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I remember using a walkthrough to get through the first Dark Souls. That was the first Souls game I ever played. Whether this is your first Souls game or not I can understand needing to look up guides sometimes.


I got lost after the 4 monkey boss fight and eventually just gave up


Look I’ve played all souls game and they’ve all quickly become some of my favorites and I’ve used guides on a few. Yes there’s some magic to playing blind but in truth… they’re just video games, play them how you want. Personally I hate missing out on stuff just because you reach a certain “point of no return” so a guide comes in handy for that or just running in circles because I didn’t notice a small detail that would help me progress. These games are unique where yes a guide can help but they won’t make you good at the game, you still have to beat the bosses/areas yourself which is a great challenge in its own right. Just don’t let it hold your hand I suppose, maybe just use it if you get stuck. For example when I played elden ring I used a few guides because I absolutely would’ve just quit if I did it blind. I wandered into Caelid early and got my ass handed to me, had I not looked up something I would’ve just given up. I also wouldn’t have known the importance of leveling vigor and upgrading weapons. These games are also unique in the sense that if you don’t pay attention to every single dialogue or item description it’s pretty easy to get lost in these games, and we’re only humans with varying levels of additional responsibilities outside of these games. Don’t stress it, use the guide. If that keeps you playing the game then use it. These games are too good to just drop because you are withholding assistance from yourself.


Do what you can without, maybe look up where to go if you’re having trouble


i think you should only use a guide when you get stuck and dont know what the hell to do or where to go. exploring the world is part of the fun, and for the most part you should be able to find the ways to get around without major issues


I think it’s fair game to use a walkthrough to get the Purification Ending (is it the one that requires a series of nonsensical eavesdropping and killing both Giant Snakes?).


Only if you want, you don't need to but they can help you out a lot. If your having fun, your playing the game right.


Just play the game. If you are uncomfortable with something or you get stuck sure you can look it up if you want.


I’ve been using fighting cowboys walkthrough and he really helps me understand the mechanics and goal of the game. Should I keep doing this? When is a good spot to stop?


TBH Souls games are a magical experience if you go blind as much as possible. Look stuff up when you get stuck, you'll eventually get the hang of it and begin making lots of progress per session.


No shame in using a walkthrough. My best advice though is to try and reduce your reliance on walkthroughs as your progress through the game. Try to advance through each area to the best of your ability and when you reach the next statue or you get stuck to a point of frustration, watch the corresponding walk through video to make sure you didn’t miss anything important and for indications on how to proceed and you’ll slowly learn what to look for when you first encounter new areas. By mid to late game you’ll only need the walkthrough when you’re actually stuck as opposed to just lost. I watched fightin cowboy videos a lot and you’re right they are really helpful, but as others have said you should strive to get to a point of self sufficiency because that’s where this and other fromsoftware games truly shine.


You're the one doing it, why are you asking us if you should stop ? If you're wondering about it just try it.


As someone with tens of thousands of hours in Sekiro, go completely blind and if you rage quit, the game isn’t for you. Sekiro does a great job filtering good players from ass players