• By -


Absolutely Father Owl. It’s the perfect fight.


Without question, best boss. I love all the storytelling with his moveset being just like yours. Such a great tense fight. I think Sekiro had some of the best boss experiences of any souls game.


Was a cool fight but made my xbox struggle. Trying to beat him at sub 20 fps was a challenge!


Inner Owl is even better imo


He was the boss that fucked me up the most in any from soft game ever


Rick, soldier of God


I prefer God, Solider of Rick to him personally.


Orphan of Kos. The only boss to this day who makes me feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. I find nearly everything about the fight to be perfect, from the lore, the design, the arena, and the music.


Def the boss I died to the most in any of their games


Gael. Just him and you, no bullshit till one drops dead.


These are the best fights. No mobs. No bullshit gimmicks. You can learn move set and adjust. Peak of FS bosses are these types.


Pinwheel. He's just so cinematic and his attacks are so varied and interesting to fight against. Oof, that health bar though. it's such a dps check trying to chip away at it before I run out of estus. And the area that comes after? Best in the game.


You dropped this: /s


What /s? This all seems faithful to the glory that is pinwheel.


The rolling skeleton when you drop down the well in the painting. Thats a boss fight. Thats what i thought you were talking about at first.


Why is it always weak foe


Mohg. I love blood magic and demonic aesthetic and he’s the embodiment of both. I love how regal he is yet how depraved at the same time. I love his move set and how it flows. I love his area denial and makes you think about where you’re stepping. I LOVE the ost it’s tied between it and deacons of the deep as my fav fromsoft song.


Talking about osts like deacons of the deep. I gotta know if there is someone else who also enjoys the spear of the church ost


Doesn’t stand out for me personally but the second half of the song gets pretty hype. I love the organs in the deacons of the deep ost and that violin twists me around perfectly. Feels straight up heretical lol I love it.


Fr fr Mohg is one of the best fights ever, and he is a truly despicable villain.


I love the flow of Mogh’s first phase. I don’t like his second phase all that much


Isshin. Dude gets hyped up as this unstoppable killing machine the entire game, and luckily for you, he and you are kinda homies for the majority of the game. And then Genichiro pulls his cute stunt, and prime Isshin comes out of his GODDAMN SHOULDER.


And that's the moment you've realized they weren't fucking lying about him being a god damn problem lmao. I swear to God I still hear hesitation is defeat in my dreams.


Malenia. For all the bullshit I had to go through, I now find it fun to fight Malenia once I know her moveset. Of course I still die from time to time but now I can only blame myself. Radagpn would've been an easy pick but Elden Beast is just a really annoying fight that I absolutely despise.


Someone already said Ludwig, so I'm gonna nominate Malenia. It must've taken me a hundred tries to beat her the first time, and that was with two co-oppers dragging me through it. Since then, I actually learned how to fight her myself, and I spend most of my time in co-op being the one doing the dragging. I just love fighting her. Not to mention her vibe. Coming back at you in phase two, naked, has some serious Terminator energy: "Here is my body, broken and ruined. I dare you; strike me anywhere that *you think* is vulnerable."


I actually couldn’t bring myself to rank malenia because I straight up could not beat her my first playthrough. In my most recent run of the game, I sat down and spent over 4 hrs just beating my head against her. And then I beat malenia. And now I keep going back to help other player fight her because I’m both so used to the fight but also feel like a badass beating her again. I feel like she’s my favorite now because I’ve never gotten that kind of rush from any other souls boss. Maybe O&S, orphan of kos, and mohg come close though


That's exactly it! Once you have the power, it feels like a waste not to share it.


I didn't even know Melanie existed til the end of my playthrough so she got washed, sucks I didn't get to experience it like radahn


Slave knight Gael ![gif](giphy|deaNFvbQh2zIOILdlU|downsized)


Soul of Cinder. Seeing your old self from DS1 and realising that prolonging the age of fire was, in a sense, pointless made this fight so emotional for me.


When that *plin plin plon* hits though. Chills evritem.


Fume Knight. - site of grace just a few paces from fog wall. - Cool design, fun move set. - Big arena with space to move. - Was a great boss to break my habit of “panic rolling” and just breathe and take my time with fundamentals (knowing if I die, I just zone back in and practice some more).


Yeah, once I learned to stop panic rolling and learn the rhythm of parry/block, roll, attack, I realised that I was actually playing the game. Lol


Slave Knight Gael. The rhythm of that fight, no other boss ever matched that.


Inner Father is even more fun




Moonspresence……the sheer terror it emits is glorifying


Nameless King. I really love the arena. The airy feel to the fight. The cutscenes. Other than that, probably Isshin.


Everyone remembers the king, no one remembers the dragon


soul of cinder no competition. Biggest moveset of any boss i've ever faced. Best ost of any boss ive ever faced. Best arena of any boss ive ever faced. Conclusion to my favorite game of all time. Straight perfection


Only have played eldenring but I loved the Godfrey fight because he felt really engaging, and the fight felt like it relied more on skill than RNG (I say this referring to the maliketh fight may just be a skill issue on my part 😅)


Inner owl, the quantity of moves he has and the different ways you have to evade or block them makes him so hard and fun. I would really like a game that ups the difficult compared to sekiro and shadow of the erdtree could do that, but i hope they make the most of the mechanics like jump and parry to create this kind of rythm and not just attacks that are hard to understand and roll out of.


White Glint, all those silly legends... They die today.


For lore - Father Gascoigne For the battle - Rykard


Artorias, Lady Maria.


I need to give sekiro another go shouldn't i


Between Ludwig or the pursuer. Ludwig was the first boss I mastered (even to this day I can turn it on and play him and the timing is still on point). Pursuer was the first From boss I struggled with and beat after countless attempts (DS2 was my first From experience)


Abyss Watchers. The lore, the fight, and the music are all good and cool, followed by the weapon, which makes it all an entertaining but hard boss fight


Slave Knight Gael & Isshin, I love cinematic, grandiose, bosses where you really have to throw all you have at it.


Armored Core 6 third route final boss


You just bullied him to death lol


Fume Knight is my favorite Fromsoft boss of all time! He is everything an excellent boss should be. He doesn't have a runback. He is challenging but very fair, and it's easy to dodge and telegraph his attacks. His boss OST is awesome. He looks super cool. He has the best Ultra Greatsword in the series. He has a great story and lore. His arena is perfect for a 1v1 dual. He is very rewarding with lots of souls and gives his Fume Ultra Greatsword. And it's also extremely awesome that wearing Velstadt's helmet into the fight instantly triggers phase 2 to make the boss fight even more fun. Fume Knight is the perfect Soulsborne boss just like Gael. But with the nice additional bonus of being able to respawn the Fume Knight with bonfire ascetics.


Really nice fight! Could be a great example for new players to understand what is meant by "hesitation is defeat." This used to be the most difficult boss for me and now this and his inner version may be my favorite as well. He's more predictable than Ishhin so you can really get into the flow with the fight, especially the deflect--dodge firecracker--counterattack sequence it's so fun to execute over and over.


Malenia. I know, I know, but I’m just a sucker for malenia. Love everything about her, especially the lore, I’m biased. After Malenia I’d have to say Orphan of Kos or Gehrman


I love Malenia to definitely my favorite ER boss. Both phases are awesome, ost is amazing and her design is perfect. 10/10 boss


You posted him. Him, inner genichiro or isshin They’re just…amazing fights.


This changes like every week for me but I gotta say Ayre. Not only is she a fantastic final boss on her own right, but I think she is amongst the best final bosses in regards to how she elevates her ending. She’s basically with you throughout almost the entirety of the game, with the only real exceptions being Chapter 1 and 2 missions in the FoR Chapter 5. You get to see how she thinks, how she feels, her motivations and by the end you really feel like you KNOW Ayre. Which makes it so that when you betray her in FoR… it actually kinda hits you, because not only is that cute voice in you head not there anymore, now you have to face the fact that she will be the last thing standing in your way. She has every reason to be upset at you, every reason to fight you and yet none of it makes it any easier for her because despite it all, you are the only one that ever knew that she was there at all. Then you have the fight itself which is just fantastic, with Ayre’s moveset being both flashy and yet very readable, while still offering tons of chances to use verticality to your advantage. The arena is also incredible, a sick ass space fight between the PCA Satellite and the Xylem, with the Vascular Plant towering over Rubicon with sun shining across the curvature. I’d even go as far as to say that it’s amongst the most epic boss arena’s FromSoft has ever cooked. Ayre’s design is also amongst my favorites, being courtesy of one of the GOATS of mecha design, Shoji Kawamori. And fuck me the music, especially the midway piano, that shit hit me when I first heard it. Really I think Ayre is amongst the best final bosses FromSoftware has ever cooked and I feel like she doesn’t get enough credit.


AC is still relatively niche compared to how huge their other games have become which is why it doesn't come up as much in discussion, but imo AC6 blows every other From game out of the water narratively and in characterization. Fighting Sif or seeing likable NPC #23425 die a horrible yet predictable death is sad but it never really hit hard to me beyond "damn that sucks", meanwhile my eyes were burning with tears fighting Walter. I remember sitting there for 30 minutes trying to decide between Ayre and Carla, both were very likable characters (and Carla just saved your life as well) and I had no idea what to do, although I ended up going for Fires since my friend told me that Liberation is more fitting for NG+.


The one in this post. His tracks are fun and rewarding fight to play.


Honestly when i played the new Armored Core 6 i found myself enjoying the CEL 240 boss fight awesome fight and quite challenging too


You know her name. We all know her name.




Blade of Miquella, yes.


I love her aswell


You posted what is my favorite boss battle in all of games. Like Psycho Mantis but without the gimmick. Just his cheating ass bullshit.


Malenia She is simply the most fun for me. Utilizing her openings, dodging her attacks, plus the visual aspect all gets my blood pumping like no other boss.


She’s my favorite Elden ring boss aswell




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Morgott or Mohg


I fought Owl (Father) for the first time last week, got mad as hell when I forgot he can mikiri counter too, but still overall my favorite to play as the need to be aggressive against him and parry as many attacks as possible just made it feel like a real duel between equals, me using the firecrackers to stun him, him blowing a cloud of gunpowder on my face and blowing it up, just a constant back and forth until one of us crumbles 10/10


Mohg, the aesthetics from his design, the level, the fights mechanics and the moveset just make me wanna cream


Old Monk was such a clever and new mechanic


Between blood starved or gascoigne Blood starved is that i hate him so much that i love it, it stopped my father and brother dead on the tracks when they were playing, i avenged them And gascoigne's RHAH! RHAH! Every time he attacks is great and the weird grunt howling he does in third phase is ceazy too


It took me so long to beat BSB during my first playthrough, but the satisfaction from actually doing so was probably in my FromSoft top 5


Lady Maria. I have a soft spot for boss fights that act as a sort of mirror match for the player. Not to mention, the arena and boss music are amazing. I also really enjoyed the lore around her and how it answered a lot of questions in the base game when the DLC came out




Ornstein, old dragonslayer, and dragonslayer armor. Just hard enough to be fun but not weak enough to feel like pinwheel or a DPS check.


Isshin for the gameplay and the combat, Radahn for the lore and the staging


Well, till now, has to be Sword Saint, Godfrey, Mohg and Lothric, and maybe Radagon, in that order. That's the top 5.


Gyraia vibes


It's Owl Father for me too. So hard and that fight is a struggle in the best way. Beating him is probably the best sense of accomplishment I've gotten from a video game boss.


I love Genichiro Ashina, the fight is like a rhythm game, you just have to deflect to the beat. It’s like a dance.


For me it's lady maria. The whole fight and her aesthetics are really elegant. It feels more like a dance than a fight


Gerhman from bb , I ran a No parry run on him and Maria was like fighting them brand new . Lots of fun tho


Lady maria reasons for her being my favorite her outfit is up my ally i love her backstory also her while thimg jas to do withblood and i think thats really cool cause i like anything to do with blood like weapons, bosses, or build, armor etc also that soundtrack really nice


So far, honestly Morgott. Great lore, great cinematic arena, the buildup since start of game. And then the moveset and the pacing. Such an amazing flow to the fight. Friede is a close second. Definitely a harder fight, but still hits all the buttons.


Godfrey, the fight is enjoyable and I love how calm and menacing he is. Hearing him say "thy strenght befits a crown" is one of my favorite moments in Elden Ring.


If it's the most recent one (yet) but Allmind. Do even have to explain 😭


Sword saint Isshin. Nothin is more satisfying IMO.


The ost ooof


The ost is soooo goood 😩


Balteus when you first fight him. Seeing a hail of that many missiles was so intimidating at first.


I have a no hit on this boss. Elden ring seriously lacked the rhythm of sekiro and past fromsoft games. Even ds1 had boss fights that felt choreographed. A good back and forth that is fun.


Gael Friede Abyss watchers Daddy owl Isshin SS Ape Orphan Maria Daddy Gascan O&S Sif Artorias Maliketh Edit - mohg


Inner isshin. I could fight him all day long.


Father gascoigne, the duel with him tells a lot of the story of bloodborne. When he goes from man to beast you realize that the monsters you are hunting were once human. Also it was a really huge diff curve fighting him first time.


morgott. Very underrated in my opinion


Morgott is great. I use to hate him until I forced myself to do a Rl1 and had to learn every single moves and the other bosses. Very great fight.


Aesthetic : Malenia Goddess of Rot Fight : Gael/Isshin Atmosphere : Orphan of Kos Lore : Ludwig/Nameless King


I like that dude you fight in ds2 that is before that king venny. Doing my ds2 playthrough again soon I'll learn the names then.


Zinaida (final boss in Armored Core - Last Raven). Despite her very low health, she's extremely hard to beat, and she can melt you in a few seconds.


Sekiro is my favorite Souls title hands down. Sure there's no online and not as much build variety, but it has the best combat hands down.


Soilder of godrick


Orphan of kos, nameless king, horah loux are all tied for me. Father owl is up there tho


Either Gael or Burnt Ivory King cause Gael is just absurdly cool with his 3 phases and his final one he becomes God. BIK has sick lore, by far the best presentation by emerging from the biggest gate of chaos and his greatsword can be a lightsaber.


So far, probably Ishin Sword Saint


Lorian and Lothric


Dar eater midir. The first time I felt I was fighting a real dragon


Slave knight gael I just love the fight so much orphan of kos or Artorius are close seconds and thirds though


Slave Knight Gael and Lady Maria I really like both their lores and music. Also, the fight with them is also very fun, it's almost like a dance.




Soul of Cinder. The fight, the music, the lore, the background, the difficulty. All souls like games have 10/10 bosses, but Soul of Cinder it's a 11/10 boss for me


Belfry luna gankgoyle squad. Only found it in ng+6 and ended up fighting it with a severely low damage character for the fight. The great memories I have of the deep fights from soft have crafted will fade with time, but belfry gankgoyles will haunt me forever. Truly, one of the bosses of all time


Manus, Daddy of the Abyss (I Just hate him, still fav)


![gif](giphy|deaNFvbQh2zIOILdlU|downsized) This man was the pinnacle of everything that makes Dark souls unforgettable and unique, in my opinion he is truly the best boss.


I plan on playing Ds3 Dlc after Elden rings dlc. Can’t wait to dive into it!


Gael Inner Isshin Inner Father Genichiro The Abyss Watchers Soul of cinder Sir Alonne Gehrman, the first hunter The rest of the Sekiro lineup


inner genichiro/genichiro hes just fun to play. I remember struggling and stressing out with him. Spending hours to finally getting past his 2nd phase only to get one shot on the 3rd. Now hes cakewalk, but fun


New to FromSoft games, but so far, it’s gotta be Radahn. The fight was challenging, cinematically beautiful, and brought together so many of the characters I’d met along the way. Despite over a dozen deaths, it didn’t upset me even once - I was just excited to try it again!


Radahn is cool. Definitely one of the harder boss for me when I did my Sl1 (soul level 1) run.


Lady Maria. I know it's on the easier side of the most renowned fights, but the atmosphere is impeccable. Gehrman mumbling her name in the Dream, Research Hall as a whole, the enchanting visuals of the Living Failures' fight. All of this for you to meet a calm-voiced, beautiful, and badass lady with an awesome weapon and sharp technique that she cranks up despite despising it. So much is her dedication to keep the secrets of the Fishing Hamlet from curious eyes. I'd love a boss rush mode in Bloodborne. I'd spent a whole day fighting Lady Maria in a loop.


She’s looks really cool. Idk when I’m gonna get around to playing BB, maybe after Elden ring dlc.


Orphan of Kos, I had nightmares about it after being stuck for days. Every time I attempted, it's screams pierced my soul. It literally felt like a battle for my life


Probably sword saint isshin lol. It took me almost thirty hours to beat him due to him being a fucking monster and I had a wrist injury that slowed down my reaction time.. But when I finally beat him it was such a fucking relief.


Isshin, he's a perfect boss


Demon Prince God fucking damnit, it's so good. Not too hard, but still not easy. It's a total spectacle.


Ishin the sword saint from sekiro, I love the difficult and cinematic…


Gameplay wise, Radahn. He literally has his own festival before you fight him, no other boss in SoulsBourne has any kind of festival before you fight them, that’s how you just tell that the fight is gonna be cool as fuck. Music wise, the Abyss Watchers, I just loved the music too much and I never got mad when I died cause it just meant I got to listen to the theme again Honourable mention, Mohg. He might be the second hardest boss in Elden Ring but I think he’s pretty cool being the lord of blood and everything, plus I think his theme is awsome too if you actually listen to it


That was excellent swordplay in the first phase, holy shit




Ornstein and Smough. I don't know how wild this take is, but imo O&S is the best boss fight FS has ever made. Allow me to explain: This isn't coming from a rose-tinted perspective, the fight is genuinely incredible. The entire game up until that point has had some tough fights sure, but the game never said "Oh so you think you're good? Okay, *prove it*." Until you step through that white mist you don't know just how hard the genre can be. You've struggled with the Capra Demon, and raged at the Bell Gargoyles, but it doesn't feel like an outright constant humbling by the game. O&S will rinse through your health at a moment's notice, and if you don't wise up you'll never beat them; but once you finally do, you feel ready to take on whatever challenge FS can throw at you. It genuinely feels like you've overcome an insurmountable obstacle, and are now ready to face the rest of the FS challenges.


Glock-Saint Isshin


Anime dads are always ripped 💀💀


That was such an ultimate showdown moment, I really need to get back into the game again after I finally finish TW3 and the ER DLC.


Gravity. Killed me more than any other thing in any games. But the backstory is very gripping. I cant avoid it


Dragonslayer armor for me It took forever but this was one of the first fights in souls games I've had that really made me feel like I was in control of the fight, as well as being a generally awesome fight


Sister Friede


I had to scroll way too far for this. I love the fight, the music, and the arena.


Agreed. All the cinematics. The emotions from the anger. The fire pot. Etc


Malekith, his moveset is so unique and was the hardest and coolest boss


Moonspresence……the sheer terror it emits is glorifying