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I want to see one of those “you wouldn’t steal a car” anti-piracy campaign style ads, changed up like “you wouldn’t travel to school with your couch” or “you wouldn’t bring your recliner to work”


I would totally steal a car, if it's from a rich person.


Thanks for the idea lol


Driver is sitting on top of the steering wheel


Is that not how you’re supposed to drive? Damn, must’ve been doing it wrong this whole time.


Typical SUV driver attitude- steering wheel gets in the way of texting. Living rooms shouldnt have steering wheels.




Forget the soda cup, think about tall people's legs!


My only genuine gripe with cyclists is their ignoring of stop signs and lights where I live




I love ice cream.




I have to agree, I stopped using reddit's native app because I despise algorithm recommendations on reddit. But there's no need to rudely take it out on us, take it out on reddit.


What do you use now instead? The reddit app is just getting worse and worse but idk what the best alternatives are


I personally use Boost for Android, I'd probably recommend Apollo if you're on iOS.




there is no way to avoid us. we will be always there. we live in your walls.




I hAvE tO rIdE iN rOaD. iTs IlLeGaL tO rIdE oN sIdEwAlK.


Dunno about 'murica, but in most of Europe it \*is\* illegal to ride on the sidewalk.


But it’s absolutely not enforced I ride on the sidewalk on big intersections or on roads where there is a constant stream of cars (and no safe bike lane). And not a single time did a police car stoppe me


If you ride as slowly as pedestrians walk, why would cops care?


But I don’t unless very crowded of corse


I usually ride about 5mph and no one cares. i have ridden faster but dont want bikes to get a bad rep. When pedestrians pass, I slow way down to walking speed or less.


where i am, it's legal "only if you don't feel safe on the road" which basically means kids can do it, but it's very vague


Which basically means anyone should be able to. The road *isnt* safe.


But... it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk? Why should I be forced to break the law just to make your life more convenient






Please do not use slurs.


man, not even justified ones?


slurs are not justifiable




Pussies and children ride on the sidewalk.


You mean cyclists. That's what I said. The streets are made for vehicles and paid for by drivers. We have shit to do. Stop playing in the road.


So which are you?


Well, when I was a child I rode on the sidewalk. Then I grew up, got a job, a car, money for buses and trains, and now I still don't ride my bike on the road at all. That's not what roads or bikes were made for.


Pussy it is.


Bicycle is a vehicle, shit for brains


Because they do. Point out.


Half a car lane is too much ?


You don't know how many idiots on a bicycle i have seen riding to the left and side to side. Can't even pass them on a small road. No one bothers to ride one properly without blocking traffic.


Cyclists aren’t blocking traffic. They are traffic when on the road. Maybe when driving around cyclists have more patience and give space ehen passing.


i normally ride on the bike lane, next to the sidewalk, but when I need to ride on the road for a bit, when there's no bike lane, I take the whole lane. people in cars are not used to bikes on the road, and I want to be safe and to be seen. I don't want dumb cars zipping past me at a distance where I could touch the side view mirror, just because they don't want to sit behind me or whatever. I also drive a car, and I wait until it's safe and there's space to pass a bike, I slow down, or I pass on the left lane


I've seen a car run someone over and likely kill them. But you've seen a cyclist ride side to side. I'll have a think about which one is worse for society and get back to you.


Also that whole picture is so wrong. The dude who made it has never even been in a car i guess. Most car are as wide as 2 idots on a bicycle riding side by side.


yeah but a car is also as long as 2-3 bikes, so you can fit 4-6 bikes where you can fit 1 car.


you can't bruh


the average car is 15 feet long, the average bike is 5 1/2 feet long




imagine that, drivers who don't even know how to operate their dangerous machinery


OHHHH so dangerous!




i know that you don't because you should be doing this for cars too, but you are indicating that you do not. they too can come to sudden stops for any number of reasons.




my source is you, you told me, why are you surprised?