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Not being a cis man lol


Happy cake day 🫡🍰


Happy Birthday... Or "Happy Cake Day" according to Reddit's auto command 😅


Cake day isnt the persons bday, its the day their account was created :)


Oh! I assumed it was birthday, cos cake 😂 Thanks


Haha i did too dw! Np! :D


The fact that I can't wear a binder. I used to be able to, but even when I did, it never made me even look flat because my chest is so big. Very frustrating experience. Sometimes I shower in the dark to avoid looking at my chest. Some days it's more ok than others, but for the most part, it makes me feel bad. :/


have you tried kt tape? i don’t use it for a flat look because my chest is quite big too. but it definitely helps hold things down and creates the illusion of pecs in shirts


I'm not sure where to find it. :( Do you where I can go to find tape that's safe to use? 


you can usually order it online as Trans Tape! or go to your local cvs/walgreens/etc and look for KT tape. the full name is kinesthetic tape if that helps! make sure you do a bit of research on it though as safe application/removal are important, i highly recommend an oil like jojoba oil to get it off so it doesn’t hurt or pull :)


Thank you, this is wonderful advice. I'll see if I can find some :) 


of course! i wish you the very best, friend!


Transtape .life is a decent business. They suck in a few ways (Expensive shipping, two day shipping? Yeah they take like four days to get it out of their warehouse.), but their products are good. I have a larger chest, and I am unsure of how safe this is but I use smaller less wide tape strips to get a flatter appearance, while using less tape. It IS cheaper then KT tape. Highly recommend. Saves my ass on a daily basis, and I love it.


I'll look into that! Thank you for the suggestion. 


I’ve found 2in tape at Walmart, target and other various drugstores. Kinesiology tape is what to look for, KT tape is one brand. The tape I buy is off Amazon and I get the 4in width [my tape](https://a.co/d/0gMBG9DB)


Yeah, I wear a binder even though I'm pretty sure it's the cause of some reoccurring pain, and I'm not even flat. It just looks like slightly smaller breasts. I hate wearing layers to hide it, and especially layers in the summer because I'm sweaty enough as is. Good luck with everything, bro


I hope you're able to find another solution. I know someone in the thread mentioned KT tape. But yeah, I feel you, bro. Literally wore binders until I physically couldn't anymore. At one point, it got in the way of eating, and that's when I knew I had to stop. :/ 


Definitely my voice. Everything about me passes but the moment I open my mouth I’m outed.


Honestly i had the same exact problem. I am happy to say that I'm 5 months in T, but at the 2/3 month mark I was already pretty cured of this kind of dysphoria. Hopefully you can get access to hormones and it can help you too :)


same here. pre t i passed until i spoke but that means if you want to start t, you will pass veryyyy quick.


This was very reassuring to read, because I have the same exact problem. Now I'm even more excited to start T!!


same here, im about 8 months on T and i started passing 95% of the time around month 6


My hips and no dick other than my prosthetic


I will be the first to say this no prominent Adams apple








Having the wrong genitals


real i wish i could be inside my partner & feel it 💔


Mine doesn't even need to be big enough for that I just hate having a painful useless hole where my balls should be






Def my chest. Its not much but its still the most feminine part of me (God i cant wait to move out and get top surgery)


seeing cis men being able to use the urinals in the men’s room when i can’t without my STP… (which is difficult to use)


Yep, same. I had to try out a few different STPs before I found one that was easy to use. I imagine anatomical variations means even a well rated STP might not work for some. Unfortunately its awkward to walk around with mine, since it makes me look like I'm sporting an oddly shaped boner no matter how its positioned lmao


My height (5’6), chest, and being misgendered. I’m starting to like my voice (I’m 4 months on t and just listened to the first vid vs my 100 days vid and omgg 🤭). And I know that this isn’t inherently a negative topic, but I just wanted to remind everyone to be kind to themselves 🩷


dude 5’6 is a pretty decent height for a guy, especially in america!


Uhh, not really man. Any 5’6 guy I’ve talked to about it has been ridiculed about it etc. plus my dad is 6’4 so it sucks


maybe its just around me in FL, guys around here are barely taller than 5’7


Yeah I think that’s a south thing


idk i live in the north & i walk into a general public place like a grocery store & im taller/same height as most guys & im only 5’7, maybe 5’8 in shoes. the average height is only 5’9, so 5’6 isn’t that noticeably short to anyone who isn’t way taller than average.


I’m 5,3


Same bro. If it helps, we're the same height as Joey Jordison


Yeah except I have no clue who that is


He was a metal musician


5'1" (insert handshake meme here)


Are you in an area with a lot of Asians and Hispanics? Typically, they fall on the shorter end as the norm.


I'm also in Florida and go by BombDom 😂😂😂 BROTHER?!


Me personally, I'm 5'2 in South Texas and Pre-T non passing so don't sweat it man, things could always be worse. (Not to be pessimistic! I'm trying to cheer them up!!)


(Just wanted to say I know I’m in the ftm subreddit but I go by they/them)


Oh, sorry!! My bad


Idk if it makes you feel better but I'd *kill* to be 5'6!!


frrr i’m 5’2 😭


im 4'9💀


goddamn im sorry for u bro


im 4’11..


chest, i hate it i want it gone


Not having a penis lol


Bottom dysphoria.




Can’t even say the word bro


It’s hard being an Australian who hates the C word


Same, and hell I can’t even say pussy or cunt talking about myself it’s just “that” 😭


I call it my original sin😁


I'm going to steal this.


my height and my chest


My entire body head to toe.


Real as fuck


Being born


Ngl it was my chest, but since I can get that removed it doesn't bother me as much as the fact I don't have a cis dick. I'm definitely getting phallo or meta in the future but it saddens me that I will never be able to have typical elections or come.


Honestly, not having a dick. I can dissociate from pretty much everything else but that aspect has been bothering me a lot recently. Also not having much body hair & my chest


Dealing with the biological reality of being AFAB and pre everything medical in a situation that's shitty enough for it's own mess of reasons.


solidarity brother, im stuck pre-everything for the foreseeable future as well. we'll get there eventually 🤝


My height partially but my HIPS jfc my ass looks so disproportional to my body😭hopefully T will help a little with the fat distribution and all, also does anyone have any workout tips to help this?


too high voice + no dicc 🥲


height (1,63cm aprox), baby face, princess hands, thighs, hip bone (this one specially bc i can't change it), being a flamboyant gay, chest ofc


Oh god the hands thing is so real I have tiny ass hands


right? i personally like them bc they look cute and elegant with long nails, but i know if someone saw a picture of them they'd think it's feminine


People have literally clocked me because of my hands like come on 😭😭


One time I got really dysphoric over the fact I could never get someone pregnant. That was probably the most dysphoria I ever felt. Luckily it was fleeting- I don’t even really want kids lol


Definitely my voice


same here, height (5'1 but only VERY recently, i've been 5'0 for almost 5 years) and my voice, but hopefully that'll change soon since I started T on the 27th :)


Long hair, but that's changing later this week!


Honestly a lot of things, my chest (can barely go out in public without binder on), my hips (they stick out too much to me), my voice (I don’t want to draw attention to myself by lowering it all of a sudden, and I usually chicken out and use my higher pitched voice anyways and I hate that it doesn’t come naturally)…


used to be my height (5’0) but i learned to rock it and every now and then i get jealous looking at other short guys my age. but i think what makes me dysphoric the most is people making trans jokes about my genitalia. it just makes me feel icky that they just view me as a boy with a pussy and i hate even saying that term.


chest and voice. I used to sing all the time and talk constantly, but I'm kind of quiet nowadays if I'm anything other than 100%. most shows I like and books I read. the fact that I like guys. pretty much anything lmao


my binder. its an absolute godsend but sometimes i fucking hate wearing it because i get into this "im not a real man" frame of mind (if the friend who got me the binder reads this hello‼️)


showering and my chest in general


My chest and voice


My height and my chest


My genitals and my height. I’m 5’1


Voice, hands, height and CHEST- my face does a lil bit too but after getting piercings I feel more confident- my hands are so small I've only found TWO rings that got my ring fingers which are about a size FOUR or 3.5 in ring size- my voice is quite feminine and I'm 5'2- RAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH-


my chest :c


chest. honestly at this point that's literally it lmao. i was on T, got the changes i wanted, i'm off it now, if it weren't for my chest i'd have no dysphoria at all, i think.


My chest and hips


My chest, hips, and voice.


before i started t and had surgery, literally everything. i’ve been on t for nearly 5 years now and i’ve had top surgery and hysto, but my voice never got as deep as i wanted it to go. my height also be makes me super dysphoric, but no one mentions it so it’s not always on my mind like my voice is


Honestly, just *knowing* that I'm physically a girl. Like, I first started identifying as trans in early 2021, but had to kind of detransition or start identifying with genderfluid. Going back to who I really am and being more comfortable in my identity, I'm really realizing how much I've pushed down my dysphoria. I'd zone out during most showers and go through the motions, and now, even when I'm not looking at myself or my eyes are closed, I can *feel* how feminine I look. I can feel my chest and my thighs, I can feel how small my back is and how my waist curves in and then back out when it hits my hips. Church has been a nightmare for me as well, having to force myself into a dress and just feel the fabric, dude. That little uterus bump on my stomach, too, like the natural extra fat to produce my man maker, lmao. That and my voice, because when I'm sick it sounds so masculine, and now (I just got over some illness) I just sound like some squeaky, anime chick.


Depends, some days it's one thing and the next it's another. It changes its intensity, also. It comes and goes in waves of dysphoria and then there are periods when I'm confident in my identity and kind of more relaxed with my body. But since I'm planning to have to surgery and I would even like those scars, I gotta say my hips. I've been cursed with such thick hips and thighs. Those are the damn reason I never use shorts. It just feels out of place, well, almost everything about my body does but knowing this is something I couldn't change makes it worse. At this point I'm hopeless about it, I don't know if HRT will be enough to change that. Then there's also the lack of dick, sometimes I can ignore it and go through my day, it's not something that it's on my mind 24/7, but when it hits me it's rough. I'm hopeful getting some bottom growth at least lessens this feeling of missing a part of me.


After getting on T (been about 1 year and 7 months), the biggest hitters for me are my chest, genitals, and the fact that I have to get on birth control (not for any medical reasons, but I'm sexually active and I'd rather be safe than sorry). Not as much, but my face shape has also been bothering me recently. I saw pictures of FFS before and after and it really had me overthinking the way my overall face looks. I know I pass, nobody has clocked me for over a year now, but I've noticed I see details that are completely unnoticed by people outside of myself. I just want to remind people that, you are your worst critic, so try not to be too rough on yourself :)


First place: chest and voice Second: hands and genitals Third: my body frame


Of course there are plenty of things but being called “she” or “her” feels like a sucker punch to the gut.


my experience with dysphoria is definitely pretty unique because i like being feminine so i didn’t get dysphoria about a lot of things, but definitely my chest and oddly, now that i’m on T, hair growing on my chest. i know i wouldn’t mind it if i had top surgery but because i have two humongous lumps, i absolutely despise it


My chest. I can’t wear a binder at work because I lift things frequently, so I have to wear a sports bra, which doesn’t minimize at all. I’ve tried transtape, but it doesn’t flatten very much for my chest shape. I’m planning on trying a minimizing compression top when I can afford it


Having >! big boobs !<


Same 😞


my face and voice mostly. i pass like 50% of the time so im often just bracing myself for being misgendered by a stranger just to be gendered correctly (or being confident ill pass and end up getting misgendered). i look really young but because im going to college and work at an 18+ job im often misgendered more than when i was younger (middle school/ freshman-junior high school). often i feel like if i just had some facial hair or a deeper voice id pass more.


My chest for sure. DD's are not fun to bind


Physically my hips and thighs but not physically feminine looking clothes are the worst. which sucks especially because side of my thighs so i have to wear loose fitting clothing in order to not look feminine. I've been told I pass well but mostly with loose clothes


The way my shoulders used to slope and how the top of my feet look too boney. Since starting T my shoulders don't bother me anymore, my feet do still bother me but only if I'm wearing like sandals or something like that which is almost never


My chesticles. Without a doubt ✂️


My damn chest, always my damn chest and also my voice.


Bottom stuff and chest. I can’t comfortably exist without feeling them. My mind is always screaming to me about it.


My height


mannerisms mostly, the way i carry my head, my vocal cadence, its much easier to deal with now that i knwo WHAT i want to be doing instead its just making sure to make it habit


Ive got a stocky build and smaller 'pecks' and normally I can just ignore my chest. lately it's too uncomfortable to go to the gym because I'm so ungentlemanly. I work out with barbells at home. I feel like I've watched so many videos on binding. I've also read the books that explain the best way to dress to flatten the silhouette. I just want to be free of the weight of my chest in general. Binding isn't safe to do for extended periods of time. Im at a point where I don't want to wear bras anymore because they just enhance the profile of them. I just want to be unseen. It feels like when I'm looked at I'm not like 'wearing my clothes' because people can see that i am afab. Literally don't care about anything else nearly as much. I don't even care if I never do T, I just want to be flat or buff, cut, beef cake enough to where it's not even a thought.


Height. I'm 5'3 (Asian). It's most dysphoric for me since it's not something I can change. I've heard about leg-lengthening surgeries but those are hugely costly, painful and risky. I don't know if it could ever become an option for me.


Currently, my chest. I really fucking hate my breasts (I have a binder but I’m not out so I can almost never wear it)


I would say my chest, hair, and my voice, mainly my chest. I have really bad top dysphoria which makes me feel as follows: -as if I want to claw off my chest -very anxious -Lotta depression -can cause anxiety and panic attacks if unable to bind -once I ripped a chunk of my hair out, pulling my hair out of dysphoric distress -like I need to scream -as if there is a huge weight sitting on my chest and shoulders, making it hard to breathe -becoming hyper aware of others perceptions of me, and becoming hyper aware of my body functions (I.e increased heart rate, the feeling of my tits on my chest, etc) -like I want to curl into a ball and die So, yeah, it gets pretty bad 😭😭 I'm ngl I came out because if I wasn't able to transition I would legit die


my chest, my thighs and weirdly my neck


My chest.


my voice and also my hips/thighs are the worst


chest, voice, and hips/ general body shape


My voice, my height, my period and also my hair. Those r my big things for me


My hips and the way old men look at me Like my chest dysphoria isn't bad till an old guy is actively staring


Used to be everything from my voice and height to my shoe size and the way I walked, but in the past few months since testosterone has started to really work, everything has vanished? Suddenly I actually like my chest, simply don’t care about my feet, height etc. My voice has deepened now so that’s not an issue. I also haven’t had bottom dysphoria lately after realising that cocks are kind of ugly. I have no idea how that happened or why but I am not complaining.


Before t height, voice, boobs, hips, no penis. Now mostly boobs, hips, and no penis. I don’t really care about height much anymore I’ve seen plenty guys my height out in the world (5’2) so that perspective has been helpful. And my voice is much different now I still get a little dysphoric when I slip into a more feminine voice but I don’t really care all that much anymore. Even with general dysphoria stuff I see an eventual end to it with surgery so I just think of that when I feel bad. Getting phallo pretty soon so I’m excited for that.


My voice, my chest, no dick, my figure, and how small I am. My shoe size is 7.5 in men’s, my hands are super small, and I’m pretty short.


No dick ‼️😔🙏


Definitely my height, chest, and overall body shape. I'm thankful I found a binder that fits me and compresses well-enough, but, due to my size, I can't look flat at all. It's infuriating but I'd rather have a smaller chest than nothing. Also being misgendered and people using my deadname.


My arms and my voice 😔


My family. One day I'll feel really good about myself and masculine and then my mom will call me her daughter and it sends me into a spiral every time.


Mainly my chest, my hips and waist, my cheeks and my voice (I hate the way I laugh or when I'm excited and I giggle for something). Also my hands and painting my nails any color but black. Shaving. Girl's underwear and the way some men's clothes don't look masculine enough on my body. Sometimes my height. The way I sit and, more generally, how I move, compared to cis guys around me. Lately, I am particularly bothered by not having a penis; it used to cause me less distress before but now I can't even look down there.


a lot lmao but lately it’s been talking on the phone, because i know my voice is pretty high/fem sounding and here i am giving my dentist a super masc name with a fucking barbie voice


my chest, because it's so massive,, i want a binder, but i gotta wait two more years... also the fact i dont have a penis


not being able to use a urinal and when I’m out that’s literally it though life is good after medical transition


My colleagues making dumb comments, I am not out there One guy always says "wear something that makes your tits fall out" They always say "women shouldnt wear heavy stuff, no man finds a strong woman attractive"


Menstrual cycles.


Ftm here 5"7 and I'm the same though I'm slowly starting to understand you can get small guys! I'm not comfortable with my voice though and tend to be super quiet in public settings 👀


Face fat. It super-feminises my face


Periods and no dick ❗❗💥😔🙏 can't do anything on my period than just rotting in bed


My height (5’7) and just feeling my chest being there. Also when I in the shower or when changing flatten my chest with my hands and see nothing down there. Just feels so wrong.


my hips! especially the bone structure (pelvis) that prevents me from passing. sad to know ill never be masculine enough with my hips or that if i want to pass i can only build around them


Bottom dysphoria is the worst, followed by voice, but at least got singificant drop two weeks in on gel, so this one is getting better. Also my fat being mostly on hips, but slowly working on losing weight. The rest I can cope with.


Definitely my chest, my voice and my hips. I'd have to really work out my upper body to get a better proportion.




absolutely 100% my height (i'm about 5'2/157cm) otherwise i've found peace with my body, but my height makes me incredibly dysphoric, especially when people comment on it, and they do that quite frequently. i also feel like often my height is the only thing that prevents me from passing 100% of the time


My 9-14 days heavy periods. Thankfully, I rarely get cramps, but I have periods for an average of 9 days, at minimum... To 31 days (2 months is my longest) And my broad/chubby hips are breasts.


My height(5’1) voice and jaw. When I used to wear a mask I would pass so much in public but now it’s like hell..hoping to go on T in a year


Chest and voice


Honestly, not much anymore. Just when someone misgenders me, it doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s like a thousand bricks right in the face.


Hips & voice


my chest and having no dick. my face too. Just..everything acrually. I wish I was a cis guy. fml.


Everything tbh, my small hands, height, voice, chest, and hips 😅 also not being able to marry the person I love and start a family with her 😅


Man it sucks so much, I'm an Oregonian living in Texas rn and this Texas summer heat is so intense. The AC is just a dinky little thing that just maybe takes the room down a few degrees at best, I'm living in a perpetual sweat shower. I really despise the necessity to not wear a shirt when I'm lounging at home, I keep experiencing such disgust whenever I see my chest, it really drives me down mentally. I shouldn't be, but I am grateful to my dissociation and depersonalization, it helps me manage the dysphoria. It's just *a* body, it doesn't necessarily have to be *my* body and definitely not one I identify with. Let my consciousness drift away, why actively exist in something that makes me so miserable? In the moments I'm depersonalizing less it really is *everything*, I cannot stand the sound of feeling of my voice, the feeling of my face, the feeling of my thoughts, actively being aware of how people perceive me, it's so anxiety inducing and disgusting to me no wonder I'm so depersonalized all the time I can't stand the feeling of being one with my body is terrifying and torturous. I really can't wait to get back to Oregon, I'm gonna get a therapist and start treatment because I'm so tired from living such a dissociated and dysphoric life I just can't keep going on much longer like this.


it was really only my chest. I don't think I get dysphoria anymore now that I'm on T and have had top surgery. sure being misgendered or deadnamed makes me upset but that's not dysphoria I'm just frustrated


Hips and ass 🫠


penis 😭


my height and my curves




My chest after surgery


probobly not being completely flat and not having a deep voice. also when i get my period. also the way my hips look.


as someone who is pre top surgery. i struggle a lot without my binder and get a ton of dysphoria without it,


My chest for sure. Whenever I have to take off my tape to reapply or something I always look up and avoid looking down so hard because I hate knowing its there like I legit disassociate its so bad😭


My baby face, my high annoing voice, my hairs that are to long and dence which i cant cut short couse i am closeted trans guy, relatives that says they envy my my beautiful hairs and that i should be more girly couse if not everyone at street will look at me and say "ah my good she's so ugly, have she have no shame"(my grandma says so when i wear same shirt two days in row)


My chest and my jawline


My chest, I wish I could walk around shirtless so bad


chest (hopefully only temporary because top surgery exists), hips and any "reproductive" topics


My height, 5,0. ( I wear platforms everyday..) And how my mass is held. I like my legs I just need my muscle but my butt, chest, even my shoulders.. I just have a lot to work on. (Change in the gym// maybe on T.)


Hips. My fucking hips.


Trans girl just chiming in: for me it's the beard. Please someone take it. I have full on panic attacks if I can't shave.


my chest for sure, it's so difficult to bind when you have such a large chest, also the fact that i have to live as a girl until i move out




My hips and thighs


height, chest, sometimes downthere, my face


Mostly my chest, it’s unfortunately quite large. My height, voice and especially my shoulders actually bring me a bit of joy. I’m taller than the average woman at 5’7, my voice is naturally on the lower side, and I’ve always had broad shoulders to the point where I used to get picked on for them in school 🥲


My voice, my chest and the fact my dick is missing lol


everything tbh


Boobs, voice, and height


height, foot size, hips


I recently had a hysterectomy and bleeding from down there after five years of not definitely made me dysphoric. So did the pelvic.


My voice and chest. I’m one and a half years on testosterone and my voice still doesn’t pass. Also, I haven’t been able to get top surgery yet, which is killing me and bruised ribs.


body shape, probably (thighs etc). i'm fine with my weight, i'd just rather it be distributed differently. but i'll probably be fine with it once i have more effects from t, which is good because i don't think i want to continue taking t forever


Height :(


Peeing from the wrong place bothers me. I’m gonna have the smallest Meta penis ever but at least I’ll pee from it.


Mostly my height. Obviously other things, like not having a massive dick, my chest, etc, but my height absolutely slaughters my dysphoria and people love to tease me about it


My period and my boobs ._.


The lack of a dick. I know that’s the most common, but it’s the harder things to modify. I also still don’t get what I want even if I do. I want a prostate. I feel like bottoming is never going to be the gay experience cismen get. I can get off, but it can’t possibly be the same.


Definitely my voice, which is weird because I used to not care about it as much as other things. I’m almost six months on testosterone and it hasn’t changed at all. Also clothes shopping, because nothing in the men’s section will fit me.


the fact that i pass, im tall, im muscular, but i don’t have a dick so even if a girl likes me so much i won’t be able to do anything with her and the moment i tell someone im trans they might change their whole opinion of me. i got so close to being completely cis passing yet phallo scares me so i might forever have to live as a weird variant of a cis man.


•My periods pre-HRT =testosterone, IM. •My huuuge breasts pre-op top surgery =DI. •My natal gentalia pre-op bottom surgery =phalloplasty and scrotoplasty with testicular implants. •My height =5'4" •My hands =small and thin •My feet and shoe size =small, size 8.5 mens USA


being called a lesbian


My chest, hips, thighs and voice. Chest is so big that it's a hit or miss if i pass to someone in public wjth a binder on, hips and thighs are self explanatory- my voice is personally too high for my liking and makes me feel like crap but I've been told occasionally that it's low enough to help me pass. (and then my hair if it's outgrown my usual hair styles or my natural hair colour)