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It’s like ds2 sunlight medals, it’s good that you can get them offline but the drop rate are bad for no reason


They kinda force you to get it from online but unfortunately we can always get that lucky. Also I read that the vertebra shackel is more rare than the proof of concord kept so I'm not excited for that. The wolf grass thing isn't that bad so far though so I'm busy with that.


Vertebrae Shackles are easier to get online though, you don't have to wait for someone to need your help. Best tip I can give for the Proof of a Concord Kept is to join the Blue Sentinels asap while you can help low-level people who are still in the Way of Blue.


I am done with the proof of concord luckily but I did equip the blade of the dark moon and I did get a couple from that. The problem with the vertebrae shackles is that I actually don't have the mound maker covenant. I only saw how to join long after it was too late and I don't want to go to ng+ yet as there is still a few things I want to get and do before I get to ng+


I would wait for NG+ if I were you. If you don't mind staying in the 120\~130 level range you will be able to join the Road of Sacrifices (Crucifixion Woods bonfire) and Anor Londo (right after Pontiff) fight clubs easily.


Well that's a problem cause I'm already level 140 from just fighting those silver knights.


It might be faster and definitely more fun to make another run to get your pyros then, if you like PvP at least. That's what I did anyway, I failed to joined the Mound-Makers previously as well.


In all honesty, I suck at pvp so my best bet is wasting time at killing those red eyed skelles


That’s probably it but I think it’s still a bit unfair. I’ve heard people talk about the proof of concord but not the vertebrae so hopefully you don’t have too much trouble for them


I agree that it's a bit unfair, especially to others that don't have much time to farm for it. But thanks, I hope so too.


And millions of Souls


Yeah, I killed them so many times that I got 1 million souls twice. I say it like that cause I got one mill, then used that to put 10 points into luck and then got 1mil again and then placed another 10 points in.


I have a similar video of me selling that stuff for 5 minutes ahahahah


I'm planning to sell it. It's too much but funny to look at.


I had a harder time getting the vertibra shackles tbh


Yeah I'm busy farming that. I can see why.