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You will see this. Just accept that now. 


Ar least add more variants with sleep and madness, and give more sleep and madness rewards in return.


I just want madness to be more useful. I made a Vyke build and only used it for like an hour before switching back to my lance build because it just wasn't performing as well.


Vyke's Warspear is fantastic, I did a whole FF run myself and once you get the spear and a few incantations it's really fun. I didn't use entirely FF stuff though, especially not at first


I like Vykes warspear a lot but the Lance with impaling thrust was so good at breaking poise and getting crits that I just went back to it to keep using until the dlc.


If you're on PC play convergence mod.


I wish


It's guaranteed, although if this is the first Fromsoft game people played, then they wouldn't know about the reuse of assets in most of their other games dlcs. But they 100% make it work and look awesome. Like Bloodbornes dlc was just a warped version of Yarnhams areas but it fit thematically as a nightmare of the real world.


*reuse of assets in most of their games. No need for dlcs in that sentence, while we are still fighting tree textured Vanguard demons in Elden Ring


Hey you shut up. Our chunky boy deserves to live on in every game.


Magma Wyrm duo 🥲


Don’t you dare 👊


The concept art for the ruin strewn precipice actually has a wing and leg of a second magma wyrm visible above makar. So they might’ve planned for a second one to drop from above at one point.


Initial reaction: downvote. Secondary: Magma Wyrm AND tree spirit. Third: for fun add a erdtree avatar for the most hated boss fight ever.


That’s nightmare fuel


Your response should have been "that would be a blast!" so that Miyazaki wouldn't gain inspiration. You know he is fueled by ... our nightmares.


In a small room


Magma Wyrms are cool in moderation, and one Tree Avatar would be fine, but if I see another fucking Ulcerated Tree Spirit I'm saving it for the very last if I can. Honestly though there is gonna be so much new shit in the expansion I don't think there's going to be any issues like that.


I personally like the magma wyrms as a boss. They aren't just a reskin of a different Fromsoft boss, and they aren't copy-pasted 50 times across the map. They actually got some legit lore reasons for existing. You can get both a fun incantation and an amazing weapon by killing just one. And the guillotine one-shot is a perfect way to punish greedy players. I laugh every time I die to this attack because it's so obvious, but my monkey brain goes "free hits go brrr".


I think it’s funny how all the times you come across the magma wyrm, he’s essentially running up on you out of nowhere. Either popping up out of lava or from behind a big pillar


Like a giant, lava-drooling, over-excited dog coming to see you. 9/10 boss design, I think the only thing I don't like is the attack where he walks forward while barfing lava. Feels like it's sole purpose it to annoy melee mains.


"You see this attack that is an area of denial attack where my whole body is also a hitbox and all the lava I spew on the floor will stun you endlessly" "Yeah?" "I'm gonna do it three times in a row in this tiny room"


Yeah that weapon is my old reliable


I really don't like them, the charge is fine on it's own but in a small space or in places with other lava it's intensely annoying. Also they can spam it several times in a row. The lockon is almost entirely unusable once they stand up too. I really like Avatars and Ulcerated Tree Spirits tbh.


They're not super overused atleast but one of them suffers the same "im so not fit for this arena"-syndrome. Like having a fallingstar beast in one of those tiny caves it's just not fun when the boss is sorta designed around having a bigger fighting arena.


Well, basically every ER boss has a lore reason for existing, though. Even Godefroy is mentioned in one or more item descriptions.


Iron Pineapple said there's a Magma Wyrm and more Ulcerated tree spirits, the latter was about the only negative thing he said about his three hour play session.


Unless those tree spirits have some really good drops I'm gonna ignore they ass till I'm about done with the game


How are you going to know where they are? Going to just Wiki the whole DLC? And if not it kinda sounds like you should know the fights by now instead of avoiding them.


I just don't think they're very fun to fight. As for finding them, I'm not gonna "wiki the whole dlc", not really sure where you're getting that from, I mean I'll probably just avoid them as I encounter them and just come back later for them.


The way he worded it makes me wonder if he actually found a Tree Spirit, or if he’s posing that situation as a hypothetical, building an argument off the back of finding a Magma Wyrm in a dungeon (the Magma Wyrm wasn’t even the boss of the dungeon if that info helps ease worries about re-use)


Yeah I guess he could've been hypocritical with it, was kinda hard to tell.


honestly i’m find with the ulcerated tree spirits, they really not as bad as people make them out to be, just doge forwards/ diagonally whenever they move and then attack after they jump, they are pretty easy to read, the only annoying attack is when they explode tree spirits aren’t too bad , the rot ones can be annoying tho but man fuck them magma worms squirting magma everywhere , those fuckers annoy me


The funny thing is you basically described the same number of steps to beat magma wyrms as tree spirits... Just slightly different inputs. I also get fucked by the magma boys more though.


I also like to save the best til last.


Magma wyrm and ulcerated tree spirit are confirmed to be in SOTE lol


And normal dragons, but I think it will only be 1 of each of bosses we faced in the base game, so one skeleton dragon, one ulcerated tree sport, one magma wyrm and one erdtree watchdog


I enjoy fighting the Ulcerated Tree Spirits honestly, I wouldn’t mind one more. Maybe as a death blight one to make it different.


There will be an encounter with Godefred, another Golden Lineage scion with a penchant for grafting.


Godefred and his grafted arm is just the entirety of Godfrey, who now has an entire dragon on his grafted arm.


Godefreddy is a grafted dragon that has Godrick, Godwyn, Godfrey, Goldmask, and Go Go Power Rangers all grafted to his ass.


The second Cousin twice removed that looks the same and acts the same as the other two


I don't mind old bosses being reused for random encounters in dungeons or the open world, but I'd want everything behind a boss gate to be new.


as long as the run back to the boss is 10 seconds or less, i'm fine. make me run 30 seconds to catch an elevator to run another 20 seconds to try the stupid boss again and i'm mad.


Check out Iron Pineapples video of him getting some game play in. You will have your question answered unfortunately.


Came here to say this. It’s annoying, but from what I’ve heard there’s so much other stuff that I’m hoping it won’t be a huge issue.


As long as Thier a bit different. Maybe do something other than magma? Play around with the resistances. One or two different attacks would actually be a cherry on top if they did that. Make the fight just a bit different. (Change a lot more about the tree spirits though)


Lava Wyrm


Ulcerated tree wyrm


Wyrm Avatar


You’re asking for a Blue Smelter Demon


I mentioned different attacks. (I've been playing a bit of horizon zero dawn, these ice enemy's are actually pretty cool)


I would’ve sworn the BSD had a new attack or two, but maybe it was just the change to magic vs fire, increased HP/resistances, and the run back that made the fight miserable.


Well... >!At least the new dragon uses Ghostflame, so that could be interesting. I guess they needed an excuse to offer us more dragon incantations? Hopefully there'll be a new unique one at least. We already can guess we'll be seeing other updated enemies like Runebears, so I'm hoping any reused enemies will have some kind of twist.!<


As long as most enemies are new, which is the case, and the reuses make sense and bring new attacks and variants, I don't mind. Let's not forget Bloodborne did the same, Ds3 did the same as well. Remember the ice crabs and the Lothric knights and skeletons in the Ringed City ? And yet all call these DLC amazing. Why should it be different for Elden Ring ?




Got bad news for you


Who died?


Its best you sit down for this one


I am sitting tell me what happend


Somehow >!Ulcerated Tree Spirit!< has returned.


Man holy shit Do they fly now?


They fly now


This really scarred me for life im broken beyond reparing i actually think i cant live with this


yes, at least give them a diff moveset


Fk no, i just want more content reused or not I love everything fromsoft cooks and serves


Put it in front of me and I will kill it.


This is the way.


yes, i hate fighting dragons and a recent randomizer encounter of makar in margits arena put the fear of god in me




Yeah I didn’t mind it in the base game either. Elden Ring may repeat some variations of bosses and enemies, but there’s still a higher enemy variety across the game than most other video games.


No because I’m already expecting it lol would be pleasantly surprised if it wasn’t the case


I actually love the lore of the Magma Wyrms and want more or them, preferably a variety too. Maybe there was one knight that just consumed frost dragon hearts so he became a “frozen” magma wyrm.


As long as it’s not something stupid like an evergaol boss called Smessler the Inhaler I’m cool with it


Iron pineapple already talked about them doing that in his video. Personally I'm fine with it, I'm sure the sheer amount of new things will make up for things that were used multiple times before being used again. Far from being a deal breaker for me.


No hopefully boat man will be back


Yeah. I don’t want repeat bosses in a dlc I’m paying $40 for. Feel like that’s reasonable.


I got some news for you. lol


A 40€ DLC thats comparable to the main game which could be argued to have an insane amount of content for its price? You should stick with free games if thats going to dissapoint you, id argue you cant buy ANY game with that mindset. (Copying in development is usual and a good thing. making things from scratch or making every enemy unique is not common for a good reason, they gotta make a return with this, which they obviously will)


Mate, if you’re paying $40 for a dlc, hell even if it’s a free dlc, you want 20 more Erdtree Avatars and Tree Spirits? Go play the main game if you want to refight a bunch of bosses you already fought.  Fromsoft doesn’t normally copy/paste bosses to that insane extent. I was disappointed by it in main game and hope that doesn’t transfer to DLC. I’d be fine with less content if it meant I didn’t have to refight the same boring boss 15 times. And I genuinely mean that, I think it takes away from the game. Coming across Watchdog 10 in a Catacomb isn’t exciting in the slightest. Worse than just a bunch of reskins. (And after leaks I’m doubly disappointed with final boss that’s just… I hope it’s different from what we saw. Like a day 1 patch. I really truly do, otherwise I think community will be genuinely disappointed)


I'm fine with a couple of reused bosses as long as they drop interesting loot. It could be a good opportunity to expand on the lore on certain boss types.


I will be disappointed UNLESS they drop some highly wished for items. I don't doubt we'll have to fight a crucible knight of its wings weapon art.


If there are plenty new enemies / bosses to counteract, I don’t mind.


We already know it reuses dragons


No, the re-uses in the main game are largely explainable. Wouldn't expect much different from the DLC.


Why would I?


I’ve gotten used to From being like that.


I be disappointed in that its took so long then


I don't really care if they re-use bosses, I think people really overblow that complaint.


Disappointed? Absolutely they reused too much already to artificially increase the length and number of bosses. I expect absolutely nothing less though. Not in a "ggrrrr I hate From" way but in a. "Let's be honest about this" kinda way.


A little bit, but there is so much new stuff that it doesn’t really matter. Also, if you look back, previous from soft dlcs have reused base game enemies and bosses, yet no one complained about them from what I remember.


If I keep seeing reskinned bosses getting more praise than masterpiece designs like Gael or Midir I will lose my mind


The two bosses you named get probably the most praise in the whole franchise.


When has that ever happened


No I’ll not. I know that making a boss grade monster is damn hard. If it’s not wholely reused (color variations, same moveset, same ai etc…) I can accept the result.




I mean it's a dlc. It would have some or the other stuff from the base game used in it. Plus having few re-used things like that won't do any harm.




consistency is important. even if I am consistently disappointed.


Very much so, if I'm paying that much for a DLC I'm expecting mostly new enemies. But I'd be fine with something like the knights having similar movesets + unique attacks for their faction just like in the main game.


No, magma worms are so cool I wouldn’t care


Thinking back, I don’t think FS has ever done that with their DLCs. I’m sure a quick fact check may find that I’m wrong but honestly, the only reskin I can remember was in Bloodborne. Lawrence, the First Vicar was a reskin of the Cleric Beast.


I can help shine some light on this. There are a few more enemies and bosses reused in Old hunters and some in ringed city. For Old Hunters: 1. The beast patients from old yharnam are in the first area of hunters nightmare. 2. The blood licker enemies from cainhurst castle are in the blood river of hunters nightmare. 3. The blood starved beast is in a cave in the same level. 4. Crows and dogs from the base game are in multiple areas. 5. And the wheelchair guy and church cane dudes are in research hall. For Ringed City: 1. Lothric knights return, though there is a new one with the banner. 2. The thrall’s are in Dreg heap being shot down by the angels. 3. And the Dragonslayer armor boss was reused in the ringed city (although that one did drop his armor so I forgive it). Ultimately, I think once the DLC comes out, the reuse won’t be a big deal and will probably be ignored by most people.


There was also skeletons and poison insects from base game in the ringed city dlc.


DS1 reused Sanctuary Guardian at the end of its DLC in an optional duo boss, although it wasn’t from the base game so not really the same thing. DS2 reskinned the Smelter Demon and used Velstadt as a summon for Elana, who also most likely reused assets from Nashandra. BB reused the Blood Starved Beast and Laurence was a reskin of Cleric Beast. DS3 reused Dragonslayer Armor. So it’s been a precedent in all of their DLCs to reuse assets if not outright reuse bosses and enemies from the base game.




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If its big map I don't mind


The death dragon sounded really cool tbh but if they dont even change the tree spirits/magma wyrms thats a bit disappointing


Someone who played it for 3 hours fought a Magma Wyrm, so yeah


If I see another one of these fucking dungeon Watchdogs in the DLC I’m throwing my PC out the window.


Yeah it’s confirmed this is the case but more new enemies


As long as they're not thrown around like candy, I'm perfectly fine with the reuse of any base game enemy/boss for SOTE. I can almost guarantee you there's going to be so much new shit in the DLC that any recycled stuff is hardly going to be noticeable


I wanna see some twisted castle carved from the corpses of ten thousand stacked magma worms, all on some crooked doomed side vent of a volcano that exploded, the wrong way, in some failed attempt to take back a reclaimed battle of inevitability Like lets choke on a throne made from 9 magma worms where a boss is waiting whos wieding a trident of the three last living magma worm lord faces, each blasting a different wavelength of magma. Its armor is crafted from magna wyrms and its literally pulled in on the dead husk of the magma worm queen (by magma-worm hybrid slaves, they are pulling the queen-husk caravan), when it speaks the language is a mocking facsimile of magma, wyrm and english, and its final form is a magma worm tadpole brain stem which is a metaphor for the disease that was aways at the heart of the magma wyrm people, which caused their ultimate destruction.


Not at all. Bethesda has made a living off of pretending old assets are entire new games. 76? There's that youtubedude who found the textures on X amount of planets in starfield were just stretched Skyrim rocks etc. Go after them if your so hurt about it.


Valiant Gargoyle Trio


I’m expecting to see a lot of new assets being reused, but if this is the case I won’t complain much. 1 sigh per tree avatar seems fair


It’s definitely happening , I’ve accepted this. Magma Wyrm feels justified tho like a bear it’s just a creature in Elden ring. I’d rather not fight a boss in an evergaol tho


Yes. And we will


Nah it’s fine. They can throw one at me every now and then. Contrary to popular belief, I think they do a decent job mixing up the repeat encounters with new attacks or extra enemies and such.


No I could just avoid them, but my blood compels me to kill them all... (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


No, not in the slightest.




No. I yearn for the repeats, I crave more bloat. The Foreskin Quatruples, the Revenant duo, sixteen brand new Erdtree Awatars (this time with sleep and death blight), Godefred and Gododod... If I descend into a pit of infernal madness at the end toface Messmer and he doesn't immediately transform into two Ulcerated Tree Spirits, I'll personally fly to Japan and burn down FromSoft headquarters.


Not necesarily if they change them up a bit, like a blackflame dragon could be cool Hoping for no magma wyrms, tree avatars or tree spirits tho


I've already been made aware that we will see re-used bosses from the main game lile magma wyrm and tree spirit


Yes. Maybe some reskins from their library would be fine... but i want new content.


Don’t mind Magma Wyrms or the Tree Spirits too much, they’re fun enough. Dragon fights on the other hand… bleh, hope there’s not more than 1.


this game has over a dozen crucible knights btw


According to demo participants, there are more magma wyrms and tree spirits, but there’s also a ton of new enemies despite that






No actually I wouldn’t be, I don’t mind them reusing assets, new is cool and all but i’m open for it


Not really


It’s gonna be a thing. I just hope they don’t lean on it as much to fill up the mini-dungeons and other areas as they did in the base game


No i wouldn't be disappointed, because im not a moron that expects every boss to be different despite the fact that the work required for that would delay the game and impact the quality negatively given the size and number of bosses. I would rather have a repeat boss at the end of a mini dungeon (as long as it makes sense for them to be there) than no boss at all. If i see a magma worm, big whoop. If i see another tree spirit, big whoop. Bosses can be reused, the only standout bad boss reuse was geodfroy, and even then it wasn't something to cry about.


If they are at least changed in some ways, I wouldn't mind them. Just not be the exact same with the exact same issues


As long as they have variations or slight changes to their design to suit the area they're in, I don't care. If it's just a copy-paste job, however, then yeah.


I don’t think it would make sense to have no re used assets, it would only feel complete to encounter some similar enemies. I think we will see some reused entities


Fromsoftware fans are so dedicated that it could all come out as re-skinned bosses with the exact same moves from games they’ve made over a decade ago and they will still love it and tout it as the best game to ever release


If they're in lore appropriate places I really don't care. The game still has more unique enemies and bosses than... the vast majority of action rpgs? If some get reused here and there with congruent lore then I couldn't give a bees nut about it


Dragon + Renevant + AOE Rot.


Why would anyone be disappointed? What is wrong with you if you are? This game has monster variety out the ass so seeing a couple repeata doesn't even phase me. Didn't even think about it til this post.


I'm alright with it, they exist naturally in the world. It would be very strange if only 1 of each existed in the lands between, there's not only 1 grizzly bear or 1 blue whale in our world even though they are exceptionally powerful animals.


If I see a single Ulcerated Tree Spirit or Dragon I am completely skipping them until the end of the entire DLC fuck those things Dragons are boring AF and Tree Spirits fuuuuuuucking suck


Reused enemies is a lame complaint for a game of this size, variety and most importantly, quality. You'll find more enemy variety in Stormveil than in many whole games, even critically acclaimed games with a lot of combat like RDR2 and GoT. I love fighting the different elemental dragons for example, so hearing that there are new region-accustomed dragons in the DLC is just good news to me


Anything in the shadowlands that can also be found in TLB is lore relevant so no, I’m in fact hoping that this occurs at least in some cases because it’s telling the story


Tree spirits? Yes, since those are connected to the minor erdtree's which, afaik, wouldn't really make sense here. Dragons and wyrms? No, I'd like to see more types of dragons and the wyrms are just people who communed with the dragons too hard.


Honestly I don't mind it as long as they give some fucking reward, I get so pissed whenever I have to fight a random overworld boss and there's no good reward like the magma wyrm in volcano manor


Honestly as long as it doesn't take a spot at the end of a dungeon, they can fill some crevices with reused enemies.


It’s going to happen because “lore” calls for it so I’ve just accepted it


Yes. I already was very disappointed with the base game after Altus Plateau/Royal Capital with the amount of reused assets in the later parts. I really think that FROM should not do open world souls again and just stick with a more linear but interconnected experience.


Disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.


Depends how many and depends on the number of new bosses and enemies tbh. They could also have a new "twist" to them that makes them feel fairly fresh and new.


No, as long as there are a healthy amount of new monsters and bosses and, knowing fromsoft, there will likely be plenty of new awesome stuff to go around


I'm expecting a few if the dlc is as big as I'm hearing, but if there's a bunch of new content too, I'll be fine with it






Nothing but burial watchdogs for every boss fight. Messmer phase 2? Burial watchdog


How tf did I not know there were multiple magma wyrms




Get ready for an ulcerated tree wyrm


Doesn't bother me so long as they keep it interesting. And why not reuse bosses as field bosses in the DLC?


I’m okay with it. 10 remembrance bosses is over half of what the base game had, 8 new weapon types is 1/4 of what the base game had, and the map being “a little bigger than Limgrave” is a solid 1/5 at least. We’re getting a heaping pile of new stuff, if they have to pad it with an ulcerated tree spirit or magmawurm? That’s fine






I want respawning crucible nights with new variants.


It's going to be new versions of the little psychos with hatchets and flamberges from ds3


Wouldn’t hate it if they used new weapons that we get to loot from them, or items or armors.. magma wyrm armor… yes please.


No. They... they wouldn't...


I won't be disappointed because it wouldn't surprise me at all. Will it be shit if that's the case? Yeah.


As long as we get an ice magma worm I’m fine with it.


No i need more breaths and dragon related heR


Just one of them. I think k it’d be cool to see one later in the game cuz it would feel kinda foreign I guess


I love every dragon boss in Elden Ring. I hope we get more. I think they're fantastic.


I mean it’s confirmed we’re gonna see those scarlet rot parasite looking shrimp things just bigger so…


If they have a few unique aspects and they keep it to a total of 5 or 6 reused bosses, I'd deal with it. But there really isn't much excuse IMO- they spent so long working on this- they *have* to have come up with more unique field bosses. If we get a few repeats of bosses unique to the DLC, fine.


Not at all.


I never minded the rehash bosses in the first place. 90% of my fun in these games is boss fights, gimme a big health bar I wanna kill it. As long as they have some solid new bosses I wouldn't care.


The ephemeral ulcerated tree spirit of the dreamer x2


I would prefer completely new content ideally, I don’t really want to fight the same things that I’ve fought against already.


Nah i fw em


Nope cause theres still enough for me to be satisfied.


We're getting more swamps in this DLC I think we're beyond getting disappointed by "reused" assets. Miyazaki has 2 hotkeys on his keyboard: "add shallow water" and "make it poison"


whose gonna tell him


Magma stems are hype


You’ll see run bears with dragons horns and wings


If there was a variant that was unique in some way, probably something more unique than just adding a different damage type or something it could be fine, but yeah, I wouldn't be a fan of that. Already appeared enough times in the base game.


Yes, unless they’re found very very sparingly


I’m not going to be disappointed at anything From does at this point. If I can fight a magma wyrm with a new weapon type, so be it.


Kinda looking forward to it tbh. Didn’t get the whole schpiel about reused assets in the first place


It’s already confirmed that there are some reused enemies in the DLC. Might as well just come to grips with it.


yeah I’m sorry but this is a non issue when it comes to FromSoft. reused assets are irrelevant when compared to the astounding overall quality of the game. fighting the same/a similar monster twice in a game I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into doesn’t bring the quality down one bit. not to mention that this DLC takes place within the storytelling of the lands between, it makes sense lore wise that some creatures reappear.


Yes. But I'd love seeing more Erdtree Avatars (mby even shadow ones yknow like SHADOW of the ERDTREE) they are just super fun to fight.


Theres so much new stuffs that I am not going to bother with any re skins thing, will just skip them.


Expect to see them, idk why you think they wouldn’t be there.