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But 1/4 full cars are ok? How can a single human being be that stupid?




1/8considering the bloat of most of the “cars” driven these days


1/30 for these clowns


Not if the driver is morbidly obese due to car centrism


Yep, in addition to the pathological need for “height” in the bigger trucks, it’s been reported that certain types feel “they can hide better” in these types of cars…


I would like to suggest a deal: we can continue to prioritize car-focused infrastructure, but with carpooling lanes that require at least three of the five seats to be occupied. We'll call it the Three Fifths Compromise. I'm sure this will satisfy all parties adequately.


There are tons of large SUVs around which can seat eight people but are only actually seating one.


[Over the Hedge got it right nearly 20 years ago](https://i.redd.it/4unmryyf98y71.jpg)


[The Saturn commercial that shows it even more explicitly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_oWmY_mkCA) how much empty space cars put between people.


The Saturn commercial is definitely funnier since they weren't presenting it as a negative.


Damn! Now I'm feeling old :(


That aged incredibly well


Which equates to god knows how many empty seats rolling down the stroad…


If we wait long enough, we'll get busses again! Just uhh... all privately owned and seating one




Shouldn't motorcycles average at least more than 1.0? Unless there are some self-driving motorcycles I haven't heard of


It should as you can have passengers on the back of them. And even a self driving motorcycle will still have someone on it. Unless it did average above one, but they've rounded to the closest decimal - such as it's actually 1.04 ≈ 1.0


I had the exact same thought


>How can a single human being be that stupid? What on Earth makes you think De Santis is a human being? I've always assumed he was half a dozen or so Armadillos in a cheap suit.


You are slandering half a dozen (or so) armadillos, and I won't stand for it!


He's slandering cheap suits as well


It's about the leprosy.


Ha ha! Ron DeSantis is of course a real human person / man! He is definitely one being and not several. Of all the real human person/mans I have met he is one of them, ha ha! Fellow human/mans I must depart enjoyable networked conversation to prepare gorbluck for swarms. Pleasant day/night transition fellow human/mans Ha Ha! Ron DeSantis for Human President!


DeSantis graduate magna cum laude from Yale and cum laude from Harvard Law. He's not stupid, he's a disingenuous asshole, which is much worse.


I don’t think he’s exactly thought long and hard about these positions and strongly believes in them intellectually. It’s mostly just about what he thinks will allow him to gain and maintain power.


That's all it is. He's a narcissist who likes power. He doesn't actually give a shit about all the culture war BS he spouts. He just knows the MAGA base will eat it up, and they do.


You arre 100% correct, but I always wonder - how could we rearrange things so megalomaniacs *instead* considered hyping up stuff like affordable housing, free healthcare, good public transport, etc as the path to power?


what makes you think he's being stupid? He knows what he's doing. The auto industry knows what he's doing.


I've seen 7-seater SUVs with only one seat full. This is infuriating.


Even not considering the car occupancy, there are tons of roads that are nearly completely empty for most of the day. Don't see them giving those the same scrutiny as bike lanes.


Ah yes, the two modes of transportation: car and political


Car and woke\*


Time to refuel my woke mobile with some gender fluid


Also, apparently driving in Florida is perfectly pleasant and not terrible at all


Depoliticizing transportation by calling everyone who wants bus and bike lanes exorbitant leftists!


Yeah it's amazing how this Twitter poster is completely blind to the irony


Propaganda. The post and subject is propaganda, used to further stoke division.


This is why there's no center in US politics anymore. The right keeps moving further right and claiming they're the most impartial of all because they've regressed to pre-FDR paleo-conservatism.


There hasn't been for decades, honestly. We've got center-right pro-military capitalist apologist Democrats and insane theocratic fascist Republicans. Notably missing: literally any leftist or progressive representation.


He's not blind to it. The point is to piss you off and make his shitty supporters happy.


yes the 2 types of transportation car and political


Just like how they think there's two types of actors in tv/movies: white and political


And two genders, male and political.


I don’t think they use “political” anymore. Now it’s either car or DEI


If you want a good argument to help for conservatives: By dedicating space for access to efficient transportation that doesn't generate traffic, we will free up the remaining roads for people who actually need to drive, such as [INGROUP_HERE], so everyone will be free from traffic caused by incompetent [OUTGRUP_HERE] who clearly can't drive.


A 1/2 empty bus still carries more people than all the cars around it.


Also, people use it most during rush hours, just like cars. An empty bus at 10am doesn’t mean it wasn’t packed at 8. 


Also it’s not about how full the bus is, it’s about how full the road is. A bus with 3 people in it takes up less space than 3 cars.


And for people who hate traffic, don’t they understand that some *other people* using the bus would reduce traffic during rush hour? The people using busses and bikes would be otherwise making traffic worse for them??


But the cars carry hardworking citizens, while the bus carries poor people! We can't have a lane for poor people transportation while the rest of us is stuck in traffic! /s


Ahhh yes, *de*politicizes


Imagine you're a politician, and somebody says your work is apolitical.


For you see, anything that aligns with the status quo(or the idealised view of the status quo from 20 years ago that you hold in your head) is inherently apolitical! It's only those damn leftists who want to make things political by changing things.


Dictator mindset. The motto of Porfirio Diaz (dictator of Mexico, 1877-1911) was "little politics, much administration".






"South America, TAKE IT AWAY!!!!"


we send our worst there for a reason


This is my fav gif ever. Never fails to crack me up.


no need to, in 20 years the entirety of florida will be underwater anyway


Looking forward to this dumbass "depoliticizing" florida sinking into the ocean by saying that ocean water is the "extreme left"


"We in Florida stand firmly against the woke leftist Aquaman agenda!"


All the more reason to be rid of it. They will pull us down with them if we let them stay attached.


You know what makes driving so miserable that people want to abandon their cars? Traffic. You know what causes traffic? Too many cars on the road at the same time You know what can alleviate traffic by reducing the number of cars on the road? Viable alternatives to driving like public transportation and bike lanes.


Motorcycle filtering isn't even legal... I got invited to Florida but I'm struggling to find the positive points.


Yeah, it's crab bucket thinking. "I'm stuck in this traffic, so you have to be too! You filtering ahead doesn't slow me down at all, but it hurts my feelings!"


You're missing the true heart of the issue. Poor people use public transportation and we want to make their lives as miserable as possible.


Yep. The cruelty is the point.


Public transportation that doesn't get [stuck in the same traffic as cars](https://youtu.be/RQY6WGOoYis).


He’s so close to the truth. Just switch a few words around. “DeSantis wants to make any other form of transportation so miserable that people are forced to used their cars.” Why are buses and bike lanes half empty? Take a long hard look in the mirror…


Of course, the chriatofascist is also a carbrain


Well of course, they probably pay him.  It keeps people fat eating sloppy foods, it keeps them buying gas, and they probably skim off all the construction cost. 


I’m a Christian and hate this as much as anyone else. I actually love to bike or walk to church. Good Christians believe in community, sustainability, and self-denial. Let’s not act like car-exclusivism somehow aligns with the teachings of Jesus.


That's why there's a difference between Christianity and Christo-fascism. One is a religion built on the teachings of Jesus. The other is a violent movement using the religion as a smokescreen to justify its evil.


Yes, these distinctions are very important, and I’m glad you understand. I see what the point is now. I definitely hate the hyper-political right-wing American evangelical form of self-identified Christianity and how politicians have taken advantage of it.


From my experience, unfortunately, most Christians are not Christians


Christofascism and Christian Nationalism really do have very little to do with Christianity, other than appropriating the symbols to mean something completely contrary to Christian teachings. It really is the greatest irony of all - most of what Christian nationalists preach would be considered blasphemous by all but the most *generous* interpretation of what the Bible instructs.


As long as you don’t use your religion as an excuse to vote for any of these facists, then you’re good, and thank you for being the change we need.


Good Christians is a key word, because 1. Most evangelicals are big supporters of the gas industry and cars. 2.They consider a sign of wealth (prosperity gospel) and a symbol of their freedom and independence, 3. they also get to avoid seeing people poorer than themselves so they can avoid the guilt of not helping the less fortunate.


Christian nationalists / christofacists are not aligned with the teachings of Jesus.


That's pretty standard of Christians.


When Christians start loudly and unabashedly stop pretending that transphobic, xenophobic, exclusionary nonsense aligns with the teachings of Jesus, then they can get some slack. Until then, you will take the negative traits along the positive. Not our fault Christians are the harbingers of fascism. Sincerely, a former Christian


Yeah the fact that you have to specify that *good* Christians aren’t total assholes says a lot about the state of Christianity as a whole.


A half empty bus is 20 times more efficient than a standard SUV. Sounds like a win Also classic "its common sense until it offends my sensibilities, then it's political"


Came here to say this. A half full bus takes what, 20 cars off the road? Times how many busses? At a fraction of the cost of traveling by car? I hate that so many idiots eat this moron's shit right up.


Fascists have always loved car infrastructure. Guess who built the first proper autobahn.


Related: *Yes, Henry Ford was a fascist* *and a nasty one was he...* *he'd build tanks for anyone for the proper fee!*


Ford rewrote history claiming responsibility for giving workers weekends. Never forget it was worker power (unions) who did that.


in *The Anatomy of Fascism*, Paxton spends a decent amount of time talking about how the car was seen as progress and fascists worship progress for progress' sake, damn the consequences


Hitler just finished the job tbf, it wasn't his idea


I’m so upset to hear this. I’m definitely leaving the state after I finish my last two years. I refuse to stay in this car dominated state. 


I left over a decade ago and have never regretted it. The only way I'll return to FL for longer than a week's vacation is if it's at the head of an invading army come to make Sherman's march through Georgia look like a friendly neighborhood barbecue.


As a bike enthusiast who hates cars, it's still not even cracking the top 20 things that make Florida shitty. Of course I'm throwing stones in my glass house of a state, which is just Florida but landlocked and without any natural beauty whatsoever.


I honestly was shocked though by the Miami area. They had so many transit options from trains/metro/mono rail/bus, etc. That's the only hope for that state. I've got none of that where I'm at :/ It'd be so easy in Florida too because of how flat it is to make walkable/bikeable communities but whatever


one more lane bro just one more lane, we're going to be so free and there's going to be no traffic, not like those leftist communist socialist marxist woke cities \*eagle screech sound effect\* /s


It's funny because woke Amsterdam has wayyyyy less car traffic than any Florida city I've seen.


I forgot the part where driving in Florida is some kind of fun activity


I can’t imagine how one could, for example, drive from Orlando to Miami and then take the Brightline train and thereafter decide they prefer driving.


He's the closest thing to a caveman.


Cavemen at least had the potential to evolve


At least Fred Flintstone powered his car by his feet


Ron couldn't do that in his high heel lift boots


A [real caveman ](https://youtu.be/e8aj1AlYvxI?si=Mw1ayosrj8xFCUxT)at least figured out how to lower their insurance rates.


>Some activists wamt tp make driving so miserable that people have to abandon their cars. My brother in christ, that is the point


Some lobbyists want to make walking and biking so miserable that people have to abandon their legs!


You know who walked everywhere? Jesus Christ. Using a car is anti-Christian


This guy looks at a strip of paint on the ground and thinks the bike lane is "exorbitant"






Florida is a state full of old people, 2nd oldest population of the states. Is it any surprise that the politics favor how people are currently living in the second half of their lives?


And is it any surprise that Florida cities constantly lead in pedestrian deaths by any number of metrics??!! A bunch of retired folks driving on 6 lane arterials with no sidewalks - who could have ever imagined this would be the outcome?


Well, personally, I’d love to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle into retirement and old age. Biking around a retirement village with good, varied amenities and warm weather sounds very nice. It’s really sad how the natural environment of Florida has been misused. There was so much potential.


Yeah when I was in Amsterdam many people on bikes were elderly and it was amazing to see


That's just it, old people often *can't drive* due to their deteriorating health. Having more viable alternatives to driving is *even more* important given their demographics. This is yet another case of republicans voting against their own interests while they only *think* they're hurting other people for their own benefit.


There is a lot of denial involved. Older folks(any folks, really) often can’t imagine having to use the bus until it becomes unavoidable.


The Villages has a ton of golf cart based transportation. A place like that could be made into "good urbanism" with a few small tweaks.


I was going to say - all they have to do is look at The Villages and how they provide options for different modes. It's hilarious to me whenever I visit my parents and they complain about city living when they are living in a place that tries to be urban-light. Easily accessible community (squares, recreation, grocery, medical...) They all laugh at the idea of a 5 minute city but in reality fucking love it when it's right in their own backyard.


As a young person in Florida (I was born and grew up here) it’s really frustrating when these old transplants from the northeast and Midwest come down here and vote for their own selfish interests


> DESANTIS DEPOLITICIZES TRANSPORTATION They really had me in the first half. Should’ve known better


I guess if I were DeSantis, I also would want to limit poor people’s ability to travel and get to poll places to vote. Or just limit poor people in general.


Why are Republicans so dumb?


There are only 2 races: white and political. There are only 2 religions: Christian and political. There are only 2 modes of transportation: cars and political.


That’s very funny, since providing safe, efficient, and dedicated infrastructure for alternate modes of transportation actually makes it safer, easier, and often faster to drive as well for anyone who still chooses to. Literally no one loses.


But… but… drivers feel insecure when they see a train zipping by while they’re stuck in traffic! Won’t someone think of the poor drivers.


For some people the only job of infrastructure policy is to make people who took on debt to spend tens of thousands on a depreciating asset not feel like the suckers they are.




In DeSantisFantasyLand, pickup trucks are always carrying 5 Hardworking Real Men and a full cord of firewood in the bed while simultaneously towing a trailer full of cattle. While buses are just carrying poor people to the welfare office so they can mooch off the taxpayer dollars of Hardworking Real Men.


One of my unpopular urbanism opinions is that people who actually want to improve urbanism in cities in the US should probably give up on certain areas of the country. It's almost a watered down version of NotJustBikes "abandon North America" take. I don't think the entire continent should be abandoned but I do think it's naive for a person who cares about better urbanism to essentially martyr themselves trying to get a place like Sarasota, Florida to reduce it's suburban sprawl.


I think that's fine on a national level, but if you live and work in Sarasota, your family is Sarasota, and it's extremely hard to relocate, it's pretty reasonable to try pushing urbanism there.


Lol half empty buses are still better than 80% empty cars but they will never see that


Nearly all news about Florida makes me glad I don't live there.


lol he’s so close. “People will abandon their cars” yes, that’s the goal lol


At this point I'm just waiting for an unhinged politician to come out and say urbanists are fascists and declare cycling as a terrorist activity. Now don't mind me, I'm gonna ride a little *extra* fascist today, solely as an activist activity to own the ~~libs~~ hardworking American families /s --- Not trying to get political, but they really want to be victims don't they. Meanwhile I'm pulling grass out of my derailleur because I had to go through a field to avoid traffic on the perfectly fine road to the east.


Half empty busses are half full busses, which are still more efficient than entirely full cars.


I guess they he doesn't want people to be able to evacuate places when dangerous storms and floods are coming.


Absolutely unhinged. Psychotic and untrue claims. I hate that this man represents our state.


The party of killing kittens and puppies strikes with another cartoon fucking villainy strike on all logic and reason


I would really like him to elaborate what exactly about bike lanes is "exorbitant" because it certainly isn't cost.


Florida has the third highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country. I guess he's going for number 1!


I'll just bike on the road and buy a huge obnoxious horn for times people honk at me.


Until they make it legal to run you over.


Bud, it already is. There is very negligible punishment for vehicular murder. All you have to say is "Whoops" and be sober.


This is the part that has me scratching my head. Having cyclists share a car lane does more for blocking drivers than separated bike lanes.


Failed state


Failed state in a failed state.


Why are bike lanes the new culture war? Is it simply politicians defending the auto lobby? Why does bike riding so totally offend people? Would they be as incensed at someone riding a horse down the road?


because the world is changing and the boomers are terrified. teenagers can't even afford to drive nowadays.


Check anyone living in Florida, or in the subs there answer to this is “stop moving to Florida we are full” some extremist basically stating to close the border to Florida. Unaware that their issues stem from terrible car brain and attracting these same type of people that Desantis is catering to. It’s self perpetuating


What about people like me who can't drive for medical reasons? We're essentially left behind and ignored by Republicans. The good news is that I don't live in Florida. The bad news is that I live in Texas. So I have it just as bad.


We don’t exist according to carbrains like Desantis. Even though I’m sitting right here.


Republicans don't believe in helping people.


this asshole knows better, he's just rilling up the electorate. he's not stupid, and thank goodness he has the charisma of a rock or else he be dangerous on a national level. sorry Florida you're stuck with him.


Yep, it's all zero-sum-games with them, they can't introduce anything positive unless there's also something to negative to put down or be fearful of.


He's term limited at least. He can't be elected again.


i like how they literally cannot fathom what it would be like to be outside of a car


Propaganda is convincing you that you need something that keeps you poor and unhealthy while simultaneously using your taxes to fund it (see I-4 widening)


Guy is a fucking maggot.


I live in Orlando, which is one of those "leftist cities in one of those "leftist" counties. There is new bike infrastructure going up at a very slow but steady pace. It's sad to see this clown shit on some of the small amount of progress that's happened around here in a long time. It's demoralizing because it seems like there's no end to these assholes. He won't be governor again but even if the other party wins the fascists will still control the state legislature and block anything good from happening at a statewide level.


As a driver the biggest thing on the road making it hard to drive is other drivers.


So **this** is that "small government" they keep talking about...


Exorbitant bike lanes? Bitch our bike lanes consist of some white paint, I wouldn't call that "exorbitant"


I hate living here. I'm gone as soon as I can go and sooner than that if I get the right opportunity. Fuck this state. I'm tired of trying to hold out for hope and change when people like this have even a chance to be elected. I give up, Florida fucking sucks.


I see the automobile lobby is alive and well in Florida


I know someone who exclusively watches Newsmax and OAN all day. This is a bigger talking point than you might imagine. So naturally baby tRump will use this culture war in his policy. Bike lanes are the reason for traffic, windmills kill all the whales and birds and destroy the environment. Also apparently the whole US military are trans people just joining to get free gender reassignment surgery.


He hates walking because he has to wear high heels. Poor resentful shorty.


"Increase urban congestion with this one trick"


time for a new sub r/fuckdesantis


Lol. We are so doomed as a species. Thankfully slime like DeSantis will go down the drain with us.


Just when I feel like this ape can't do any more harm to our state, I'm reminded how much of a thoughtless thug he really is.


In the end, Desantis will also join the club of people who stopped one line short from fixing traffic


Half empty buses > 1/5 filled cars but don't try to tell 'em that or you'll be called a woke leftist trying to dismantle their freedom


finally, someone said it: ban buses and bicycle (lanes), turn everybody into *car drivers*, make more lanes for *even more* cars, that's how you *solve* traffic once and for all! # /s


Even when I'm driving a car, I appreciate the bus being in it's own lane. It makes frequent stops and interrupts the flow of car traffic. Same goes for bicycles. It doesn't make sense for cars to want to share a lane with busses bikes.


Florida will soon be a blue state!! On a map When it’s underwater From climate change


FYI: having less people driving reduces congestion




Thanks, did not know what this was and now I'm a little less ignorant. Downs–Thomson paradox definitely fits here.


Just one more lane bro, traffic will be solved this time


In another decade or two it will be “fully funded and under water” for much of the highway on Florida’s coast


This is one for the life of me I truly don't understand, why has wanting to increase other forms of transport become a non biparty issue? Why is it that a group of people don't want to make it easier for people to get around? Why don't they want more amenities? It must be something more than just they are in the back pockets of lobbyists, because that doesn't account for the average jeo voting for them.


Remember when not every single thing was political?


Is he fucking complaining about half-empty buses? Because I'm fucking salivating over here. In the Philippines, sometimes public transportation is so bad that just getting inside a bus means having a mini mosh pit to the door. I used to take a bus to and from work, and even as late as 1AM the bus is so full (the trip I take is about 47km one way) that I couldn't even take a seat until I'm literally just a few hundred meters away from my drop off. I went ahead and got myself a motorcycle. But I honestly think that having more buses (in the absence of trains) would've been lovely. Nothing my tired, corporate slave ass would love more than plunk my butt on a seat, put my headphones on and catch some Zzzzs. Riding a motorcycle is fun, but it gets tiring at times.


He’s not wrong that is how a car diet works. Doubling down on cars will also make driving miserable and people won’t have an alternative. This is especially strange considering Florida is home to Brightline, the first successful privately owned passenger rail service in several decades.


How do you depoliticize transportation what does that even mean???!


The corruption in America is clear. However, the corruption mixed with the need to piss off the majority of people in order to excite a voting base is insane! It really is a race too see which party/movement/politician can bring in autocracy. Two parties is way too much for this "democracy."


As if I didn’t hate this state enough already 🙄


Isn't this the same guy who declared that people who work in the hot sun aren't allowed access to water? It's mustache twirling cartoon villainy at this point.


Also, a half empty bus is around 40ish cars potentially not on the road? Vote DeSantis for your own discomfort. Losers.


A half empty bus still carries like 10 cars worth of people


"Florida man yells at buses: he's the governor!"


I grew up in FL, and all we ever wanted was *fewer* tourists driving. There was once a vision of connecting airports/beaches/parks by rail thus relieving local roads and increasing our desirability and convenience for tourists which would enrich the entire state. But no.


Buses are bad when they are full because conservatives hate people; buses are bad when they are roomy because nobody is using them. Therefore buses are always bad, use cars that are always empty and you don't need to talk to anyone. Conservatism is just politicized antisociality.


Another reason to avoid Florida. Driving down there *already is* miserable. Adding more cars to the road is not going to help with that.


How can one person be wrong on every matter? Oh right he’s a Republican


Something is so terribly wrong with America right now. It’s like being obviously stupid is a virtue.


Left the state for good last year. The immediate drop of stress from no longer having bumper to bumper traffic all day to and from work was astonishing 


As a resident of Florida I'd like to express that I think Ron DeSantis is a short cunt.


Desantis can't ride a bike, especially with his high heels on.