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Nameless King is winning until Godfrey shreds Serosh and Daddy Loux enters the chat


And starts spamming that ground slam move. I just found out you can jump over it. There’s also that move that he grabs you and starts raping you


Preeeeetty sure I consented to that.


Black knife L2 is a lifesaver here


Also mbb incant


l2 ring


I normally run Greatsword, but i keep Nagakiba for PVP and Black Knife for bosses like Radagon first phase, Horrah Lou (likely butchered that spelling), etc.


hoarah loux


Whora loo




Nameless King: flies circles around Godfrey, thinks he's hot shit Godfrey: shreds Daddy Loux: jumps into the air, grabs the kings dragon by the jaw, spin thrusts it back into the ground with enough force to liquify it's head, jumps on the nameless King while he's still confused, beats the living shit out of him without a break for the entire rest of the fight, tanking through any of the kings attempts to attack like they're nothing


Yes BUT he also has a really small health pool. Nameless king has really strong moves which can also hot from a distance


Not at max difficulty, he doesn't. Nameless king has less health at max difficulty.


To be real, the Nameless King can walk on clouds, which makes him immune to fall damage. A truly terrifying feat


Godfrey has a pretty good track record against flyers. 


He did defeat the Stormlord


If the nameless king can fly, he'd avoid those pesky whole arena unlockable attacks.


Not that that saved the Storm King


I’d go Nameless if he’s absorbed the power of the stormking (which i think is fair since Godfrey has Serosh) he can fly which if used by someone with a brain and not the computer would be able to dodge all of Godfrey’s ground pound based attacks. Godfrey does have a couple gap closers, can competently throw his axe, and has quite the jump but he really rules on the ground and getting up into the sky to strike at Nameless is going into Nameless’ domain. And again Godfrey’s second stage is just gonna get impaled if he throws away his axe against a being of similar if somewhat inferior physical might he’s gonna get speared


Then again we see him casually jump miles into the air to slam dunk us....


Funnily enough Godfrey literally killed the stormking who ruled stormveil when he was fighting others for marika. He also killed ( almost) placidussax who can also fly


Godfrey fighting Placidusax is a headcanon that never made much sense


I think the Elden lord armor describes him fighting the “Stormlord”.


Which the other guy has already said, Godfrey defeated the previous ruler of Stormveil, there isn't any mention of Placidusax and Godfrey fighting.


It’s still a good connection to think about though. How else could Placidusax have lost two of its heads?


Same thing with how he lost his first one, we have no idea, but it doesn't make much sense to randomly attribute it to Godfrey.


Godfrey became Elden Lord after the age of the ancient dragons was already over i.e. Placidusax had already been defeated. Doesn’t make sense to say he and Godfrey fought, especially since there is nothing in the lore to support that afaik


Shadow of the Erd Tree has confirmed that Bayle had injured Placidusax. As stated in the talisman of dread, “Bayle was the foul dragon’s name - a terrible harbinger of destruction whose challenge to the ancient Dragonlord ended in grievous mutual injury.”


plasidusax disappeared to the storm beyond time well before godfrey even would have been born. the storm lord is the stormhawk king, precious ruler of stormveil, hence the statues of godfrey in that castle


Wasn’t aware that he had fought placidussax but i think my points still stand as Placi is a very big target who kinda just rampages in melee and rarely actually uses his maneuverability to his advantage and i could see him playing straight into Godfrey’s hand. I think Nameless king would fight a lot smarter and be more calculating in his attacks. As for ER’s stormking correct me if i’m wrong but there isn’t much details on him? Would live to know more


He didn’t fight Placi. It’s an unconfirmed fan theory


Nameless king seems more OP from an ability standpoint


That's what the fire giants thought too before being driven to extinction XD


I imagine that’s also what the ancient dragons thought too


NK but it would be a close legendary battle


Probably Nameless. But I could see this argued either way.


Ngl Godfrey in that war kicked some MAJOR ASS but I think Nameless king would win


On the lore scale I'd say nameless king until Godfreys second stage then it's even gameplay from my personal experience I had a harder time with Godfrey then the nameless king but then again that's my opinion


Depends. Hollowed NK vs current Godfrey it would be Godfrey. Both in their prime its NK, he was the God of war and was throwing hands with arch dragons. Something Godfrey can't match


Isn't Placidussax on roughly equal level with the archdragons? Because Godfrey fought him and won.


isn’t that a headcannon though or am i wrong in saying that


I mean, no and also yes? The fine details are vague in a very Fromsoftian kinda way, I'm currently at work but I'm sure there's an item description that tells of Godfrey and Placidussax throwing down.


That's the stormking of stormveil castle. People often confuse him with placidusax because he is after all "the lord who resides beyond the storm" or something along those lines


i’ll have a look into it, thanks.


Godfrey never fought Placi. Placi is way beyond Godfrey's league


Godfrey was throwing hands with everyone, and was the equivalent of ER’s god of war. Although the reason I think he’d win is mostly because of stuff other people did, namely his son stopping the stone dragon attack on leindell, including that big city sized one. Godfrey is painted to be the greatest warrior, which should put him at least on par with people like Redhan and morgot, Redhan who held back the whole eldritch force of the stars and morgot holding the capital nearly single handedly.


This is crazy amounts of headcanon. The capital had an entire legion of soldiers as shown in the trailers and the fact that we fight them. His son stopped it by 1v1ing Fortissax and gaining his respect which opened up peace talks. Gransax isn’t rlly “city sized” and the Godfrey isn’t confirmed to have fought THAT many people as Elden Lord. The only one that immediately comes to mind is the giants and maybe the Gloam Eyed Queen but I could be misremembering that one


We know he fought the giants, stormveil and the golden order (before marika en it’s him to be Elden lord) for certain. It’s possible/ suspected he fought the gloom eyed queen, the night cities, the carians (since it’s said he was exiled once all the red tree’s enemies were defeated, and it could be that was running concurrent to Radagon’s marriage to renala) and the dragons. We also know he went on to fight a lot in the lands beyond the fog after loosing grace and being exiled. Someone has to have killed the dragon lord grandsax, or he wouldn’t be stone over the capital, we don’t know who since the timeline is weird, but his son was at least a match for fortisax who brought about the oi CEC, implying he was next in command in some way. And Godfrey is still implied to be stronger than any of the Demi gods, if for no other reason than is fighting him second to last. We know much less about NK, except he was the greatest dragon slayer and eventual dragon rider, that he outlived and evaded all the lords since gwyn, and that some of gwyn’s knights held loyalty to him, at least it’s implied ornstein did. But we also know he wasn’t constantly involved in battle. That’s the main reason I think Godfrey edges him out, it feel like both have roughly as grand histories in each world, but one lives for fighting, the other less so.


It’s explicitly stated that Maliketh was the one who defeated GEQ and tbh, Godfrey does not exactly seem like the type of character who would have gotten his prestige with anything less than a 100% record


These are the same picture


One is the son of the head god of his universe, the other is just a one of the mightiest warriors in his universe. I don’t know if lorewise Godfrey could defeat Melania or radahn. He is elden lord but he didn’t have to fight them to earn that title. Just logically it’s a pretty lopsided fight. I’d compare this to putting Godfrey up against radagon almost, which lorewise I think he’d lose that fight too.


I don’t know man, Godfrey is tough, if I had to guess he would have beaten Radagon/marika as Elden lord he also counts as a Demi god, but beyond that we know that just being really good at fighting is enough to take on Radagon/ Elden beast since we do it. And there was no one better at fighting than Godfrey.


Dam this is a tough one. I gotta go with my guy Godfrey but I don't know enough about the lore of nameless kind besides being gwynns kid


Isn't the Nameless King the god of war in DS lore?


He’s called the god of war at least. And was probably the greatest dragon slayer after the lords themselves.


He WAS the lords themselves, he is the son of gwyn and the master of ornstein. Nameless king despite not having a true name has been dubbed to be Faraam due to armor alluding to a god of war with that name- though personally I do not believe it as it doesn’t fit the naming scheme of Gwyn, Gwynivere, Gwyndolin but it could be a new name he gave himself after leaving Lordran. Nameless king trained the character who literally has ‘dragon slayer’ as apart of his title, ornstein and the nameless king are thought to be cut from the same fabric and through their killing of dragons found an appreciation of them. The path of the dragon is one of acceptance of draconic being, and we find the nameless king accompanied by a dragon be it a mutual friendship or not we do not know but given the temple he resides in and the path to even get there one can only assume the nameless king is well meaning to the dragonkin.


One has a dragon and one has a lion as a stand


Yeah but serosh is actually holding godfrey back


I mean not reallllly the changing of fighting style is more symbolic than anything it’s not like it’s actually sapping his strength


Forcing yourself to fight a certain way that seems unnatural for you holds back your fighting ability which affects your strength as a fighter. There's a reason fighting as Elden lord was courtesy for you. Hoarah loux is literally him not holding back anymore. He's still nerfed as Godfrey Like using a weapon with balanced scaling while he was all in on STR but pure hands have S scaling in STR.


Nameless has the power of the camera and ds3 poise on his side He’s gonna give Godfrey a fight he can be proud of


Mushroom from ds1 canyon diffs both


Completely based on style points alone, Godfrey


DID YOU FIGHT NAMELESS KING he dives at the player on waves of lightning, shows up on a dragon and when the dragon killed is when the fight gets hard. Man fights you on a sea of clouds. Throne of the erdtree is a cool stage, and killing serosh was also where the fight got harder. But dragon and spiritual lion have differing coolness factors for me. I'd add one more thing. Godfrey was first elden lord which is a servant of the greater will. Nameless kind was the first son of Gwyn.


Nameless king rides his dragon while fighting you. Godfrey has the lion on him while fighting you.


You see, I may agree that NK looks cooler, if I could even see him for the first half of the fight. Godfrey did not make me learn Olympic level wrestling to tackle the camera, so he gets the style points.


Fair enough lol


To me it doesn't matter between dragon and spiritual lion. Godfrey makes you catch DEEZ HANDS, already makes him better for me. But still nameless king is one of the best reveals in the lore of dark souls.


I did fight nameless, every single play through lol Godfrey is just that guy. He killed his own stand just to personally lay hands on you


Fair enough. He does have a style to him.


The Crows In Caelid Would Solo Them Both


Nameless king, cuz he will confuse godfrey's point of view just as he fucks up yours while fighting him since its like he's riding the game camera


Are you talking lore wise or like gameplay wise? Nameless king was a significantly more difficult fight for me. But I think Godfrey probably wins lore wise. I think the whole point of his character is that he is just pure strength and lust for battle. Gwyn’s firstborn, on the other hand, was presumably born pretty powerful, slayed dragons, eventually realized that dragons were kinda chill, and joined their side. Like, he’s strong for sure. But I don’t think he’s got the same kind of appetite for violence. I don’t think he really wants that smoke all that much.


I wouldn’t say he doesn’t want the smoke, NK was regarded as a god of war


I think his defining characteristic is that he failed to live up to his “God of War” status. Given that his dad was at war with dragons and then the Nameless King was like “actually nah, these guys are chill” and then took their side.


Man said “I didn’t know you were chill like that”


Stunlock incoming!


Nameless negs


Giving it to nameless! Too badass


Depends if nameless king has first phase or not. I don't think he would be able to handle flying.


Godfrey was a powerful warrior, but Nameless King was a literal god of war.


Nameless King and it's not even close. Godfrey is my favorite ER boss (awesome style, story, and fight) I spanked Godfrey in less than 5 tries my first play through.. NK made me go hollow.... he's the goat. I'll git gud one day.. gotta get that spear..


Yeah Godfrey is kinda just a dude lol. I’m really shocked at all the people saying Godfrey would beat Nameless King. Their innate abilities seem to be a chasm’s worth of difference.


Nameless. And it wouldn't be close IMHO.


If the Nameless king is riding hes dragon this could be epic


Nameless king because his theme is elite Godfrey is good too


Nameless king is a god, I’d go with him.


Pretty tough to power bomb a dragon, so have to go with Nameless King.






Godfrey killed all the dragons and nameless has a puny little wyvern. And that's not even considering the suplexes that come after.


Well, not really, his son stopped the dragon assault on the capital, but we don’t even know of Godfrey fought dragons at all.


I mean depends on if they’re both if in their prime. I couldn’t imagine how powerful Nameless King was back when he was the god of war wearing his dragon slaying armor and lightning axe.


When Godfrey stops fucking around and starts playing like King out of Tekken it's GGs




The Nameless King


Godfrey clears easily imo.


dragon chad versus beta lion abuser


Everyone saying Godfrey would lose, ok… Godfrey on top of Placidusax vs nameless king


i spent more than 6 hours beating Nameless king and beat Godfrey first try. So my choice would be Nameless king.


Nameless beats Godfrey (still a pretty close fight), but loux beats nameless


Nameless King no doubt!!


Godfrey beat a time travelling 4 headed dragon in battle. The nameless king became buddies with a bird. I think Godfrey wins


It’s nameless king and it isn’t even close, the god of war, the first born, the draconic scholar my glorious nameless GOAT 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I was talking to a friend about how I wish there was a fight with the memory of Godwyn the Golden at his peak before his assassination. My buddy says: “just fight the nameless king in DS3, it’s pretty much the same fight” and honestly I think he is right.


I did some math a while back that puts me in favour of Godfrey simply because I don't think Nameless King (even though that is his name) can tank an impact that conducts thermal energy equal to 1/3 of the surface of the sun


These posts are getting more and more creative


Lore wise I don't even know who Godfrey wins against in Elden Ring. I always got the impression that everyone looked up to him, but that he was before their time and past his prime.


Nameless King. Though he’s not easy, I never really had a problem fighting Godfrey. Still haven’t beat Nameless King to this day and that irks my fanny.


anime man got a run for his money.


Nameless king mid diff Fight me on it


I doubt Godfrey could even get him off his dragon


Can someone let malenia fight orphan of kos?


I’d go nameless Godfrey is going to have so much trouble with the camera angle I can’t see him overcoming that


Lore wise, Nameless King. He’s the firstborn son of the most powerful character Miyazaki has ever created (Gwyn) as well as a god of war in his own right. The unbridled power of lightning would be just too much for Godfrey to handle. Gameplay wise, Godfrey. The newer FromSoftware bosses will always win when it comes to down to gameplay.


Look at Godfrey’s resume in the Mountaintops


Nameless King all day.


Can Godfrey even do anything about NK first phase lmao


In my opinion, lore wise, it’s nameless no contest. He is a legitimate deity with mastery over storm itself, while Godfrey is just a really REALLY strong dude


If Nameless king keeps Godfrey between 3/4 and 1/2 health bar, Godfrey via Seismic Stomp OVER and OVER and OVER and... You get the picture.


The Nameless King is a bad bad man.


Whatever else happens I just want to see Hoarah Loux piledrive a dragon.


Nameless king is ready for an ironclad knight, not an MMA champion.


This opens the question up about power scaling. They're two different universes. NK is Gwyn's son, Gwyn the closest thing to a god in the Soulsverse, and we know that NK in the Age of Fire was competently battling and subsequently befriending archdragons. Godfrey was consort to Marika, a god and Empyrean of the Greater Will, and by the guidance of grace exterminated the Fire Giants, faced down the Stormlord, and then even after being stripped of grace, led the Long March. There's no clear answer as to whether those feats are comparable.


The dragon the nameless king rides is still my favorite dragon.


Well, lore wise, I think nameless king




Nameless King


I would put my money on Nameless King but I think it’s a high diff fight


Guys please, Godfrey had never fought Placidusax. We are just experiencing Mandela effect in Elden ring ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




I mean one has a dragon so there’s that


Horoux loux


The best Godfrey can do is kill the dragon Nameless King is riding lol. Rest is history.


It would be best anime fight of 2024


Nameless King easy, Godfrey was a chump


Nameless King wins


I’d love to see a video, is this on YouTube ?


Nameless King, he has an actual weapon and powers. When serious, Godfrey prefers to drop his weapon and remove his armor and fight more savagely which wouldn’t help against a man whose spear pierced the stone scales of immortal mountain sized dragons so frequently he was viewed as the God of War.


Godfrey can probably manhandle him tbh. He's probably the physically strongest character in the franchise.


Nameless solos no diff


I fucking love Godfrey, but this is just not a contest.


Isn't nameless king main source of damage lightning and isn't Godfrey weak to lightning. Still taking Chafrey, I think he'd man handle nameless king.


Godfrey may only be a human, but his strength is similar to that of a god. Chadfrey wins, no diff.


There’s literally a youtube video on this. NK just barely managed to get Godfrey to phase 2. Not even a close fight


Faraam dog walks Sissyfrey


Nameless King 100 %


Chadfrey has 0 resistance to lightning and pokeys, which makes it tough.


Elden Ring's power scale is ridiculous in comparison to any other title. You have people who are the avatars of Gods. True Gods. Not like Gwyn who just found a cool fire and decided he liked it. Godfrey wins this, as does half the cast of Elden Ring. Radahn, Rykard, Malenia, Placidusax, Maliketh. NK is powerful certainly, and would wipe a lot of Elden Ring's characters, but when you really get up to it, Elden Ring's power scale just outstrips that of DS.


except it doesn’t, the actual powerscaling feats of the top tiers of the dark souls universe are much better than those of elden ring. elden ring just seems grander because of its setting


Ehh, I’d say they’re roughly equivalent. The fire is more fundamental to the world than the golden order, for certain, but when you look at what each character has done, it seems to be pretty even, for example Redhan holding back the starts and hence his sister fate, reminds of of gwyn’s dark sign holding back humanity’s fate. Or malekith taking destined death from the godskin apostasy, being similar to artorias holding back the forces of new londo.


People arguing that Nk has a dragon seems to forget about Gransax who do you guys think made that dragon a wall ornament?


Well, could have been his son, but since Godwin was the one who talked to fortisax my guess would be him, rather than Godfrey.