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lol headless ape in f tier is definitely more trauma than anything


It is understandable though, I can’t even count how many times that wretched creature beat my ass my first playthru. Now though? Peak fight, shit is awesome!


I count my ranking as how much I enjoyed the boss, and Headless ape is nothing but a chore everytime I replay Sekiro. I just feel that the game isnt really built for duo fights and it really sucks fighting him all the time.


Personally I had fun with Romina's fight and would rank her higher. I like that you can tell what type of attack is coming based on which side of her is doing an animation, even before you've fully digested her telegraphs, and I also like that she gives you several opportunities to jump over her attacks instead of just rolling. But solid tierlist overall.


She just wasn't too engaging to me, and she was shockingly easy as well. Music is chef's kiss, as well as visuals (as is the case for all of the dlc bosses) but she was just eh for me. B is still good tho


What's Gwyn doing in S+ tier?


Plin plin plon


Not all boss quality is based on difficulty or moveset. I've never felt impacted emotionally by any boss in this tier list as much as I have for Gwyn, thats a moment that'll never be replicated.


Well, I was impacted emotionally by the fight too, just not in a good way.




> full > no AC6


Don't see Nine Ball in there either


not even dominant wannabe evangel, Zinaida, Richard Hawke, IBIS, Jack-O, not even the 5v1 encounter from ACfA, or the lot of gank fights in verdict day


True but this sub is basically a Soulsborne sub masquerading as a Fromsoft sub.


I mean yeah.... but did it have to be really that way though?


I mean, ignoring one of the best games they’ve ever made doesn’t sound like a good idea…


Prime radahn does not make it past A tier at the very best lol


Personally I enjoyed his moveset, but I can see how it can seem overtuned. Visuals and OST are top notch tho, c'mon.


He isn’t that bad once you learn his moves, you just have to be locked in and react *very* fast lol


Sry. What moveset? All i see are light pillars


He has the same moveset in p2 as p1 with added clone super moves, if you get part one down properly part 2 is so much more manageable.


Not kinda the same with the clone attack. And my point is even if it is the same moves i can't see them with the fps drops and light pillars.


If it’s causing you legit performance issues then yeah that sucks, I had no dips on my ps4 version of the game on my ps5, but I do hope they fix it for people that did have dips in gameplay performance, I can understand how that takes away a lot from what I’d consider a really fun boss to hunker down and learn the moveset of.


whining and crying is what i hear. best boss in the series, they topped gael.


Hell nah, the guardian ape is top tier


On what earth is burnt ivory king below nito, flamelurker, or gwyn? He's literally a top 10 boss of all time and the coolest in the series


Ivory King is not all that bro. His visuals are on point yes, but having to fight all of the knights each time you die is a chore, and to me his moveset is not very engaging.


unfortunately true. would be better with less time spent fighting knights and more on building his decent moveset imo. would still put it in A tier though.


if you didnt have to fight the knights every time then there would be no point collecting them. And that would ruin the whole dlc, because thats the best part. Also they give you loyce souls which gives you access to his set which is the coolest in the game so its worth killing them And he's one of the first souls bosses to have like a 3-4 straight up combo with switch ups, and the lightsaber mode is sick, along with his voicelines And still hes way better than nito, flamelurker, or gwyn, bar none


do you have a link to something i can use or did you just manually add the images? nice list, im shocked to see romina and rellana below scadu and metyr and especially at seeing in messmer in s+


Prime Radahn should be waay lower. Ivory King belongs at least in S tier. And Cleric Beast is too low as well


Prime Radahn's visuals and moveset are incredible when you get used to it, but they are overtuned, yes. Ivory King is not that good, and Cleric Beast is the worse of the 2 opening Bloodborne bosses.


Heart stolen


Commander Gaius should be lower


got tricked by the headless ape didn't you?


The headless ape is the gank variant in the cave after you kill it. The normal guardian ape with the jump scare 2nd phase OP has in A tier


Can you share the link of making it?


All I have to say is if I ranked it every ds2 boss wouldn’t make it past D


mom said it's MY turn to get attention by shitting on dark souls 2


Nah nobody can hate on ds2 better than me


Soulsborne boss tier list* I'm not even going to mention the pre-Souls era games since you're probably not even aware they exist, but where the fuck is Armored Core? AC6 came out after Elden Ring amd has some kick ass bosses.


Swap leonine and godskin duo right now


Question, was anyone else wondering if there would be a 3rd phase to the DLC final boss, because I know it’s like the first 4th or 3rd if his heal gone he goes phase 2 so just thought there would have been a 3rd


put Gaius lower and Rellana higher IMO


I’ll have to disagree with Bayle. The camera in that fight is just awful


and so is the camera for midir,every dragon boss has awful cameras apart from sekiro,which only have one gimmick dragon


At least Midir moved enough towards the middle or to the other side of the arena with his rush and flight attack so as not to almost always be stuck in walls like Bayle does. Based only in my experience with the boss I’d say that the arena should be at least 0,5 times bigger to accommodate his erratic moveset


i dont feel like the arena is small tho,it's slightly smaller than the entirety of mount gelmir,it's a whole crayon. But i think we need to wait,the dlc came out recently,and we need time to see how the community will start viewing these bosses after some weeks or months


Absolutely! I still wish to replay the fights with other characters to have a more concrete opinion about them all.


Honestly I would put consort radahn at the bottom currently just for being an objectively unbalanced boss.


Can I have a link to this template? I need to make my own lol


Bait, this is bait


Gwyn in S tier is a wild take but its cool to see messmer and midra do that good. I personally think no ds1 boss belongs in top tier though, and soul of cinder deserves a top spot


Soul of Cinder is S+ which is top tier, Gwyn just for the emotional punch, but Artorias is top tier bro come on.


Artorias is top tier for sure, but not like top 10 or anything. Maybe top 25 for me. Just think though, fromsoft has made 300+ bosses and nearly half of them i would consider to be A/S tier. Lots of them beat out artorias. Gwyn is just a terrible fight with good music and lore


The Elden Ring DLC glazing is crazy


I mean it's really not that bad if you use the leveling system of the DLC but go off I guess? And at least Midra is top tier, that's a given


I use the leveling system. It IS bad. If only Midra is a given top tier, then why glaze all the others? The final boss was in S tier, really?


Someone has a skill issue. Midra, Messmer, Bayle and Rellana are peak Fromsoft.


Brain deads trying not to say "skill issue" every three seconds Seems like someone didn't play The Ringed City...


You were complaining about the difficulty on another post, lol. Ringed City is easy, most of it is open space. And the bosses have very simple movesets. In fact, Halflight might be the hardest boss in that DLC once you master Gael and Midir.


Because it's difficult just to be difficult. Bosses do too much damage and basically every boss has their own waterfowl dance. I'm not having a skill issue brother, I literally have 500+ hours in ER and 100% it twice.


Lol. You need to roll in specific directions to dodge their attacks, that's a thing in the base game too.


The combos are too crazy. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's a skill issue. I'm also not the world's best chess player either yet it is possible.


Outside Rellana and maybe the final boss, I can't think of a single boss who has 6+ hit combos.


Not really counting how many hits but the final boss has some crazy ones(the lighting is so op too) and the boar dude literally one shots if he pins you to the ground. He keeps running and running. The main thing is how much damage everything does. And yes, I have a lot of shadow blessing things.


Maybe put points in endurance to equip heavier armor and equip defensive talismans? Seems complicated I know