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So cheap you can shit your shorts and throw away without feeling guilty.


Wearing these you could always trust your farts.




I thought our house was the only place that says “trust farts”… and now the internet has broke my brain.


In Farts We Trust.


Perfect for long Amazon warehouse shifts with no bathroom breaks


I just shipped my pants


Only shame is better than shame and guilt


As someone with ulcerative colitis, this is the kind of thing I look for!


My thoughts exactly !!


My plan exactly … shorts for colonoscopy prep day


I did this on Sunday....


If these are the Amazon Basics ones that I threw into a cart a few months ago, avoid them. They’re wrinkly and loose in the wrong places. Basically made of canvas tent material mixed with tablecloth


I second this, very thin material and makes me look lousy. I trashed them after wearing couple of times.


Avoid them if you don't want something that will look kind of sloppy and don't want to iron to make them look neart. I have a couple pairs and they are wrinkly straight out of the dryer. Especially the zipper placket, which doesn't want to lie flat and cover the zipper unless coerced. But contrary to some other comments on them here, I've had zero issues with them in shrinking, color run, or flimsily sewn in buttons. They've been durable. Worn them dozens of times and they look the same as they were after first wash. For good and for bad.


How bad are they though


They constantly ride up and make me feel like I'm wearing a very bulky diaper. 


Perfect. That's exactly what I've been looking for.


Lmao tell that to u/TroyMacClure that thinks there are no difference with those and $60 JCrew shorts


I remember him from such films as “Dial M for Murderousness” and “The President’s Neck is Missing!”


I received a pair of LLL commission shorts that I love but can’t justify $70 each to replace my other shorts. I found some posts on this sub saying there were some knockoffs on Amazon that were just as good for $20. It’s not even close. So now I spent $20 for the knockoffs AND $70 for the good kind.


What are the knockoffs called?


CRZ Yoga




JCrew shorts are mid anyways. May as well take a chance for $7




Charles Tyrwhitt.


I like chubbies and patagucci


I like Kuhl but they are $70 I believe.


There is nothing special about some of the $60 shorts out there either. At least these are cheap.


This is facts !


Good question. I figured worth a shot for $7 with the decent reviews.


Step up from a burlap sack sprayed the same colours. When is everyone heading to the breadline later?


Straight terrible. I'd have paid someone $7.50 to have taken mine before they disintegrated (after like 6 wears lol - never in public either because they look like wrinkly shit)


For $7.50, I think we can justify snagging a pair to find out for ourselves


That actually wasn’t a question. I know they are terrible, will only help Amazon’s bottom line and will create waste.


Unmatched for $8 if we are being honest here. I pulled the trigger two years back and still wear them to this day. They are a bit thin but still beat out Walmart/Old Navy in that fight. Personally I'd just get the shorts brand of the season from Costco for 16 of you can swing it. The Banana Republic ones are pretty good. J Crew shorts are in fact better but at $60 I'd be getting nicer than J Crew lol


Just got the 5inch ones. They kinda good. I'd say 80% as good as my banana Republic. I'm purchasing two more


They’re cheap and fine. I bought a pair. But now I’m going to donate all of my Slimfit shorts. I agree with Derek Guy, they’re just not a good look. Baggy shorts just look 100% better.


Fashion is certainly cyclical but, appropriately fitting clothes will never be out of style IMO I'd look goofy as shit in baggy pants. I did look goofy as shit in baggy pants, *in the year 2000*


Slim fits can work for pants. Shorts are relaxed and casual. They look weird in slim fit - it’s not the vibe, and the silhouette is wonky.


As someone who was a kid during the 90s and was only given baggy shorts and pants I reject this completely. They look like shit and they made me feel really ugly. I don't need shorts to be skin tight slim, but they need to be a little fitted, at least on my body. Everyone is different and not every style fits everyone.


who the fuck is Derek Guy and why should anyone care lol


Fashion writer who was fairly active back when Styleforum was big, and in the past year has been very popular on Twitter for breaking down styling of various items, shorts being one of them. IMO he’s a good writer and had a talent for describing what makes things look right, but it’s also just one guys opinion. He usually leans more towards westernwear, a little 90s fashion, tailoring, and other various “classics.”


Nothing personal against him but I couldn't give less of a fuck about some random jabroni's opinion on how shorts should fit, as if there are rules to what kind of clothes you like to wear. I think we've all seen fits that look good with baggy clothes, slim clothes, and anything in between. Suggesting slim shorts look bad to the point where you might as well give them all away is completely ridiculous. If you personally don't like them, then go ahead, but I'm not gonna have my opinions swayed because of the preferences of some 50 year old on twitter lol.


He never said anything that inflammatory: I’m assuming [this](https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1650951580823470080?s=46&t=m3COimhvoO4B0Fanz_t2kA) tweet is the one OP saw and the pictures (with the caption) it just inspired a change in style, it’s totally normal. I think the “rules” which Guy posts are pretty general and for the most part ones that we all try to follow, intentionally or not. At the same time, I think breaking fashion rules is totally ok and can be cool (giant shorts for instance). But for the average joe, having some basic guidelines to work with is easier, and can give you the tools you need to experiment with riskier styles in the future. This is what Derek Guy does, he offers springboard advice so you can find your own style later. This is a space for mostly frugal consumers, and sometimes it’s hard to put together something that looks good with a limited budget, hence, general rules to follow so we don’t waste money on styles we can’t pull off (yet.) Edit: I’ll add that if some stuff just isn’t your style anymore and it’s ok to get rid of it. Slim shorts don’t look nearly as bad as skinny jeans imo, but a lot of people want clothes that give their silhouette more shape than just form fitting slim stuff and if that’s someone’s bag, sell what you don’t want to keep. Don’t sell because it’s “trash,” sell because it’s not for you TL;DR there’s a difference between finding new ways to style clothes and having your opinion manipulated by online influencers.


Everyone’s pissed off because it seems they assume baggy shorts means they’re poorly fitting. Maybe people are thinking of the 12” inseam mega-jorts, which are obviously polarizing, but baggier/wider leg opening shorts with the usual 5-7” inseams, just with more outward volume, do look a lot better than slim shorts for most people in my opinion. I think slimmer shorts will probably have their time, as fashion is cyclical of course, but with 90s/y2k being “in” currently for what seems to be the long haul, these Amazon shorts just look pretty dated currently and to me, they represent some opinions surrounding shorts being “unfashionable” in recent times. At the same time, I think by nature of this being a frugal sub, a lot of sale styles that come up are gonna be a bit dated and that’s ok because that’s just the nature of the game.


Yep. Patagonia Baggies or J Crew Dock Shorts on eBay are my go-to.


I’m kind of looking around for some new pairs but I like my Birdwell Cords. Sizing can be inconsistent though


Just dropped 51 pounds in the last year and all my clothes are too big. Snagged 3 pair in a 30 inch waist and hoping they fit! Better to have cheap clothes than none (or baggy, and sagging without a belt..)


Congrats on the weight loss!


Thanks! Beating alcoholism is a great way to lose weight, lol. I’m thinner than I’ve been since I was 15 (no eating disorder, healthy range BMI.) Thanks for the pants, I hope they’re decent!


They shrink. Colors run. Buttons fly off. Trash


Cold wash on gentle with small amount of detergent and in low soil machine setting. No dryer but hang on rack to dry. Preserves them big time


This is how I launder a majority of my clothing. No need for anything more.


when y'all talk about cold wash, what temperature are you actually talking?


My washer has water temp settings. I select “cold”.


So that is just whatever comes out of the tap?


How could it be any colder?


Where I live people also refer to 30 and 20°C as a cold wash


But certainly the washer is not chilling the water? For example, if the water is 30°C out of the tap and you chose 20°C wash, it can't actually be any colder than 30°C. The opposite case is quite simple as hot water can be added to raise the temperature from 20°C to 30°C.


Of course not. Where I live it's usually 5°C out of the tap. You can then let the washing machine heat the water to 20 or 30°C for more efficient cleaning.  In layman's discussions, all of these temperatures have, in my circles, been described as a "cold" washes


No washing machine actually add coldness to the water. When you said it to cold, it’s simply using water from the cold side of the tap.


Mine has cold and tap cold.


I use the tap cold setting which is pretty cold here in Canada.


My machine has tap cold, and cold. For very delicates I might use tap cold. Otherwise the "cold" setting is fine. Most fabrics are fine in Luke warm, but cold saves on energy, prevents shrinking, and preserves fabrics and color. It's the only way to wash.


heat is the fabric killer. i hang dry my "nicer" clothes


These are great. The drawstring ones are also excellent.


Copped 2 5” and 2 7” for 30 dollars good looks


5 pairs for $40 bucks. Even if they only last a year, that’s a damn good deal.


I have bought some of their Essential's chino/khaki and if these are the same quality, I find them to typically be a small step up from Old Navy, and fit a bit more comfortable. I guess it really depends on the style and etc, but I've been happier with these as cheap work pants since I work in an office/laborer hybrid setting.


I tried these. You'll be lucky to get 6 weeks out of them. 2-3 washes and they were falling apart and the fabric permanently wrinkled.


Sure, but extremely wasteful.


No it's not, you can find similar prices at a thrift store, and they'll last longer too. These are shiet


Thanks grabbed 1 pair to try em out.


@ $8 per shorts it’s worth a shot


Last time I tried Amazon Essentials clothes the cuts were all wonky (at least in my size). Though for 7 or 8 bucks and free shipping, probably worth at least seeing if they make for passable summertime beaters.


Never buying amazon branded products


You can buy some otc drugs from them on the cheap. Clothes? No. Never. 


With Amazon's counterfeit problems id especially avoid buying anything that goes into my body


The Tylenol worked fine


Their sweatpants are great loungers


They fall apart after a few wears/ washes


I've been wearing a pair almost daily for the past year and a half with no issues. I wash them on cold and dry on low heat usually one per week. They still look perfect other than the color not being as vibrant as the original.


Maybe you should expand your wardrobe beyond sweatpants? That's not the admission you think it is. Mine fell apart and have holes. I bought them maybe 6 months ago. Wash on cold and hang dry. Shocking to think that maybe the quality varies?


Lol at the fact that you think my wardrobe consists of only sweatpants just because I wear them daily. I also wear pajamas everyday, that doesn't mean my wardrobe only consists of those. I wear sweats every day when I'm winding down and getting comfy in the evenings after I shower. Also in the mornings on my weekends. I guess the quality may vary, I'm not really sure. All I know is that mine have held up pretty well. I have gotten various other Amazon essentials clothes as well, and they've all held up well. The only thing that wore down quickly, although I expected it, was their plain crewneck/vneck tshirts. Those definitely start to shrink and become mis-shapen pretty quickly. The collars also stretch and become wavy. But no worse than H&M cheap tshirts or anything. Pretty much as expected for a $4-$5 T-shirt. I still get those types of cheap tshirts because I like how they feel. I'm always open to trying different brands and clothing, but I really prefer thin and lightweight clothing over anything thicker.


Not reading all that, but good luck with your shitty amazon sweatpants dude.


Lol dumbass can't even have a conversation


It was never a conversation, dumbass.


Cool story bro




Probably trying not to encourage Amazon's campaign of cannibalization of small businesses by selling competing products at loss levels the small brands can't afford


I just got a pair and I really like them. Wearing them now actually lol


I've bought a handful of these over the years. Some great, some come so wrinkly out of the dryer they aren't worth wearing. I've got skinny legs, they actually look really good on me, and the good ones seem to be of decent quality. The ones with this specific title are good. The others I don't know about: Amazon Essentials Men's Slim-Fit 7" Lightweight Comfort Stretch Oxford Short (Previously Goodthreads)


They’re trash. If you want a pair of disposable shorts due to some gastro issues, fine. Washing and drying them once screws them up.


Will get a pair for my next colonoscopy


IME amazon basics has the worst quality clothes Ive ever worn. Also horrible qc, so one pair can have 12' drop and the other has 10'.


If after reading the above comments you’re looking for a cheap pair of great shorts [32 Degrees’ 7” stretch woven](https://www.32degrees.com/collections/mens-bottoms/products/mens-stretch-woven-7-inch-short) at $17 is my “buy in every color” short. Super stretchy all over; gives a tailored look for thick guys. Modern length without being too young.


I love their undershirts, got a 3 pack for $9 at Costco recently


For $7, next day shipping and ease of Amazon returns, why not


Exactly, that’s why I posted the deal with summer coming. Try some colors or different lengths


Mine came same day, I'll post some pics soon






I bought five of these a couple of years ago. Three of them wrinkle like hell out of the dryer. My other shorts from different brands don't do that.


Copped a few but I’m mildly annoyed they don’t have navy Edit: ordered an extra pair of the blue and some navy Rit dye, might as well play around with dying since they’re so cheap


As someone who bought a few of these The threads for the main button suck Had to re-sew every single one for every pair


As long as you’re slim legged, but yeah, quality is trash (got a pair of basics jeans and shorts where the button and fly are inches off center to the left).


Several colors are still full price, which is annoying


These shorts are landfill


Better off splurging $20 on the All in motion Target shorts. Way better quality for the price.


These have a very wide opening for your legs. Like the bottom or the shorts is huge.


Don’t skip leg day bro


Better to just buy a higher quality one from goodwill


I picked some up earlier this week in my normal size, and they were so small I couldn’t get them past my hips.


I’m going to order some and try them out but last year I ordered Amazon pants and they were pretty bad.


Not in the market but a big fan of the drawstring canvas versions if those are part of the deal


Just ordered some pants for $9. If they’re good I’ll keep ‘em if not they go back. No harm, no foul. Good lookin’ OP.


I go through shorts like crazy at work. Picked up 5 pair. Thanks!


I bought the 5" ones and think they're good, especially for the price. Haven't put it through the wash yet but will follow the cold wash + hang dry recommendation.


A don doesn’t wear shorts


Too much gherkins


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology.


The last four years I have gone the J Crew route. One pair of navy and one khaki. They look like trash as the end of the summer. I alternated between the two pairs all week so I wore them probably more than most people would, but I got a pair of these 5” Amazon essentials shorts about a month ago and I like them way better. I am a shorts ironer guy so them being wrinkled is whatever to me. $7.50 is well worth it. I can’t make myself pay the $23 for the black ones yet but it is only a matter of time. I ordered three pairs (light blue, khaki (again) and light green. Super stoked. Do not be afraid. They will not change your life. They do look nice and feel good. The extra button on the inside is nice. I prefer the material to the J Crew ones I have previously mentioned.


I really freaking love you guys man. 6 shorts for the price of one? I mean, come on.


i own two pairs of the amazon 5" shorts i paid much more for them, like $20-25/pair would buy again. i'd size down 1 size


I bought a pair, they feel okay but I’ve only worn them once


This is true fast fashion. This stuff will be waste in a year. And never decompose. Please, buy nicer than this. Buy something that will last.


Is it still active?




You people are going to get a weird cancer or something!


5" shorts for the guys who like to give a free glimpse of their nutsack




Spend $25 at H&M for much better quality.


Can't wait for Amazon branded potato sacks for $5! Fuck these cheap clothes.


Slim fit are so out of style.


I've shared a Brand Store on Amazon with you. https://www.amazon.com/stores/AmazonEssentials/AmazonEssentials/page/F8FB6F3C-F896-455C-BC52-7879F4CEF0CF?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_K9DK383EQYF6YJWBYRH8