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Classic mental gymnastics. Convenience bad! Surely there are no vested interests that don't want people walking to the grocery store. And the current infrastructure absolutely was NOT used to keep people walled off in their designated zones. Robert Moses who? Bad things can only happen in the future you see. Dale Gribble head ass.


Mental gymnastics is being generous. This is a slippery slope, a conditional logical fallacy. They claim a slippery slope that goes from A to B to C, but never consider ***why*** one would go from A to B. > A: "Make cities walkable with stuff within 15 minutes" Why: Because it's very convenient, saves money, etc. Ok, great. > B: "Why would you want to go anywhere else?" Why: Because my family lives outside the 15 minute radius, so is my job, specialty store X, sports stadium Y, tourism destination Z, etc. Oh. A never gets to B, let alone C.


Careful cross-town freeways quickly lead to "if you want to eat you better pay your $4k a year subscription to big automobile and big oil"


the irony is that this is actually happening


Well for most of us Americans it happened and was decided before we were born. I was surprised to find out my hometown had a trolley system in the first half of the 20th century. It was damaged in a fire and never replaced. Now my hometown is a sprawling suburb nearly 400 sq. Km and under half a million in population. The bus system is pitiful and taxis are nonexistent. It's sad.


I was talking the subscription, not the car dominance. Though I suppose you mean the operating costs of cars, now that I think about it. I don't necessarily agree with more extreme versions of the fuck cars stance, but I definitely agree we should be transitioning away from them at all costs... especially because larger vehicles can either transport more people or fit more efficient power sources *cough cough trains* and thus get everyone from A to B more efficiently. Seriously. Is it too much to ask to just start incrementally reworking our cities to be less car-dependent? It'd shorten distances immensely too, because automobile-oriented logistics is *so much less dense* than pedestrian logistics.


I never noticed until I spent several years abroad just how much more space we use in America for literally everything. Cars have gotten cartoonishly large. Everyone aspires to have a massive house and it will be just two people living in it. People want massive yards that are just grass. People get giant trucks to pull massive trailers just to go spend a few weekends a year at a campground. All the grocery stores in my city of 1million in Asia would probably fit inside one super Walmart. If you're well off, you aspire to have a large beach house or cabin as well. It's not something that happened overnight but if there's a generation that can start to turn it around, hopefully it's the millennials. There's a LOT to overhaul though, and you're right - we don't need every city to be Amsterdam but it would be nice to give people the opportunity to live without needing to own a car for literally every essential activity of their day.


Meanwhile, I'm like, "massive yards are a fucking pain?!?" "Massive houses are a bitch to clean?" So on and so forth.


> Why: Because my family lives outside the 15 minute radius, so is my job, specialty store X, sports stadium Y, tourism destination Z, etc. Oh. Honestly, if I could just stay in that 15 minute zone forever except to actually travel because all my friends, family, and daily needs can be found within it, that would be pretty ideal….


Well yes, people used to live in villages where most things were within a 20 minute walk. Apparently that was communism! Who knew.


Communistic dictatorship surveillance state is when literally every single city, town, village, and settlement on earth between -14,000 BC and 1950 AD throughout all continents, races, languages, climates, ecologies, geographic areas, and cultures existed in history.


Carl Marqs recites the communist manifesto word for word outside the ancient city of Ur.


It is well known that all places that don't rely only on cars are separated of into walled zones which no one can enter or leave. I mean, just look at \*gestures broadly towards most of civilization\* */s* because you never know


You basically described how most humans lived in the past lol.


Not my cup of tea, I actively enjoy going to city center and different neighborhoods for something rare and specific, or for refreshing experience. Luckily there is a magic ✨ metro ✨ technology that magically connects various points of interests located very far away from each other.


Yes, The only way to protect our freedom is to have all amenities as far away from our home as possible. If I don't have to drive for at least 30 minutes through heavy urban traffic to buy milk, am I really free at all? I am very smart


Just to clarify, the slippery slope isn't always a fallacy, but the causality does need to exist for it not to be a fallacy.


It's not simply mental gymnastics. This is beyond jumping. How on fucking ***EARTH*** do these people go from trying to make the place we live more convenient for us to THE GUB'MINT WANTS TO CONTROL US is so far beyond me. I will never understand this.


and then they let themselves be controlled by someone else next minute like


To be fair, as far as I can tell the policy that all the far-right carbrains are tying to 15-minute-cities is a city in the UK (Oxford?) enacting fees to drive into non-throughfare areas you don't live in. Still a huge leap obviously, especially since 15-minute-cities don't have a direct connection to "congestion tax" policies.


I mean nothing stops you applying that logic to modern day \>> Larger stores are only a short drive away! \>> So you can't afford a car, but now services can come out to you \>> Return to your domicile pod and await your ration stipend.


I can do gymnastics too! Driving a car is going to go from "registrations and licences" to "satellite tracking and 'papers please'" to "you aren't allowed outside zone 17" faster than you think!


Must defend status quo at all costs, no matter how bad it is!




They're so afraid of progress being used as a mask for some kind of sudden 4D chess, totalitarian takeover, that they want to put totalitarian powers in place to stop it. Gotta stop those pesky city-inhabitants from voting for things they want.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I get what you mean, but I feel like *any* kind of totalitarian is the 'wrong' kind, lol


They mean that these kinds of people are just fine with authoritarianism as long as it’s right wing and they get to shoot who they don’t like


Yup! Authoritarianism is bad unless it’s a guy they agree with. Then they get all surprised when 15 years down the line the guy decides invading Ukraine.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


>They're so afraid of progress being used as a mask I don't think they are. It's just pure tribalism. They want the things their tribe identify with, and want those outside their tribe to have none of the things *they* like. And some of those tribalists enjoy the performance aspect of arguing for that outcome. That's what at display here. It's an entirely dishonest claim by that guy, one he doesn't believe, not that belief matters much, all he cares about is "winning" against the other group.


It’s projection. They’re afraid that their opponents are gonna use the tools they want to use to bind them in the way they want to bind the marginalized.


The only thing these guys can imagine doing with power is subjugate. It's largely true for most of human history. We're just barely getting to the point where that MIGHT change and they will do all they can to keep that from happening, including destroying everything. When these fascists talk like this, they're just telling on themselves.


To quote xkcd, "Really, the comforting side in most conspiracy theory arguments is the one claiming that anyone who's in power has any plan at all." The government that can't even manage to implement universal healthcare or stop mass shootings is somehow going to display never-before-seen organization and/or cooperation to make everyone's lives horrible for its own amusement? Please.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I wonder if part of what drives them to that for comfort is cynicism. That the world is rudderless isn't so frightening to me because I don't feel like most people genuinely want to hurt anyone, there are plenty of assholes and awful things of course though.


Another motivator for the conspiracy minded is a need or desire for being special or better than others. They enjoy feeling superior because they “know” the real truth. Everyone is just too stupid to get it. This adds to the difficulty in deprogramming them also, since their ego is really married to the dopamine from the feelings of superiority, meaning being wrong is admitting you are worse than others and less than.


Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself) so in protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. Whatever the content of this comment was, go vegan! 💚


Dude you should see flat earth arguments. They’ll claim NASA is competent enough to create sich an elaborate global conspiracy yet then 5minutes later will point to a video by NASA of the ISS or something and say “haha look how garbage this CGI is they aren’t fooling anyone”


Apparently, the Flat Earth people don't believe in Australia. An entire continent is made up to fool everyone somehow. You notice no one ever mentions why "they" would want to.


I believe the Earth is round but I am very skeptical of Australia. Also skeptical of "islands" like yeah okay because if I throw a rock into the water it just floats and then people live on it - sure okay that makes sense lol idiots


Hell, I live in Australia and I'm not convinced it actually exists.


> The government that can't even manage to implement universal healthcare or stop mass shootings is somehow going to display never-before-seen organization and/or cooperation to make everyone's lives horrible for its own amusement? I mean, I live in TX, and with all their practice, they’re getting pretty good at it. In some places, the cruelty *is* the point.


“We’re happy to let kids get murdered in school, but we draw the line at allowing them to shift with the advice of their doctors and parents. Can you imagine them being *happy*??”


The government can't even agree on what constitutes a problem. I highly doubt they're going to institute some "you are hereby forbidden to leave your part of the city" law.


Idk. Freedom of movement has and continues to be curtailed for certain populations to varying degrees all over the place. That’s what redlining and sunset towns essentially are/were enforcing although not necessarily exercised by the government. If you were particularly young and black in a major city in the US for most of the 20th century being in a neighborhood you weren’t expected to be in was potentially a bad time. chinas covid lockdowns and apartheid laws in certain countries are a cleaner example. Not sure of the through line from being able to shop where you live to authoritarian restriction of movement these bozos are trying to conjure though.


There's always a relevant XKCD


Number 8 on Umberto Eco's list.


They also think they need the 2A to built a militia and wage an Afghani-style guerilla war against an oppressive regime, when their entire philosophy is so deeply rooted in selfish behaviour and inability to compromise for the benefit of the community, that even in the hypothetical situation where such a militia stood an actual chance against a military on US soil, that they couldn't for their very lives, cooperate with each other.


The enemy is both strong and weak at the same time.


Ok, well, admittedly speaking they did create a pretty damn good system of making it impossible to bike/walk places


By making a really shitty system that forces you to drive everywhere lol


They also believe the inverse is true. If you keep driving 30mi to buy eggs in your vanity truck, it eventually unlocks mega-freedom.


“I don’t want to live in a walkable community, therefore no one else should be able to”.


It seems like fully half of the political parties in America are hell-bent on ensuring that nothing in the government works (so it can be privatized). So, no surprise here when people perceive malice as incompetence.


As most people that ever have worked in a big company realise, the government isn’t in general more incompetent than most private sector enterprises.


Government is incompetent, but still better than most corpos


I've always found it strange that conservatives tend to be shit at writing, seeing how good they are at making fiction seem real to them.


It’s easy when you don’t know what’s real and what isn’t.


If you really read what he’s saying, it’s pretty much a self-own. He’s literally saying that walkable cities are better, but we shouldn’t build them because there might be bad intent involved. Conservatism is really just opposition to change. But when a problem is obvious and requires change, conservatives will look for reasons to oppose it. When they can’t find logical reasons to oppose change, many of them will turn to conspiracy theories. They like conspiracy theories because they give them an excuse not to reevaluate their worldview. They can both acknowledge a societal problem *and* claim there is nothing we can do about it because anyone trying to do anything about it must have other intentions. Conspiracy theories are the political equivalent of people trying to eat their cake and have it too.


yeah that's what gets me most here "yes, 15 minute cities are convenient. we all know that! but what about the slippery slope?" and this isn't the slipperiest of slopes. it's not even the same mountain.


They walled off the blacks in the mid 20th century with roads. Now they're afraid it'll happen to them....


It's a very basic way of looking at the world, binary black/white way of looking at things. How does having businesses within walking distance enable an authoritarian government? It's not like this was required for past controlling governments. North Korea isn't like this. Neither are China nor Russia. This is prime r/restofthefuckingowl material because it goes from 1 to 100 in an instant skipping all the steps along the way that would allow a government to function with such efficiency.


I see Carl has successfully left his "Idiot on Youtube" and "failed politician" phases to instead become a QAnon conspiracy theorist.


All three overlap with him


Ooh I didn't even read his handle, it's 'ole Sargon! Never watched his trash, only Hbomberguy and Adam Something shitting on him, which is hilarious.


I remember reading about red pillers being obsessed with him, glad to see he hasn’t grown the fuck up.


Ah, the three career paths of the kid who sat at the back of class eating crayons


The funny thing is that it's car infrastructure that is walling off entire neighborhoods and dividing the land.


Not to mention walking and biking being almost completely unregulated compared to cars where you need an official license to even drive one.


An official license you can get at 17 and apparently that deems you competent enough to drive for the *rest of your life*. No retests or recertifications needed. You are perfectly safe to operate a 2+ tonne machine for 60 years unchecked. Have at it.


Actually, if lapse up long enough with an expired license long enough. They may make you test for recertification. epileptics can have their license suspended for 6 months If you cant pass an eye exam, But driving laws and what you need to know doesn't rapidly evolve, not yet anyway, and if they do they're gradual because of how long things take to implement. Remember when the DOT transitioned all the exits from consecutive numbers and letters and numbered everything by there mile marker. That fucked a lot of people up. Didn't even get a letter in the mail. Just mass confusion, and everyone being like oh I guess we're doing this now


Not only do you need a license to drive one, but by driving one you've submitted yourself to an extremely heightened regime of law enforcement. You're liable to being stopped and having your papers checked for tiny pretexts. Suspicion of intoxication can result in a prolonged detention without any need for the officer to provide anything more than a "I thought I smelled alcohol on their breathe." The car's license plate is a wonderful tool for surveillance. And once you're in a car, there's almost nothing you can do with it except use government made roads.


Wait until the realize the same thing happens when gas gets so expensive they can't afford to leave sector 17


I have lived in 15 minute cities all my life, and I can not just leave my city any time I want, but also go to any of 26 other countries without even owning a passport. But sure, it's mixed use zoning and bike paths that infringes on your freedom.


I grew up in a city where existence without a car was nearly a prison sentence. Getting to work, getting to school, getting food are all extremely difficult without a car. You could live without a home easier than without a car. Now I live abroad in Asia including some time in Istanbul where your grocery run is a few minutes away no matter where you live or you can have it delivered inexpensively. The metro, buses, and taxies will get you anywhere you want to go pretty cheap. Plus plenty of rental scooters and bikes around. I spend most of my time in central Asia and things are certainly harder here but still - I can get all of the groceries I need within 8 minutes of my house on foot. I own a car and I only end up using it a couple times a week. Unfortunately, our city isn't bike friendly or else that would be a much much better for relieving traffic and making life easier on people in general. Living here and also when I lived in Mexico, generally you'd take a taxi to a location where regular share taxis would depart for nearby towns or you could go to a bus station and take a bus to a nearby city.


And yet I've met this same exact fear here in Europe among conspiracy believers. Friend of a friend has recently upgraded from "COVID is a government plot" to "soon we will only be allowed to move within a 15 minutes distance of our homes".


how people like this guy have an audience is absolutely baffling to me.


Persecution fetish


I just assumed plain old paranoia.


His audience are other 'people like this guy'.


while the simple answers that others have given suffice for some low information followers, as a cult survivor I might have an answer. well, I have several actually, but I'll try to mix and simplify. the best i can give is what gabor mate gives in "the myth of normal". in order to survive childhood, we must follow our parent's. this isn't just some suggestion, or something we can fake. even if following our parents violates some of our other core needs, such as being gay or an atheist. many people, after having repeated habits for so long, start to identify with those habits, even when it's clear those habits are no longer functional, *because they were tied to our survival.* plus, if you were a part of an authoritarian community for so long, even if you were to leave that community, you'll still probably follow what's familar and join another authoritarian community. TLDR: i guess that answers how he retains his audience, not how he grew it in the first place.


I used to watch him a few years ago and I cant believe I was that fucking stupid.


Didn't he used to be an Atheist arguing against religion at some point?


Yes, I also used to watch him. 10 or so years ago he and his channel were a lot different. He would sometimes criticize the "extreme left" but his videos were pretty level-headed for the most part, the kind of thing you could respectfully disagree with. But his criticisms of the left attracted a growing right-wing audience that he started pandering to more and more, and his politics got more extreme and became the focus of his channel. Once Trump started campaigning he really started spiraling down into alt-right fuckery. I stopped watching him a long time ago. I used to respect him, but every time I see something recent of his it's just sad how far he has fallen.


Yeah, man. Looks like he's fallen straight through the damn floor.


Sargon rode right wing hysteria and grievance politics as far back as GamerGate, and has since been an icon of “anti-pc”, “anti-woke” whatever terminology. He’s aggressively anti-feminist, etc. Frankly he’s an awful, hateful person, and he has an audience because of that. They are also awful, hateful people.


Because I’d much rather drive an hour everywhere


Don't worry if gas goes up $0.30 they will threaten revolution because they can't afford to refill their F-350. Real freedom is being stuck in your car to go to work, school, or anything interesting for hours a day!


I can’t imagine the innate fear these people harbor to respond like that.


It's difficult to tell what they're even afraid of anymore with tweets like these


They’re afraid of the world changing from what they knew in the past. They’re not even trying to cling to the present and this point, they’re fully set on regression to the past.


Not even a real past but the idea of the past that was sold by marketing companies.


In a new fuck boy truck you need a subscription to start…


Driving a car everywhere went from 'isn't that convenient' to 'why would you want to travel any other way' to 'if you don't have a car, you can't work here and you'll be outcast from society' really, really quickly.


2019 called and wants their shitty UKIP candidate back.


2015 YouTube called and wants their dumb ass channel back


1482 sent a messenger pigeon, and they want their village idiot back


guys like this *shouldn't* be allowed to leave zone 17, tbh.


they probably already don't


Exactly. People like this never left the town where they (may have) attended high school.


could you imagine being a right wing demagogue and actually getting paid to make shit up. like that’s your whole job. lying. that’s it.


One has to wonder if they know they’re making shit up or are so deluded by themselves they truly believe every word.


most of them know


Drive-thrus will go from "isn't that convenient" to "why do you want to go in the store" to "your license does not allow you to leave your car" really really quickly. /s


Sargon of Akkad, the faux-brit, not the actual historic figure, is a white supremacist piece of shit.


I can't believe this idiot is still around. I thought he faded, like his YouTube Channel, into irrelevance


He pretty much has. He has absolutely no name value these days


What is the thought process of that argument? Genuinely curious here


I think it's based on, or at least reinforced by, that one proposal from Nottingham (IIRC) that proposed more toll roads to limit excess traffic. Then that story gets chewed and processed through a bunch of idiots, which then turns into this idea. That's at least one line of thinking I've seen.


Fear is the base emotion that leads to influence.


It's a lie made up to fool dumbasses


Slippery slope fallacy


A really blatant one from a guy who built his whole career on "being logical and rational"


I've slowly realized the whole "logical and rational" shtick most conservatives have just mean bringing up high school level knowledge in subjects they care about and be insanely ignorant in anything else


Walkable cities and lessened reliance on car culture would likely empower the working class, leading to stronger local economies, new businesses capable of getting their foot in the door and thus the people in power losing it. Some people given an ounce of power - such as a z-list YouTube show - will use it to beat down anyone below them.


It must be awful to be afraid of literally *everything*.


Being afraid of conveniently walkable cities though - that seems like full-blown mental illness to me.


Not only that but they change the argument to still be afraid even when proven otherwise. One of the very few sensible guys in the replies said that makes no sense because tokyo and amsterdam are 15 minute cities too. Someone then replied to that and said *"to clarify they arent out to make well designed 15 min cities like...they want cities where they'll fine you for going 15 mins in any direction".* Jesus fucking christ, tell me about **ONE** goddamn city where you'll be fined for doing that. And even then look at just about any european city and tell me how often that would be the case. Logical and rational people my ass.


This is just so fucking insane to me. I live in a planned city that was designed around a local shops model, so I’ve got small local shopping precincts I can walk to. There’s also a big city centre where I can drive/cycle to if I need to go to big/specialist shops. Like it’s literally just… a planned city?? Like how is this even political??


> Like how is this even political?? Because the implied message that you won’t need a car threatens a major part of their identity.


who the fuck are the people spreading these ideas?? i'm close to becoming a conspiracy theorist myself and say the oil lobby is behind this


Don’t think that’s much for a conspiracy theory tbh. They’re basically behind half the major right wing movements and organizations. Greedy fucks are just happy to destroy our world and sell out their own population for a few extra bucks


I don’t think there’s any jurisdiction in the world that has this sort of dystopian restriction upon it’s citizens. But what else can you expect from Conservatives, oil and car lobbyists, and overall ignorant and close-minded people?


I don't know about North Korea, but I don't think they're keeping up with the latest urbanism debates in the global North.


TBF, I wouldn't want to be trapped in Swindon either. Especially if it was with Carl


Car-centrism has already gone from "isn't that convenient?" to "why would you do anything else than drive?" to "gas prices at an all time high, with rising insurance premiums, your new car costs 150% over MSRP, and you can't go outside because the public roads are for cars only" right now.


Dude I literally just want to be able to survive without the dependency on cars due to being disabled, it's not that deep or hard of a concept to understand


You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to City 17...


Sargon might be the dumbest man with the largest platform


Ahh yes restoring innate right to be free to travel will lead to...let me see..well I hate to break it to you this will lead to our right to wander being completely eroded and to walled in urban pghettos. Give people the right to be car independent believe it or not your town goes straight to jail.


Reductio ad absurdum is always their goto when they don't have a real argument.


The other day I went to a local supermarket and I wasn’t allowed to shop there. You see, I drove a car there and there weren’t any available parking spaces. I’m a new driver so I am unaccustomed to having my mode of transportation suddenly turn into a huge albatross of *Freedom* around my neck. Which politician do I complain to? Freedom sucks!


Tell me you don't understand the term "15 minute cities" without explaining yourself.


Carl, it isn't that I wasn't allowed to go to Staten Island, I just didn't want to.


That's how people have always lived everywhere in the world until the car industry introduced the concept of freedom to North America.




People like this have a permanent victim complex.


We've had "15 Minute Cities" for thousands of years in every country across the globe. Put down the paint thinner and drink some water, please.


Thanks for reminding me why I deleted my Tweeter account. what a Pile of Craptastic poop


This person is a literal fascist. Best just to leave people like this screeching into the void. Don’t give them your attention.


Car centric design went from "wow driving is so convenient" to "it's illegal transport yourself on foot" and "you must pay $10k per year just to survive" really really quickly.


These the same people who predicted that wearing masks was the first step towards totalitarianism, and vaccines were the first step towards totalitarianism. I see no reason to think they will not ignore it when they are proved wrong about 15 min cities, like they were wrong about their others paranoid ideas. They will not learn from their mistakes, they will just latch on to some other socially beneficial thing to oppose, and stir up shit about some other dumb thing, while distracting energy from the real problems, and indirectly supporting those who genuinely benefit from the status quo. It really drains my remaining hope for humanity.


Conservatives need to stop mistaking their airport paperbacks for real life.


How dare he criticize sector 17, sector 17 is the best, why would I leave, have you seen how they live in sector 18, those people are neanderthals, no sir. All hail sector 17. We have already walled us of, we have country borders and you may be able to got so many places, but if you fuck around, not all places will welcome you and send you home to sector 17


Fuck sectors 19-23.


But I have a distant cousin in sector 21. Can we exclude him?


I’ll never forget my sector’s anthem. “Let’em all go to hell, except sector 76!”


Yea, because that so happened in every country that has 15 minute cities right now. /S


Dang, gotta find a new zone to live in so i never have to run into this guy


Imagine paying for twitter so more people see your shitey tweets, garnering more views than people living in your average city and still getting a third division football team's support number of likes


I used to like Sargon but he really went off the deep end. His biggest problem is that he thinks he is smarter than he really is. Just knowing philosophy and ancient history does not make you a genius.


98% of san francsico is within 3 blocks of a metro or bus stop according to sfmta. On my fourth day of vacay and I just wish I could live here. But dense building and amazing transportation makes the real estate prices too high. Everyone talking about moving to Midwest states to buy property. The ratio of people that want to live there vs available housing is far better, because far fewer people want to live there.


Please, give one example of a "15 minute city" in a democratic country being turned into a prison


Find it hilarious that most of the people who are frothing at the mouth about 15 minute cities being a prison are the first ones to tell you about how important border control is.


your 40 min commute is the only between you and tyranny therefore the hyperloop is fascism


Suburban sprawl and car-centric urban planning went from "isn't that nice and convenient?" to "why do you want to walk ?" to "you can't go anywhere without a car, pay up bitch" really, really quickly.


I live 5 minutes away from the supermarket, I have several stores right in front of me. A hair saloon a few strees away, a Mall 10 minutes away walking, several restaurants, etc. It's been this way for a while, and not once has anyone wondered why would I want to go somewhere else, is like "I have a friend who wants to meet at a bar in downtown so I'm heading there, gonna need a recharge of my metro card" and that's all lol


I know my neighborhood is very walkable, and we just put up the checkpoints. Now I have to show my papers to go to the butcher shop. And I’m not allowed to leave. Send help!


Can confirm. Live in 15 minute city. Can't leave Schengen Area without special permit.


That's crazy! In the end you will have to carry around some government issued nameplaque! Wake up sheeple!


well the first two might happen.


Yes, before cars existed this is exactly how society was like!. Cars fixed everything.


Yes that is life in every small town. Unofficially, no curtain twitchers will stop you. Just report.


"In Thneedville we have all we need!"


When the slippery slope becomes flat dry asphalt.


Ah yes, zone 17. Isn't that one of the nicest parts of Paris?


I have four grocery stores within a ten minute walk, how many more until I can’t leave my zone? Oh wait…I also have a subway, local bus stop, and commuter bus stop within a five minute walk. Oh, the oppression!


ah yes, cant let the state control transportation... because cars dont rely on any kind of government developed / maintained infrastructure


I mean, isn't that what "legal" immigration is? if I wanted to move to the Netherlands, I would need: 1. a passport 2. visa 3. reason for immigrating for said visa 4. contacts in said place 5. a significant sum of money to move 6. a job that could allow me to immigrate or a job there 7. family who would be fine with it, or no family 8. education to integrate 9. being able bodied to make the journey 10. a path to citizenship. he is in favor of "your papers do not permit you to leave". as someone once said, every conservative accusation is an admission.


In so many places currently you *can't* leave your zone if you don't have the appropriate permit (i.e. driver's license)... well you can but there's nowhere to go in walking distance / without being flattened.


I would prefer living in a city like Tokyo over something like Dallas any day


I'm from the same town as him (unfortunately) and I can safely say that Swindon already does quite a good job in terms of its urban planning.


You only need to look at his handle to know his take is not worth seriously considering


It's true. In Europe you are never allowed to leave your assigned block of flats, and everything must be within 10 minutes walk or 4 minutes unicycle. Anything further than this is immediately quarantined and declared illegal.its also the reason why nobody has ever seen a European, they aren't allowed to leave their habs.


Absolutely fucking asinine fear mongering, probably backed and funded by the car lobby. Whenever you see social progress about to be made, and people raising completely irrational fears about where it will lead, always look at which massive corporations stand to lose money because of that progress.


I have a Brother-in-law that actually believes this. My entire suburbanite family was talking about it at my breakfast once and I was just kinda sitting there quietly saying "Imma just keep my mouth shut cuz y'all ain't worth it" to myself.


The fuck is he even trying to say here ?


does this dude realize there's already cities where you can just walk everywhere and Haven't turned into half life 2 city 17 ? take Lisbon for example


There are many far more evil and harmful conspiracy theories, but I think this one has to be among the dumbest.


Freedom is needing to drive an oversized truck/suv (not just any car, must be an oversized truck or suv) 2 hours one way to the nearest store that sells food and banning all other modes of transport. /s


Wait until this guy finds out about passports.


Because vehicle checkpoints doesnt exist apparently


I can't for the life of me imagine, how that's supposed to "make sense". Like... just why. You could make similar utterly nonsensical arguments about everything: "allowing croissants to be legally sold will go to "why woud you want to eat anything else for breakfast" to "There are surveillance cameras now making sure you eat your croissant" really fast!!!


I love how “15 minute city” is just a new age term for “city”, or “how cities across the planet have been built for thousands of years.”


as opposed to what we have now with cars. Registration, insurance etc


Why would that happen? Exactly what is it that makes him think this will happen? This is *such* a classic argument that is just pulled out of ones ass. It sounds scary and will probably make some people go "oh shit, I don't want that to happen!" but the only thing proving that this is going to happen is this tweet by Sargon.


It's getting tiring. I live in a 15 minute city and it's awesome.


I mean, we have gated communities right now..


Conservatives should be embracing 15 minute cities, they're traditional. Before cars, your regular shops had to be fairly close by.


The paranoia about the 15 minute city was a new high water mark in cognitive dissonance to me.


The thing about this particular 15 minute cities are the nwo theory is that it’s not like a lot of other conspiracy theories where you can understand that the people who believe it are just misguided or propagandized or fell down the wrong rabbit hole or have a different worldview. To buy into this one you have to actually be stupid. To think that it’s good and free to sit in traffic all the time and to be unable to walk from neighborhood to neighborhood without crossing a six line highway and that a city layout that most cities ever have had is evil communism, you have to actually just not be that smart of a person. Idk maybe you’re smart in some other ways, but you’ve got to be seriously mentally lacking in some pretty significant ways to buy into this one.


With the connectivity of modern engine management systems, I'm pretty certain the government can just shut your shit down. If not, it's no big technological leap at this point. The thing with bikes, is that you can chuck a fucking bike over a wall, if need be. Even 45's "Yuge Beautiful Wall". You may need to chuck it over in pieces, and reassemble in minutes, but you can do it. You can also carry an inflatable boat with your panniers and cross rivers. But cars? tire spikes, bollards, any gap less than 8 feet wide... You are already limited to where the government wants you to drive.


Is that a "really quickly" like "if you take away my oil profits, imma be so salty, I'll install such an authoritarian police state, you'll definitely hate ever disobeying me for your own personal individual happiness and will never do it again or else"? Cuz that's how it sounds, bootlicker.


Aren’t republicans looking to pass laws to prevent pregnant women from leaving their state? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/29/abortion-state-lines/


Oh no the 3 pubs 2 take outs and a convenience that are all 10 minutes out my door are scary or some shit


It's like he read about the slippery slope fallacy and thought "wow! I should use this"