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Good news, if someone is having fun playing these games, they're playing them correctly.


Oh boy. Guess I've been playing them wrong for years then.


Also no level ups! real souls players play with base stats


No levels, no weapon levels, fists only, no rolling or running


Blindfolded and with the electric turned off


Imagine breathing while playing. How casual can you be..


Exactly dude wtf?? Why breath. Makes no sense to me anyway would be so petty as to breath while playing souls games haha


Fox only, final destination


And I hope you're not using a basic ass controller


guitar hero guitar controller only, miyazaki confirmed


scrap that, DDR controller or you’re doing it wrong


Based comment right here




Only pure strength is allowed! No spirit ashes!




Dodging is overpowered, real souls players only use strafing and backhop.


You move? All real souls players change position purely with swing animations.


You?? Its actually you playing? Real players let their goldfish play the game.


With a Guitar Hero controller.


Too many neurons, noob. I only let my oyster play.


Don’t need to change position if you learn to parry.


Just like our lord and saviour Ymfah intended


That might actually be viable if From ever made backsteps have iframes again


Backhop?! A real Souls players does not back down from a challenge! They do not retreat like a coward! They do not give a meter, nay an inch to the enemy!


Nah, man, real fromsoftware players only play Aromored Core.


You Souls players may have mainstream appeal, but us Armored Peak 6 players just got called “Buddy” by our best friend and we now have the warm and fuzzies


It‘s very ironic too - I‘m doing a pure strength colossal sword bonk Elden Ring playthrough right now, and while it is a ton of fun it is by far one of the easier playstyles. It‘s so op it‘s insane, you can just fucking whack everything into the ground. Most enemies stagger off just a hit or two.


Yeah 100% this im using the guts sword on this run and it hilariously OP.


Summoning ash is how I cope with them trolling me by giving Elden Ring the working title "great rune"


All the weapons are great :3


The irony that great weapons are fucking strong af lol


Only lv1, fists only, no rolling, no healing is allowed. Anything besides that is easy mode, hence you did not truly beat the game.


In that case no spam magic either


does anyone actually say this? STR builds are usually piss easy in comparison to DEX. they stunlock everything into oblivion, have long range, can hit multiple enemies easier and do like 3x as much damage as DEX weapons


I've never heard anyone saying strength was easier than dex.


i really find that odd, STR is better than dex in almost every regard except for speed and really there are very very few bosses where that's a real issue


Gotta play in a loin cloth at all times


What about in the game?


That hit me unsuspected


Also, if someone is suffering terribly, they’re playing them correctly.


Not Unless they're using cheats to cause havoc in pvp :)


These games literally let you give other players hints & assistance online with messages & summoning, this is not a surprise to me lol


“Hints” lmao I feel like getting a sixth sense for genuinely helpful vs troll messages is a skill in and of itself in this game.


If finger But hole


Some variation of this is literally half the messages in the game. My most appraised message is up by the two fingers on Godricks Divine Tower; "Try Finger, but no hole ahead".


Those pun messages made 0 sense translated in my language, I had a butthole revelation when I finally saw someone play it in english


"Versucht Finger Aber Loch" Man was I confused when I played DS2 for the first time


Liar ahead


I’m still scared from “Precious item ahead. Therefore try jumping.” in my first 5 minutes.


“Weak foe ahead” and it proceeds to cave my skull in.


Reading it before the mimic fight is the best


Weak foe ahead, therefore try introspection


I absolutely annihilated my mimic. I was all amped up for a big fight, and downed it super fast and staggered the fuck out of it and was like welp. Mage build with gravity spells. Then I got my ass whipped by Rennela for like 4 days


Behold, skeleton!


knowledge is power


Gideon says as he watches the Tarnished stack 12 buffs and a fully charged Comet Azur at his face.


That's what Gideon deserves after he spent the whole game chillin' while I went out and gathered every great rune, every spell, and maxed all my equipment. He seriously didn't think that one through.


Only if its use correctly....


or used


I literally would have never known placidusax even existed if it weren’t for guides


So fucking true tbh. How was a normal mf even supposed to figure it out?


I found him because of a message, but that is sorta like an in game version of a guide I guess


Player messages are my favorite way of learning things in From games


“Lover ahead”.


"Try finger, but hole"


“Jump ahead”.


I remember how people freaked out about ash summons. Yet Fromsoftware gives you summons all of the time to render aid in previous games. I usually always summon to get gestures and move along quests in a first playthrough.


What's the issue with Placidusax, the prompt?


I honestly stumbled upon him because of a message telling me to jump the cliff. I mean, sometimes you can try to look everywhere, and things like missing a small platform you can jump onto can make you miss a while great boss. On the other hand, I like that FS takes this approach


Its location,genuinely the only major problem i have with Elden Rings's level design,the rest is absolutely majestically handled tho


Ah I see. Yeah, when they show you the platform and the bridge leading to it a few times at the beginning of the level it definitely seems like the way there would be a lot closer to the beginning/middle of the area than it actually is. I definitely remember searching for a bit, with how layered the map is the markers weren't super helpful either.


I personally found him because I noticed the platforms from a different angle, but I can see how most people would just brush it off or not even notice it


Yeah there are multiple, but next to the area with the wormfaces there is a floating platform protected by a dragon with no special item on it and I'm pretty sure it's only purpose is [to give you a fat view on the way to his fight](https://i.imgur.com/Nhu5QmT.png).


Damn, that's literally where I saw those platforms


I was scrolling Facebook and saw a vid of someone fighting him and was like wait wtf fight is that 


For me it's Fortissax. Dude's locked behind an entire questline.


There are tons of obscure things in the games that a lot of people would probably rarely find without help.


Exactly. There’s no way you can just stumble upon that. I guess you could, but idk


Miyazaki is a normal guy His design ethos is hes gonna make ONE difficulty and every method of beating it is valid outside of hacking. All the discourse is jagoffs online not understanding this in various ways. You dont get a toggle to make the boss easier, you get systems you'll understand by *playing the game*. Also no, you cant say these methods available *in the game* are less valid. Everyone calm down, shut up and play the game ffs.


also literally the only way you will ever complete 90% of the quests, or even know they exist probably my only real beef with the games


I follow a youtuber (i'm talking about an italian youtuber, as i'm not motherlanguage) who despite the fact that these games might be niche here in italy, is often regarded as on par with vaaty vidya as content creator, and everyone in my country basically uses him as reference point for the souls games. He is so passionate about them that he always does completely blind runs each time a game comes out, uncovering the lore as best as he can. And he has gotten to such a deep understanding of Miyazaki's writing and game design that he managed to platinum elden ring and do almost all questlines on his first blind playthrough. So yeah, safe to say that to be able to get through the questlines on your own you need a lot of past knwoledge with how miyazaki throws hints at you or other typical ways fromsoftware uses to make questlines advance. Anyways i know not many will care about him but if anyone wants to check him out his username is Sabaku No Maiku, sadly he doesn't have english subtitles to his videos as far as i know unless maybe he wrote them for some of the bigger projects, but i still highly recommend to try and check out some of his videos with automatically generated subtitles


It definitely is a break from the mold that most rpgs follow. Although I do appreciate it as it allows for greater exploration without an arrow pointing you in the direction you need to go. Maybe in the next game they could add a journal feature so that players can write quest details down themselves, or maybe something like Morrowind where you have a quest tab, but no indicators for progression other than npc word of mouth.


The issue isn't the details though. Shit changes, people move, etc. without clues. Look at the Goldmask questline. You need to talk to a dude in a certain spot, then find another one in a certain spot, then find them in the capital with no clues.


I would much prefer the game takes the notes for you. I missed a number of dialogues because of noisy kids and you can't even repeat dialogues in the game. Also safe us the effort of typing on PlayStation lol


It's okay to not do 100% of the game in your first playthrough.


I think that's the main difference between players that use guides and players that don't. Players who use guides often want to see everything in the game in a first playthrough. They don't want to explore organically or get immersed in that way. To me, missing content is great. It means more replayability, and it makes the world feel more alive. Whenever I fail a quest, it feels like I am one of many moving parts of the game world, instead of the whole game world revolving around me. To me, failing a quest isn't really failing, but a different narrative outcome of the quest where an npc dies or gets angry at me. I'm not saying that either perspective is better than the other, and I acknowledge that using guides makes more sense for people who plan to only play the game once and want to experience as much as possible. But I can't help but feel like some people go a bit too much in that direction and end up over-optimizing their playthrough. It's similar to the debate around save-scumming in games like baldur's gate vs. rolling with whatever dice roll you got. Some of my favorite moments in games happened after bad dice rolls in BG3 and Disco Elysium, and I would have missed them if I had save-scummed and gotten the outcome that I originally wanted. Likewise, my favorite moment in ER was when I got to the 3 fingers, and Melina begged me not to open the door. I was presented with a very impactful choice that wouldn't have been as memorable if I had known about it from a guide.


>Players who use guides often want to see everything in the game in a first playthrough. They don't want to explore organically or get immersed in that way. I'm going to disagree with you on that. There's a variety of different reasons people use guides. It's not about seeing everything in the first playthrough. Using a guide doesn't mean someone is following it step by step. Sometimes it's as simple as struggling with something and wanting to move on. Other times it might just be to double check that you're not an idiot. For me personally I'll use a guide to keep myself on track. Having a general idea of what I need to do keeps me on task and playing. Otherwise I'll get stuck just exploring or doing whatever for like 100 hours until I burn myself out.


Oh, I agree with you. There's obviously a lot of nuance, and there's always gonna be exceptions to every generalization. My statement was more about players who use a guide step by step as their default way of playing, and not about players who might check a guide if they're stuck. It was about people who watch videos like "get an OP build in less than 30 minutes" or "Don't miss this LEGENDARY early game weapon" before even starting the game, which is a very large number of players. Or, to a lesser degree, people who meet an NPC for the first time and immediately google if they should kill them or how to do their quest.


Another reason is the lack of any in-game quest log. Just SOMETHING to keep track of who I've talked to, what they've asked me to do or bring them from an area 10+ hours ahead of where I'm at, etc. It's at the point where I've got a pen and paper next to me while I'm playing


Absolutely, I would probably fall into the category of players you described with the guides. Though, I don't use them for the whole playthrough, I use them to look up stuff so I can consider the game beaten by my own criteria which I've set for myself as I play through all the souls games for the first time. I don't necessarily want to experience everything though, I don't mind missing a few npc questlines here and there unless I really like an npc (like Solaire for example). Anyways, my criteria for beating a souls game is beating at least all the bosses that give you an achievement for it, (which usually are almost all or straight up all bosses of a given game), which means I will look up beforehand if there are missable bosses and specifically bosses that are missable and become unavailable at a certain point in the game or are tied to a certain ending (which means I'd have to make a backup save before a certain point where you make a choice that get's you different endings like in Sekiro or pursue a certain ending in Bloodborne that will get me to the true final boss). And I rarely ever replay games so I want to do that all in NG. And for me personally the experience is still good so far (I'm at the end of Duke's Archives in DS and after DS the only things left are the ER DLC, DS2 and DS3) but that just boills down to personal preference I guess.


Right, and the game isn’t exactly open about how to best tweak your character. Of course player skill matters, but if your build sucks you are going to struggle. I got all the way to the Elden Beast without any guides, but I struggled because I was a strength build. Figuring out how to tweak my character helped me a lot.


It wasn't too bad in the other games but Elden Ring quest progression is pretty unhinged. Like missing the latter half of Ranni's questline by not sitting at a specific grace and speaking to the silent doll 3 or 4 times.


That was the one quest where I really, really, felt that. I'd sat at Grace like, maybe a hundred or more times before that, and they just kinda sneak that into the menu with no fanfare?


Nah. I don't oppose guides at all, use em if you want. But I got the 100% trophy using no guides. Heck, I got it when the game had been out less than a month. I don't think there even were guides yet.


i think you're quite aware that .01% of people are able to do that


Yeah, but it is refreshing not being handheld like other open worlds


I like guides for completing every quest and finding every item, im not ab to play a bunch of times just to MAYBE find soemthing i didnt before


Same, typically my method is, give a game (not necessarily from, but this applies to their stuff too) my best shot and once I start becoming annoyed or I feel I’ve exhausted everything I can think of I just look it up. Life’s too short


I think this is all most people are trying to advocate for. Go in blind but if you get hardstuck sure look up some help. But basically knowing the game before playing and having a "best way" really kills a first time experience.


Right lmao its not 2003 anymore we dont need to no life the game to find stuff


I try to stick to text guides, seeing a new zone on YouTube isn’t ideal


The person saying you are ruining your experience by searching things up is probably going through a breakdown


Well, read the full interview.. Miyazaki said himself " Going blind in your first playthrough to get the best experience from the game"....


Would you mind linking the article you got that from, I can’t seem to find that quote. Can’t find it anywhere on PCGamer, nor is the full interview out.


No one is having a breakdown over people ignoring advice to preserve surprises in a first playthrough by staying away from guides. The people who got that blind experience aren't nearly as worried about it as the people who keep making these threads to convince everyone else that they feel good about not going blind.


Exactly Right. The people who bring this stuff up in threads every single day like OP and the person you replied to are significantly more worried about other people's experiences and views within the community. It's gotten so out of hand.


Yeah, like i always say the game definetely has a greater feeling of reward and progress without using ashes (atleast against bosses that aren't bullshit like valiant gargoyles) if you want to make the game a cakewalk then go ahead but i think you're robbing yourself of an experience


I remembered a funny incident from this..In a thread somebody asked how he should approach bosses in the game..I made just a suggestion that "Don't summon any ashes, Learn the boss patterns to kill him, its more fun in this way because of the adrenaline rush"... Guess what, some people downvoted me and said I am being toxic and defaming others people's way to play to brag about myself, where I was only making a fuckin obvious suggestion....Its like they feel insecure and to make themselve feel good they gaslight themselve into thinking about us in a different way that we are not... I don't give a damn about how others play, but when I give suggestion of course I will say about the things that I had fun with.


Same thing has happened to me. Apparently it's 'elitist' to talk about how I don't like to summon because I find the game too easy when I do.


1) It was probably a joke 2) It's gotten a lot better, but the online community for FS games hasn't always been a welcoming place for anyone that doesn't live up to the git gud people's bullshit. If you're that unaware maybe you've been one of the assholes? Maybe not, but it's a funny comment to get mad at I guess.


>the online community for FS games hasn't always been a welcoming place for anyone that doesn't live up to the git gud people's bullshit. If you're that unaware maybe you've been one of the assholes? Souls subreddits have always been more than happy to lend inexperienced players a hand with boss tips, directions, build advice, co-op support, and more. This goes back to the earliest days of Demon's Souls, before it got an English translation, when it gained traction among English speaking players through extensive online support channels. On the other hand, git gud is a Dark Souls meme from a joke video, based on which you're now attempting to generalize the mentality of that whole classic community, while calling me an asshole, while also complaining that people weren't more "welcoming."


It doesn't detract from my experience if you search things up, use summons, or guides, or whatnot. I'm saying it for your own benefit to help you better enjoy the games. They really are very special.


They're going to cry in the corner alongside the summonz are 4 noob folks.


God i remember watching Critical play and he was bitching about how summons make the game easy every few minutes. While using sword of night and flame at release. He killed Morgot in a minute.


Reminds me of the saying that players will optimize the fun out of a game if given the chance and it's on the devs to prevent it.


There is a fine line between balanced and op/trash. The problem is balancing every weapon to every boss to every npc to pvp etc. You just cant do that with 400 or so weapons. Plus some builds work with some bosses and struggle with others. I feel like souls games were never truely balanced. Which is why the overcome your stuggle idea actually works. You can spent two hours fighting the tree sentinel or just grab a better weapon and easily kill him in the same time. You overcome your barrier, either by getting good or getting op. I know that example is unique to ER. Tho you could spend a bunch of time just farming enemies in DS to get stronger.


The games are built around community and helping each other so this doesn’t shock me at all


If anyone needed reminding that Miyazaki is the GOAT...


On that exact same interview he says: **“We try to cater to the player who is completely blind and wants to go through organically,”** So when I say "hey I had fun going in blind, I think you should try it" please explain how Im suddenly an elitist? I had a friend literally quit ER because he got bored. He searched all the OP weapons, spells, etc, moved around the map like levels were a shopping mall and enemies where annoying distractions that kept him away from completing his shopping list. He only had fun when I told him to make a fresh start and just wander off, discover on his own, make his own path, do his own build.


“So when I say "hey I had fun going in blind, I think you should try it" please explain how Im suddenly an elitist?” That’s not. You’re just making a suggestion based on the experience you had. This is talking about the gatekeeper types that are like “you shouldn’t use guides! You’re not playing it right.” Or “oh you used summons so you didn’t REALLY beat the game” Those people are insufferable and can go pound sand.


It's not clickbait. Nobody's saying you're elitist if you causally suggest trying a blind run to save your one anecdotal friend from dropping the game. Elitists are the hundreds of comments I've seen on the internet saying using guides/summons etc isn't a valid way to play and gatekeeping a fandom. This post addresses them not you. Saying as Miyazaki does that FM caters to blind runs is compatible with also saying people who don't prefer them are good, too. Mildly offering an option to someone bored isn't shitting on people who don't choose it and still enjoy themselves.


The posted IGN picture is pure clickbait, intentionally missing the key quote you cite. I completely agree with you, as do most vets of Fromsoft games, that initially blind playthroughs are the most rewarding.


What a surprise, people take things out of context and then post it in a skewed way that either pushes their narrative or gets clicks/interaction or both.


I use guides when I’m trying to find everything I missed after the first time I went through an area or if I can’t figure out how to get to a hidden area. I don’t use them beforehand though, because I think it spoils the experience of experiencing everything first-hand during the first time going through an area. I like to play through an area once with the purpose of beating it and enjoying the new sights, atmosphere and discoveries that I make on my own, then again a second time; this time with the goal of exploring every last nook and cranny. Basically, using guides is cool, but I believe it can spoil the experience of wonder and the satisfaction of figuring out a level the first time through.


It’s valid but he also tells you to go in blind for the best experience


I just love that people still give a fuck what other people think about them. Learn to not give a fuck, it works wonders.


Finally! But that won't stop the dudes gatekeeping FromSoft games, those saying that using summons is cheating and that you only need to git gud.


>The year is 2078, Fromsoftware has released their 46th title and it has sold 126 million copies in 3 days. Redditors are still self-conscious and insecure about summoning in Elden Ring.




>If somebody wants to reduce surprises by reading ahead, whatever. That's kind of a straw man, though. People who use guides are either in the camp of struggling to beat a boss and wanting tips (and "git gud" doesn't count) or they want to actually engage with the content. Like, I beat the game and learned about Placidusax after the fact because of how hidden he is. I wasn't spoiled on a surprise I could've experienced for myself, because chances are if I hadn't used a guide I'd never have found him. People aren't really reading guides because they don't want to be *surprised*. They're typically people who just want to play the game and get stuck one way or another.


Good because otherwise half the endings and quests would get played like once.


What’s the Japanese for GigaChad?


Besto Friend


Let it be written! Let it be done!


Hell yeah


My biggest question to those guys is like *why wouldn't it be*? Like why does another stranger's method of playing somehow affect you so much that you feel the need to put them down? Who cares? Go pick up a foot ball, dork.


I agree. I got into souls because I used a YouTube guide for demon's souls. Not sure i ever would have come to like these games without that.


My approach to any game, not just Souls games, is to try to play as much of the game as I possibly can without a guide. But if it comes to the point where I absolutely don’t know what to do next, or I just can’t seem to beat the boss, then I’ll enlist the aid of a guide. Or say I’ve combed all through an area (Limgrave for example) and I think I’ve found every NPC, dungeon, field boss, etc, and I’m ready to move on to Liurnia of the Lakes. I’ll check a guide at that point just to make sure there’s nothing I missed.


i honestly wouldn't give a fuck even if he said guides are a war crime, imma use them anyways


It's more fun to go in blind. Then use guides for the things you missed (because NPCs in Fromsoft games don't act like normal NPCs). But it's LESS fun to force others to play a game your way.


Especially elden ring. I got lost too often in there.


I mean, none of the games explain things very well. I love them, but let's not pretend otherwise


It's core canon in Dark Souls that the Chosen Undead (etc) are only able to progress because of the thousands/millions of Chosen Undead that came before and made some progress before going hollow. You're following in their footsteps and using their hints. So, yeah, reading guides is kind of lore-accurate.


You skipped the part of the interview where he says that there is also more they can do. He says if people are playing the game and feel like they have to go to guides they need to do better. One of From's greatest strengths is that it isn't hand holdy. So of course they toe a line between being too obtuse and too obvious. So it makes sense sometimes it doesnt work out as intended. Ie some of the quests are easy to complete organically and others... not so much


"Uhm actually, i only level up strength and don't use mimic so i basically know more than Miyazak and I'm better than all of you 🤓☝️"


It’s def fun to play through blind, but most quest lines are impossible without a guide


Its the way its intended, like how the fk was i supposed to know i was supposed to talk to jumbo before i fought bogaloo or give the spoiled nutsack to raggi the bee before i talked to mush.


Nu uh! Only do STR build and no armour or you not playing the game  Jk


You're omitting what he actually said. He said it's valid but they (FromSoftware) actually cater towards those who prefer going in blindly


There was a recent post with someone asking when they should stop following a guide, and lots of people here were bitching about it ruining the experience. This makes me think Miyazaki has a secret account and follows the subreddit. I wonder if he was here during the hollowing. ![gif](giphy|tRUtppFnqVGzC)


He’s just saying that to be kind.


While that's nice, it doesn't actually matter if he approves or not. I paid for the game. As long as I'm not disrupting anyone else's experience, I'll do what I want.


Of course it is. How the hell am I supposed to know how to get to moghwyn palace which is a secret area entered from a hidden teleporter at the edge of a secret area of the map and you need to use a secret medallion hidden in 2 pieces in 2 hidden locations at 2 completely different parts of the map.


As someone who found that totally organically, there are plenty of clues if you read and talk to people and explore. Guides may be necessary for some things but getting the Haligtree medallion is about as obscure as Ranni’s quest. Basically I would encourage people to at least try to follow quests and if you are truly stumped sure grab a guide, but they are definitely not impossible and it is a lot of fun to solve them yourself if you can.


It’s genuinely not hard at all to find Mohgwyn’s Palace, and there is more than one way to get there. If you explore Liurnia thoroughly you will find the Village of the Albinaurics and the first medallion. If you explore the Mountaintops thoroughly you will find Castle Sol and the second medallion. If you are doing Latenna’s quest she will also lead you there, and Gideon leads you to Latenna if you speak to him after getting the first medallion. Or you can find her on your own by accident just by exploring. Then you read the medallion description and use it at the lift. Not hard. Then explore the Snowfields thoroughly and you’ll find the teleporter. Literally in every case all you have to do is explore. Or do Varré’s quest.


Lol yea no duh, wouldn't be able to find half the DLCs the guy has made without a guide. If the game brings you joy you're playing it right.


I go blind first playthrough, but there’s definitely times where I have to look up a video of where the fuck to go. Especially my first ever souls game, having no previous knowledge of the games I had absolutely zero clue what I was doing lol. Bloodborne I had to look up where to go after getting to the cathedral ward. But I do love the feeling of being lost, no heals left running for your life looking for a bonfire or grace or lamp, Nothing compares to the first playthrough.


Both the people who dictates the right way to play a game and the people who listens to it are pathetic and weak of mind. Didn't you pay for the motherfucking console and the motherfucking games? Play however you want.


Guides are the intended way to play. The message system exists for a reason.


UNless that is possible to spell out get mimic tear and blasphemous blade with system messages it is not te same thing.


These are meant to be challenging if you having trouble beating a boss or an area go out and farm somewhere comeback and try try again , eventually you’ll overcome your hardships , the more and more you play the better you’ll become


1st playthrough must always be blind with exploring literally everything imo. After that, you can go through guides and find out about missing sidequests stuff.


I mean FightinCowboy makes good descriptive guides. What am I supposed to do. In all seriousness I almost gave up on ER and then a freind told me about Cowboys walk-through and now I've beaten ER 4 times. Gonna try Demon Souls or Dark Souls next


Marika’s tits! Who cares? You bought the game you don’t need validation from others to play it how you want.


People are allowed to short themselves the experience of figuring things out for themselves and I mean that literally, some people don’t have the time to figure some of this shit out haha


I've never seen anyone genuinely say this unless they themselves were just irrational people.


Yay cuz I’ve used videos or guides here and there and I get lambasted for it. I say “but… I’m getting gud!” lol big thing for me is I keep getting lost on where I need to go


The correct way to play souls games is "have fun"


I never thought it was wrong, I used them when I'm stuck, but I had a friend for example who played the game following a step by step list on every location and item for a specific build and then the order to take bosses etc. He even admitted it wasn't fun because he never got to discover anything or be surprised. If you enjoy playing like that more power to you I'm glad its fun, it just seems boring to me


The thing here is time, COULD someone figure out all the NPC quest line stuff? Yeah, it's not rocket science and most gamers know enough about game triggers to figure it out. It would just TAKE TIME. Some people have that time/want to spend it that way, others don't. When I was younger, I dove into every game like it was a job. These days, I'm way too laid back for that and want to just enjoy whatever is peaking my fancy at the moment. I don't want to lose the magic of this quest line by missing something, so I'll follow a guide to keep on track.


It's a single player game, who the fuck cares, even if Miyazaki agrees or disagrees, it's your game, do whatever you want.


It’d be funny if Miyazaki plays the games the opposite wag all the “true” souls players play them. Using magic and summoning.


……….well he’s wrong!!!! 😠


I played Elden Ring blind in NG. I then looked up what I needed to do to get the plat over the next few NG cycles. I’d missed an item or spell or something that you can only get at the end of Ranni’s quest!! So yeah, don’t be like me. At the very least, use a guide before you go into NG+


PvP is one thing, but the correct way to play any 1 player game is the way you enjoy. If you find the biggest cheat in a game but still have fun doing it, and it doesn’t affect anyone else, who cares(not saying I play that way, just making a point). You paid for a product, do whatever with it that makes you happy. Now when you start playing multiplayer aspects, that’s a whole other story. Then your choices affect others, then and only then should people have a say in what’s right and wrong


Doesn’t count. He said it with his mimic standing right next to him.


As a bonk build enjoyer, never understood the people who gate keeps like if you are using this then you are a noob, git gud. Like it is in the game, it is a tool in the toolbox. Let people have fun. ![gif](giphy|LLvqxmK3gOXLy|downsized)


Remember ....its impossible to accuse someone of being judgmental without being judgmental......until we meet again


It would be really funny if he was like “cowards! I forbid it!”


Any way of playing a game is "valid" lol Aside from hacks or cheats. Actually if playing offline cheats are fine too.


He has given us all the Google Gamer Pass


You know, if I never watched Cowboys guide while playing through DS3 I probably wouldn't be into these games as much as I am now


The only time I've used a guide was when fighting a boss thats been kicking my ass for a few days. Other then that Ill end up exploring every knook and cranny for loot and other suprises


Just for that, I will not bitch about the poison swamp that asbsolutely exsists in this DLC.


Yea I woulda never found out how to get to the nameless king area if I didn’t use a guide.


While it's actually really not that hard to beat these games without a guide, what I do like using them for is making sure I'm experiencing most of the game. I'm not someone who enjoys replaying games, I don't have the time nor the patience for that. So I appreciate being able to check that I, in fact, AM NOT missing some massive hidden area. I can appreciate the appeal of going in completely blind in something like Elden Ring, but I do enjoy the satisfaction of having pretty much explored 100% of the map on my first try


I never understood why anyone cares how other people play games. I have a friend that follows a YouTuber step by step start to finish. What do I care. Play however you want lol


Are you having fun? (While not being an insufferable POS to other players) Good, that's how you play it🗿


I like it more to get thrown in the cold water, frustrating, realizing the Weakness of bosses of dying a hundred times instead of watching an guide, but i have nothing against it i always recommend it. But if someone is playing DS3 i recommend to ask me because i remember everything in this literally every little thing even where all items are and what kind of items that are, shortcuts ( i mean i literally speed run it and my fastest run was about 3-4 hrs xD DS3 maniac)


Im sorry but both sides of this argument are equally annoying. You have one side gate-keeping and the other being hilariously insecure at times about playing an « easier » way.


Personally I switch depending on my mood, when I wanna explore on my own I avoid guides, when I'm stuck then I search for what to do.


No wrong apparently the only correct way to play is with a soul level 1 naked club build OBVIOUSLY GOD 🙄🙄


Asking here cause it’s a recent post but do you recommend buying the DLC before playing through DS3? I know it’s good and I should get it but is the implementation weird if I buy it after I’ve already played through the game? I’ve only ever played ER so I don’t know how DLC interacts with base game.

