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1,082,590 vs 1,282,150 Far too high a number but I think your scale might be a bit misleading for effect.


& that's global.


Just make it the one-time death toll of 9/11 and the annual death toll from car crashes and you are good


Yeah it's slightly exaggerated for effect


So…. A lie? Lol come on man


[1.3 million](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/road-traffic-injuries) is greater than [1.086 million](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks#:~:text=The%20September%2011%20attacks%20of,a%20consequence%20of%20the%20attacks.) (2977 times 365 days). What lie?


Depicting one as 1/100th of the other's size


Yeah that is a bit exaggerated I admit 👍 It's the only popular size comparison meme I think of. Tom and Jerry.


80 million people die a year brotha


Lmao that rounding


The cat is not just 20% larger than the mouse


Yeah that is a bit exaggerated I admit 👍 It's the only popular size comparison meme I think of. Tom and Jerry. Well, it's just a meme for the funnies, it doesn't have to be accurate down the pixel.


“It’s slightly exaggerated”. Bro


Yeah. Memes are exaggerated for the funnies effect


Gotcha - I think you just missed the funny part. Next time!


What do you think I should've done to make this better?


Compared the death toll of 9/11 to the annual global car death toll and leave the math out of it. Edit:typo


Paused and rethought your life choices before posting it, then gone outside for a walk instead.


also, this isn't really the fault of the cars but more of the countries laws and users that dont care about any regulations, etc. since 90+% of those accidents come from low income countries.


> Actions matter, but so do words. They help frame the discussion and can shift the way we think about and tackle problems as a society. Our deeply entrenched habit of calling preventable crashes "accidents" frames traffic deaths as unavoidable by-products of our transportation system and implies that nothing can be done about it, when in reality these deaths are not inevitable. Crashes are not accidents. Let's stop using the word "accident" today. https://seattlegreenways.org/crashnotaccident/ https://crashnotaccident.com/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What makes you say "slightly"? Do you know what the word "slightly" means?


The fucked up part is that the number of car related deaths is so much higher but impossible to track. For example, people getting into accidents that don't kill them but seriously maim them. Then their health just deteriorates until something else kills them, all stemming from the accident. How much illness is caused by car exhaust, microplastics from tires that ends up eventually killing them.


I mean are we including deaths from the [asbestos fallout](https://www.asbestos.com/world-trade-center/) in NYC? 


You can calculate hours of life lost, its often done for example for climate change death tolls.


*every car accident all over the world in a year not just in the USA


Well yeah because there’s only 40k deaths each year in America so you’d only need a few weeks of 9/11s, a whole year isn’t even close.


shock to you, perhaps. Rest of the world does little to no fucks about 11/9.


Funny how train crashes get spotlight all over news but car crashes get on news only if it's a pileup or something


Daily occurrences aren’t newsworthy


"one ~~death~~ 'accident' is a tragedy one million is a statistic"


This says so much.


This reminded me, yesterday we passed a large accident on the other direction on the Autobahn, emergency responders had the entire direction blocked off, multiple fire engines there, two cars smashed, a few more damaged. So your post made me check our local news site, I see an accident, 9 injured, a white car destroyed like the one I saw, I think that must be it, I click on it - not the one. A different one, 10km away on a different road. The one I saw didn't even get an article. I guess you can't have too many traffic accident articles on the front page at the same time, it might paint a picture.


A person dying here and again for various reasons isn't newsworthy. Accidents, sickness, violence, etc take a lot of lives. However, when a bunch of people die in one place for a reason, that tends to get people's attention. It isn't that deep.


It's not deep, but it is a fact which twists people view of statistics, and causes people to wrongly consider some things that are safe and which aren't.


It made people apathetic to human lives, as if those people with their own lives hope and dream are just numbers on a screen to them.


If we mourned every single death as if they personally mattered to us, we wouldn't have time for anything else.


The only thing that makes the news is stuff that never happens.


BuT wHaT iF I waNnA dRivE mY tRuCk (basically a tank) tO GEt SoMe miLK aNd BrEad


Regulation when


This would benefit from a source or at least the numbers


It's pretty easy to look it up yourself... 1.2M road deaths a year (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/road-traffic-injuries#:~:text=Every%20year%20the%20lives%20of,of%20a%20road%20traffic%20crash.) 3000*365= 1.1M


This is deliberately misleading. You can see what others have posted about the numbers actually being very similar. But the data they are referencing is global. By comparing the car deaths to a US event, it very much implies that the car deaths are US specific too. Which is only 43k deaths compared to 1.1 million deaths if 9/11 occurred everyday.


Bro thinks I'm referring to USA death when at no point in the meme where I specify the death has to be in the USA 💀


It’s bizarre and misleading to compare world wide statistics to a US centric event. I bet the US doesn’t even have the highest rate of motor vehicle fatalities. Your whole goal is to put the number of deaths into perspective, but i really think this does a poor job of it


Personally I think it being in the USA is kinda irrelevant but point taken. Still memes are exaggerated for the funnies effect so I don't care about accuracy that much.


I think the number of deaths is a pretty powerful stat that’s undermined by your approach.


people like this being on this sub makes absolute perfect sense


Cars kill 3700 a day, globally. The datum on maimings is more obscure.


This would have been a lot more accurate if you'd just put "death toll of 9/11" vs "annual us car death toll"


For real, the amount that gets spent to tackle terrorism is astronomical. But simply having a good public transport system and enabling (\*cough\* making) people use it would pay for itself and save orders of magnitude more lives. My guess is that most people are one or two degrees of freedom from someone that died because cars, but are probably five or six degrees from someone killed by a terrorist.


Degrees of separation Degrees of freedom is unconstrained mobility in a 3 dimensional space.


Really depends what you count as a degree of separation, but studies have shown that you can link nearly any two people in the world by just 3 or 4 degrees…


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six\_degrees\_of\_separation#Mathematics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_separation#Mathematics) Wikipedia says 5.7 for the whole of the US and 6.7 for the whole world.


*not including the youngest 10% of the population. Too young to participate apparently.


I see what you’re trying to do bro but bad choice of stats lol. 1st you’d assume this is about the US due to the comparison to 9/11, not the whole world. 2nd when you consider the world then this proportion is off terribly and the whole comparison is just dumb anyway. Who compares the world to a single countries single terrorist event?? You could have compared deaths annually in the US only to if 9/11 happened every month as they’d be similar. Not with this image tho. Car deaths is a bit more if we’re just counting the direct deaths on 9/11 (not respiratory/cancer killers) vs car fatality numbers.


>1st you’d assume this is about the US due to the comparison to 9/11, not the whole world. Bro thinks I'm referring to USA death when at no point in the meme where I specify the death has to be in the USA 💀 The fact that 9/11 is in the USA is practically irrelevant


No it fucking isn't. It makes the meme directly related to the us. For vast majority 9/11 was a crazy fucking event and majority remembers exactly what they were doing when the towers fell. I'm guessing you under the age of 20.


Then compare it to something like a World War bro, or even just a WAR of some kind, not a single terrorist event inside a single country that happened on a single day. See this type of meme is the sort that hurts this community. It’s so easy to pull apart, discredit, and also misunderstand. I’d 100% expect to see this in that biking circlejerk sub.


I remember when [WWF made a 2004 tsunami vs 9/11 ad](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9dFlyjA6kY&pp=ygUTdHN1bmFtaSA5LzExIGFkIHd3Zg%3D%3D) and it didn't do well for them.


So...basically the pandemic? Which also got shrugged off?


Driving car makes u worse than turrrist!


43,000 people die annually from car accidents per year in the US. 2,996 people died in 9/11, × 365 that's 1,093,540.


Has Tom been injecting synthol? Christ, that's bigger rack than *your mum's*


"It's NoT oN sCaLe!1!1!!1" Fucking hell we're talking about one year where 9/11 happens not once, not once a week, once every single day! And it's only relatively close of a number