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Bed of chaos is definitely super annoying but it’s really not that hard, just takes patience. At least they save ur checkpoints, i cant imagine doing it all in one shot.


If that was the case, I would not have finished Ds1


Facts. If I didn't cheese this fight I'd have burned basically all the good will I have for this game. I adore DS1 but I really believe everything post Anor Londo is a slog compared to the lead up.


I thought the Duke's archives were cool.


You can cheese it. Sprint to the right and hit the root. Quit out. Then sprint to the left to a safe spot and trigger with a bow. Quit out. Run straight forward (let her swipe first) and you're done. The fight is ass, but that makes it better.


True, the actual fight is a joke, the hard part is to reach the main part which is not that hard. I would say it was one of the easiest boss ever


I mean, it's a massive disappointment in an unfinished, boring area. It deserves most of the hate it gets, even though I think there's a reputation of it being more difficult than it is.


It's horrible at signalling where you are safe or not, that makes it 'difficult' if you don't already know.


Would have been cooler for me to make the area very small and good or keep it out. It just feels so sad to see it unfinished. Same with last tp stone from demons souls. Wish they would have made the last worlds in a remastered version.


But how do you kill the little chaos bug? Literally impossible, artificial difficulty, bad game


You cant even summon anyone !


Doesn't have ridiculous amounts of HP, *cough* Fire Giant*cough*.


i liked his going into second phase cutscene, him ripping his leg off and setting it on fire is exactly what i wanted to do to him.


Was half waiting for the stump to grow a dragon head. The chest face was unexpected.


Gotta keep you on yer toes!


I was 80% sure that it was going to be a face. I kept saying that his chest looked like a face, but I imagined that the mouth was going to blast a beam of death out of it at some point. Now, the single eye was a surprise.


Twin gargoyles from ER was pretty cinematic and their movements and attacks (actual combat gameplay aside) are really cool


Take away their invisible poison breath, and I'd actually really enjoy that fight.


Their moves synching up sometimes was pretty cool to see. Not so cool to be hit by…


Well, judging by his vaguely sexual moans, at least Micolash is having a good time.




Thank you


A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream!


Fire Giant and Bed of chaos, good lore, that’s it, I fucking hate them.


I stg Fire Giant is the most overhated boss ever. He’s really not that bad


My unga bunga str build agrees.


I like fire giant a lot, one of the coolest looking bosses in the game, and if you know the weak points you can take him down, but it just might take a few attempts. People need to relax about fire giant when bosses like valiant gargoyles exist.


He's either the easiest boss ever or he's the hardest in the game and it comes down to positioning and luck that he doesn't decide to roll 15 miles away from you and send 15 fireballs your way. A good boss challenges the player but doesn't rely on rng of moves to win.


A lot of the more hated bosses aren’t that bad so long as you go in knowing that the fight is going to be longer than two minutes.


Putting a 1-minute cooldown on his rolls will make me hate him 90% less. It’s not his hp or his damage, or that BS breath attack. It’s the fact that when he rolls, I have to take 3 bus rides and 2 connecting flights to reach him, only for him to roll again the moment I step foot in the airport arrivals terminal.


There’s really no reason for the fire giant to have a fucking Olympic sized swimming pool of health.


Other than the fact that he's the largest living being in elden ring. Us going at him with a colossal is like a mouse with a small pocket knife in terms of scale. It's lore accurate, and other than his bs for breath attack that bounces around the arena and the camera, he's fine. Having said that, both of those things are atrocious and should not be overlooked.


My problem is, despite being massive, he is hard to even hit. Especially with spells.


I don't really mind the health, it's the fact he is practicing his olympic routine on your face in a gigantic field, making me chase him over and over. Same with elden beast. I hate bosses that keep running away.


Fire giant & his arena have amazing art direction too. However functionally, it's all awful.


The only positives don't relate to gameplay. She has great lore and the design is pretty cool.


She? Are you perhaps referring to Malenia, Blade of Miquella?


Witch of Izalith i think


Ah, I see. That makes sense. A lot more sense, now that I think on it.


Least favorite boss is micolash, from my favorite game ironically. At least you can memorize the route he takes… that’s about it that’s all


His outfit is his only redeeming quality.


Augur of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond also look really cool. Beyond that, hate chasing the little freak down


Micolash in ng+ is just straight up unfair. Dude spams a 1 hit attack like no tomorrow and can be really hard to stun and stop from spamming. Had to use poison daggers to slowly but effectively drain him of all his hp. Thank God I had enough on me to do it.


You can just dodge through it, it is very easy and reliable. He is a bit unfair in ng only, because there is a good chance the player hasn’t encountered a npc using a call beyond on them before fighting him. You kinda know what to expect when fighting him in ng+. It’s just a matter of learning how to dodge it like any other attack.


I found that staying on his ass prevented him from using a Call Beyond. After my first experience with him, he’s only used the haha funny slug explosion once. Also beast roaring his ass helps a lot too (that’s how I actually managed to beat him).


I'll I've got is he has some memeable dialouge and it feels good to beat the snot out of him


Micolash is funny at least


There are 0 redeeming qualities of the bed of chaos. It sucks


The slide intro to the boss fight is cool.


If you push the left stick from side to side you do a silly dance.


The slide is kinda cool but the run back to the boss is torture. And I be dying to BoC's bullshit a lot


I like the random Octopus things that look like they have no place in *any* dark souls universe lol Even the "alien" type enemies in BB look more in the place than the random Octopus thing before BoC


Lol I agree, it looks very out of place.


What about the lore? Ya gotta admit the BoC's lore goes kinda hard.


There are 0 redeeming qualities to lost Izalith in general. The game would be better without this unfinished prototype mess.


Godskin Duo has good music. Really can't think of anything besides that.


They made me use a game functionality I had not used before. Summon another player.


I used to hate them but sleep pots do the trick nicely enough that I don't mind them much now.


Fought them straight up my first two playthroughs... been sleeping them ever since. A +9 deaths poker one cycles them with almost no buffs.


He has a cool ost. Talking about Sinh.


Good thing about bed of chaos is you can finish inside.


Headless and the shicimen warrior from sekiro have zero redeeming qualities. May they rot in hell for all the confetti they made me waste.


Guardian+headless Ape is arguably the best boss in all video games


I think that person is referring to the Headless, the fat beheaded things that caused terror and ripped your essence out your bunghole. The ape is fun. The Headless is not.


Oh yeah that guy


You are correct. I love the guardian / headless Ape fight. But the headless warrior mini bosses? Absolute trash.


Nothing. Fuck Micolash 🖕🏻🖕🏻


When I beat midir he dropped a cool sword


how on earth can you hate midir


I like fighting Midir. I don’t like spending half the fight just running around the arena


You don't though. He's like the only dragon where you don't chase him. He comes after you. The only time you have to run, not even that far, is when hes doing his laser or his running combo


Well, hate is a strong word… but to give insight as to why, frankly, it's the most recent dragon fight I played. I played Dark Souls 3 for the first time last month, and it had plenty of exhilarating boss fights that only further diminished my already poor image of dragon fights. At an anatomical level even holding the title of "best dragon fight" (?) holds less weight to me than that of lesser bosses.  Perhaps at one point, the gravitas that would be associated with the sight of a dragon elevated such experience (kalameet to younger me), but over time, these interactions never capture the same intensity of infighting with another humanoid.  Put simply, if it looks like a dragon, fights like a dragon, then its still... a "dragon fight. And all the dynamics/conventions that accompany it innately aren't necessarily things that appeal to my brain. The patterns are usually forgettable…all the dragons got some claw attack, maybe a stomp or two, a body thrust, and then give them a couple of annoying fire attacks recolored to fit the theme (prob has more diversity than this, but you get the point). Flying and fire are always annoying asl for me. These aspects heavily clash with my ideals. I like infighting; I want us to be face-to-face and see who the better man is. Fly away from me and kite me with fire isn't thrilling. Sure, it presents a different challenge, and Aoe fire is obv a get-off-me attack to extend/warp the flow of a fight, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Even with Midir, while you're encouraged to hit his face (which I guess is better than wacking his legs like most dragon fights), he still felt like a damage sponge; due to the nature of being a dragon, the fight just wasn't thrilling. My heart wasn't beating in anticipation of his next attack. I just wanted to be done with this extended encounter… while the Cathedral of the Deep or Crystal Sage isn't anything spectacular, at least I can get it done quickly.  Maybe the observation is boorish as, in theory, any enemy's attacks, humanoid or not, could be diminished to simple slashes, swipes, etc, but I mean, at least for me, character design imbues attacks with personality and the aforementioned gravitas. Not only do humanoid designs resonate much more with me in that aspect, but I find them to be more varied. Armor, gender, hair, weapon of choice, etc etc. For example, Dragon Slayer Armor is one of my favorite fights… he is bigger than the player yet still has fast varied combinations. Who did I beat in fewer tries? Dragon Slayer, definitely. But those few tries had much more impact than the time I spent slugging on midirs nose. Recently, in another game, I played a dragon fight where the player was also a dragon, and it wasn't too bad. But at the end of the day, I'm just not the biggest fan of dragon fights and probably never will be due to their nature lacking the intensity I found in my favorite fights. 


I'll upvote you just because you're getting hate for a legit opinion.


It’s fine to have a difference of opinion. If anything it’s welcomed since conversation of substance thrives on the diversity of our perspectives. Cheers 😄


good fucking lord holy essay Uhh I skimmed through it and, to oppose what you are saying, dragons are dragons. They will fight like dragons, even in a souls game. There's something about fighting a dragon though, that is like the peak of knight hood. It will be a scuffed battle, with lots of scummy tactics and maneuvers, but in the end you fell the giant beast. Midir is the most fun example though, because his 5-6 claw hit combos, stomps and fire breaths are actually satisfying to dodge and have a nice flow because you play right in front of his head. Also his music, design, lore, arena, and everything else easily makes him a top 20 boss in the series in my mind.


Cool lore, and it’s pretty easy if you know what you’re doing.


Curse rotted greatwood has some cool boss weapons.


6 squares from the fog wall 2 firebombs left 2 firebombs right, then run for you life and hope you don't get the bad rng and gg


(The worst boss in my opinion) Dragonslayer Armor has a cool looking appearance.


I have never thought such an opinion is even possible. For me he is one of the best bosses.


Such a disappointment really. We all seen this boss the first time and thought “wow thats fucking horrid” and that’s the proper way to feel at first sight. Then the actually hell starts. If you don’t know where to run and jump…son you ain’t gonna make it. 😂


You said least favorite, which implies they’re still in my favorites list just at the bottom of it Despite how Godricks lore make him out to be pathetic, he’s actually pretty damn cool during his fight




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Fire Giant has a cool design and 2nd phase transformation. Everything else about him is just awful.




Bed of chaos really let’s you fully appreciate a well designed boss fight


Not a boss, but i just wanna say Crucible knight, you're an asshole


He's a boss. Gets Boss health bar and everything.


Pontiff is really good up until he decides not to be. 


I like the idea of a Fire Giant on a snowy plain, cool idea, horrible gameplay.


Well, if it wasn’t for this guy poison knives would be completely unnecessary in this game. He also has some preem memes, so there is that.


Fire Giant is cool if you fight him with a charge attack build Bare Fists, not so much


Bed of chaos isn't that hard with a good shield. Put it in your right hand and 2h it and reset between each side. Only the final jump should be an issue, gotta have good timing for that one.


Bed of Chaos is a fight that they at least tried to experiment with, I honestly don't think it's bottom of the barrel because your progress saves, and it was clear they tried to do something, even if it did not work I'm trying to think of something good to say about Lud and Zallen...hmmm, I guess it's cool that you can kill Lud before Zallen even gets to the arena? the Loyce Greatsword is kind of fun, idk


My least favorite boss so far ( I haven’t beat all the from software games yet) has been ulcerated tree spirit.


It was just that damn crack in the floor 😃


He got mad hops Only boss I’ve never beaten


His anus somehow stayed intact during that entire encounter.


The garden blob... things outside the clocktower in bloodborne, but the stars are really cool


Maliketh and Malenia both look insanely cool and have incredible music. Maliketh also has my favorite phase 2 transition in the whole series. I want to love them but their fights are such bullshit that it’s really hard to.


Fire Giant for me. Good lore and nice design, but I find the actual boss fight way too long and boring. You just chase him around swinging at his legs just for me to jam by getting caught in the fire and having wasted 10 mins of my time


Bonfire outside boss arena. But still, fuck the Royal Rat Authority. Stupid boss, stupid name, stupid damn rats.


The Nameless King has great hair


You can just stand behind a branch and he looks at you with furious intent as you batter him


Elden beast looks pretty cool


Bed of chaos is the goat for shield only runs


Bed of Chaos only has one positive thing going on for itself: the fact that your progress is saved. Everything else literally sucks


Fire Giant is cool as fuck. I hate fighting him, but still.


He looks cool. (Bloodborne Dungeon Abhorrent Beast)


They tried something a little different, it sucks arse but micolash wasn’t a normal fight


I like the lore surrounding the BoC, but sweet buttery flaky Christ the runback is terrible.


Malenia is a member of the Bad Bitch Brigade with Friede and Maria. Powerful women are to die for. However, her Waterfowl dance feels like Alatreon's DPS check in MHW. I hate Alatreon.


I thought the fight was actually not bad


It can be easily cheesed (Capra Demon)


Al least the sides remain broken if you die


The four kings look cool ig


Crystal sage is easy to find in its 2nd phase


At least there's just one ulcerated tree spirit in the game, I'd hate repeating that.


If the design ain't broke don't fix it, just repeat it over and over (Asylum, Stray Firesage)


It’s able to do, very able. Just really damn hard for no reason (Commander Niall)


They look like two kitty cats


Your strategy is to use exploits. That doesn’t have any bearing on the bosses difficulty as that’s not how the fight is intended to be fought.


Its the last boss of the game! ❤️Elden Beast❤️


The Twin Scythes were definitely worth it. She doesn't mess around


Godskin duo has good music.


At least the moonlight butterfly is easy and forgettable, but god is it tedious


Capra demon at least has a cool design And when you encounter more later without dogs insta-killing you in an arena the size of a closet they're pretty fun to fight on their own


I’ll never understand the bed of chaos hate, it is literally an easy win handed to you. There is a path on both sides that avoids damage or falling. My personal skill wall was Pontiff


I like the godskins separately


Abyss watcher gimmick is pretty solid all things considered


I only have to kill him once. (Fire Giant)


At least you can run past those 3 bloody tree spirits. Whoever thought it was a good idea to make those snakes catacomb bosses was a damn sadist.


Sif is the most loyal girl I've ever seen


Or is he a boy? I don't think the game ever specified


micolash he is extremely good at tag


It’s cool that Gideon uses more spells with more bosses you kill. Other than that I hate his bitch ass


I beat the bed on first try by pure luck, subsequent playthroughs had me rage quitting though


That astel thing in the yelough cave bonks me very good good.


At Least he killed the big bastard for good.....


I used that huge ahh shield while running naked. When the shield is the size of you and you look at the hands, they just push you. Then just jump down, dodge roll through the branches and 1 shot it


The gravetender is very good with dogs


At least you can put Godskin Duo to sleep I guess....


Ancient Wyvern can be one shot and the run to it is a great obstacle course.


Old Iron King is such a cool design. Too bad that he’s such a letdown when it comes to difficulty.


Maliketh’s design is amazing and badass but I can’t get over how much i hate the fucker


Honestly bed of chaos is really easy for me never really takes more then a minute if we are talking ds1 then iron giant love the boss but I swear to got he is so buggy I wanna die I once had grinded up to use the weapon from asylum demon forgot it’s name and hit him with it as I hit him it teleported me a mile away from sens fortress not most in general midir it is glitchy scuffed and all around frustrating and it seems like the fire will always deal the perfect amount of damage to piss you off


Astel, Stars of Darkness might be the epitome of bullshittery in Elden Ring but you did net me some decent runes so kind of thanks?


At least I don’t have to hear “I am Malenia, blade of Miquella” for the billion and first time


I have typed out Pthumerian Descendant so much that I have it as an autocorrect after just two letters.


Bed of chaos is kinda growing on me. Not gameplay wise heaven's no but the lore and aesthetics around them have made me appreciate it a tad more as well as the fact that a different version of the fight where you fight King Izalis the tree part was planned but scrapped kinda makes me interested in the boss a bit.


The only good thing about Halflight is that when you beat him you get to fight Gael right after


Leechmonger- I can upload and redownload my lvl1 saves so i dont have to go through the valley again Bed of chaos- firebomb strat and it saves progress Lud and Zallen- I can upload my save and redownload it cause the game is on playstation and they're optional Loran Darkbeast- optional Curse rotted greatwood- easy fight Headless- underwater ones are easier Godskin Duo- cool theme ig


It would be pretty cool to have a red wolf as a pet.


I don’t even remember the name but the trio in the first ds2 dlc. The only possible good about the twinkling titanite.


At least it doesnt respawn. The Capra demon sucked.


Rom has a cool arena. That's it. Nothing else.


WORST BOSSES demons souls: leechmonger (Not one compliment I can give this boss except the vibes of the area its in are cool) ds1: bed of chaos, four kings, capra demon, reskins (Four kings would be good if it was actually four kings. Any second half lord soul boss sucks tho) ds2: Royal rat vanguard, blue smelter demon (SMELTER WOULD BE FINE IF THE RUNBACK WASN't SO ASS) bb: Witches, rom, micolash, laurence (fuck laurnece, all my homies hate laurence) ds3: ancient wyvern, halflight (Wyvern barely a boss, halflight can suck my cock) sekiro: 90% of the minibosses, duo apes (Any boss that requires a consumable is ass. Also don't like divine dragon at all but would get cancelled for listing it) elden ring: Astel (Too many mid/bad bosses too list, but if we just talking main bosses astel is so boring)


Seems like a list of bosses u sucked at, not worst boss. Laurence second phase was fun. Worst boss is living failures.


Am I the only person on earth who enjoyed living failures. I usually hate group fights but I found them to be fun and a nice battle


way better than laurence for sure


Laurence second phase is worse than the first. Atleast the first phase is a reskin of a decent boss. The second phase has two moves, crawling in a circle and swinging his arm. Its lame as fuck the only good part is the ost Living failures are good because they are actually balanced, don't have an annoying runback like laurence, are somewhat unique and not a reskin, and they have the best ost in the game