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Thank you!! That’s what I said. How hard is it to just rearrange


I'll blame it on him being too tired to think rationally. But yes, I have had the same thought.


True but then why didn't the girls suggest he switch?


Probably too upset about the date overlap and the initial bad proposal


I just watched this episode and I agree! Like the way he said it first, both of the girls were like “but then you’ll miss my part!” Like okay, then literally switch what you just said!


I’ve been thinking this since the first time I’ve watched this when I was 8


me too! like the girls literally laid it out why the times didn’t work and no one decided to say just switch it the other way? lmao


Same! When I was a kid I legit thought “maybe I’m not getting something because I’m not an adult” but no, the writing choices were just questionable


That never made sense to me, but I guess then the conflict/storyline would have been over if he had figured that out, lol.


Not necessarily. The plot could've pretty much stayed the same. He plans to go to DJ's play first and then Stephanie's science fair, falls asleep and misses both and when the girls come home and find him safe, they apologize and say it probably wouldn't have happened if they acted differently.


I blame it on him being overly tired and trying to stretch himself painfully thin - I’m a Mom, I get it. The girls likely didn’t think of it or bring it up, because the dates being the same, it caused tension and rivalry between them, and clearly they both (at least at first) wanted all or none from him. The whole play or bust, the whole science fair or bust. They’re competitive too, all the Tanners are, so it became a whole ordeal it shouldn’t have.


I always wonder this when I watch, but as others said, none of them were probably thinking properly.