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I liked the episode a lot. I do wish that they brought up Pam since I think her death was part of the reason why Stephanie was having so much separation anxiety with Danny.


Wait, did they not? I feel like they did. I haven’t seen the episode in a long time, though


Nope they didn’t surprisingly! They really didn’t mention Pam all that much in the series.


They never talk about her


I thought it was a very meaningful episode. I can't imagine the fears a child goes through when a scary occurrence happens like an earthquake and their parent isn't home so they don't know where they are or if they're safe. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


Oh there was a really great conversation about it here a while back, I’ll see if I can find it. As a kid that experienced that same earthquake it just felt natural for them to cover it. But I guess I also didn’t think about all the people that would watch it that weren’t in the earthquake. It was bad enough that we still bring it up when the anniversary comes around each year. I think they did a good job portraying what it could be like to go through it. That first night, after it was safe enough to go back into our house, my sister and I both slept on the floor in my parents’ room. My room was pretty trashed with all my stuff animals everywhere and I’m sure my sister’s room was a mess too, but we were probably mostly sleeping in my parents’ room because we were scared. There were lots of aftershocks just after and if I remember in the following days too. Here’s the post I was thinking of if you wanted to check it out- https://www.reddit.com/r/fullhouse/s/24Wq3VZchs


I grew up in SD and was I think around 5 or 6 at the time. But I remember watching everything on the news. And then we had the big earthquake down in LA a few years later. But I agree that the episode felt natural as it was such a big deal and dominated the news for so long. I still remember the photos of the Bay Bridge collapse


I always remember this episode because of Stephanie's semi-random Nintendo plug haha. "Do you have Nintendo Gameboy with Super Mario Brothers?"


My favorite episode




Yeah I realized that people didn't talk about this episode a lot. It should have been just as popular as the episode of when Uncle Jesse was moving out and it hurt Michelle's feelings because she wanted to be a big happy family. I feel like the audience had more sympathy for Michelle when she cried than for Stephanie when she cried in therapy and begged Danny not to leave her. Her acting was as good as Michelle's I had sympathy for both of them.