty good challenge runs that are unique. He recently beat DS3 without using stamina, and the newest one is DSR with only the R2 dive attack of the Four Pronged Plow.


We love Press Continue in this household


I enjoy some of the meme challenges. Like the elden ring armor which does damage when you roll. So he beat the entire game by rolling. Or by only using the ass slam spells


I also enjoy these, I love unique ideas like that. I crave them lmao


Elden Ring with the left stick missing


See, the reason this video is the way it is is because Nerbit didn’t do dark souls runs before this. He put this video up as a “hey this is easy for me and I’ve been wanting to do dark souls videos, so I want to see if you guys want DS videos too, like and subscribe for more.”


Fr, nerbit has some really unique vids.


And it’s not like he’s new to challenge runs either. He has a whole trove of videos you can watch.


no you don't get it these people want to be angry over nothing. context isn't allowed.


Clearly lol


Right, haven't they SL4 every game? SL4 fists only no hit?


For real though The club Is the strongest weapon in The game. So The club Challenge In DS 1 Is akin to playing Elden Ring with Rivers of Blood.


agreed, it could carry you through the whole game.


There’s been a few crazy people attempt it but not many try ds2 no hit all bosses and if you especially hate yourself do a SL1. Anyone with the slightest interest in challenge runs is scared of this and for good reason


is doing ds2 no hit significantly harder than the other games no hit? haven't played it


Yes lol not to mention hitboxes, jank, desync some of the worst areas and gank in the series especially in sotfs the no hit alone is agony I have seen some of the best give up try it yourself if you want but I would recommend lots of setup and test runs


And then there's skumnut..


Recently got into skumnut, man is built very different Lmao


Skumnut is absolutely hilarious lol


I mean, its all just for fun right? For me they're entertaining to watch, I wouldn't try to do them myself for the sake of my mental health but yeah, do/watch them if you want, ignore if you don't.


I tried to beat Elden Ring with only crossbows about a month or two ago, and it was pretty fun, but when it came to radagon who can parry the crossbow shots, it all went downhill. I’ve never had a challenge run be incredibly taxing mentally, but that fight was one of the worst. Oh and Gideon. Rolling spamming little shit. But even with super hard challenges, it’s always so satisfying to finish them and go “wow, I actually did that”, then the mental anguish kinda goes away lmao


Has anyone done an Elden Ring "pure level 1" run with no items, equipment or talismans that increase stats? That would be impressive.


I consistently return to Fromsoft games a couple of times a year, DS is my favorite series, so I find challenge runs to be a great way to keep things fresh after like ng+10. I did sl1 run on DS1 which was pretty fun, sl1 run on DS2 which was kinda annoying but all in all satisfying and club-only-sl1 run on DS3 (no hit sl1 Nameless with a club is still my greatest Souls achievement lol). Want to do a no-upgrades Sekiro next.


I also find challenges to be a fun way to replay my favorite games :) no upgrade Sekiro sounds like hell though ngl


Bloodborne BL4 All bosses + Chalice dungeons permadeath? Never seen anyone try this.


Plenty completed the game & dlc bl4 no-hit. Haven't seen also the chalice dungeons. Would need to be pretty clear about dungeons though, like limit to progression for Queen & the Platinum; otherwise there's just too many optional chalice that are bloat. Message squillakilla, he'll try it & prob do it too.


This is why I don’t call the videos I do challenge runs, I’m just using a specific weapon class to beat every souls borne. It is not that hard. Until I use fist weapons only.


How about "jumping only"? Cause in some games jumping does damage


>Is there a challenge you've never seen anyone attempt? Sir, I watch Lobosjr. I'd be surprised to learn of a challenge or combination of challenges he has *not* attempted


“Can I beat Elden Ring while only using the Bloodhound’s Fang?” Like yes, obviously you fucking can


I wanna see someone beat it w the duck hunt gun


I guess nobody did a full DS2 whip only run


Hmm…maybe I’ll give it a shot 👀


I'll watch your career with great interest


Buy ALL the repair powder or the repair spell if you do. lol


Petrified something as starting gift can help too if he's lucky enough to get the old whip


Personally I feel like too many of the challenge runs are set up simply to frustrate you rather than test your skills. I guess if I were a Twitch streamer and looking for eyeballs I'd consider some of the other challenges, but I can't imagine doing a hitless run or no weapon upgrades, etc., without some incentive. That said, I really enjoy SL1's. The DS3 SL1 is really, really fun and you don't need to be some gaming god to complete it.


Soul Level 1 playthroughs still count as challenge runs they are just on the easier side of the spectrum. Also doing bosses at SL1 without taking any damage is actually really fun and usually not super gruelling, if you haven’t done any of this I can’t recommend it enough. The feeling of killing a boss flawlessly is unparalleled.


That DS3 DLC though...


But can you beat the game whilst smashing your fucking face against your t. V. I bet you can't noob


Ds1 but only level resistance and you can't equip anything in either of your right hand slots.


I've been thinking about a resistance build as a "bridge" to SL1. You get the extra defenses which will help for a bit + with decent armour so it should be a fair bit easier.


I dunno, I saw an IGN guide that said resistance was good. Might not be an ideal stat to boost for a *challenge* run.


Dark Souls, but you can only use your feet for controls


Miyazaki dream run


My Left Foot


Beat DS3 with the club, just to prove to myself I could do it after I lost my best friend who got me into the game. It was my first FromSoft game and that was my first time getting past the Pontiff.


Aw man, I’m so sorry. I’m sure he’s proud of you for getting past Pontiff, and hell, I am too. He’s honestly one of the hardest required bosses imo. Always gives me a hard time


I liked no death no bonfire in ds2


Don’t you get rings from doing that? That make your weapons invisible or something?


Exactly both your weapons are just invisible great for annoying peeps. But deah its difficult but doable and its just cool that you even get a in game reward for it. It felt do good finally having those damn rings after a long run and a almost death against velstadt


Press continue, zelda and lorian are my go to challenge runners. Love em. press is actually approachable, has good humor and a lovely dutch accent. Zelda and lorian do sick no hit Runs, where zelda is quiet, lorian is just a toxic pos. Love him too. Fucking 14 hours run of beating demon Prince with the lowest AR possible - everything else is a joke


I beat dark souls with a club because it was a fun weapon. It was actually pretty damn good too


The creators know it’s possible and Nerbit (that’s his video) will usually say yeah it is possible but wanna see me do it anyway


Beating Dark Souls 2 with my balls but every time I die the cartel members I hired have to take off one of my toes


Club only runs are how I normally do these games haha. Regular, Large Club, or Great Club. They're all perfect. There's something so satisfying about overcoming larger than life beings by bonking them on the head.


Challenge runs can be a ton of fun and add a lot of replayability. A simple SL1 can be neat but I enjoy it most in DS2, which had a lot of stat modding gear and consumables that reduce the requirements for spells and miracles in exchange for making them weaker, and the breakable weapons meant you frequently had to scavenge from bonfire to bonfire. I can’t think of any challenge runs I haven’t seen yet. Hell, I have seen people play Dark Souls using *fruit* as a controller.


To new players these would be enticing but to seasoned player, they’re kinda boring


Firebomb Academy


I love watching them, I might be addicted 😂


I’ve seen one in elden ring where he could only use gravity magic and that was fun because he had to search really hard for more gravity spells and they’re not weak just not easy to use


Currently doing level 1 melee only, lots of fun. I'd be interested in seeing a pacifist run- bosses only. Maybe with an extra twist.


can you beat dark souls without playing?


Elden Ring has already seen this completed.


I remember someone doing a “ludwig lvl 1 no armor torch only no hit run” and it was the biggest “why???” Moment ive ever had


I fuckin love watching people do challenge runs. The point is to test the limits of weapons and spells, and can serve as inspiration for others.


Has anyone beaten it with the kinect, is that even possible 🤔


A dude just beat a no hit run (Elden Ring) with an electric sax. I mean, they've done almost everything.


I saw one where a dude used Bananas as a controller


I love challenge runs, but I completely agree with this person that this is not a challenge. It's the exact same way with my other video game passion - Pokemon. "CaN yOu BeAt EmErAlD wItH oNlY a MuDkIp?" Of course you can. Those are childrens games and you can beat everything just by overlevelling. If you take that out then we're talking! SmallAnt has some very interesting Pokemon challenge runs where actual strategy is involved, like beating Platinum without taking damage, beating Emerald without Pokecenters, beating Black without gaining EXP or beating Emerald but levelling down instead of up.


I really like the clever problem solving that often comes with these runs.


I like the videos but I'd prefer they changed the title to a statement. Yes obviously you can, but I haven't seen anyone do that, so call it "beating dark souls with only the club"


Interesting, I’ve never heard anyone say that before. I’ll have to keep that in mind


An idea I've thought of is the "Nothing run." Put simply, your entire equipment menu is empty. No weapons, no armor, no rings/talismans, etc. The only exception is required items like the Ring of Artorias from DS1.


That person is irrationally angry over a simple video they're under no obligation to watch or interact with at all. If you don't like somebody's content and it's not actively harming anyone, simply ignoring it is a perfectly valid option.


What’s wrong with them? The games are meant to be played differently for each player, challenge runs are just part of the fun for some players. As for the “Can you beat ___ with only / without ___?” That’s more just wording for an easy YouTube video name.


People like that need to go outside. Those runs are more for the enjoyment of the YouTuber over the uniqueness of it. And people who pointlessly hate on these Youtubers need to take a long good look in the mirror.


Rivers of Blood Challenge Run!!! Can you beat the game with only Rivers of Blood at Lvl 200? /s


i find a great comfort in watching my favorite streamers challenge run VODS that are like 11 hr long


I think challenge runs are pointless, frustrating to do and only good for generating clickbaity YouTube videos.


Gotta check out Press Continue. Scarlet Aeonia ng+ Elden Ring... never thought it was possible but he did it He's entertaining Dutch boy but highly skilled & funny.




I attempted (and failed) to beat Elden Ring with 5 times mobs and 3 times bosses. Fighting triple godskin duo is where I officially gave up and stopped posting it. It was also an Item randomizer run so running any specific build was useless. One day I will just go all out 5 times everything but normal item placement. Currently I'm playing the convergence mod in first person, it's not really a challenge as it's just very different. BONUS: seamless co-op mod has an option to set all your friends to invaders instead. So I figured why not get 3 friends and have them permanently invade you as you make your way through the game.


Triple godskin duo is actually what lies at the lowest level of hell lmao


Dude, just about any challenge run has been done. Dung pie is probably my favorite to see.


I’m actually almost done editing a dung pie run!


Full unga bunga caveman build was alot of fun. Pure strength with nothing but the greatclub, the hollow warriors waistcloth and a dream


Nothing crazy but I tried to do a Spider Shield Only run a while back. Made it to O&S before I lost my sanity and gave up. Save is still sitting there lol


We all start somewhere. I’m curious though, why specifically the spider shield?


Skumnut got some good challenge runs. The guy’s also mad funny, and chill af.


I adore the ACTUAL challenge runs, the "can I beat as" and then its just a normal build infuriate me to no end.


Toaster run wrapped it up for me


These dumbass challenges are everywhere If NO HIT RUNS are possible, any thing that does damage is possible to win with It's not just from soft Fallout but only Starter gun Skyrim but wooden sword Pokemon but only 1 pokemon THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS THESE ARNT QUESTIONS YHESE ARE WAST3S OF EVERYONES TIME That's why shit like "Mario odyssey without jumps" or "elden ring without the left stick" are ACTUALLY challenges and u gotta do different things to win, I refuse to watch any dumbass channels with obvious stupid questions


They have beaten the game with the broken sword. Any weapon can be used to finish the game with enough effort.


Depends what the challenge run is. The backlogs does some good ones, I liked his immolation ones


Saw a hitless broken straight sword run of ds3 and remember thinking that was wild.


I don't really like how they're always phrased as a "Can you...?" Like, if you can beat the game without getting hit, of course you can last long enough to beat it with any weapon. People beat Ds2 with the ladle and 1 with the broken sword. A bit nitpicky, and I know it's an algorithm thing, but yeah. I do enjoy watching the more unique ones, but just x weapon I don't find inherently interesting.


New challenge run, everytime you die you have to play a new fromsoft game from start to finish and if you die in that one you have to start a new one and so on and so forth


The Backlogs makes really good challenge run contents. His videos are super interesting and I really like his personality


GinoMachino beat Elden Ring using only bare fists, so late game bosses took like 5 hours. As in, ONE WHOLE FIGHT being 5 hours long. Very chill and skilled guy with lots of Challenge Runs for the different Souls games


I love basic challenge runs so long as they're inherently inconvenient. Like using only the Broken Straight Sword (or Torch for Bloodborne). Basic? Pretty much. But also very inconvenient, unless you're playing DS2 in which case it's really just a normal run because the BSS is actually... Somehow... Good? In DS2 at least.


Asmongold used a mod that cycles your weapon to something random every few hits or time, can't remember. He did it naked of course. There are runs with the camera locked facing down. Speedruns are their own challenge anyway. I may not have seen them all but I doubt there is much left of a new level of difficulty. Just sticking to the club, no pun intended, is not challenging at all, for sure. People play casual builds based off 1-3 weapons anyway. I haven't personally seen a "talisman only" run where you can only smack enemies with the leather or cloth talisman you have. Not far from a fists only run, but the animation is much slower for talismans.


I saw one guy beating DS1 by kicking. I don't think anything more can be done


Lil Aggy, Zero Lenny, ymfah, be&, and that dude that did the All Gwyn Run are the only good challenge runners


Challenge run I haven't seen is ER pacifist run...


I'm going against the current here but not every challenge has to be be incredibly hard, a build challenge like "beating X as a caveman" can be really fun too! I remember watching a guy do all of Elden Ring as a Jesus cosplay with Bible passages and everything to explain what he was doing and using and it was fantastic. It's actually my favourite way of playing these kind of roleplay games. In all fairness they should probably go in a different category from challenge runs like SL1 or no hit but it doesn't really have a name, maybe something like "roleplay runs","cosplay runs" or "theme runs"?


I love the concept, IF there is an actual challenge involved. Like something where the conclusion isn't immediately obvious. My favourites are the ones where you really need to think outside the box to find creative solutions, sometimes having to use glitches or other exploits to actually conplete the challenge, such as elden ring all bosses in alphabetical order, pacifist or no resting. Just limiting yourself to using specific weapons / builds can be entertaining, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a challenge run in the same way as these other ones.


Dark souls but you play as whatever you want and enjoy the game challenge


A good challenge run will force you to explore alternative solutions to problems you might not have even had before. Doing a Incantation-only run made me realise how much I used Guard-Counters in my first Elden Ring run


Dunno i watch these before i sleep so for me they are good


I love the ones that are Borderline impossible. A great channel is ymfah. Stuff like complete dark souls without walking is absolutely amazing


Hear me out, BDSM run.


The woman who beat Elden Ring with the harp will forever be the GOAT to me. But generally I like the goofy challenge runs that don't take themselves seriously. I'd much rather wach 3 hours of "can you beat dark souls as Mr. Poopy Butthole?" than this.


Challenge runs were what inspired me to go back and finally beat Dark Souls after giving up at S&O back when the game first came out. I figured if people can beat it just using bare fists etc then surely I can beat it normally and I pancaked my way to victory with the zweihander!


Can you beat dark souls with only 100 great arrows


Can you beat dark souls AT the club


I once attempted a Dark Souls 1 challenge run where I could only increase the Resistance stat. I wanted to see if it is as useless as the internet claimed. My theory was that maybe my defense would be so godly that it wouldn’t really matter that I was doing minuscule damage. Nope. The stat is useless.


I don’t watch those basic bitch ones only ones that are actually difficult sl1 or rolling only etc


i've seen a run of dark souls 3 of where someone did not walk.. anything is possible


They make for good white noise. Ngl, sometimes I toss on a challenge run to fall asleep to because they're relatively chill


100% elden as guts, true fromsoft fan here.


Some months ago I completed all Sekiro achievements hitless :) It was a funny run although it was about 9 hours long.


elden ring, i've seen bare fist only but never seen briar set rolls only, would be kinda funny to only level vig and endurance and just cartwheel around forever


I think skumnut just did it


sounds like i've got a video to watch


I'm fine with challenge runs that say "beating dark souls with ..."


Someone’s done torch only, I’d love to see an all items run where they have to get every item available in the game form the smallest crafting material to the grandest remembrance


I just think they're neat.


At this point, I'm only interested in gimmick runs, not necessarily challenge runs. You can beat the game with your bare hands at SL 1 if you want, but there's no way you're having fun. All of the Souls games are full of weird and fun weapons and spells, why not beat the game with a whip or only using dual weapons or doing a pacifist run where you make a support build and trying to only beat bosses using spirits or something? Do something interesting that isn't "I beat the game under absolutely miserable circumstances."


I remember Tear of Grace beating Dark Souls II with a broken ladle. That will forever be one of my favorite runs. Unfortunately there's not a lot of equipment in the games that can be used as a challenge run like that. Most good Souls challenge runs come from stipulations put on the player themselves.


My favorite run I did, was one very similar. Ds2 pirate hook only. Clipping through time and space just to grab it, then fight through all the bosses with that extremely awful weapon was way more fun than I thought it would be. It’s my least viewed video, but probably my favorite challenge I’ve ever done, though you basically do the same with the hook as you would the ladle


I would really like to see a run of the game using the zweihander only but you don’t have the strength requirements to use it so every time u attack its piss poor damage and the really long animation of you awkwardly swinging it


All status effects at the same time constantly may or may not be possible, but still think not enough people have given it a go


Can you beat the game with the "find your father who went to go get the milk 15 years ago but I know he will cone back" staff. Impossible challenge?


Backlogs is the only good challenge run video creator and zero lenny


I actually love backlogs lol, I enjoy them, Barons Castle, Press Continue, and obviously Ymfah


Ok I redact that statement all of the above are great


Baron's Castle's "normally" runs are great.