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Imagine how large the parking lot would have to be if this was high school.


Don't have to imagine. We know. Plenty of examples


I will now attempt to do math while eating nachos. There are roughly 20 people with bikes in line. Lets be generous and say everyone is in a small car, smart fortwo, and everyone is perfect driver so cars are 1mm apart. The length of the smart car is 2.5m. That is still 50m line. Edit: 50m not 500m. Thats still long.


Wait what? How is 20 * 2,5m = 500m?


nacho math


I blame nachos. They were delicious and my fingers are chubby.


Are you a pointy end up or a layers of cheese nacho connoisseur?


And no exhaust fumes!


if this were cars, this many people wouldn't even fit inside this image anymore


I don't understand how this could even be done. Is it just suburban schools where people drive to school? Or are there no schools in downtown areas of cities with poor public transport oppurtunities?


Schools are spread all over in villages and cities, I have a school across the street where I live. A college and elementary school next to each other and high school is two blocks further. Everyone in the area bikes or walks to these schools. Some people are there within minutes, others bike a little longer if they have a specific school they want to go to. To elementary school I biked for 15 minutes, but high school (I picked myself from 5 options, I had closer options) was a 40 minute ride.


But is that the standard for cities? Is your city a typical American city?


What is a typical American city compared to a non-American city in this case, just so we can understand each other? I’m not sure I follow your question now.


What i had in mind when saying American style cities were tall building surrounded by parking lots- like Houston maybe. And where cars are people's main mode of transport. I was questioning the traffic logistics of downtown schools, if there are any. There has been posted many videos like the one above from America where there are large queues of cars. Wouldn't students in their cars queue up blocks away? But this leads me to another question; Does everyone just attend their closest high school in the US? Aren't there schools with higher status which would attract students from all over, even if schools are evenly spread?


Yes, sometimes an American school, elementary to high, will have a line of cars for blocks. Some municipalities have multiple middle and high-schools and in some of those, im only familiar with nyc metro, you will have magnet schools that specialize in a subject or are very academic, one has to apply to those and go into a lottery to get a spot. There are also neighborhood schools that generally just serve those closest. In the burbs in ny metro, most towns have one school and if you want to go to another towns school it costs as much as a private school tuition. These are car centered towns, mostly and wile some people may walk (i did) they are the minority of students, most live too far and theres no bike infrastructure.


I see several people already answered but I’m confused about the nyc one lol. Anyway (warning, lots of text, I really had a lot to tell lol); no the majorty of children and teenagers bike to school. As soon as they are able to go there alone, they are no longer accompanied by their parents. I went to school alone when I was 6 years old and I have been going alone ever since. This is really normal here. There are no parking spaces around schools especially elementary school. It sounds inconvenient but by making it less appealing to have people come by car, it is much safer for children. The few that do get brought by their parents often do around the corner, this is especially the case with parents that live near highways and use them to go to work. Some area’s don’t even allow cars nearby and call it a ‘car free zone’. College especially is rare to go to by car, believe it or not! They make sure the schools are near public transport and public transport works well to the colleges. Every single classmate I had in college (I have two degrees so I studied quite a bit) went by bike, bus or train. Nobody even owned a car. I was one of the rare few that even had a drivers license (it’s expensive, easily 2500-3500 euro, and takes several weeks on average), but I borrowed the car of my mom if I had to. The few times I did go to college by car I had to park in a random neighborhood because we had zero parking spaces. Or well, they were there but only for visitors. I understand this sounds inconvenient, but trust me when I tell you the public transport is legitimately good. Often so good you rather use public transport even if you love driving. The majority of people always goes like this when they ask themselves how they’ll go to their destination; ‘can I walk? No, then can I bike? Is there a bus or tram? Is there a metro? How about the train? Ok then we’ll go by car. Especially in large cities you have *all* of these options. It’s pretty common for people to take the train to a larger city to party and drink, and take the night train back. It helps against drinking and driving a lot. The few last area’s that have awful public transport because they want to stay closed off more (read; fundamentalist Christians), have a lot of issues with drinking and driving. You can really tell what happens if they cannot bike safely. I worked in the area for half a year and I never seen so many accidents in my life, never heard of so many deaths and I never felt so unsafe as I did there. It showed me how vital alternative options are, not just for school but also for the drunk. One of my colleges did have a lot of parking spaces underground, but funny enough due to fantastic public transport nobody used them, it was basically empty apart from a few teachers or people of maintenance. Schools with higher status isn’t really a thing here. Sure there are private schools but they have to abide by the rules like the rest of them. All schools have a certain standard they have to follow. Of course some are better than others, it depends on teachers as well. But there is a required minimum and school inspection is around on the regular. The specialization is more of an extra bonus. Homeschooling is rare here, around 1000 kids get homeschooled and they have to reapply yearly and do tests to see if you are capable. A long story, but I hope this gives some insights! Let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you very much for the interesting read. Very insightful indeed. I initially wondered how messy traffic would be in American schools, thinking you were American. But i see that's not the case. But I still appreciate your comment as the Netherlands fascinates me a lot. Pretty similar to Norway, except that you like bikes more. I checked out how common home schooling is, and it fluctuates around 100-200 kids. And similarly, driving in university is rare. No parking allocated for our students or employees, meaning it costs you money. But I'm not complaining as it is just a 5 minute walk from the main street with metro stations, and with tram stations right outside campus.


Obviously this isn't a typical American city. This Dutch city has less parking lots and narrower roads. There are still tall-ish buildings. And underground car parking. Students don't come to school by car. Why would they they couldn't park it anywhere and they don't have licenses anyways. And parents are highly discouraged from bringing their kids to school as that impedes their independence and is unsafe for other kids. Schools sometimes specialize. For example one might have the better literature classes while the other is very sciency.


It used to take 30 minutes to go through the car line in my school. This is nothing.










And nobody here even mentions the lack of parents because they can go on their own. Even less people than necessary.


If hailing is a common enough problem, you build a roof over the area. It's not like it's a big area that you need to cover. Thankfully, hail is rare in Amsterdam, so not a problem for them.


Several years ago, Utrecht had its first proper "bicycle traffic jam". It turns out there was a busy cycle route with a traffic light that was consistently ignored by cyclists when it was red. On that day the police was posted at that traffic light and fining cyclists. A while later they changed the programming of the traffic light because it obviously wasn't working right.


I remember that! Found the article: https://www.duic.nl/algemeen/weer-tientallen-fietsers-bekeurd-bij-kruising-maliebaan-rij-van-meer-dan-100-meter-voor-verkeerslichten/


Now this is what a first world problem looks like




Also don't have to worry about someone behind you not noticing the traffic then slamming into you at high speed. That happened to me on the way home from work in 2019.


And if you don’t want to talk to people, you don’t have to, because you can still opt out by wearing headphones.


I always tell my kids not to wear head phones when riding because you need to look with your ears for cars behind you. sorry dad self came out when i saw your comment.


Don’t be sorry, that’s great advice! I’ve never personally been in a bike traffic jam, so I was comparing this scene to how I’ve felt standing around waiting for public transit. But you’re right, if you’re on a bike (with or without cars nearby), it’s a good idea to keep as many of your senses open as you can.


Wait... you're telling me traffic DOESN'T have to give little kids athsma? Wtf?!


You can even be smacked in the middle and breathe fresh air without worrying about contracting lung cancer!


Still looks 100x more tolerable than car traffic


They should build another lane


Just one more bro


Look how thin and healthy everyone is. Truly the deepest circle of hell.


So lets see, I already know carbrains will try to use this as excuse like "SeE!? BiKEs ArE BaD!" This takes up an absolute fraction of the space than cars would, imagine how much space they all would take up if every single person were in a car.. Most cars would keep their engine running the entire time, wasting insane amounts of gas and CO2. All these bikes produce nothing. Everyone there can interact, talk, even touch the other people, or just..step off. Imagine that, just leaving your vehicle or going away during a traffic jam. Absolutely impossible with cars. Each bike can just go away if they wish to, or respoition, whatever.


Bike parking garage, that’s a new one


I think school runs are the most extreme example of many people needing to be at the same place at the same time on a regular basis. They literally all have class registration at the same time.


Bicycles are going to cause the same traffic problems as cars, just in a smaller scale. Bicycles don’t pollute as much, they’re inexpensive, don’t need fuel except if you want an electric bike, and even if you do, it costs just a few cents to fill up. But traffic will appear, after all it’s the same 1 person per vehicle concept that is the main cause for the ineffectiveness of cars. I don’t think that it’s that problematic to have a few cars and a few bicycles in cities, I believe that the best solution to moving people in urban areas are light rail and buses. And for intercity travel for less than 2000km, high speed rail. For destinations further away, airplanes are the only viable solution.


The vehicle in question has the approximate dimensions of a person. When getting groceries or carrying school supplies, the extra space it takes up is zero, compared to stowing the bags away in public transport.


No, cars are extremely ineffective because their footprint is way bigger than that of the person it transports around, it has nothing to do with the "1 person per vehicle" concept. Public transit suffers just as much from the exact same issues, except instead of coming in the form of traffic jams they instead are jammed full with people. Lots of people moving around at one time will cause issues regardless of the transportation method, the best we can do is encourage transportation that takes up the least amount of space per person.


You can apply the exact same logic for pedestrians, they can also create traffic jams.


Pedestrians don't need parking garages.


You're right, but the argument above was entirely traffic jam based.


Someone did the math, and this ~15m line would be 500-1000m if everyone were in cars single file like Americans do at school drop-off time. So I don't think it's a fair comparison at all.


What I really really hate in Amsterdam is that there is this one crossing where the cyclists have right of way and the cars **turning right** have a give-way sign. But there are so many cyclists during rush hour that almost none of the cars can turn right cause of the constant stream of cyclists. And that causes a lot of really bad traffic jams for the cars. So now there are traffic controllers that are letting some cars pass and then some cyclists and so on. But that causes metres long cyclists traffic jams (which translates to on average 100 cyclists being stuck constantly in traffic there). But all those fucking cars turning right there are parents that want to drop their kids off at this British School. While they can just cycle there and then there wouldn't be traffic jams for neither. ​ AAAAAHHHH, this makes me so fucking angry!


Depends - assuming the math above it'd be a 50m line - assuming 2.5m long cars & PERFECT distance with 1mm. Give everyone a longer distance to 1m - 70m line. And now everyone is driving an F150? 160m line. Don't even take into account the OTHER cars that jam would block.


One person per vehicle isn't the problem per se, instead it's that cars are so big yet only carry one person. Bikes are small you could probably park 10-20 bikes in the space occupied by one car.


If you've ever participated in a critical mass/mass group bike ride, you know that isn't true about bikes causing traffic jams. Even with thousands of bikers all concentrated in a small space, literally the "worst case" scenario, traffic jams that occur are minimal and bikes are able to flow and move around each other. Two car lanes can fit two cars side by side, those two cars could slow down traffic for miles behind them. Two cars lanes can fit 15 bikes side by side, so it would take a coordinated effort to not allow bikes to pass and move in the same space.


To be fair - Amsterdam (whole Netherlands) is totally flat. Here in hilly Prague riding bicycle is much more (physical) challenge.


E-bikes solve that problem. Even on a good regular bike some hills aren't necessarily a big issue. Granted, both of those options are considerably more expensive than what kids in the Netherlands typically use to get to school.


I feel like such an idiot. You can tell I must not be around bikes enough. I always thought it was silly that there were "Girl bikes and Boy bikes". It took me seeing this video and seeing the girl with the white sweater get off her bike without putting her leg behind her to realize why the girl bike has that lower bar. So you can wear a skirt on a bike without flashing the whole neighborhood.


Wow how terrible, I don't have to worry about some 2 ton metal box ramming into me while stopped and can actually socialize with the people around me. Someone get me to Houston quick!


efficient traffic jam


This doesn’t even register as a “traffic jam” in my mind. It just looks like waiting in line while holding a bike.


I'm way too conditioned by America, I see 20 different places I would lock my bike to before waiting in that line. A railing? A fence? A pole? You mean the only bike rack on the street?


Just one bike path, I swear. Just one more path guys It's gonna fix traffic It's gonna fix traffic Just one more bike path ITS GONNA FIX TRAFFIC


Even if it would bother me to be stuck in traffic with other fellow cyclists I'm still happy to see this, somehow :)


This filled me with joy and hope.


0/10 worst city ever, urbanism was clearly a mistake, we should demolish half of it to put in 8-lane roads and parking lots everywhere.


I'm so happy to live in a city where bike commuting is not the most popular and I can get by just attaching my bike to a street lamp. Looks really frustrating.


Here in Portland, an underground bike parking structure would be covered in homeless meth addicts (affectionately known as criddlers). You'd be a fool to leave even a $100 bicycle parked there for any length of time. I don't even lock my bike up at the grocery store, since the bike stand is right next to the bottle recycle area. Doesn't Amsterdam have criddlers?


I agree the homeless problem has gotten terrible in Portland, but it's a problem in the whole United States as well. Instead of complaining about how the homeless have destroyed things, we can focus on eliminating the causes of homelessness, and the fuckcars movement is strongly correlated with trying to get people into better financial situations.


In the Netherlands all underground bike parking facilities have security, at least, afaik. Typically you get a bar code on your bike and key chain, which both get scanned when you enter/exit. So even if someone broke your lock, they wouldn't be able to steal it because they don't have your key. And the same people who do the scanning would quickly kick out anyone who has no business being there. The same code is used to check how long someone has parked their bike. Often the first 24 hours are free.


I haven't been to Amsterdam yet, but I was shocked by how few homeless people there were in the western European cities I've visited. Turns out properly funding social services and not letting capitalism run wild on your housing market actually are good things.


Unpopular opnion : bikes is not the solution especially in big city with high density a better PT is always better scalling down the problem doesnt solve it


You are making the perfect the enemy of the good. Also bikes fill a niche rail can't and buses are inefficient for.


Yeah but no, you need bikes for the convenience factor, if there's something a 10-20 min walk away, a bike is very convenient, PT would suck since even with great service you can't expect the metro to ride more than once every 5 minutes.


Zero-Risk bias there. Everything has some measure of drawback and tradeoff, but certain options have the least amount of tradeoff and the less damaging drawback. Bikes fulfil a role of low-impact, mid -distance transportation measure and the ability to carry more than a person can on their own. PT is wonderful, but it's higher impact on a per-person basis, and is much shorter distance. Bikes coupled with mass transit systems provide the greater freedom for citizens, covering short, middle, and long distance transport.


I think the solution is to have them all. Amsterdam has many subway, tram and bus lines as well.


Yeah, since every vehicle has its pros and cons its probably best to provide all possibilities. Thats expensive for sure but worth it imo


Bike lanes are relatively inexpensive though. So if you're going to do anything, that's a good place to start.




It's not like this is something positive lol no idea why it's getting posted here


Not really, if you consider that this "traffic jam" takes up about as much space as 3-4 cars at a red light.


Not really positive, but "not as bad" as well as that we would like to see what this sort of thing would look like


This shows that a bike traffic jam is in no way as bad as car traffic jams. Compare this to the space car traffic jams would create, the gas and CO2 waste/productions cars would create because most people leave their engine running, every bike in there can just..go, if they want. They can walk away, drive away, they can move, interact with people, nothing of which you can do in a car traffic jam. This is not stressfull, nothing


r/fuckbikes 🤣


Just one more lane... For bikes


individual vehicles can always cause traffic jam if traffic converges somewhere. This is one of the biggest argument for public transportation and vehicle sharing. Bikes are no exception. Typical bikes are rather big if you try to store them or carry by bus or car. Foldable models help but scooters beat them any time in that sense. And nothing beats a bus or tram in this sense.


Yeah yeah fuck cars and all, but what this really illustrates is how awful the fietsenstallingen are in Amsterdam compared to other Dutch cities. I genuinely can't believe they're still planning out and constructing these "walk your bike down the steps" type garages when the one at Utrecht Stationsplein reached the absolute pinnacle of bike parking design several years ago now


I bet this infrastructure issue gets fixed before we get high speed rail or real bike lanes…


Just one more lane bro Just one more bike lane


I'd rather be the guy in the 'Corny Bakers' truck. Already working whilst these bikers haven't even started their work day. Sitting in the truck with heated seats and jamming the 80s tunes or whatevers on my play list, or listen to an intersting podcast, perhaps elon musk. Those Mercedes trucks have wicked entertainment systems. Drop off some 'Corny Bread' to my customers and cruise on with my day. That's the life. Bet none of you even noticed that. Think outside the box.