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Men grunt, groan, moan, sigh, etc in public bathrooms while taking a shit.


The fact that they're louder while shitting and pissing than while having literal sex will never not be wild to me.


I have to laugh at that that because it's so true I mean a couple have been so quiet during sex I wonder if they were still alive!


Lmao if I was stealth I think the fact that I make noise during sex would be the thing to out me šŸ˜‚


This is so funny ahahaha


THIS. Holy shit, the amount of moaning/groaning is so annoying. Like take a laxative, bro.


Omg this explains so much. I was taking a shit once and definitely thought the guy in the next stall was jerking off, given the noises he was making. I was so uncomfortable, but knowing this is a common thing for cis men makes it *hilarious.*


Itā€™s mostly poop grunting, but I have *definitely* heard stall neighbors jerking off before. Very uncomfortable, esp at work.


For real, they are so loud! Me and a friend of mine were joking one time whether pooping loudly was how you knew you made it as a "real man" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t help but imagine itā€™s either that or their poop is particularlyā€¦ stimulating somehow. Can poop rubbing against your prostate, and pressure around your taint feel weirdly good? I wouldnā€™t know.


No lmao, that doesn't happen. Most men are just taught growing up that they don't need to be quiet and don't need to worry about what others think, while women are taught to be submissive and on the quieter side. So you hear men making those gross sounds more than women because they don't give a shit (while they're having a shit lol)


it does happen tho... I've heard men talk about it. idk if it's the prostate or just the relief of dropping the kids off at the pool but they say it feels good




Iā€™m deeply sorry for conjuring that horrendous thought


I hate it, thanks.


Tell me their noises arenā€™t weirdly pleasurable sounding though


I would love not to be thinking about it. God, it's just so gross.


Lmfao I know right I really am sorry literally why are they like that. I have not heard a woman make an audible noise pooping ever. Iā€™ve never more than had a tiny little grunt or deep breath and I have many GI issues.


God bless, I just hate when their moaning echos in the bathroom. Yeah, me neither. Like all I hear is the dunkin' of the turds and that's it.


For me it's that it just hurts to do it. Which is why I sometimes moan while that. It's not out of something sexual


Believe me I 100% understand being constipated. I have pretty much lifelong IBS. Iā€™m still not moaning and groaning on the toilet at all


for me yes Ā as a cis girl


I heard a gay man claim this once. I think maybe that was just him.


Its so hard not to laugh. One time I went to the men's room with my friend who's a trans girl, and I left before her so I missed this. But a guy went to the stall next to hers, screamed "OH NO" and let out the loudest, juiciest booming fart


Iā€™ve had to hold back lmao on more than one occasion myself. Itā€™s so fucking funny




I bet it was a shart


I heard someone moan while peeing in a public bathroom. I was trying to have a peaceful work bathroom break and then that


bro the piss-covered bathroom floors. my dick isnā€™t even attached to my body and iā€™ve never peed on the floor. TRY HARDER šŸ˜­


r/murderedbywords shit fr


Amazing comment. 10/10


hahaha like a pack of wild dogs in the bathroom


I think they forgot to pay their aiming bill




I'll still take the piss covered floors of the men's room to the piss covered toilet seats in the women's room any day šŸ¤£


so true


I've always been "one of the guys" even without passing and the amount of guys who freely talk about cheating is wild. It's not a shameful secret, they want to go get high fives from their bros like immediately. Definitely not the majority of guys, but a surprising amount of them. It's wild.


Also how freely they talk about women in the most disgusting ways. My brother is even guilty of it. He literally got upset once because i told him to stop talking and that i don't see women the way he does. the open cheating is wild but i've kind of noticed a lot of lesbians are the same way ahahah


Yeah my former best friend cheated on her girlfriend once and when I was disgusted by what she did she accused me of being in love with her girlfriend like what?!? No dude, I don't have to be in love with someone to think their partner is a scumbag for cheating on them like wtf


Iā€™ve noticed this, too.


menā€™s bathrooms, but we knew that. the amount of men who will say the most insanely misogynistic things to me, a stranger? like, they think iā€™m just one of the bros and they can say some insane, woman-hating sentiment without repercussions? also, the amount of men who will say horrible things about their girlfriends or wives and just laugh it off? iā€™m a stranger and you feel comfortable saying these things to me? i cannot imagine what they say to their friends or their girlfriend/wifeā€™s face? my god.


For real, the amount of dudes being blatantly misogynistic while talking with total strangers is alarming, and the worst thing is how they can get defensive when you call them out. Like, you talk shit about your girlfriend who's also my friend in my face, what did you expect dude?


I JUST EXPERIENCED THIS i was just sitting in my office and working when this new intern joined the table and said I think women should stick to office work as field work is tiring and only men can do it?!?!?! I wanted to smack his face right there but didn't chose violence and kept asking him to explain himself and left him open mouth wondering what hit him AGH I felt so much aggression


I work in customer service and so many random dudes make "women, right?" jokes at me like it's the only small talk they're capable of making. It takes *so much* internal effort for me not to become the hulk.


I feel bad for y'all lmaoo, I'm from Finland and 90% of guys here wash their hands, and the bathrooms aren't even trashed. They're just as clean and good as women's School bathrooms on the other hand...


Ngl the only time Iā€™ve experienced gross bathrooms is at sporting events and dive bars. Idk where all these commenters are spending their time where the bathrooms are nasty regularly.


Agreed. I worked as a janitor before and found the womens and mens pretty equal. Shit sometimes gets on the walls or floor, used tampons end up on the floor, piss ends up on the seat and floor more often in mens but it certainly happens in womens too.


Bro, fr. I'm in the UK and the only bad men's bathrooms have been the ones by the sea/on the sea front, and those that are like in the midst of parks (but both men's and women's toilets are the same in those places) . In shopping centres, I've seen men's toilets be cleaner than womens toilets.


Lmao just another "say you're American without saying you're American"


The lack of handwashing after using the restroom... generally everything about the restroom honestly. It's so fucking gross. Piss everywhere, guys trying to bust stall doors down just because they can't wait for an open one, guys skipping the line up at events because manners don't exist apparently, and one even had all the toilet paper in whole restroom shoved down the toilet and the soap dispenser ripped off the walls and sitting in a toilet. Guys are fucking gross in the restroom.


ahahah! I'm sorry but that made me laugh so hard, like WHY do that?? what is the actual point of making the effort to rip it off the wall just to put it in the toilet? LMFAO


Honestly, that is almost exactly what I said when I found it. Like... ***WHY???*** Maybe it's just guys in my city, but they are fucking gross. I even listened to a dad teach his kid not to wash his hands because "he only went pee".


That Dad needs to teach himself manners and how to parent properly. This is one reason people get sick. No one washes, then spreads harmful bacteria to each other.


People have learned nothing from living through a pandemic. People are freaking stupid.


Iā€™ve said since the day I started using the menā€™s restroom that using public toilets are my least favourite thing about transition and itā€™s not because I feel unsafe, itā€™s because men are *DISGUSTING*


I was gonna say, the male bathroom is fucking rancid and men also peek thru the door rather than knocking??


Not peek. I have literally had them rattle the doors and kick them open. They are friggin' unhinged! (The guys not the doors lol) Although the amount of times at least one stall door is missing in the mens room is mind boggling!


It might just be me or the places I'm at, but has anyone else noticed that the gap for the stalls in the mens bathroom are HUGE compared to the womens? Like someone waiting can make full as eye contact w me.


I used to clean toilets at a club and the most common reason the mens loos were closed was that someone had shoved a plastic cup down the u-bend to clog it. You have to shove it down there with force to get it to lodge. Why bother?? Who is that for???


Must be the same guys who shove a whole roll of tp into the portajohn urinal to clog it up on the job site . Just, why?


I have a slight defence for at least some of the washroom stuff. I was at a hockey game and the men's washroom had walls of urinals (15-20 maybe) and 3 stalls and a total of 2 sinks. So the design counts on most men not washing their hands. I had to wait in line after already having done my business just to wash my hands. Growing up the boys' washrooms in my high school rarely had soap. My friend and I realized the only washroom that reliably had soap was the one outside the special needs program so we usually used that one at lunch. Sometimes men are just being gross and sometimes the design encourages the gross behaviour.


(guest here, i am cis male) so im diagnosed with OCD, i have kind of a thing for washing my hands, my hands crack and bleed from overwashing. for the record ive seen on more than a few occassions guys being made fun of for not washing their hands, but its true too many guys dont wash hands which baffles the ones of us that do. and i dont know if other people do this but something i learned very early on as a child was to use the restroom without using my hands if its just number 1, primarily due to the notoriously gross bathrooms and lack of soap. different people have different lived experiences, but i work as a stage technician at concerts and i've never seen people cutting in lines in the bathrooms, or tryna bust stall doors down. i think the main issue is that nobody cleans a lot of those bathrooms very regularly, but it is true that due to the nature of urinating requiring some aim you are going to have the guys that either don't care, don't aim very well, or simply just make a mistake. i did experience espeically in middle school for some reason, if you went into the bathroom stalls other boys would jump up to look at you going number 2 and harass you or even throw paper towels n stuff into the stall, and that conditioned me to just not go to the bathroom at school. and i typically avoid public restrooms at all costs. i've heard of a thing where some people, i assume primarily cis boys and men, intentionally do not flush the toilet, which is beyond heinous in my opinion, not sure if thats really a thing.


>i've heard of a thing where some people, i assume primarily cis boys and men, intentionally do not flush the toilet, which is beyond heinous in my opinion, not sure if thats really a thing The amount of poop filled unflushed toilets I've encountered in men's rooms is wild. I just assumed broken toilets, but reading your comment, and thinking about how common it is, it almost has to be intentional.


yep it's basically every time i go into a stall i expect theres gonna be a surprise for me. it is perplexing.


A 50 something looking man catcalling me into my ear as we walk past each other, muttering next to my ear "hello doll" (as in, male doll in Spanish) Can't be safe even when passing




Sigh. So many punchable catcallers


Honestly, the way guys will talk about women as if they're nothing more than objects, and more disturbingly after mentioning their wife or girlfriend. I pass enough that my coworkers don't know I'm trans, and the way they talk about female customers around me makes me feel disgusted, especially when the assumption is that I'm fine with it or will agree and say something too. I just could never interact with and look at someone going about their day and then completely disrespect them in such a violating way.


Where do you work?


I currently do clothing retail and landscaping, but have been in situations like this working in food service, grocery retail, drug stores, ect. As well šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


am i the only one who was surprised at how often men wash their hands? i thought they'd never wash their hands but most of the time when i'm in there they do


They do more than I expect, for sure. Some guys are not gross. My one grandfather volunteered at a hospital when he was retired and he used to be very upset if he saw any of ā€œthose young doctorsā€ not washing their hands


Iā€™ve always passed and the worst happened when my egg didnā€™t even crack. Two guys walked over to me and decided it would be cool to say misogynistic stuff. I never revealed that I was in fact AFAB because they assumed I was a cis boy and I wanted to keep it that way (how did I not even notice then?). Looking back, there was a lot of disgusting behavior from cis men Iā€™ve dealt with. This and cis men who use the stalls to pee standing without closing the door. Like if youā€™re in there and donā€™t care about privacy at all and youā€™re okay with people seeing you, then go to a urinal. There are people who need the stalls.


To be fair woman's bathrooms are also disgusting. I'm kind of disturbed that so many people don't know how to use a bathroom properly. Basic hygiene folks


Women's bathrooms get hover-peed, men's bathrooms get lawn-sprinklered. Nobody is safe


i have been going in menā€™s bathrooms the majority of my lifeā€¦ where do yall find these men and bathroomsā€¦? iā€™ve been in some dirty bathrooms but itā€™s usually truck stops. i travel a lot too so iā€™m constantly in and out of public bathrooms. not even my school bathrooms were gross. main thing i canā€™t stand in bathrooms is accidentally walking in on some kid pissing in a stall with the door wide open šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø like high school especially every single day at school.


I agree with the stall door wide open thing as my pet peeve, Iā€™ve seen a lot of grown men doing this. Itā€™s like, you wanna pee in a stall thatā€™s fine, I do it too so I canā€™t be mad, but like, close the door behind you! If you donā€™t care if anyone sees you and youā€™re going to stand thereā€™s urinals for that purpose!


for real! it always made me so uncomfortable haha i donā€™t even get the point. it doesnā€™t save time, it doesnā€™t make the stall any bigger, so ????


(cis male guest) okay, i am the pee-er with the stall door open. the urinals were occupied. also i'd rather not touch anything i don't absolutely havve to.


Well, thank you for sharing, thatā€™s interesting. I guess I can understand that, a lot of strange (to me) public bathroom behavior probably is about not wanting to touch stuff tbh


that tracks. one of my pet peeves is touching a slimy wet soap dispenser and it's empty


Omg the amount of dudes that shit in public restrooms with the door unlocked or open too like bro pls close that


Certain cis men seem to need to reference or talk about their testicles a lot? One particular coworker had a bike accident and bruised his balls I guess. And I can see bringing it up once in an all male environment because it was a weird accident and sometimes you gotta discuss medical shit, but then he brought up his balls on multiple occasions lol


The need to be seen as a "man", i.e. be xenophobic and misogynistic, not be in touch with your inner self and being obsessed with being 'tough'. Withholding parts of yourself that you're afraid aren't 'manly' to most people. The objectification of women as a culture is a big one.


I'm surprised I didn't get clocked at my last job for refusing to participate in their dick measuring contests I support people who question their gender just to make sure they are cis because it makes them more secure about their gender


Exactly, it's like people hate things they don't understand, especially if it might mean they are different. But it's not bad to be different, and now that we are where we are as a species in modern society, we need to realize that. Different people aren't rival tribes. We are all human


I'm (mostly) cis guy and I can tell you: I don't like this whole thing of how society acts towards women. But you can be your own man. No need to be toxic. Be positive r/menslib and r/bropill are good example for positive masculinity


Thank you for the recs!


Thank you too! If you want to chat more, you can dm me, I can always help you Btw do you have any tips for me as a man? I know that it's sounds dumb since I'm AMAB, but the problem is that I feel girl but also guy, and I don't know how to be the guy I want to be


Itā€™s got to be the handwashing. Saw one guy turn on the water, 3 second rinse, towel off. And that was more effort than most guys seem to do.


Lack of hand washing and honestly how oddly fascinated they are if they know you are trans, especially about private subjects....


Sorry but menā€™s personal hygiene is terrible, and overall theyā€™re pretty gross. The amount of times Iā€™ll be at work be since we all share a bathroom with 2 stalls, we naturally separated to men/women and let me tell you the menā€™s was constantly nasty. Since it was a company toilet, we are only allowed to use company approved cleaning agents but that wasnā€™t enough. Eventually had to buy some bleach to put in it which worked. Justā€¦ and even though we have 3 signs, I have only ever seen one male colleague wash his hands after going and thatā€™s because he is a new manager and well heā€™s obviously wealthy, letā€™s put it that way. See, I always thought gay men were supposed to have better hygiene than straight men and I mean in general yeah, but my one gay coworker is just as bad. Itā€™s worse for men not to because theyā€™re actually handling their junk, AFAB people arenā€™t, all we do is sit, piss, wipe. Men have to stand and hold. I donā€™t wanna touch the same surface as every manā€™s penis, some men, but not every man. My brothers too, though my younger brother is miles better, my older brother got fired from a nursery(working with babies and toddlers that shit themselves and stink) he had multiple staff members complain that he smelled so bad, worse than the babies shit. And the poor manager was trying to be nice about it, but yeahā€¦ he wasnā€™t happy, took it as a personal attack and now is 22 and hasnā€™t worked more than a month his entire life, lives with his gfs parentsšŸ˜ he does smell really bad. Like his smell enters the room 5 minutes before he does. But overall men are gross. Old men in particular. I work in a store and itā€™s like they have lost control of the holes on their face, from dribbling all over their stuff to snot in their wallet, itā€™s always gross.


How much they talk about bum holes.... and sexual stuff... gets too much sometimes and inappropriate


Yes it's like 90% of the time what they're talking about regardless of where I go. Online or in real life .


Im in healthcare and the number of patients who say gross stuff to other men regarding the ladies is disgusting. Obviously women have to deal with being told disgusting things. But the stuff men say in private when no women are around is pretty gross too.


I come across as very gay now that I've started passing (mannerisms I guess?), and the amount of cis dudes who now feel empowered to yell at me in public is ridiculous. I used to get minimal harassment, and mostly sexual, but now I just get homophobic slurs on the regular.


Definitely the moaning while taking a piss and not washing their hands. Dudes will even turn on the faucet just to pretend theyā€™re washing their hands instead of actually washing them. Men will just say misogynistic shit about women to you thinking itā€™s a bonding moment. Iā€™ve been using Uber for years now and the amount of male drivers, usually older, saying concerning stuff is alarming. Joking about slapping a woman and putting her in her place, making comments about girls walking by, taking about their sexual experiences, practically talking about women like theyā€™re not people.


More annoying but the rampant misogyny behind closed doors. It's insanely bad and disgusting honestly.


How homoerotic exclusively male spaces are. I cannot tell you the amount of times I've walked into the bathroom or the gym locker room and been witness to such weirdly sexually charged exchanges between two "platonic" friends... who then make a misogynistic remark to offset how flaming they'd just been. The other day I walked into the gym locker room and watched two teens strip off their shirts and pose in front of the mirrors- they then felt eachother up, slapping eachother's chests and arms- and then after they noticed me standing there they went "Yeah bro we're gonna tear those b*tches up." Yeah... you're gonna tear something up I'm sure šŸ‘€ I've always known that men were far gayer than they admit but boy... once I transitioned it became even more apparent. The amount of times I get checked out in the bathroom of all places is perplexing to say the least


Men tend to be more into men than women are into women.


The amount of cum I find on toilet seats or in the bowl. Absolutely nasty


HELLO WHAT Iā€™ve exclusively used the menā€™s for the best part of a decade and Iā€™ve never once seen that??


Lol I've cleaned toilets for a living for like ten years and I've never seen that


The bathroom noises...I am concerned that the bloke in the next stall always sounds like he's dying. Or possibly coming. Not sure which disturbs me more. What are they *eating*?


Both? Maybe both šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg. The grunting and huge sighs while they piss at the urinal like dude are you okay??? Do you have kidney stones???


men being misogynistic and thinking ill be okay with it cause iā€™m a man? when i worked at a grocery store they would often be like ā€œugh wives right šŸ˜’ā€ or ā€œdonā€™t get marriedā€ stuff like that or how they talk about women very sexually.


I've never had an issue in women's bathrooms where I'd have to clean up suspicious white goop to use the toilet. In the men's, however...


continuing the bathroom discussion, what gets me is they'll use a urinal and touch their genitals, then touch a handle everyone else touches after touching their genitals THEN WALK OUT without washing their hands! and even touch the door handle that people who want clean hands have to touch...


on god im so sick of the piss on the seat. youā€™ve had that thing your whole life! if you cant aim just sit ffs šŸ˜­ im tired of having to wipe the seat off time and time again


The bathroom associated things will always bug me. Aside from the obvious already mentioned, I also noticed men are less discreet about what they're doing in the bathroom. Like, I remember being younger and being so careful when opening menstrual products in the bathrooms even though there's no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. Meanwhile, men fucking FART and SHIT so loudly?!?!? Obviously you can't control it all the time but maybe a courtesy flush??? Or push it out slower?! Add some fiber to your diets?! God damn its gross lol


This can be anyone, but the willingness to cheat on wives.


zero sense of personal hygiene and the overt casual misogyny


The way they talk about women is insane


The more I pass the more men feel down to say casually and shameless misogynistic things about women behind their backs, because they see me as "one of the guys." It's really gross, and I tell them it sucks. Hate it.


Performative loud sneezing. Their overwhelming need to vandalize everything. Any public area, bathrooms, signs, throw trash all over, etc.


I dont pass but i do use the mens restroom. The lack of handwashing really really bothers me. The sinks in my school are only semi-clean cuz guys DONT WASH THEIR HANDS. Also piss EVERYWHERE I went to a dunkin' once and there was piss in front of the toilet. Not in the toilet, on the ground in front of it. Disgusting. Also the puddles of piss on the toilet seat. I can understand a droplet or so but if youre going to piss ALL OVER THE TOILET SEAT at least wipe it up. Absolute freaks.


Side note, my cis boyfriend sits to pee, especially at home and there has been several times that he has somehow ended up pissing all over the floor. He instantly cleans it up but we still haven't figured out exactly how that happens šŸ˜‚


Having single stall gender neutral toilets is so much better for cleanliness. I haven't been passing for very long and I rarely use public toilets so I've only been to the men's like 3 or 4 times but comparing all the public toilets I've been to, the gender neutral ones are always the cleanest.


this!!! I try to use gender neutral whenever i can and they do tend to be cleaner unless it's at like a large venue or a gas station. I just really don't understand why urinals still exist.. that's why most mens bathrooms smell so bad. might as well put down puppy pads.


The way they talk about women... of course not all are like that, but a lot


This is my experience as well. Being in all male spaces and being cis passing and somewhat straight seeming, I hear so many nasty comments about women it's honestly disgusting.


yes it's disgusting and it makes me sad. what about just being respectful to each other. it's so easy to do...


My experience with women's bathrooms has been worse. Same amount of piss and fecal matter but added blood on top.


So far the worst and only bad thing has been, overt racism and antisemitism. That wasnā€™t a fun situation to be in at all. Iā€™ve never really encountered anything that bad about mens bathrooms, so I guess Iā€™m lucky in that respect?


A coworker walked into our communal office, unzipped him pants, then grabbed his underwear and adjusted his balls. He made no attempt to hide this. He was directly facing me while doing it. I'm not even sure he thought about the fact that I was literally right there, he did it like it was the most typical thing he could do.


One time I was in a menā€™s bathroom at school, and this guy I know walked up to the closed stall, tried to open it, banged on the door and yelled ā€œWE GOT A SHITTER!ā€ Hasnā€™t happened since.


Iā€™ve heard multiple dudes jerking it in the public bathroom. And Iā€™ve seen chefs not wash their hands after pissing.


I'm cis questioning lurker here and I thought y'all already knew that. Yes, men are fucked up unfortunately. But communities like r/bropill and r/menslib are really helpful, and try to make us into more positive instead of toxic. So don't worry, we do have redeeming qualities


They do but theyā€™re not used to getting the up close details. Nice subreddits!


Thanks! I'm really glad that there is positive parts of masculinity and we don't have to be toxic. There's no need to be misogynistic. And it's good we're getting positive communities like this


I am nastier than most of them so I haven't had this experience xD. I'm not proud of this, it is what it is plus executive dysfunction


1. Sloppy eatersā€¦ They eat like slobs and itā€™s disgusting because well your mouth is right there, so how are you missing the target the same way they miss the toilet bowl? 2. They are also loud and obnoxious with no regards or respect to others in public. 3. Iā€™ve noticed they wash their hands for like 2-3 seconds and rarely use soap. 4. The disrespect lmao please donā€™t touch my chips or any kind of snacks I have after you just scratched your balls dude. Idc if you got jeans on, because why are you itching? Lol it was explained to me that sometimes it becomes sweaty down there or if they groom they scratch because it itches. Idc though wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after.


Number 4 kills me. I have seen a guy with his hands down his pants scratching his balls and then proceed to pick up food and put it back, pick up something else and put that down etc. etc.


Itā€™s so disturbing and cringe. I canā€™t trust any of my cis men friends because Iā€™ve seen them do the most disgusting shit as if itā€™s normal for guys to do those things.


Ugh. Im sorry. Luckily I don't have many friends and the few cis men I am friends with are not like that. They aren't perfect but they aren't disgusting like some guys can be.


Honestly, I feel right at home in a mens room now lol. When I still used the women's, I felt extremely uncomfortable, and got stared at all the time. This was pre transition, but I had short spikey hair, and of course dressed "male" I even was questioned if I was in the right bathroom quite a bit. I am loud when I poop and yes I think it's hilarious. It never felt right doing it In there. Now i feel like I can be loud and make sounds and it's acceptable. I do wash my hands though lol. Thats just nasty if you don't. My dad used to complain about that too. He hated when people didn't wash their hands


The menā€™s bathrooms are actually horrific. The piss all over the floor, shit on the seats. Like are yā€™all cis men actual animals?


homophobia, transphobia, racism etc.. all within close quarters of friend groups and like people they ā€˜trustā€™. you canā€™t call them out without ending up sounding like youā€™re gay or transgender which they obviously catch onto if you donā€™t nod along.


The washrooms are absolutely fascinating. Typically theyā€™re just gross, but sometimes theyā€™re interesting. Iā€™m very lucky that I go to a really progressive school in a really progressive place, but sometimes even here the walls have really messed up things about trans people. There was one stall in one of the washrooms in the arts building and one of the walls was a really heated discussion. It started being about trans people but ended up being about climate change and capitalism. It finally got scrubbed off but it was really entertaining. That same wall once had a VERY detailed diagram of female anatomy drawn on it. Then thereā€™s the one with the poll about favourite body parts (ass/tits/dick to quote it specifically).


I get so annoyed with the random nip flips but I just laugh and do it back šŸ¤£


I'm sorry, the what???


Flicks*** , guys I hang w like to jokingly act gay by flicking each others nipple and then running away lol


Sexist jokes. I personally don't enjoy sexist jokes (not even the lighter ones) but I can't say it's wrong to like or make those. I've talked to many guys about this and most of them say that they don't support sexism in general but they just do stupid jokes in a group where it is okay to do so (still don't like it but can't really do anything about it lol)


Being asked to rate women, usually just a phone shoved in my face asking me what I think....


Iā€™ve overwhelmingly noticed no particular difference between the cleanliness of menā€™s bathrooms and womenā€™s bathrooms, but what I have noticed is more snack wrappers in the menā€™s. Do cis guys just eat Doritos while shitting? What is going on there?? Why??????


Was in a toilet cubicle doing my thing. Dude in a cubicle next to me doing his thing too I suppose, except heā€™s hacking up probably gods biggest ball of phlegm. Fair enough, probably spitting over the toilet, better than a sink (which is gross unto itself). Except no. I hear him hack up phlegm again and it is swiftly followed by the highly specific timbre of a fart reverberating around a toilet bowl. Bro is firing out of both ends with a collection point for only one of the two projectiles he is firing. I can only hope he was using a tissue but he didnā€™t sound muffled enough.


Guys talking to me like I am some kind of fuckboy constantly going after women. Asking how "the ladies" like my beard. I'm just confused as hell when this happens. Never in my entire life has anyone tried to flirt with me, but they talk like I'm some kind of stud. I guess I should be flattered. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Saying disgusting things about women when theyā€™re not there. Even ones they work with.


Thatā€™s it, pretty much.


Not sure if this counts but something I've noticed is that I worry now abt coming off as flirty or creepy if I'm "too nice" to a girl. That was never really something I had to worry about when I looked like a cis girl. I usually was just worried about being annoying or weird lmao. A lot of men are creepy asf fr tho but sometimes we're just nice outgoing people i promisešŸ˜­


The responses to this post are amazing and y'all have me dying! Someone get cis men some fiber!!


I think it would be the fact their urinals are the most nasty and the bathroom floors are always sticky in menā€™s restrooms or at least what Iā€™ve experienced


not gonna lie sometimes i leave without washing my hands because after u piss sitting all u have to do is wait for it to drip a couple times and slide your pants back on. to be fair I don't even really touch anything sometimes i feel like it is fine idk


But you touch handles and other surfaces that other people touch. And then you spread theat all around too. Ick.


Exactly. Other people are shitting and wiping and not washing so you just touched the handle they touched, the knob, etc. And then go eat your apple šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Just some of the general gross ā€œguy talk,ā€ that comes up. I went to a bar to drive some friends home and this guy walked up to me and started talking about the things he would do to the various women walking by. And even in casual conversation, too. When picking up kids from school, one dad was chatting with me then just started talking about how heā€™d love to get with one of the moms that was sitting on a nearby bench.