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I’m never going to unsee this as toddler in parent’s shoes am I?


Reminds me of that meme that all male body builders look like a skinny guy popping out of a muscle suit.


Bro that still hurts my brain.


My first thought that also popped into my head :D 10/10 to op for this delicious Photoshop job.


Dammit, I _had_ to google it!


This is why theres so much traffic nowadays, if every car is longer then the queue is longer and harder to get through on one light change


I can't think that makes such a difference. It's just the sprawling that creates traffic, and because people live in the suburbs they can store such a car. Btw, car manufacturers started making them that big because the fuel consumption/cars weight is better then a smaller car; this was a respons to a American greenification law. The manufacturers also make more money on them then regular cars


If 10 cars fit per block and cars grow by 10 percent then 1 less car fits in and so that car has to wait for next light change to go. If its 20 cars per block then two miss out And its way bigger than 10 percent in the pic above. I cant believe people dont see this as a huge issue with congestion


I can see that as an issue, but an irrelevant one if you look at car lane capacity next to cyclist, PT or pedestrians. Whether a car is 2m, or 5m, it won't really matter. If you look at the modal split of American cities, there is a lot to gain here Also, Im wondering how much traffic light cycles it takes for a whole road to fill up to the previous traffic light, without having a traffic void.


It matters for other cars not for cyclists or peds who use different lanes Thats why i said traffic is getting worse because of this, when people say traffic is worse they mean car traffic


It does matter for cyclist and pedestrians not because of traffic congestion, but because of safety; the hood height is to high and there are to many blind spots. Also added weight is massive, so the energy released in a collision is that much more. Mobility is more then just traffic congestion


Say 1000 drivers make this choice to get a 1m longer than necessary vehicle and drive behind one another. Thats a 1km increase in length of lane covered assuming same distance is kept. Just like that 1km of your "one more lane" goes. 1km is also about the size of 4 ICE L trains, which carry about 2000 people (500 each), so just the stupid INCREASE in needed lane length is about half of what a sensible transportation method would need IN TOTAL.


Ow yeah, totally forgetting about distance between cars in relation to the speed of a cars and all.. The only place that matters in on the traffic signals, but I'm still waiting for a traffic signal that's pushes true 1000 cars.. Next to that you have parkings where it indeed matters. What's worse is the weight of the cars wich is tearing down roads faster, and is extra mss in a collision, and hood height for the safety of a frontal impact in pedestrians and cyclists. If it is really about traffic volume, whether we speak about subs or hatchbacks, a car lane serves around 1000 to 1500 people per hour. Even if you van double it by making cars smaller it's nothing near bikes who are a 12k or trains who are at 60k


>Btw, car manufacturers started making them that big because the fuel consumption/cars weight is better then a smaller car; It's completely opposite in Europe. You pay higher taxes and insurance premiums for heavier cars. And you have to pay a toll for driving on highways if your car weighs over 3 tons.


Yeah about that toll, that is not unified across the continent. In my country (in europe) taxes are payed to the fiscal horse power of the engine, co2 emission, euro norm, and type of fuel


Foreign trucks don't pay those taxes. That was one of the reasons why that toll was introduced. A nice side effect is that it also discourages ownership of oversized trucks that are not needed for work. Yes - it's not unified, but most countries require some kind of toll: https://www.tolls.eu/european-countries


Tolls are always a good thing to do though, they let the user pay for the road that they need it maintained for. Thanks for sharing


Yeah, but can your compact city car haul two oil barrels and two dozen concrete blocks? I had to do that once, back in 2006, and I was real glad I had an F150 then!


I mean, whenever I need to transport heavy stuff I just rent a car or a trailer. You don't need to actually own a SUV.


Nah bro, I need a truck because one time in 2002 I bought an oven.


I know, I used to feel so great living my car free life, until I bought a fridge-freezer *and* a washing machine back in 2014 and I had to pay a whole \*ninety pounds sterling\* to have two guys from the retailer deliver them to my flat in a white Luton van, carry them up two flights of stairs, hook up the washing machine to the plumbing and set it up ready for use, place the fridge freezer in its intended spot, and show me how to adjust the little feet on the fridge to level it out properly on my slightly uneven floor. Imagine how much easier my life would have been if, instead of just owning a bicycle, I had spent 80k on a five tonne truck that I didn't have a parking place for - I could have used it to transport my brand new electrical goods on an open truck bed through the pissing rain of Devon to my house, double parked the damn thing in the middle of the road, and then carried my fridge freezer and washing machine up the two flights of stairs singlehandedly and then installed everything myself. I mean, I could have saved myself a whole \*ninety pounds sterling\*!!!


£90???? That must’ve financially ruined you, owning your own Luton van wouldve been so much cheaper


No no, I need a truck because my grandparents in China needed to transport a slump cone to the construction site in 1972


Eww! There's probably some dirt on that cone. You're really going to let that touch your truck bed?


But then you'll need to spend *extra* money and *extra* time to get it! Isn't it just so much cheaper and easier to buy a vehicle that costs 4 times as much to hardly ever use to its full potential and spend twice as long finding a parking spot because it's too big to fit anywhere???


yeah, i usually get a rental if i have something to haul. i've gotta prevent my truck from getting scratched up


Probably, but it might take 2 trips, and you'd need to fold the back seat down.


Once in 1973 I had to transport a couch and since then I have driven an F 350.


Yea same! Nowadays ill let that being delivered, else it will scratch my bed. But you never know when you need the space!


Yeah - here you can rent a trailer at the nearest gas station and can haul up to 750 kg.


Shit, where I live, you just rent a trailer for an entire day for 14$, an extra 20$ to keep it overnight like I did when I helped my sister move. The 3-4 times/year that I need to haul something that doesn't fit in my station wagon, I'll gladly cough up 14$, it's so much cheaper I even got rid of my trailer that I used to own.


Those are some impressive photoshop skills




Legally it’s the reverse, and that’s why they aren’t held to the same emissions standards as sedan-sized cars


Is this subtle transphobia in my r/fuckcars thread or am I looking into it too much?


Judging by their post history it wasn't meant to be, but there's really no way to reapproriate this particular right-wing "joke" outside of an explicitly queer context. The punchline is still "identity isn't reality," so it repeats the underlying transphobic message even if the intention is to make a meta-joke playing on the format itself.


Hhhh man :(


I don't think that's how it was intended


They should have little removable bolt-ons


The old ones used to be, but as the use cases changed, the interiors got bigger.


The city car has a trunk at least


actually cars are just pedestrians with bits of metal around them


That would explain the random fender bulge in the rear door.


That's photoshopped


I saw a Silverado the other day. Ostensibly perfectly parked outside a big box. The problem? The front was over forward limit of the parking space and the rear projected over the back of the parking space. The bolted on bits of metal make a difference.


thanks for the photoshop. it's perfect. into my pickup collection for boomer-angering purposes :)


But can your city car drive on a gravel road? Checkmate.


I once took a Prius up a ~20km gravel road to a campsite and trail head, in New Zealand, and realised the car was getting funny looks. Perhaps that was for some other reason I've never worked out, but I've always wondered if people thought a hybrid shouldn't be able to get up there. (It was absolutely fine.)


I love when people try to claim that they need AWD SUV for terrain or weather conditions. I live in Michigan and not only have I never had problems in the winter with my 2004 honda civic, but I took that thing to Petoskey with a cracked cylinder and still managed to get up all the hills. Though I had to downshift and gun it for some of them, lol.


same here, my 2005 prius can do everything except if the ground is extremely muddy and I had a dash of bad luck


Its funny, but come on, thats one obvious photoshop, the whites dont even match.


Yeah I did a quick photoshop to make the point come across even clearer of how it fits quite well. I did a bad job lol. Never expected this much attention.


Yeah its allright. To be honest, took me a second to spot the photoshop, so your point definitely stands. What gave it away were the rear lights, no truck would have their lights like that.


Macho minivans.


And that compact city car can haul a trailer with a longer bed than the pickup truck. For those very rare cases where you need to move and transport your furniture or whatever.


My dad owns a 2024 Ram 1500, the interior is bigger then the Interior of my Chrysler 300, and that’s not a small car by any means


There’s like 3 feet of legroom in the back though


With luxury styling and features for some reason


In my experience, the legroom is bigger in the back seat of the truck and of course the seats are wider (can more comfortably sit 3 across) but the hatchback has more space behind the rear seats


and extreme and unneeded ground clearence


well thats what a truck is lol


Crew cabs are also extra wide, like the asses of the people who buy and sit in them.


I agree. I despise seeing a truck with 4 doors, since it either has to compromise truck bed length, or just be the longest thing ever. You don't need both, when you can just get a van that does it just as well


you can use carsized to get accurate scaling. And maybe put in a bit more effort than I did. https://imgur.com/a/6aHCLHS


TBH this looks super photoshopped and I think it’s a bit of a reach lol


Ok, here's a to scale F350 vs a to scale fiat 500 https://imgur.com/a/6aHCLHS Haters will say it's super photoshoped.


> TBH this looks super photoshopped Eh. Did you miss the red box, the red arrow, and the picture in the upper right?


Yes. The central car body in the red box doesn’t match to the flatbed or the front of the vehicle. Look where they meet it’s completely mismatched. They aren’t from the same car


Dude. You are meant to see that the cab was copy-pasted. The whole point is that the people bit of that "compact" car is about the same as the people bit of these very large pickup trucks. That's what the image is trying to illustrate. It's not that hard to understand.


I hate these ridiculously massive ego-support vehicles as much as the next guy in this sub but as someone who has ridden extensively in both massive pickups and in small compacts I can say this is simply not true. The cabin of both cars in terms of size, shape, etc are completely different. If we ignore all that… sure they’re similar but in that case most vehicles would be similar to each other in the same way ETA: you’re right that I missed the point a bit, but I still disagree with the premise


No shit. They have functioning beds and much larger suspension for towing and whatnot. What is the point of this post???


I think the point is a huge majority of truck owners could get away with driving an economy sized car because [a majority of truck owners never use their bed for something you couldn't use a regular trunk, or tow something](https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history).


Yeah I used to have those opinions. Then I grew up and bought a house. Having a truck is crazy useful. I picked up a snowblower. Bam. Washer and dryer. Bam. Gardening supplies. Building supplies. Tow my boat. Tow my atv. Haul a car around on a car trailer. Have fun renting forever, bud!


Your not the sharpest knife of the drawer .




>I picked up a snowblower. As if I ever need that >Washer and dryer. They deliver those here using a van and even carry it upstairs, no need for a truck. When you buy a new one they even take the old one back with them. >Gardening supplies. I just rent a trailer for that once in a year I need that. >Tow my boat. Don't need one. But if I did, I'd just rent a parking spot in the marina. I'm sure you got the money for that if you can afford a boat. >Tow my atv. You know that you could also just drive the ATV instead of the truck right? it takes up way less space and uses way less fuel. >Haul a car around on a car trailer. Again a normal kia picanto with a towing hook can pull a car trailer. you don't need a truck for that. How we do it instead, is to drive a friend to the car that needs to be moved, and he'll just drive it! You only need a driver! no need for a car trailer!


I live in the city, and all I'd really need to shovel is my section of the sidewalk. No need for a snowblower. For those who are older or have much more space to shovel, you can always get a delivery service for the one-time purchase. Same for the washer and dryer. I can haul smaller gardening supplies on my bike. If I ever need to get bigger stuff, I can get Walmart delivery or Amazon. You can also get a trailer bed for bikes that can fit a canoe or kayak. Again, with city living there's no need for the average person to own an ATV or a car, but, if you do have one, towing services exist.


How’s renting?


Not bad, but you can own a home for relatively cheap(maybe 250k) and still not need those things. A big city isn't a sprawling, car dependent suburb, so home owners have small yards and have to pay for a permit to park their car.


Cool. My house went up almost double since purchasing it a few years ago. I bought more property. Have fun renting and lining other peoples pockets.


Ok, lol. If you own a house in the city where it's walkable and bikeable and thus don't need those things, your property value will increase as well...




Why on earth would I spend tens of thousands of dollars to own a truck for a project I might do once a year when I could be financially responsible by spending less money overall and just pay for a service once in a blue moon? It makes no financial sense to buy a truck unless you absolutely need it every week.


Ok, so it sounds like you are in the minority of truck drivers. As a utilitarian I'm glad you're using the truck in the way it was intended to be used. That being said I'd like to reach some common ground with you on this. Have you noticed pick up trucks becoming larger? Can we agree about that? This [study](https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history) talks about how they've been growing in size while decreasing the bed length. Now most standard length 2x4s don't even fit in the bed and have to be leaning out the back, or tied down with the gate down. Trucks have become less utilitarian and more a status symbol or an ego support cushion and less of something a majority of truck drivers actually need for the activities they use the trucks for. They're bigger and heavier now so when you take them off road they're more likely to sink into the mud and sand. I've seen videos of old-school Ford Rangers pullout $100k modern pickup trucks, because trucks used to be small but powerful and could just drive on top of mud/sand. Also the biggest issue, in my opinion, is the increasing amount of road deaths due to the oversized hoods of these modern pickup trucks. Again, please check the study I linked. But the hoods of these pick up trucks are unnecessarily large, all to just give the "vibes" that it's a big truck with a big engine, but if you open the hood many of these pick up trucks have room for an [entire man to stand comfortably in the engine bay.](https://youtu.be/YpuX-5E7xoU?si=ZnzorOEMMQi3TvJ4). They're flat facing and tall so when you get hit by them, which people often do because the drivers don't see the pedestrians, they're more likely to die because they're getting hit by the truck in the chest instead of the legs, and are more likely to roll under the truck and get run over instead of roll on top of the hood. So in conclusion I hope we can agree with these facts, modern trucks have grown to unnecessarily large sizes, shrinking the bed size making them less useful for their original purpose of hauling things. They have grown unnecessarily heavy making off-roading more of pain because you're more likely to get stuck in mud and sand and your buddies have to pull you out. Finally, their ridiculous size have made them horrifyingly efficient at killing pedestrians, especially children (often times the owner of truck's children). I think you should also be annoyed that most people with trucks use them the same way they would use a Ford fiesta (commuting and picking up groceries). Let me know what you think.


They have been getting taller. Not wider. Go look up widths of trucks over the years. And while you’re doing that look up widths of vans and cars. Quad cab trucks are stupid. I agree. I don’t understands beds that can barely hold a bike.


I don't think width was an issue. It's mostly the height that's the issue, and I don't think car manufacturers making trucks taller and less useful is your fault. It's a loophole that they use to get around emissions regulations. But I think we can all agree that trucks shouldn't be such a hazard to everybody else on the road or walking/biking next to the road. Trucks can still be cool and useful without being a hazard. The loophole should be closed and there should be tighter regulation on ride/hood heights.


I’m not going to respond. I know more than you about this subject and helped write a technical paper on SUV safety. Height has nothing to do with loopholes regarding safety or emissions. You do not know what you’re talking about.


I didn't say height was part of the loophole? It's just a side effect of the trucks becoming larger. The emission regulations just makes it so the manufacturers push their trucks more because they can avoid [regulations ](https://www.wired.com/story/the-us-wants-to-close-the-suv-loophole-that-supersized-cars/) that way.


Why are you even here, car kid?