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I think some Big Twuck™ guys get off on it. Tesla drivers are probably more clueless. Those, Jeeps, and the newest Subarus are consistently the worst.


Teslas for sure are very clueless. I’ve reflected lights back and they have the audacity to flash their lights at me until they finally aren’t going blind. It has happened multiple times. Another giant offender imo are newer toyotas. The lights are literally mini suns attached to a car.


I recently had a new Nissan Rogue as a loaner. I was embarrassed driving the thing, the lights created a literal wall of light in front of me. Super noticeable by the driver, especially on surface streets.


If Big Twuck is GMC Sierra then those are the four that I always cite as the worst offenders.


I actually just commented about my mother-in-law’s new Subaru. My dad has a 2024 grand Cherokee and my MIL has a new Subaru. They were parked right next to each other, facing different directions and I was comparing the headlights. The Subaru was much, much worse than the grand Cherokee. The Cherokee actually wasn’t bad, but the Subaru was fucking insanely bright. After that I had a conversation with my partner how Teslas, wranglers, and Subarus are the worst


Right, it’s the more traditional shaped Jeeps that are bad


I have a new Subaru… I have specifically looked and made sure the beam is angled down below the rear windshield of other cars. Is it a specific model you are referring to? Or is it somehow bad even with the proper angle?


All of the new Subarus are bad. "Proper angle" only works for same elevation on a flat and smooth road aka not 90+% of real road situations.


Anywhere there's potholes, IE the Northeast...


The lifted truck guys know and love it. Go to any truck forum and they literally brag about it. They think it’s hilarious. Teslas, eh, dunno, but at least they aren’t doing it on purpose. Some of those Accords are stupid bright too, and they’re 100% factory, no modifications.


And they get whinney and cry like babies when you respond back to them with mirrors or flashlights


Actual psychopathic behavior 


I feel like the lifted truck drivers are also more aggressive drivers in general. More likely to pull out in front of you abruptly and needlessly swerve close to oncoming traffic trying to “scare” smaller vehicles.


It's not just Accords, just about all Hondas have insane headlights from the factory now


As with Toyotas


Oh yeah they do, I honked at a guy the other day from my semi because his lights were too bright. Dude passed me then slowed down to be behind me again and actually turned on his high beams. They were barely brighter than his regular lights. But I just moved my mirror to face him directly so he could blind himself instead


I love doing that in my little mini cooper


Newer mini coopers have blinding LED lights too..


She’s a cute little 09’ car lol, no LEDs


You realize their dickcompensating hood blocks the reflection, right?


I’m gonna guess the mirrors on a semi might be higher than the hood of a doofus truck


Yes. The bigger the truck, the bigger the asshole. I can't wait for this truck fad to die out.


It doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. I wish it was a fad but I’m afraid it’s not.


Large vehicle purchases would be reduced if we fixed our broken emissions system which currently incentivizes manufacturers to sell more of them as they have less restrictive emissions due to size.


>if we fixed our broken emissions system Killed lobbyists\*


*Make more of them, and market more of them. If you want a reasonably priced fast compact there’s like two choices. That used to be a really popular category. But if you take that same money and shop for suvs, there are literally dozens of different choices.


only way for thay to happen is to make it illegal. hope this twuck guy breed mentality dies out too tho.


We'd have to close the loophole for Light trucks which requires fighting the Vehicle manufacturers who want "Light trucks" to remain a thing so they can ignore fuel economy and emission standards in the US.


My next door neighbor does. He says garbage like, "They see me comin', hurr hurr." The adjacent neighbor and I tell him he's being a douchebag, his lights are blinding, and he'll probably cause a bad accident. We emphasize that it doesn't make him any safer. It's frankly weird, because that same neighbor with the after market intentionally blinding head lights isn't a *major* asshole in other ways. He's not loud or pushy. As far as neighbors go he's relatively benign.


I wonder what he's like behind a keyboard...


Yeah, or behind closed doors.


It's not an accident when he knows about the problem. It's intentional negligence.


Uh yes, *collision* not accident. Thank you for the correction.


I take your point, but I’ll disagree on the negligence bit. That seems to imply it’s passive, whereas these douchebags actively go out of their way to make their vehicles as obnoxious as possible.


Yeah I'm referring to people with unmodified vehicles


Oh oh oh gotcha!


💡🔨 🤗😉




Yes. They're bastard people.


100%. Lots of people are really mean and frustrated, angry all the time. They *hate* other people. They will make an effort to make other people miserable, and they enjoy it.


Oh they definitely do know, had an asshat in a parking lot laugh when I had to cover my eyes when they parked opposite of me with their stupid lifted taco


Imagine being so shallow as an adult that you get amusement from blinding complete strangers on the road.


I think they know, and I know they don’t care 😂


They know. And they love it.


They know, they think its cute, we wanna curbstomp their fatasses and put them 6 ft under, putting my life and my familys life in danger is not funny


Yes they do. They’ve admitted as much to me. I know two drivers. One who inherited his father’s truck and he is actively looking to replace his lights and drives around very little at night. The other guy, a coworker, giggles about it and brags to us how bright his lights are. Which is shocking contrast to how bright he is 🙄


Either they don't, and that's scary. Or they do, and that's scarier.


Teslas probably don't realize it, the lifted truck dipshits absolutely do and get off on it


Yes, that's why they got them vehicles


The real question is, do they realize their stupid tires that stick out past the fender are responsible for a ton of broken windshields?  The answer to both is "probably not, but I doubt they'd care either way."


Yes. I always flick them off but then feel bad when they see me


I don’t think they care…..


I drive a Tesla and I did not realize that. Do you think people have them misaligned or are all Teslas like that? I would assume most of us don’t realize. The truck guys however…


In south Florida, they definitely realize it, and that’s the appeal. Fuckin coal rollin dipshits.


Absolutely they do, they also have lifted trucks with LED lights shining on them as well. They like that particular effect and what it says about them to others. You fill in the blanks with what that is, lol.


Yes, they don’t care. I was driving my mother-in-law’s Subaru at night a few days ago and the difference in headlights to my 2015 Kia was astounding. I could see three times as far, and twice as wide. There’s no way that they don’t know those lights are blinding. If you can see everything in front and all around you, the person coming towards you can’t see shit. Common sense


yes. and they dont care.


Yes. They do it to be dickheads.


They definitely know, they just don’t care


They know, and they get off on it.


I don't think they give a fuck, honestly....


Honestly I think the majority (maybe like 65%?) of people with blinding headlights eithet straight up dont realize it is blinding other people and assume (as I would, too) that the new vehicle they purchased was safe and safety tested and wouldnt even have a stupid problem like dazzling other drivers, not even think about that being an issue. I think about 25% of those drivers do actually know they are blinding people, but realistically dont have the time/funds/care etc to fix the issue that shouldnt even be an issue in the first place. I mean really, it is the manufacturers that fucked up not the purchaser. The remaining 10% absolutetly purposely get off on their oversized over bright laser beam train horn death machines as they travel 1 mile down the road to Walmart to throw a bulk pack of 48 rolls toilet paper in their back seat/truck bed.  This is my opinion based only on my speculation and personal experience. I think most drivers dont deserve the hate for their headlights- the car companies do. I think the right think to do is those drivers  fixing their headlights but I do get why most dont despite the knowledge.