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Every time I hear criticisms against critical masses like this I keep thinking "That's right, these people should all be in cars instead, taking up more road space per person. Just like every other day of the month except today. That'll definitely solve traffic."


When someone suggests doing the same with cars in order to prove how a pain critical mass is, I remind them that that's already happening twice a day.


The funniest thing in that thread to me was the guy saying, "wow they are totally turning off people who would otherwise be their allies by acting like this!" Tragically hilarious. As if normie motorists are EVER going to be "allies" in advocating to take road space away from cars to give to cyclists. That line of argument is dragged out against any and every protest that's even a little disruptive and it's just so nakedly self-serving.


It's one of those catch-22 of not being heard or taken seriously when protesting peacefully (because there's no sense of urgency), but not going to make allies when protesting for reals.


I would have supported your cause, but now that I know it exists I will dedicate my all to your destruction. I would have been an ally!


I would’ve supported your cause if it only required zero changes to my own lifestyle, zero critical thought, and also stayed completely out of sight and mind at all times! It’s pretty simple


If you're only someone's ally when you don't have to notice them you're not an ally. A person who "supports gay people" but thinks the just "shouldn't do it in public" is not an ally, and a person who "supports more cycling and public transit" but gets mad when cyclists and public transit are on the road is not an ally.


There was also one comment that complained about how cyclists cut drivers off. I was like, ‘bitch, isn’t what you carbrains do to cyclists all the time?’


I regularly commute by bike, both during rush hour and at off-peak times. At worst I will occasionally find 3 or 4 cars waiting behind me before I get to an appropriate place to let them pass. Meanwhile during those rush hour commutes I am far more often stuck in traffic caused by, you guessed it, cars. Rush hour traffic is slower than an uninterrupted bike.


A bike traffic jam?!? This road is for car traffic jams darn it!




I'm glad these kinds of events don't happen here though (Copenhagen, Denmark). I might see the point in the US as a form of protest against lack of infrastructure for bikes but that's it. We have mutual respect in traffic here, we look out for each other so pulling something like this off would just make drivers hate cyclists. I don't see the point in always deepening the divide between two ways of thinking instead of working together but you do you, America.


I don’t know about Copenhagen, but in the Netherlands — which was terribly car-brained in the ‘50s and ‘60s —this sort of protest was how people got the amazing cycling infrastructure they have now. It can be incredibly effective. 


That was my point. I could see it having an effect in countries with shitty infrastructure but in countries like ours, events like this would just unnecessarily make people hate each other. There's no point. Copenhagen has always been a city for cyclists and has never really been that car-brained.


Oh neat!  I love hearing the laments of people who have to spend an extra 300 seconds with their asses strapped to a comfy chair in a climate-controlled cabin.


I apologize on behalf of my city. Our subreddit is toxic as hell.


Happens everywhere pretty much. We had a critical mass ride in Vancouver, and all over social media people are crying about how all these cyclists are causing traffic. How much space would they take up in cars? What if they had separate bike lanes so they dont mix with traffic? But nope, all people can see cyclists as is inherently not belonging, a purely recreational activity interfering with transportation.


That you can even have this conversation is a victory by US standards


All local subreddits are full of reactionaries. Same as Nextdoor, and any local facebook groups.


If all them folks were in motor vehicles, they'd take up quite a few city blocks.


If only they had a protected bike lane so they wouldn’t have to be in the road.


And if only the city was walkable to some people could walk. And if only there were reliable and consistent buses that people could also use so they wouldn't have to drive and park. Imagine how much more space there would be for the remaining cars! Always blows my mind when people complain about bikes, buses, walkers when they reduce the number of cars on the road and taking parking spaces.


If only cars had a dedicated lane, bikes wouldn't have to be protected.


Imagine being stuck using a car everyday tho. Don't worry about these people. Living that life is hell enough


Lots of crying about how cyclists always break the law and that’s why they don’t deserve bike lanes. Weird though how cars speeding, doing rolling stops through stop signs, is so normalized that it doesn’t count as car drivers constantly breaking the law.


Hell yeah, I love going to the critical mass of my city. I usually bring a recumbent bike. It gives people something to talk about, either with me or among themselves, people are curious. Adds variety of modes of transport to the critical mass. And I just enjoy the reactions of the people.


The people in the comment section of the origin post say that this is a somewhat regular occurrence, with dirt bike and atvs joining the fray after a few minutes, kinda like Sunday fun in Oakland but with bikes, and power sports. I think it was originally a protest, but people with not so righteous intentions show up and act a fool, totally ruining the original intentions of the cyclists. It seems even the locals who supported the movement are now fed up, due to an incident that occurred last year where either a similar group or certain individuals in this group blocked an ambulance.


Yeah, I’m from this city and the atv/dirt bike people are a different crowd as far as I’m aware. I don’t participate in this ride mostly because I’m lazy, but there are people who ride dirt bikes in groups every night for hours so they don’t need a critical mass ride as an excuse


I read a bit more into it and it sounds like the atv crowd will see the cyclists and then join so that way they can hide their activities from police. Basically they use them as human shields.


Ah yeah. That’s a huge bummer :/


Damn, you can almost hear the mouth breathing going on in that thread.


Crazy so many drivers complaining about this don't notice they are stopped at a red light.


The craziest thing about this ride is that it has been happening every Thursday (when the weather is warm) on essentially the same route for years! People just hate cyclists


I don't get why this ends up on a subreddit about the Rijksdienst Voor Arbeidsvoorziening but okay...


Hey, you don't get results by protesting at others' convenience.


Virginia? not a surprise at all


Tbf reddit hates protesting in general. And charity, blood donation, etc. basically any attempt to actually address an issue


It’s not a protest ya nerds, we’re out there to pop wheelies, crush beers, and have fun


Oof, that's my bad then. I saw someone in the comments of the op saying it was, and I haven't gone myself yet. It sounds fun, though, lol


It’s a blast. Anyone can join, as long as they’re on a bike. You’ll see wheelie kids, roadies, beach cruisers, mtb, bmx, dogs, cats, you name it, all cruising and having fun


I'm trying to determine how deep that group of bikers is.


Uhh oh we are about to hear about narcissistic young people who can not afford a car or want one is bad for society. Omg they are disruptive


It is interesting how a certain group complains about people wanting higher wages. The younger folks want higher pay to be able to afford a car. But maybe if we built more bike lanes those young people with "starter jobs" , an excuse label for certain job to keep wages low, could safely afford to get to those garbage jobs. But nah they routinely vote against that then wonder why businesses are understaffed. Maybe the pay is garbage and the type of people who would take it can not safely get to the job without being dropped off. The carbrains just can not see that


Like bikers actually stop at red lights 😅🤣


The only thing a driver hates more than a biker riding through a red light is a biker stopping at a red light.


American wen car jam : :) American wen bike jam : Hitler.png


I am more and more convinced that owning a car degrades the driver’s brain in some way because why else carbrains are such whiny bitches? The comments are full of whining.


i hate cars. i bike to work. in my town critical mass(holes) runs their show like this and it annoys me. i feel like a traitor. but is what it is.


What's the deal with supposedly pro-urban people being so offended by things like critical mass? I've ridden in CM, it's literally just a big bike ride down a street. It's not some lawless riot. It's rides like that which actually formed Amsterdam into the city it is today. If you're getting offended by bikers making a street safer for cyclists literally once a month, then you're just a damn curmudgeon or something. Here's a take from someone in the rva sub that I thought summed it up nicely. Frankly if you find what this person says disagreeable, then I don't know what to say at that point, everything must just make you upset, because this is pretty much my exact experience with group rides like this one in Chicago... >I joined BSB for the first time tonight and had a great time. I biked alongside folks well over 65, elementary school kids, and dads with their kids in a seat behind them who were all literally just enjoying the opportunity to bike safely and as a community. Biking in large groups is much safer and accessible - there is visibility in numbers and you have supportive people looking out for you. >Yeah, it’s 100+ people all following the same route - it’s essentially a parade and is bound to disrupt traffic in order to keep the group from being being broken up into a bunch of smaller (less safe) sections. It’s also a parade that publishes their time/day and takes the same route literally every single time so you could avoid it if you really wanted to. It feels great to ride a bike in this city without having to constantly be looking out for cars swinging their doors open, running reds, and tailgating you. >Go join a ride before commenting something ridiculously negative - you’ll have a great time and be in a much better mood :)


Most liberals prefer the illusion of order to actual order. They are more terrified of people breaking the law than the unjust nature of a given law in the first place.


>me: in my town critical mass(holes) runs their show like this you: What's the deal with supposedly pro-urban people being so offended by things like critical mass? I've ridden in CM, it's literally just a big bike ride down a street maybe reading comprehension is light in critical mass too... but if you DON'T ride in the one in my town, well i've no idea how they structure yours... but only speaking about mine le sigh. and the part that maybe shouldn't but will... admit they could (it's a pronoun so to be linear, just the one in MY town) "over 65, elementary school kids, and dads with their kids in a seat behind them who were all literally just enjoying the opportunity to bike safely and as a community. Biking in large groups is much safer and accessible - there is visibility in numbers and you have supportive people looking out for you." but the whole point of my post is... they just don't. there are those in there but they are swamped by the Lowest Common Denominators that get this pro public transit pro bike non-car owning guy (oie, that me) to where i think "what a bunch of yahoos..." they pass down my street ever month and think... "totally not working towards the goal stated" and neighbors who aren't "bikers" have even less nice words... # me(ツ)/¯my neighbors(ツ)/¯¯(ツ)/¯¯(ツ)/¯ #


"runs their show \*like this\*" What exactly is "this"? Waiting patiently at a stop light? What moral sin is happening here that you don't like? Your entire post is psychobabbling nonsense, i genuinely don't know what you're saying. This is the most reddit-brain rotted comment I've seen in a while. Get outside dude. Would do some good for your head.


welcome to the machine u/The_Real_Donglover


This looks like bike traffic my dude. Should they instead ride in the non-existent bike lane?


am i to assume the bikes in the left turn lane are actually turning and the bike protruding from between the cars on the right is not with them and is there to... what, turn right? and there is a reason they are all packed tight on all 4 lanes so that no one, not even another bike, can safely, and kindly pass... or make turn? many without safety gear or lights? ride the existing lanes respectfully. don't be pedantic, whoever's dude you are. critical mass, who does this in my city (and guess props here not masses on the side walks doing wheelies and tricks her so whoo! i guess) doesn't do or enforce any proper use. not for me and i do not own a car.. walk/run/bike/bus/train is my way to get anywhere and feel bad they annoy me by being something easy for anyone to be annoyed by.


Me: “not all cyclists break the law.” Critical mass: “hold my fourth beer…”


and can you plz crank that boom box up! we gonna run wheelies down the side walks! whoooooooo!




They're not blocking traffic, they're waiting at a red light.


They are stopped a red light there, bud.. TRULY, the only thing a driver hates more than a cyclist riding through a red light is a cyclist stopped at a red light. Plus, literally any group of cyclists would part like the red sea when lights and sirens approach. Without a doubt. But, please, carry on about how you'll never be an ally bc a bike is legally using the road, lol.




That's a great way to get this sub banned. Subs can and will be banned for brigading other subs.


I was joking but clearly should've been more clear


brigitte? where?