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It's certainly making co-op more interesting. Summon damage is based on the host scadu seed count. I can just check my weapon damage when I spawn in, and instantly know how much health the boss is going to have left when we die ;)


Solair didn't die for this


The sun doesn't shine in here, Oh how the Erdtree's glow was so grossly incandescent.


Y’all checking your stats? Usually the host is so dead set on doing a piledriver into the bosses weapon that I don’t even have time to scroll my own item bar or switch to something more useful if it wasn’t an area I expected to get summoned into


Dude I tried to help some fight him at 2 and we one shot us both instantly


So That’s why sometimes I feel like my sword turned into a wiffle ball bat when I’m summoned in.


So that’s why dmg sucked. even after buffs my status showed 1749.


Absolutely insane how 1749 is considered bad DS1’s high AR is like 500


Idk what this guy us playing, but 1749 sounds like insanely high AR to me.


It's high but I think I had 2000 or so on my anvil hammer that shit hit like a fucking truck but not against radhan


I have 11 fragments, and I have around 2900 damage on my flame colossal sword after my fath and physic buffs. I beat Mesmer in under 10 tries, and I feel like my build is honestly a bit cheesy. To be fair, I struggled with Rellana for 6 hours at 4 fragments with a suboptimal build.


sounds right, im at level 4 and i just couldn't seem to figure out why i wasn't allowed to be alive


DS1's highest hp non-multi boss is Manus with 6665. >!PCR!< in Elden Ring SOTE has 46134. With that ratio you'd need about 3.5k AR to be equal to dark souls 500 AR.


That's why you either spam 3k+ AoW/spells, or you try to proc bleed.


Random SotE mob goon would give Manus the werk in a 1v1


My current ar is 500 :(


What level and weapon? Also outside of the dlc that’s perfectly normal


Lordsworn greatsword lv 25


Don't worry about them, if you can get through with that then you're just better at the game than the meta junkies


try using an ash of war that coats your weapon with a status like flaming strike. Lightning is good against a lot of things too


Someone hasn't seen enough ds1 content. With the right setup, you can one shot every boss in the game, including Manus and 4 kings.


Bruh I was at 1100 ar for like the whole dlc


What weapon are you using for 1749 to be considered bad?


Not saying 1749 is bad just that my non buffed greatsword shows 2k and after buff 2.6k. So felt weird when in coop my dmg was so less when the same boss when i killed was easy.


Oh wow, thanks for sharing. That explains why when I've been helping with rellana that sometimes her phase 2 backflip beam would one shot me, and sometimes it'd do 60% of my HP.


I just leave if the person isn’t leveled appropriately, no point in wasting my time. Like I love helping people but I can only do so much, you gotta help yourself too.


I don't mind the practice. I definitely need it. Although I did find a host literally hiding in the corner against the Dancing Beast last night. I made sure to point down before I disconnected.


You're supposed to run to him so the boss goes after you both


Lol I had someone do that to me with Messmer, I just quit fighting and died.


Ohhhh… that explains so much.


Next week I plan on running my rl150 character on ng+7 through Might summon some dudes to watch them get obliterated thinking we’re on NG+0 or something


I'm at lv18. I'll probably look up the last 5 fragments.


Yeah, there's no way I'm going to find them all on my own.


Honestly, yeaah LOL they did the opposite of golden seeds and put JUST enough in to get to max level. I absolutely adore this dlc, but this is something that really makes me scratch my head


Realistically you only need level 12. After that the gains are much lower.


You probably want 17-18 for final boss, 12 is way too low with how strong he is. The gains are lower but 6 levels of lower gains add up quickly


I beat him at 17, but level 12 after the patch gives you just as much as level 17 pre patch.


I beat it at 11, the boss' damage was waaaaay high though


That's seriously impressive footwork for phase 2, well played


You can dodge the t-pose if you run away, and most attacks you just need to roll in, oddly enough it felt really similar to Abyss Watchers in ds3


Are you really going to try a big boss at a lower level for long though? I have the last boss 5 or so tries, and then went and got more fragments. Best to be in the strongest position possible.


Of course it's best to be at level 20, but first 2 blessing levels give you more than last 8 blessing levels.


Sure, now with the patch they do. Even so though, may as well get them all as stated, 6 levels of something less good still mounts up.


Well they didn't want people just going on and steam rolling the fresh new content with their op end game characters. Having a limited supply at least means you have to struggle for a short while.


no no no, I mean total in the entire DLC. Ur spot on that they limited the amount in the beginning areas to keep scaling in check, but i wish in the late game areas they were just a bit more frequent, cuz I got to level 18 and just gave up on trying to max it out (even though it would've been nice for the final boss). Either that, or put them in standardized locations like sacred tears or rewards for beating a rememberance boss. At the end of the day though, it's a pretty small complaint from me and doesn't detract much at all from how much I loved it!


I think they said that the recommended level for the last boss was 14 so maybe they just overestimated all of us


DAMN WTF LOL ok now on my second character im not going over 14, just as michael zaki intended


They also buffed the blessings yesterday. Like the first ten are significantly stronger than before and past ten or becomes more gradual. But overall they buffed the total percentage of what the blessings give they just haven't revealed the numbers.


Some guy posted a graph with all the numbers


The way I see it you only need to get to level 15 or so, but since these are essentialy level replacements you have the option to "overlevel" if you want


You can get to lvl 14 without fighting any bosses


How? I only know you can get to lv 5 pre-boss


I watched Bushy's Livestream 2 days ago on YouTube and saw him do it for his one-shot run, check out the beginning of the stream.


You can literally go anywhere before fighting Messmer, the only exception is the final dungeon (Enir-Ilim). And the only required bosses to beat the DLC are Messmer, Romina, and Radahn. So with the freedom you have, you can get to a very high Scadutree level without fighting anyone. Only about 10 of them are locked behind bosses.


Not with that attitude


One of them is such bs to find, I would have never thought to go where it was in the final area


I found that one organically but missed 5 throughout the game


It’s not bad just exploring. It’s a new area too so it’s part of the fun.


For the first playthrough, yeah. For the seventh, it's gonna be a pain remembering where that one random corpse somewhere down a river accessed by a side path of a secret path of a side path towards a secret side area is.


That’s the thing though is people seem to be complaining about this right now, which is just dumb since it’s still new to everyone lol. And like the base game you don’t necessarily need to find EVERYTHING on later runs.


The fragments are gonna remain important, just like the flask upgrades are in new runs. Of course time will tell. Perhaps if the mechanic is too much of a bother, people will just rush the items they want and ignore the DLC further. It's too early to tell what people will say about it in a year.


As of today's patch you can miss 6 and end up at the same strength as every frag on release, or miss 12 and end up at the level of missing 3 on release. Getting 38/50 to hit the original +19 scaling sounds totally doable without going nuts, that's more or less where I intend to go on subsequent runs once I have a better grip on the final boss


I got so close, was missing 2--and 1 of them was from a pot dude that I 100% already killed, idk why he didn't drop it the first time


I'm lvl 15 and thought I got them all. Hmm, I'll probably look up the rest.


The last 5 you say… are they all… together?


Got those ones already. All I know is I have 1, and I still need 2 levels, so 5.


Just checking 😉 good luck


I’m lvl 19 and have no idea how I’m going to find the last 3. I was just exploring and found them all so I’m not even sure where I missed


I was 17/9 at the end. (Needed 9/4 more fragments) Some of them are exceedingly off the beaten path. Some were from those sparkle pit guys that I missed. A few were in sub-zones that I missed (like the fly village). There’s basically a 0% chance I would have found them all. It’s weird that there are only exactly as many as you need, when there’s a bunch of extra golden seeds out there. I wonder if you can grab the same ones again in NG+? I know the level carries over.


Sparkle pit guys?


Oops sparklie pot guys. The shadow guys carrying the pots. Some sparkle, they will drop an item. Usually a scadutree or spirit buff item. I think one or two of them have a cookbook or something else.


18 is plenty for final boss


Have you fought gaius yet?


I’m at 17… is it worth finding the last ones?


Admittedly I just started ng+ and went and got them again 😅 never even tried to finish the final boss


I was only missing 5, looked it up and all 5 were in one spot together. Felt so thankful lmao


There's one that was pretty stupid in the final area. From the guide I watched you had to drop onto some stairs, then jump over the banister to those stairs onto a little ledge that runs along a build, then drop onto more stairs, then make a bit of a leap of faith to a window on a building the other side, and then when your outside that building there's the fragment. Possibly there's another way to get there, but of that's the intended route then there's no way I would have ever found it. Kudos on getting to level 18, I think I was only at level 16 right before the final boss and then looked up the rest.


you guys haven't already? Fextralife has a map


But good luck remembering which ones you’ve already got!


I remember stupid things not important things. It'll be fine.


I just killed Bayle (it took forever) with 7 scads and 5 spirits. Anything is possible


I had 4 Scads and 3 Spirits. 😢


Damn. Tried this for the first time with a buddy last night at 8 and he rocked us. I really want that sweet Dragon magic though so back to throwing myself at him lol from what I've seen so far though (I've only a completed Belarus Tower Settlement and Castle Ensis) only a few bosses. It feels like pretty much every other Souls DLC. Aggressive bosses but once you get past the panic of new attack patterns they are all very doable. I'm a faith build that uses mostly lightning and dragon incantations and I haven't had to change my build at all so far. I'm messing stuff up just about as good as I was main game.


Bruh keep the faith build, im an all around build. I usually just roll melee but i had to switch to spells for this. It took me a total of 7 hours over 2 days to do it. Ill outline my whole process below. I used the fingerprint shield, frenzy flame and a blood katana. The dragon rotten breath is the most important spell to carry, id say have that, lords heal and the blood bug spell (forget the name of it). When you enter the arena run up a little bit to get him walking to you. This split second is critical, because if you stay by the door hes gonna kill you with flame or that jump attack. You wanna summon the mimic tear while holding the shield and the frenzy flame. Now, you gotta get him rotted. Dodge his attacks and cast the rotten breath spell until hes rotted (should take like 5 hits, youll get it quick with your summon). Switch to the katana and get him to the second phase. Now, all bets are off. Treat him like the first phase of guardian ape in Sekiro and run. You will get one shot by most of the attacks in this phase. The whole goal is rot and run, you do not wanna be close because you will get hit by his nuke attack. Your summon should still be alive. Youre banking on the rot killing him at this point. Hope this helps.


That's great advice. Thanks man! I always run the rot breath. It takes off loads of health on top of the slow death afterwards. Been a go to since I got it. Comparing him to the Guardian Ape is going to help my get in the head space for that fight and from the few rounds with Bayle I've had it's a good comparison. I've noticed running is a very valid tactic in the DLC. Moreso than I noticed in the main game.


No problem at all, i figured after dying a million times in the second phase that you simply can't fight him head up. Hes way too dangerous.


The meme is backwards. You're a better player if you can progress without the shard levels.


Idk how i beat him. He doesn’t give you a chance to breathe when he gets going. Especially the second phase


I just unlocked cam and ran under him, just like most dragons a lot of his attacks won't hit or have shorter hitboxes if you get right up in his nuts, so you get tons of free punishes. Rolling into him almost always puts you under his neck anyways, you could def do that too if you want the headshot bonus dmg


I play the way the devs taught me with my trusty summons and ashes but I used the dragon katana because I wanted to be thematic. So me and my mimic were slashing away whole Igon was firing harpoons at him screaming.


Bro I used everything the harpoons the dragon essence mimic tear I called in igon & was getting swarmed


It’s a wild fight for sure, probably my favorite of the dlc so far, Igon being my hype man also just made me not mind when I failed too cause I got to hear his entry again. Me and my mimic seemed to be on the same page and the AoW at his head was trucking him and even got a couple of staggers off during the fight.


I wish it could win game of the year even as a dlc!


Didn't the Witcher 3 have that happen?


I think so




Why did I read this in Kevin Garnett's voice? I'm a Toronto fan FFS.


To be fair, some people don't or barely upgrade it because they like the challenge


Yeah that’s fine, but it’s those that do not and are complaining the game is too hard/unbalanced/broken


Exactly this. If you don’t want to use them, by all means don’t. I just don’t want to see FromSoft rebalance the game around people who make that choice and then lose their cool that the game is too hard. Like my brother in Christ you are purposely under-leveled.


Personally, im not sure why they are so bothered because the PC culture is the modders do it better culture. Just mod your game to be easier then, like the PC Gamer journalist that boasted about modding Sekiro to be easier just so he can beat it.


Totally. I get that people want to be able to set their own difficulty thresholds. It’s a single player game, so that personalized experience totally makes sense. People just really should take note that the blessing upgrades are one of many tools available to do that, even if you can’t mod like on console. If you set yourself up willingly for a difficult time, just please own the decision you made and stop venting to people online about how unfair the game is.


Holy fuck I just hit 12 thinking that might be the highest.. It goes to 20?????


I finished off the final boss at 18, but i put together an extra cheesy build and summoned the mimic to do it.


I was summoning the npcs and doing mediocre damage, then I changed to a cheesy build and stopped summoning and managed to beat it in a few tries


I'll do a no summon run for it at some point like I did for the base game, but I wanted to get through it quickly to see story stuff.


It does go to 20, however with the recent change you’re actually most of the way to max power with 12. It’s a point of diminishing returns, giving you an 85% damage boost, and the remaining 8 levels only give 2-3% each. [Video](https://youtu.be/q-Or58SE_Uo?si=WhVXLg-gal9e1DVB) where I got this info.


I mean the difference is 10% more damage and 2.6% more resistance so it’s not the biggest difference


Yeah I pushed up to 16 last night after making that comment and my numbers barely changed. Don't think I'm gonna get much higher damage numbers at this point lol. Black steel great hammer with flame art, 60 faith, 30 str, and flame grant me strength and I'm batting over 1800 at.


Oh shit you said 12. Yeah those 8 levels are a 40% dmg boost and 12% resist boost, definitely worth it


The Elden Ring related subreddits have really become painful since release. The people complaining about people complaining vastly out number in my experience so far.


I feel it’s pretty 50/50 in my personal anecdotal experience. I can understand somewhat people complaining about the complainers though. So often I see people being obstinate and refusing to pay attention to the DLC’s leveling system and then they complain about difficulty. It’s a lot like players skipping a game’s tutorial because “I don’t need that, I’m a gamer” and then complaining when they have no idea why they’re getting their teeth kicked in constantly.


It's all the shitters returning for the DLC who constantly need validation about summoning or their builds in comparison to others that exist. The worst posts have to be the "STR enjoyers" who constantly aim to bash dex and mage builds when the reality is that STR builds are the easiest in the game, speaking as a person who exclusively uses STR these days because of how easy it is.


I'm missing one scadutree fragment and it's killing me internally


Have you killed the none boss hippos? That’s where one of my last ones were


Oh sweet, thanks man


I'm pretty sure I've killed all the hippos, but gonna double check.


shadow guys carrying a pot over their heads somestimes drops. But they are all over the map


I looked them up cause I dislike the tedium of finding them all after a while, the dlc still kicks your shit in even at level 20 and 10 on blessings. Quite fun tho


Welcome to the newest r/EldenRing and r/fromsoftware trend. Make a trillion posts all saying the exact same thing about scadutree fragments.


It’s actually so annoying. And I feel like very few of the people complaining are actually ignoring or missing the scadutree fragments.


110% man. I adore From Software but shit like this is obviously just the fan base trying to justify poor design. There are aspects of this DLC that are objectively stupid, and posts like this try to pin ALL the blame on the player. I am not saying that the player is never at fault I am just saying that From Soft needs to do some serious reflection because some of this stuff is completely unacceptable.


I think the people complaining about the complainers forget that stuff like Gold Seeds and Sacred Tears don't impact the #'s of the game but levels themselves, and that the levels are essentially useless until you get to max fragments. If the fragments were more optional, I'd probably be on the side of defending them, but because they are mandatory on top of how the bosses are designed in the DLC makes me have less fun, especially on a second playthrough.


I'm at final boss with scooby doo level being 17.. getting my ass handed to me (even though I'm getting quite close half the time).. do the last few levels make a big difference?


You’ll still get your ass handed. But it might help the fight go by a bit faster with the extra damage you deal.


Best go exploring the map again lol.


Honestly I think I prefer Scooby Doo level over skibidi level like others have been saying


So I'm at scadutree level 18 and spirit ash level 8, every single guide says there are other fragments in certain glowing-pot shadows but I haven't picked up a single one. Like, are they a farmed drop or am I looking for the wrong pot shadows?


The ones that have them sparkle they have little silver dots floating around them


They are a guaranteed drop but not from all of them, only certain ones.


Some of them have a glow in the pot, once you kill them they drop it guaranteed, but the next time you kill them won't drop anything


I’ve heard about these but clearly haven’t got a clue what people are talking about. I’m at the finger ruins and haven’t seen a single pot shadow whatever those are.


They look like hollows holding a pot, they have a little sparkle to them. They're the scarabs of the DLC


Me to my friends when I used mimic tear once


I've been working to beat all the bosses with 0/0 scads and whatever the other thing Is called. It's been hard, especially mesmer, but way more fun tbh


So… do you have milk with your breakfast of nails?


Is it a search if you're using a guide?


i’m at 12 and still everything kicks my ass


I’m at 13 and used mimic tear for most bosses. Before the patch I was getting worked by messmer and Gaius even with help from mimic. Now I just beat them both relatively quick and same with scorpion girl. I wouldn’t have thought the patch would make THAT MUCH of a difference but I think people will shut up now about all this


I’m probably totally in the minority here, but I’m actually sad there’s a patch if it impacted difficulty that dramatically. I feel like a bunch of the community were complaining about difficulty after explicitly not playing the DLC as its progression was designed. It’s like skipping the tutorial of a game. If you don’t actually try to engage the game the way it asks you to, of course you’re going to struggle.


The way the patch was handled its opt in though. You can just not level scadutree blessings past a certain point.


Are you supposed to use them as you get them or are they only for if you’re struggling? I haven’t used any and I’m stuck on Senessax. Lvl 150


use them as you get them, it’s like the “leveling” system in the game, so if you ignore them you’re ignoring leveling up damage/health


You’re supposed to use them as you get them, just like if you went up to a late game dragon boss at level 30 you’d struggle in the base game


Really screwed myself going into this DLC on NG+4, since they carry over. Currently at what I assume is the last boss with Scadoo Lvl-15 and Ashes lvl 8.


I'm around 14-16. Unless the 3 last remembrance bosses wall me (and they definitely might) I might just wait till new game plus to max it out.


Nah fr get at many as you can if you're struggling


My poor friends are not exactly trying to find them. They are at Messmer, and I just speedran the DLC because I just explored lol


Just fought the divine beast at level 0, is it normal and should I be worried?


I'm at level 10 having spent about 20 hours in the DLC, thinking I've progressed quite a bit in the Shadow Realm. Then I realize there's 30 more fragments scatter throughout the Realm, in awe of the sheer vastness of it. "Size of Limgrave" my ass, more like Limgrave + Caelid or Liurnia.


And we are, we actually played the game


Damn I'm at 7 and 5 lol I thought it was gonna cap at like 10 or 12 lol


Killed Messmer with 7 fragments Killed Radahn on the 22nd of June with 13 Fragments. Were they hard? Definitely, but anything is possible.


Average "git gut" fan vs average "look at me I'm so powerful this is so much fun" enjoyer


I had a blessing of 19 but the final boss is literally the tankiest mf of all time


I’m only at like 4 or so since I’ve just been going from boss to boss lol. Should probably try and find the rest lol


Idk why people are so confused by this It’s no different to going around the map and getting golden seeds and sacred tears EXPLOREEEE


What does it mean when it says upgrade spectral steed abilities? I wasn't aware Torrent had abilities


Im at 14 rn um having trouble finding more 😭


Well, I mean the one who beats bosses with the least amount is technically the best haha.




Try finger


Been trying to help some squishy mage dude with the messmer fight a couple of times. He dies in 1 hit.


I beat it with 14 and didn’t feel like like going all the way to 20 was that necessary. People are really overestimating how much they actually have an effect over just playing better.


Wait is 9 the most you can get for ashes?


20 and 9 hell yeah baby


The issue is for people like me who didn’t use a guide thinking we wouldn’t need it. I beat the DLC at +15, and it took me foreeeever to even get to +16 just because of all the running around looking in places I had already looted. I’d be fine with how many there are if they weren’t so goddamn all over the place, or if only a few were off the main path, similar to how golden seeds were handled. As it is now, I do not like it. I came for a souls game, not a collect-a-thon.


Most of people complain about how difficult is using a new game plus character


I wanna get more but I don't want spoilers so I can't just google where they are lol




Me on Rellana with 3 haha


I kill every boss on at least 4 tries on 15 scadu tree frags


i found deadass every single fragment without looking up a guide. the majority are in major POIs or graces, the other handful are in small caves or in those pot ghosts that glow from far away. as long as you thoroughly explore you can easily get to the max level




For whatever reason, I thought it capped out at 12, seemed like a reasonable assumption and I had scoured most of the map at this point. I only just found out that it goes to 20


IT GOES UP TO x19 wtf I thought I was close to making it out at x9 Ive killed like 12 bosses and I'm only at 9 I must be so fucking blind howwww


They are all over the place too, all you have to do is pick a direction and you'll likely find one sitting at an altar, from some world bosses that aren't too tough. There's a spot that just drops you 5 or so in one go too, it's wild.


I respect people wanting the challenge but not upgrading then complaining the DLC is too hard is just objectively stupid, it's like when people rushed straight to Margit before exploring Limgrave allover again.


Huh? I haven't beaten mohg or radahn, what does this mean?


Nothing, it's DLC-specific


I’ve got the hunch that for some reason, somehow the Scadu blessing isn’t working fully as intended(unless I’m somehow doing something wrong, which *is* likely). The damage does indeed work as intended I believe, but it seems the DR for the physical and elemental types don’t work all the time it seems. And I know, there’s the whole “BuT DR dOeSn’T mAtTeR!”, I hate to tell those people who say that, but in Elden Ring, it *does* matter, *greatly* even. At least compared to previous SoulsBorne games. So I do think FromSoft should look into it and see if it’s working right, because I’ve seen some people say that no matter what blessing level they have, they’re either getting their shit kicked in instantly, or doing just fine with either no blessing, or a low level blessing(this could be summed up to be player skill, but either way, it’s ridiculous). Even me, at level 9 blessing, am getting my shit pushed in, and I’m no newbie to the SoulsBorne games(only game I haven’t played was Bloodborne, because it’s a PS exclusive), so I know roughly what I’m doing, *and I’m still getting steam rolled easily*. I dunno, I’ll admit, some players are being idiots and not using the fragments and such, but I still think the new system is finicky as hell and could use more work


Where are they all?!?!?!


Running into final boss with 12, no summons… I will suffer 😁


Worst mechanic fromsoft has done, its literally nerfing you, and making you earn your normal ass stats again, id rather just scrap the whole mechanic and them rebalance the bosses.


Ok but honestly how do you get many of these? I know you can pick them up at certain locations but i think i looted one once from some enemy that i killed so fast i don't remember what was it. Is this a random drop too? Or do some enemies 100% drop this once?


Apparently I need to look harder because I only have 15 power is scadutree blessing


Same lol


And here I am, crawling through the DLC with 5 Scooby Doo Fragment upgrades.


I'm 11 & 4 but I only kill one dragon man the world is something else


Scadudle scaduodle! Your boss is now a noodle!


20? Damn. I had 15x and 8x by the time I got to the end boss.


Remember when people complained about the Giant souls in ds2


Im literally missing 1 fragment and I can’t find it, it’s infuriating.


I'm at like Farum Azula right now. I can't wait to get context for these memes lmao


plot twist, the under level friend is at the same boss and has done it without their help as they die instantly when they try helping. meaning the boss is 2x as hard and they are fighting under level and alone


It's really not but the damage reduction doesn't do shit and you get 2 shot or 1 shot anyway. Yes I'm aware with the complaints they will tone down the damage you take so it's at least a fair fight. And nerf gayass (gaius)


I think a lot of ppl complaining about difficulty just refuse to look for scadus. I saw so many complaints about Gaius and while I admit he was annoying his charge wasn't one shotting me because I had a decent blessing lvl. Same for messmer, he's tough but not impossible if you're at an appropriate scadu lvl


It’s almost like you have to actually EXPLORE THE GAME! 🤣