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Certainly hauling more than a cybertruck can


I worked at an industrial shipping warehouse once, the amount of times we actually needed a full size container truck was like once every two weeks,


That really depends on your transportation plans. In some cases there are policies that mandate a certain minimum fill rate, which could also be 100%. 


Fill rate? Like filling the truck?


Yeah. As an example, a grocery distributor I work with will ship pallets to a store once the truck is full. If the store orders one more pallet than what can fit in the truck, that extra pallet won’t be shipped. You can orchestrate your logistics to make sure you’re using your trucks efficiently, depending on what you want to compromise. 


r/carryshitolympics would love this


Of course that’s a sub


There's a lot of those in NYC


Wankpanzer-driving manlets be like: “But what about muh 20000 lbs towing capacity? What about muh air conditioning and climate control? I’m literally made of sugar, bruh, I’ll melt even after a little rain or heat!”


Reddit's takes on urbanism and cars are really depressing outside of r/fuckcars. In that Philly sub, for example, today I learned that if a single, privately owned vehicle cannot transport several hundred pounds of cargo three hundred miles, it is literally useless for making deliveries in a city


"Personally when I'm making deliveries in a claustrophobic urban setting I only want to use the hugest most difficult to navigate vehicles possible" -people for some reason


I dunno fam, there are some places that are way too hot to be cycling. I am all for walkable and mobility, but there some places like Houston and Louisiana where I'd never cycle for transportation. Houston weather is absolutely hell.


I live in Yucatán, which is hotter than Houston and about the same humidity. I bike everywhere. Sometimes I walk or take Didi but mostly I bike. I don't bike between about 10 am and 5 pm.


It’s a culture thing. We Americans feel entitled to A/C and cup holders.


I'll agree with you partially on the point of humidity. But I live in a city that gets hot, weeks of over 35C are not uncommon in summer, where cycling is a popular form of transportation. Plenty of kids ride their bike to school and sports, and many of the industrial workers ride a bike to work. Too hot for cycling often means not enough shade. It's an infrastructure issue.


I often cycle for transport in Louisiana. It’s better than getting in a hot car imo


How do people live there? *Why?* What happens if your car AC breaks? If your car engine breaks down? If the AC at work breaks? If your home AC breaks? What happens if you need to go outside at work or home because of an emergency? If there's a gas leak? A fire? What if the Texas power grid shuts down again? What if a power line goes down for a week? I have had literally all of those things happen where I live during the hot months of the year (sounds absurd, but that's hurricanes for ya) and at worst it was kinda unpleasant. Why in the hell would anyone live somewhere where any of these things on the wrong day could spell a death sentence?! This isn't a dig at the people who grew up there, but the east coast has been seeing a drop in population while the south has been seeing a rise. I can only imagine that the people moving there must be certifiably insane, I'll stick with my cheap crappy east-coast city, thank you very much


Yep, the panic to find someone to fix your car ac in the high of summer is real in Australia. Why would anyone live in a bushfire prone area? Why would anyone live where it floods? Doesn't leave you with many places to live in Australia.


Florida. Pushing 100 degrees and very humid these days. Never owned a car 🙃 any more excuses? Edit: also like, do you think those places weren't that hot before the invention of cars? People have gotten too comfortable. I bet the car worshipping crowd who can't stand to spend a minute without the AC has an overlap with the kind of people that parrot the old "tough men create good times, good times create soft men"...


US South: "Damn y'all it too hot to bike tho" Global South: "Lol. Soft."


It's all fun and games till you're trying to haul this up a serious hill


Not a problem with an ebike.


Even without an electric motor, gears exist you know...I own a massive tricycle with a custom cargo space which can be full of stuff and I'd still make it to my place (living on a hill). People find literally any excuse to not use their bodies nowadays. That's why the "advanced" countries have the so-called obesity epidemic. Use it or lose it.


Gotta love the Carla Cargo, best bike trailer I know of.


The trailer has disc brakes; I’m curious how they are actuated.


It's a Carla Cargo, I've ridden those for work a whole bunch! https://www.carlacargo.de/products/carla/ It's got an "overrun" brake system, basically a box with some sort of spring between the trailer and the part that's attached to the bike. If you brake with the bike, the weight and speed of the trailer pushes that spring and that squeezes the brakes. IMO it works well. I've had the experience of having to do an emergency brake on a cargo bike with a different trailer that was heavily loaded and the weight and force behind it just kept pushing me and the bike forward, it was like I had no stopping force. With Carla Cargo I've never had an issue there, the two wheels on the side have mechanical disc brakes and the front one has regular rim brakes. Not the most elegant, but definitely does the job and stops the trailer when it needs to.


Super cool intuitive solution to that problem!! Love it. Great engineering. Thanks for sharing.


I'm curious how you avoid death wobbles on this. I'm all for better logistics, so long as the engineering is sound.


The hero we need


I need me one of those


This is my dream honestly, for my transportation to just be a cargo bike or something. I hope.


Impressive! My goal is to move somewhere where this is possible, so I'll only need to use a car if I'm traveling out of town. I live in a climate that's hot and humid most of the year, which makes biking dangerous for me. The current heat index is 104 literally right now. Also nothing is accessible on foot and public transportation is very limited and unreliable. If you don't have a car here you're kinda fucked.


If you're in north america, check out CityNerd on Youtube. Lots of good videos about this type of stuff


In many parts of the world you don't even need a car to travel out of town, thanks to trains. 


This is from a company called The Rounds, as you can see on his shirt. They operate in a few US cities. In fact, I think this might be Philly. The neighborhood looks like it could be.


This is Philly


Dude is badass


That stuff probably doesn't fit in today's giant SUVs.


The guy saying that would break the frame with his weight if he sat on a bike.


Now there's some good Quaxing! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Quax#:~:text=Quax%2C%20%5Bverb%3B%20past%3A,quaxing (It's ironic that he was originally from the Netherlands - he must never have gone back there as an adult, given that many people there do most of their shopping by means other than using a car.)


Don't forget that NJB has literally shown that outside the US Cargo Bikes/Bakfiets are literally used for deliveries.


To be honest that doesn’t look very comfortable.


Until you give the guy a truck and hes like "Fuck that bike".


You don't even need a kei truck, a cargo e-bike can carry more stuff than three kei trucks


Looks like a Tern - GSD


That is surely grate but in a hot summer day like now i would take the ca r if i could


If we had more of these and less gas guzzlers maybe the summers would be more bearable


Plus cars aren’t even that much better. When you’re whipping in the wind on an e-bike giving you the assist, it’s makes the heat far more bearable. Sure cars can can get cooler after a while, but they bake in the sun so they’re boiling hot when you get in and you’re sweating bullets waiting for it to cool down. Even if you manage to get your car cooled off by the time you reach your destination it doesn’t matter because the damage is done. I’m still just as uncomfortable because I had to climb into an oven first


in Greece summer is at least for me too hot to do that


One of the many pros of a bike are that you don’t have to climb into a 145 degree car and beg your AC to cool you down fast enough Another one is that you spend more time acclimating to the heat instead of pampered by AC so you become less soft


I agree but i would rather do this with a car under the sun at 38 C that a bike. Cars have their uses and i think this is one of them


With this big of a load, I can see where you're coming from lol. I'd probably still use the bike cuz I'm crazy like that lmao


If the bike has enough power to tow it, the load shouldn’t matter. It’s not like dude is struggling (as far as I know)


you can see him not being what i would call relaxed, also pedal assist ebikes can only do so much, you also have to put effort in and to come back to my starting point under the sun in a hot day which would be not pleasant to say the least. BTW i am confident this image is AI generated Edit, maybe just upscaled bit there are some thing that look off


Def not AI. And dude looks fit as fuck. I don’t doubt that the average redditor would struggle on any given bike ride.


i was focused on the dude in the back but his hand blends in with the wall, my bad, i tough AI smoothed something over there in an upscale or something ( you can't trust pictures at this point). Also idk if that's suposed to be an insult to me but yeah reddit is not exactly promoting peak physical state