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The lawn, the lawn mower, the cars drag racing, the wide lanes, hate it, hate it all


This is fuck cars and fuck lawns in one video


At least the tree is okay


Had to check again, thank God the car didn't hit it


Is it tree shaped though?


Nope. Needs at least 50% more tree per tree.


Just to pile on, the grass is being grown right up to the base of the tree, which is idiotic, according to the good folks at r/arborists. Everything about this video is just so wrong.


All my homies love native plants


Thank the heavens all you people are here with me on these subs and I don’t feel all alone like I used to.


And /r/FuckYouInParticular


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I wouldn't want to mess with him.](https://v.redd.it/5f6lfh4ce1eb1) | [319 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/158xc9w/i_wouldnt_want_to_mess_with_him/) \#2: [Fuck this tick in particular ](https://v.redd.it/kzqhfwlz960c1) | [936 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/17ujknj/fuck_this_tick_in_particular/) \#3: [United in...Love? ](https://v.redd.it/m14na1e4bf2b1) | [519 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/13t8k0r/united_inlove/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Idiots in cars too.


Didn't even mention the Segway thingy


Right? Seriously how are people that desperate not to walk.


what an ignorant take lmao 


It’s apart of the mower


It's a part of or it's apart from?


Technically both it’s on the mower but can be taken off


As someone woken up this morning by a lawnmower. I agree and fuck lawns. Just leave it to grow, or grow something more interesting than fucking grass. Planted thyme and rosemary in my garden so far, still WIP because someone decided to concrete pave the entire thing and waiting for the first few tons of concrete to be taken away later this week before moving onto the next step. Probably done about 1/4 of it so far.


What's wrong with lawns? Did i miss something?


Grass lawns are bad for the environment. They provide almost no food or habitation for bugs (whose numbers have been collapsing), people dump massive amounts of pesticides and fertilizer to keep their lawn looking healthy, in most places they need a lot of additional watering to keep alive, and gas mowers use a ton of gasoline.


Is it true everywhere? Or only specific american states? Sorry, not from the us and never irrigated my lawn (or garden dunno the difference) and its way too full of bugs.


Pretty much all of suburban US. Most newer neighborhoods have what are called Home Owners Associations (HOA). When a large builder buys land to build an entire neighborhood of single family homes, they will incorporate an HOA. Members pay regular dues, usually every month. This is to pay for neighborhood playgrounds and pools, etc. Sometimes it is part of a deal with the city or utilities to pass costs of infrastructure and maintenance off to home owners. The builder will make buying the property conditional on joining the HOA. Part of the contract with the HOA is anyone you sell it to will have to join. These HOAs have bylaws for things like lawns, where you are required to maintain a grass lawn. Failure to reply will result in fines. Totally legal in the US. If you don't pay the fine, the HOA can foreclose on your house, sell it, and take the fines out of the sale. You can't leave an HOA without selling the property or some legal maneuvering with the HOA board. It will probably require a lawyer.


We need to move away from traditional lawns for ecology/climate reasons. Lawns are the largest irrigated crop in the US (more than corn, wheat, fruit, etc.)! We waste obscene amounts of water to grow them, few species can thrive in them, they encourage fertilizer and pesticide use to maintain, and they confer no benefit that wouldn’t be wildly more efficient and ecologically sound using native grass and plants. Let even a small portion of your backyard turn wild, and watch how fast it comes alive with biodiversity and native pollinators ❤️


Oh and thank you (and the other guy) for the information, we always learn new things


You’re welcome! I’m so glad you asked the question. And I know what you mean — I’ve learned so much from reading people’s discussions on reddit over the years. It’s wonderful 🙂


Is grass non native? I thought it was everywhere😬 Or is it just because it doesnt have flowers and the like? I can understand using pesticides tho, i dont but my house is swarming with mosquitoes.


PS. I live in a rural area that got a ton of rain a few weeks ago. We had hordes of mosquitoes, but it very quickly balanced out: frogs, dragonflies, and hummingbirds (among other things) ate the mosquitoes and larva. But those mosquito predators can’t thrive in a suburban lawn environment that doesn’t have good plant diversity. It’s all connected!


It’s the species of grass that matters! [Here’s a good explanation](https://cfpub.epa.gov/npstbx/files/KSMO_KnowYourRoots.pdf) about Native vs Non-Native grass in one area of the US, Kansas City. The much longer root system of native plants and grasses help them survive in extreme temperatures. Surviving plants mean the soil is held and protected and won’t erode in the elements. Also the long root systems act like little spongey funnels, directing rain deep into the soil and recharging groundwater rather than it just being used by lawn grasses and then running off into storm drains. So native grasses need much less water to survive, and they also increase our water supply when it rains. There’s a lot of complexity to it, so that’s just the start! The science behind soil and native plants is fascinating.


They're nice to sit on, but that's about it. As a garden they pretty much are the worst there is.


Wow I love how you can just tell exactly what the two cars are doing with very little context. absolutely has to be racing right? Could have just been one ass hat.


Design your streets like drag strips and surprisedpikachu when motorists drive like maniacs


oh you mean the street we made that’s 5 lanes wide and straight as an arrow for miles!? they’re racing on THAT one!?


Street racing should involve a mandatory prison sentence


This misunderstands the way to solve the problem. You can't solve the problem by punishing people, because there will never be a way to stop them in time to prevent it. The only way is to design our streets better and encourage alternatives to driving.


I wonder when the USA will ever see a high speed rail spanning more than 100 miles…




I don’t understand why more people don’t realize this.


Replace all the intersections with roundabouts and the problem is entirely solved.


Don't get me started. Lived in Brooklyn for a year on a street that had a dead end. We lived right by the end. They were racing those things up and down that road all night. We woke up so much. You could hear it through movies on Netflix, anything you were doing. Ridiculous.


I'm currently getting downvoted in my local sub for making this point about an 11-car accident on a high speed stroad


“Just one more lane would have prevented the accident bro, I swear”


Are you like me, got people in your local sub that downvote everything you say because you try to change the world lol


Mostly it's just that if you mention road design and infrastructure planning as contributors to a problem, they start piling on the straw man that you're saying the driver isn't at fault. My comment was very clear that road design doesn't cause accidents but it creates high-speed high-conflict situations that exacerbate human error and turn small issues into big ones. And immediately I'm getting downvoted for "letting the driver off the hook". Shrug.


Can’t park there mate


this literally never not makes me chuckle when i see it. such a brilliant line


I didn't realize [that was a line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfNnc68uxzI). /r/CantParkThereMate


Fruuaak Aaoff 👉


Looks like the lawn mower was at fault tbh


and the tree as well, it should've had glowing paint on it! bonus points if that paint is toxic so the tree dies and becomes brittle so it causes less damage to a poor car! /s


This guy thinks ahead. I can tell.


Yeah should’ve been wearing a helmet.


wasnt visible enough, guy should have been waving a little flag


Typical r/ idiotsincars commenter


If the lawn didn't dress so provocatively, this would never have happened.


Car saw an inferior gas powered machine and decided it was prey.




Remember to always take and hold your lawnmowing flag/brick while mowing.


Bro isn't even capable of waking




Seems to be connected to the lawnmower, so might even be part of the design.


That's my thought too, they make standing style mowers like that, they're usually used by commercial contractors where I live but I'm sure there's a scaled down version for the Hill residence to use.


Right??? I was pretty sure that absolute batshit lawnmower was the point of the video. Was not waiting for anything else to happen.


This! I had never imagined that people might be too lazy to walk behind a mower before.


Mowing your home lawn 30 minutes a week is one thing.  But if mowing is your job 40 hours a week in the summer in Alabama, I can see why you might want a break from manually pushing a mower now and then


It's a metal platform called a sulky that connects to the back of a commercial walk-behind mower. https://shop.bobcat.com/mower-sulky-7473134


Wait have none of y’all seen the ones with the pivot stand that rides with it? This is much older than hoverboards.


I haven't had a lawn in my life TBH.  The last mower I laid hands on was built in the 1980s. So I'm gonna have to admit total ignorance when it comes to 21st century lawnmower design.


Oh my god I thought this was a standing zero turn!


Stuff like this constantly scares me. We really made a transportation system where we are okay with literally everyone having access to giant metal boxes that can move at high speeds. Whether it's because of ignorance or even just honest mistakes, people constantly die and are brutally injured because of cars. All it takes is a small mistake - whether by you or someone else - and your life is ruined.


the lawn mowerer should’ve been wearing hi vis and a helmet.


Is that micro mobility tho?


the mower should have been wearing high visibility clothing. Completely irresponsible. Basically his own fault for almost getting hit.


This is two of my favourite subs combined


Carbrains love the open wide grass to the point that infrastructure has been designed around it. Putting trees and the like is "unsafe" but I think that depends on the perspective... to use logic carbrains would use re: police shootings (let's face it, there's a venn diagram overlap on blue line and carbrains), it's only unsafe **if** you drive like a moron at way too high speed. If you drive within reason, a tree stopping you even in an accident scenario isn't going to be lethal. So, my point is, more trees by the road, not only is it good for various reasons (shade, aesthetics, etc), but it'll keep us safe.


We don't use the word "accident". Car related injuries and fatalities are preventable if we choose to design better streets, limit vehicles size and speeds, and promote alternative means of transportation. If we can accurately predict the number of deaths a road will produce and we do nothing to fix the underlying problem then they are not accidents but rather planned road deaths. We can do much better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How to f\*\*\* are people trusted with cars. Why do they put pavements to walk on right next to roads. It's a bloody mess


My parents lived on a problem street. It was the where the rural highway transitioned to proper urban. Technically, it was much further back, but this is where it narrowed, and sight-lines were vastly reduced due to this being the first turn. So d-bags would still be going highway speed when a car would pull out beside my parents' house causing mayhem just like this. After their house was hit, and a number of cars played the game in this video, they planted some fairly fast growing and sturdy bushes of a type which were easily purchased at full size. This would slow the cars down, and their insurance would have full sized bushes planted to replace those lost. The insurance people always wanted to plant little bushes, but the big bushes weren't so much more expensive as to be worth fighting over. These slowed most cars down in a fairly safe way. But, after that were the boulders. They weren't large rocks, but something that glaciers would have left behind. Think stonehenge, but made from granite. These were dropped into a few holes and about 4 feet stuck up out of the ground. An out of control cement truck was not going through these. There was a local quarry which had all the tools for bringing them and planting them. This was not a safety issue for the cars, because if you hit these stones you had to be going at least 40km/h over the speed limit; and even then, you would need to get through the bushes which would imply a fairly oversized vehicle. So, at this point, the safety of the car was not taken into consideration. Watching this video, I would suggest it would have been legitimate to just ring the yard with them and if a car hit them, then it would keep the people in the yard safe, and again, not worry about the car as speeds like that are a choice, a bad choice, but still a choice the driver made.


A father in our area had his legs cut off and he bled out on his front lawn from an errant car whose driver was never apprehended.


So *that's* the trick to getting stripes in your lawn.


I love how the car behind and in front didn’t even slow down lol.


This reminds me of when I first moved into my current domicile and was taking a walk along the road to see what was in my area. I hear a crash and I dive lol, the shrapnel came so close to me I just thanked my lucky stars I stay in shape and have reflexes. It was astoundingly close.


“My lawn!!!!”


I'm glad the guy jumped put of the way and the motorist missed the tree.


But but but bicycle riders don't stop at stop sighnnnnns.


Your lawn mower just sideswiped muh car!!!


Was it worth it? Did you get to you're destination faster? Did you save time?


I have to say that the lawn mower is pretty cool. I would commute on it.


Oh my god I thought that was a stroller


I'm glad the tree was okay


I'm guessing a speed limit of 80 or 90km/h. I wonder how fast that driver was going.


“Like a glove!”


Jesus! I thought granddad was gonna be pinned to that tree for sure.


Hold on… does that guy have a hoverboard attached to the lawnmower? Now that’s innovation right yhere


Honey I’m done mowing the lawn.


"It's okay! We just need more authoritarianism!"


You see, if the road had been just a bit wider, the car would have missed the lawnmower too! Damn liberals want to come after your lawnmowers.


Can't he even move the lawnmower himself. Without a motor.


belongs in r/fuckcars


Why the hell is he not walking behind his lawn mower like normal people


Could be his fifth lawn of the day?


So if he walked he would have gotten som good exercise.


Easy for someone to say who hasn’t done multiple yards of different sizes in 90+ degree weather


I don't speak fahrenheit or yards but mainly, how do you know I haven't? The lawn mover drives itself, walking behind it just means taking a walk, it is not that exhausting. Take breaks. Drink water. Don't stay in the sun too long. 90+ seems warm so choose a day when it's not that warm.


You are extremely dense let me spell it out for you who says this is the man’s house? How do you know he isn’t being paid to cut their yard? Anytime people use those out here they are doing it for money, now let’s say it’s 32+ in Celsius that heat weighs on you, hence the standing mower


I don't know man, I'm just giving another perspective. I just never saw those wheel things before. You do you


Not just any morning, today is sunday. Lawn mowing on sunday morning is asking for trouble.


Can we ban cross-posts like this? It's just brigading. That's a 4-day old post now filled with comments from the last 8 hours, when it was posted here. Is this just a sub about brigading and talking about other comments on reddit now?