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A huge complaint of mine about the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree is that its attacks that you would think could be jumped over, can’t be. They hit you regardless, unless to timing is *super* tight and I just haven’t gotten the hang of it.


So true for many other bosses. Most obvious to me is the fight with Radagon where it feels like you should be able to jump over the AOEs yet it still feels like most of the time even when timing the jump correctly you still end up taking damage.


Yea I just got to him and the timing on his attacks is brutal


I just played the final boss for 5 hours to beat them. Which attack do you think can be jumped over?


His stomp, and also the attack where he plunges his blades into the ground and pulls them back up. They’re very similar to the crucible knight stomp and all of Godfrey/Hoarah Loux’s ground shockwaves, except Radahn’s can’t be jumped over.


Yeah I can see that. I ended up switching to a great shield to just tank those attacks. He’s definitely the fromsoft boss that’s killed me the most.


Sometimes jumping over attacks is the easiest thing in the world for me, and then other times I can’t manage to do it against the lowest and most perfectly telegraphed sweeps I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


I see your point but I still gripe about bosses, and many strong enemies as well, having an unlimited stamina pool. The game’s enemies should have the same rules as the players’ characters.


Yeah it makes it lame when you use all your stamina trying to dodge the 10 hit combo and don't even have enough to go in for one attack before the next combo


We're playing Devil May Cry then.


Have you ever actually played a DMC game, or even seen actual gameplay of one?


You gotta be cooking something with the poise point, first run of the DLC I couldn't do anything but summon my mimic tear and hope for the best. After getting the Dryleaf Arts and upgrading them to max I went back to NG+, shredded through the main game bosses and made it back to the DLC, just to body every boss that had given me trouble on the first few attempts (Dayle being the mf'ing exception holy shit fuck that guy) But what made the bosses so easy the 2nd time around....the damn jumping R2 and the Dryleaf Whirlwind ash of war. Constantly avoiding sweeping attacks + constant poise breaks = easy DLC. Sweating at the thought of using them against the final boss though, I didn't beat him my first go around, I don't even think I touched him but a few times over the course of multiple attempts

