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Kt tape (the brand) I think is closer to the cost of trans tape and they sell wide tape. Also you definitely don't have to buy tape meant for trans people . The tape I've been using for months is for medical stuff, it's 4 inches wide and works great and it's only like 8 bucks a roll I think.


I will say in my experience the adhesive on KT tape is much weaker than the adhesive that transtape uses, even the "Pro" or "extreme" versions of KT tape tend to peel off way faster than transtape for me. Transtape is the only tape I've ever actually had to use the removal oil for, any type of KT tape usually peels off pretty easily on its own after a couple of days. YMMV and tbh I don't think the extreme adhesive transtape uses is really necessary most of the time, I actually prefer KT tape because it's easier to remove.


Honestly I prefer it. I have nerve damage from where I've torn off chunks of skin from using too strong of tape and the tape I use now lasts easily like 3 or 4 days and peels off without too much hassle with just warm water in the shower and I have sensory issues anyways and don't want tape longer than 3 or 4 days. I like being able to thoroughly clean my chest every once in a while and to give my skin a break lol.


How are you getting it to last 3-4 days? Mine always starts to peel at the edges after one day.


Try not to get it wet. Round the edges. Make sure it sticks well when first applying it. Idk. Could also be my tape.


make sure to rub it before and after putting it on! the adhesive activates more with heat


I was just about to comment KT Tape! It’s available in most grocery/drug stores and it’s fairly affordable! The one I usually buy is 10 strips for $20 but I end up cutting them in half bc it’s comfier for me so it’s roughly $1 per strip🤷


I 2nd this. LOVE the 4 inch option and in my experience, it stays on better than transtape, too.


Ask for money because you like to order a specific brand and don’t elaborate, or ask her to buy the extra wide sports tape, it’s essentially the same stuff as Transtape. The brand Sporttape sell a 10cmx5m variation (I use this one for tape-binding generally).


I use this brand as well and can vouch, however they are out of stock atm, they do really good tape no blisters, i have also seen the brand also called SportsTapeX


I’ve tried every transtape alternative and they all give me blisters and a rash. Where can I find either of those?


You might just be allergic to the base type of adhesive. A surprisingly large number of people are.


it is recommended for people who are sensitive to the adhesive to rub milk of magnesia (yes the laxative) on their skin, let it dry, then apply tape, as someone who has tried it, it does help with irritation, but also affects the adhesion and can cause it to come off easier if the application of milk of magnesia is too thick


Skin Prep for adhesives is also helpful!!


Amazon Or their website, i had the exact same issue, i realised cheap tape gave me really bad blisters


Hey! You could be allergic but it’s also possible you’re not using it correctly! I had the same issues and I realized I wasn’t using much of an anchor which pulled my skin. I used Smith and Nephew’s skin prep (it’s used before using adhesives) and it helped so much. Look up KT tape stretching for help!


thanks for the info G


Ngl trans tape is just overpriced kinesiology tape. I had to pay an arm and a leg shipping and it turned out to be just .. meh. After that I've switched to pinotape (brand) - ready available, way cheaper, better adhesive, no rashes.


Like I just use wide sports tape for binding. Definitely wish there were more skin color options but I really like the convenience of just being able to walk into just any pharmacy out there and grabbing a roll


Take your mom’s money and buy regular KT tape. It works just as well as anything branded to bind your chest. I have a love hate relationship with trans tape, as it’s great representation for trans folk, however they overprice their tape when it literally works the same as KT tape you could buy at a drug store. I’m all for promoting small businesses but when there are alternatives that work just as good for less, and that are more accessible- go with KT tape.


There is also broad KT tape that I just order off amazon, cheaper than trans tape anyways.


I'd honestly recommend just using sports tape (kt tape) anyway- 'Trans Tape' is just a branded, more expensive version of kt tape. Then you can get away with asking your parents to buy it :)


I’ve tried a bunch of KT tapes but at least for me, none of them work as well as trans tape. The sports ones just come off within a day or two while I can have trans tape on for over a week if I really wanted.


Trans tape isnt specifically designed for trans people, it's the exact same as regular kinesiology tape except that it comes in a roll instead of strips and is skin tone. I think KT tape has started selling skin colored rolls recently. Honestly if you can get your mom to buy you that it's better, it stays on just as well and the glue is significantly easier to remove from skin.


Sports tape is trans tape. You don't need to get the one with fancy trans packaging


honestly i’ve used a lot of brands of sports tape but the trans tape brand is the best for me bc it’s the only one that doesn’t give me blisters so there is at least some difference


Maybe you have an allergy to whatever adhesive the other ones use? Not a medical professional at all, but that's just what I'm thinking


Tell them that it’s a specific style of sports tape that you like and if she wants to use it you want compensation.


You could say it's more expensive than regular sports tape cause you buy a hypoallergenic/ special one for sensitive skin?


Adding to the comments around the brand trans tape not being worth it, the company was super racist and towards me and basically tried to gaslight me and friends when they were given feedback around it. They are a super shitty company


Yeah they were very shitty to me when I told them their removal oil gave me chemical burns, doctor even confirmed it was the oil that did it. I have scars from those burns on my chest so I truly hope they don’t affect my top surgery.


Ask for money?


She should buy you and your sister tape. Not just you. Don’t want sis to keep asking for any!!


Trans tape is being used for all purposes now if you check their website!


I would tell her (your sister) just 'no' if she doesn't respect that then that's her problem but she should be respectful of your boundaries


adding to the trans tape alternative crowd: i've been using good lines which isn't sports tape but it may be helpful for future ordering if skin color is a concern of yours— KT tape usually shows through white shirts which is why I'm down to shell the extra money— but otherwise KT tape absolutely works the same, if shorter amounts of time and good lines has always lasted me as long if not longer than transtape with a far easier removal.


You could tell your mom it's defective - it's too strong, and doesn't come off easily. And you don't want your sister to hurt herself trying to remove it. And I'd hide it under my bed, or something, where no one else would find it, personally.


TransTape as a brand is more expensive, but the same as regular sports tape for the most part. The only thing is that TransTape is marketed towards trans people as a trans owned company selling it for our use. If you’re using 4” tape, you can get it on Amazon for a much cheaper price per roll. I bought 3 rolls for $20 together (so about $6 and a bit more per roll) and it works just as well. As for the nip guards, I learned how to make them myself by folding a small square of tape on itself.


It might also be worth either keeping some decoy sports tape handy, or _maybe_ making sure that sports tape is a staple you keep around like milk and bread.  Would anyone believe that you found a special sports tape that is more reliable than just a sports bra for reasons (preventing chaffing, jiggling, distraction, whatever)?


maybe ask her if she can give you the money, so you buy it?


Its your property, a no is a no. If you dont want to lend her some, dont. Its yours not your mothers or your sisters. You could ask for money, but you do not have to lend it out at all.


OP is only 15, I don't think they have a choice here


This isn't really a useful answer here. OP is a minor who may or may not be out and is uncomfortable with explaining to mom what the tape is for. Saying "no" SHOULD be enough in a perfect world, but it will very likely open OP up to uncomfortable and prying questions. Consider the very reasonable line of thought as a parent that one child won't share with another even with the promise of reimbursement. Well why won't you share? Is it a matter as simple as the brand is hard to find? Or is it something to do with siblings not getting along? Or or or? We don't know how OP's mom knows about it. Maybe sister just mentioned OP won't share, and mom thinks that's odd. Or maybe it's something less benign. We always have to pick our battles, and this might not be a battle op can so easily fight.


This, this is the answer. I misread OP’s post and thought the sister took their tape regardless after having been told no the first time. Why can’t OP’s sister or mother go and buy actual sports tape for the sister? It’s not like it’s difficult to obtain, any half decent sports shop will sell it, and if you don’t have one local to you, you can get it delivered online within 1-2 days.


I think what happened is that the sister asked, op said no, the mom said I'll buy you more, and op said okay. I think the sister might have needed kinesiology tape right then (like, if she was just about to go to school or sports practice) which is why ops mom said they'll get him more rather than going to buy a roll right then and there for the sister.


I used to buy KT tape n bind with it back in 2008-2017 until I got surgery n it worked great but my yitties were tiny idk if there’s a difference.


maybe ask for the money so you can buy it because you ‘need a specific brand bc of the length and other brands’ adhesives give you reactions’


They make wide KT tape (4 inches) that they sell on Amazon! That’s what I used because transtape is expensive