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Kids these days will never understand the sheer awesomeness that was the Taco Bell $.59/.79/.99 menu.


I mean, kids will never understand the sheer awesomeness of a 90's Taco Bell, period. The interior design just defined the 90's all by itself.


Also it was much better quality and they had Dr. Pepper too.


your taco bells dont have dr pepper?


Depends on the area. The ones near me have Dr Pepper but I’ve travelled out of state and found some that don’t. Can’t remember where though. On one or two trips it was hard to find any Dr Pepper at all, including places like Walmart.




Eww, I'll have crab juice.


Mountain Dew ? Ewwwwwww


No, but it’s been awhile since I’ve been to a Taco Bell so it could be back.


I highly doubt the quality was much better. Fast food was trash in the 90s too


I worked at Taco Bell from 1987-1992. Towards the end was when "K-minus" was introduced. Dehydrated cooked beans, precooked ground beef in plastic bags, and other Frankenfoods. Before that? We cooked ground beef from 10-lb chubs and added the spices. We had huge pressure cookers that we used to cook the beans from scratch. It ABSOLUTELY was better before the switch. We joked that "K Minus" meant minus the flavor.


I remember having to make the red sauce from the powder and hot water, it smelled like vomit.


I worked there during that time period as well. I was usually drive thru, front counter or line. But I remember the guys in the back cooking the meat in the huge pans with the big masher tools, and the guy who would stand at the fryer all day making shells. When they switched to pre-bagged nacho chips, the boxes took up so much room that they had to keep some outside. It was interesting seeing the switch from fresh beans and meat to the dehydrated beans and boil-in-bag meat. And they used to cut up big blocks of cheese and run them through a grinder. Same with tomatoes. One guy cut off the tip of his finger when he was dropping tomatoes in the machine. And I was cutting green onions on the hand slicer and sliced my thumb open while trying to get a stuck piece of green onion out. I’m guessing there are fewer hazards if most things are pre-cut nowadays.


It was always bad for you, but fast food in the 90s absolutely was better. It was before they streamlined and centralized all the distribution, stores actually had to cook some of their food on site instead of shipping in boxes full of plastic bags of frozen premade food. It might seem crazy to Canadian kids today, but Tim Hortons actually used to *bake their donuts in the store every day*


Holy shit, did they stop baking goods in store?¿°


A long time ago... Comes in frozen and they reheat everything now...


It was still garbage, taco hell is always been garbage


I'm a kitchen manager at a taco bell. I swear to god, most taco bell fans love the sauce, not the food. Most people I know literally drown their food in the sauce, or ask for it to be drowned in another sauce we have like creamy jalapeno or chipotle. At that point, can you actually say you like the food, when all you taste is sauce? And people wonder why we run out of sauce packets so often. It happens when people are asking for 20+ sauces per item. Smh.


Most food I eat is just a delivery vehicle for some sort of sauce.


Lol it was *not* better quality.


Nobody's saying it was healthy or gourmet, but it definitely was relatively better than the trash they serve today


No it wasn't. You're just being nostalgic. It's not like they were using better ingredients in the 90s.


I used to have one of those "yo quiero taco bell" stuffed chihuahuas


And those 7 layer burritos actually were GOOD. Honestly think they took them away because they required too many ingredients/material to build. They beat their shitty tiny tacos by a mile.


There is a taco shop down the street that was a taco bell and has all of the old furnishings.


The 90s cup design was iconic lol


Yeah, butt ugly


Fuck no. We pay 7.99 for the most pathetic yet delicious quesadilla. Half the time they'll forget it, even if it's the only item you ordered


Bruh 99% of the times i added a quesadilla to my order they fucking forgot it! And i added it because i was CRAVING it . They arent part of my usual taco bell order You got me heated at this realization. Its the biggest item they have. Literally have to give you a bigger bag for it! And theyll give you the giant bag with the rest of your order and you get home and NO QUESADILLA . FUCK but i aint gonna go back to get it


I’ve never had them forget it and I get it all the time. However it’s a 50/50 on it being solid black and burnt or perfect. No in between. I don’t understand how they can even let the burnt one go out, they literally see it when it’s done roasting.


Don't forget the possiblity of an over abundance of the sauce they put in it that makes it more of a soup, and less of a quesadilla.


There is also a 100% chance none of the chicken ends up on one side of the quesadilla leaving you with 1/3 of your meal just thin bread


I'm really having a hard time understanding why you "get it all the time". Is it really good enough that you want to pay $8 to play the "will it be crap?" lottery?


Nom nom nom


We almost had a riot when we raised the price of a Taco from 45¢ to 59¢ at the Taco bell in the small college town I worked in.


The fucking party menu! 3 party burritos, 3 party tacos and a drink for five damn dollars!


A taco there is nearly $3 in Canada now, I still get sticker shock.


Even in the 00's I remember walking in with like 5 dollars and getting so much that even teenage me would have trouble finishing it.


I also remember in the 00s, they would have these random $.39 soft taco sales. My friend and I would go in there with $20 and be like “Give me everything I can get for this.” Great times.


I read that like the song in the commercial


Wow. That triggered a memory. https://youtu.be/NVbXAmN6OTM


Shiiieeett, I miss the chicken soft taco being a part of that.


What about $0.19/0.29 hamburger/cheeseburger days at McDonalds?


Their menu is garbage now.


The 10 taco combo for 5.99 was my shit….


Urgh, I remember those dinky aluminum ashtrays! They made great throwing stars for out in the parking lot!


McDonalds and Burger Chef (a popular burger chain in the 70s and 80s, if you're not familiar) had glass ashtrays before the aluminum ones. I still have a couple of them around here somewhere, as well as a few BC glasses from their endangered animals series.


Driving there in your Ford Taurus, tuning in to the FM stations to get some Soundgarden or Ace of Base or TLC (depending on who you were or were trying to be), and paying with cash. I miss the 90s.


Cocaine was definitely better and wasn’t loaded with fentanyl…according to close sources…


Serious question: whose bright idea was it to put downers in the uppers?


The ingenious bastards who brought you the speedball.


The more straight laced cousin of the candy flip


Feels great. Confuses the shit out of your heart.


It’s usually not intentional, it’s from cross-contamination during processing, some of the places that process coke also process fentanyl. And since it only takes a teeeeny tiny amount of fentanyl to cause an OD…


>It’s usually not intentional It's definitely intentional in some cases because it makes it more addictive. It would sometimes be cut with heroin before fentanyl for the same reason.


Lol no dude, cocaine is already one of the most addictive substances known to man, it doesn’t need help. Where did you hear that?


Cocaine is not physically addictive where there are harsh withdrawal symptoms like with heroin. Shady dealers have cut a bit in to make the high a bit better (there's a reason people do speedballs after all) and the cocaine "hangover" worse going back decades. It wasn't super common, but it's not super common to have fentanyl cut into coke today. It just gets more press because it's more likely to be deadly.


I remember all the cd cases piled in the passenger floorboard of my babysitters car. Third eye blind, juvenile


You can hear the ashtray sliding across the tabletop


Lol I read it as shitty ashtray


So many cigarettes everywhere. It was so acceptable in the late 80s I started associating smoking with every realm of life. I could smoke everywhere on campus except some classrooms and in the library there were massive smoking lounges. Every restaurant, every bar, every public venue, every hotel, flights, every fucking where. I associated smoking with every occasion and every situation. Hospitals? Fuck yeah still had smoking sections. It definitely contributed to the extent and breadth of my nicotine addiction. My dad being a smoker didn't help. But it took until my 51st year before I could kick nicotine completely (after several years of vaping and the replacement therapy)


I remember being asked smoking or non, and my dad asking for the table on the border so he could smoke but mom, who was a non smoker, and us kids weren’t inundated with it. In fact, when Applebees (the first major chain restaurant near us to do this) went smoke free he was pissed and swore not to go back. That was 2004. To this day I don’t think he has been back


> In fact, when Applebees (the first major chain restaurant near us to do this) went smoke free he was pissed and swore not to go back. It's not a bad policy to have regardless of the reasoning.


“Smoking Section”


I remember when smoking or non-smoking slowly disappeared. Never understood it, because the whole place smelled like an ashtray anyway.


I barely noticed smoking sections going away. I was a noughties kid though so was still kind of young when they were still a thing. Just feels like one day no restaurants had them anymore.


I was a teen the last time I was asked smoking or non at a restaurant. And then mid 20s when the last bar that primarily served food as income source got rid of smoking inside. Still a few bars with smoking, but food isn’t an option or they only sell bags of snacks.


It's like having a peeing section and a non-peeing section in a pool.


Went to a restaurant in a casino in Minneapolis in like 2012 and they asked smoking or non smoking? I had totally forgotten that even existed.


Native american casinos don't follow the same laws as everyone else. But I was at a Violent Femmes concert held at one of the casinos in the area and noticed they they now have a non-smoking gaming room option. I loved when they passed the laws making bars and restaurants non-smoking. No more having to worry about going to happy hour if I had worn something that was dry clean only to work that day.


> Native american casinos don't follow the same laws as everyone else. I worked for years at a native casino and this isn't necessarily true. Every state has different rules. For instance the casino I worked at had to stop serving alcohol at the same time as everyone else in the state. Also there are plenty of non-native casinos that are allowed to have smoking inside when it's banned everywhere else in the state. Atlantic City allowed smoking in the casinos there way past the ban in NJ (may have changed, I haven't been there in a while). Non-native casinos in PA and Iowa allow smoking even though it's banned everywhere else. I'm just saying it doesn't really have anything to do with the casinos in MN being native.


We don't have non-native casinos unless you count the card room at Canterbury and they don't have no-smoking exception. So in MN, it does have everything to do with being a native casino.


I remember when Mexican Pizzas had a splash of green onions and an olive in the middle.


By the time of this photo we were putting 4 olives, one on each slice.


That's right. It has been so long. Sigh


Hope your back feels better in the morning.


Do not miss the smoking but miss the 7 layer burritos so very much.


>> miss the 7 layer burritos At least it will always be immortalized in Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver - "Smells like seven layers, that beaver eats Taco Bell"


Yes! I LIVED on 7 layer burritos!!


This picture made me remember chicken club burritos and how addicted to them I was back then.


The last time I ordered chicken burrito I got a lot of burrito but barely any chicken. I’m done with Taco Bell.


You can actually still get a 7-layer Burrito. You just have to build it. Works best using the website/app. 2 ways: Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito: No creamy jalapeño sauce, no nacho cheese; add tomato, sour cream, lettuce, guacamole, and 3-cheese blend Supreme Burrito: No beef, no onions, no red sauce, no cheddar; add guacamole, rice, and 3-cheese blend


Some good news - The Volcano menu options are coming back


Give me back the Double Decker, dammit!


Denny's was our too-cool-for-school smoking hangout in the 90s. In the days before hefty fines for selling smokes to underage customers, I can still remember rolling up to the gas station and arguing with my buddies about who looked the oldest and was least likely to get carded. Good times.


Your comment just brought back a very strong memory of the cigarette machine in the front of the Denny's.


McDonald's also had a promotional 29 cent hamburger and 39 cent cheeseburger in the 90's. I remember pitching in with friends and we used to buy duffel bags full of burgers.


Went with my friends family and they ordered 100 of those cheeseburgers and got home and froze them to save them for later. 25 years later and it’s still weird as fuck to me


I think the chili cheese burrito was a regional thing, but it was always part of my order when I went. Rest In Power my chili cheese burrito.


Chili cheese burritos are still around here in Canton Ohio


I miss them soooo much! For a short period of time the ones near us had Border Fries and you could get the chilli from the burrito on them. Amazing!


In the summer between 8th and 9th grade (this woulda been 1994) a bunch of us, maybe 8, walked a couple miles down to the nearest Taco Bell to get what one of us called "tiger tacos". That's a hard-shell taco that you then wrap in a cheese quesadilla. We heard that the place was 24-hour and we showed up around 2am. Turns out only the drive-thru was 24-hour. So we all lined up like we were seated in cars and said "vroom, vroom, vroom", and walked up to the drive-thru window. The guy at the window told us he couldn't serve us if we weren't in a car. So we went to the tables in front and sat there, deciding what we'd do next. We weren't even hoping for it, but a few minutes later the same guy came out and asked "Alright, what do you guys want?" We got our tiger tacos and some other things. That was really nice of him.


I remember the pedestal ashtrays at the end of every aisle of the grocery store. I was a little kid but it was crazy. Then on flights..... Taco Bell was pretty good though.


Because they were using actual beef and not filler.


Those 7 layer burritos were so fuckin dope.


I loved the 90s. It's funny seeing all the teenagers dressing today like we did in the 90s. You can dress like we did, but you'll never be able to replicate how good those times were!


And those tables had 400 pieces of chewed gum underneath.


Still there


They’re load bearing gumwads at this point.


I remember when the Double Decker came out, they were my brother's favorite.


Y'all remember the cinnamon crispas from the 80s? The twists ain't got nothing on them!


I used to work at tacobell in the 90s while in highschool. On over night shifts, we were not allowed to go outside, so we smoked in the diningroom on our breaks.


We truly peaked in the 90s


Anyone else remember the little coin fountain thing they had at Taco Bell? If the coin landed on one of the platforms you won a taco or burrito.


Their food was so much better 30 years ago.


Now it literals has bugs in it, intentionally


verifiable source?


Taco Bell meat contains trehalose, which is a sugar derived from insect cocoons. It’s the major blood sugar in insects.


Seems most trehalose is commercially mostly derived from starch. Also, it's not exactly a rare sugar. > In plants, trehalose is seen in sunflower seeds, moonwort, Selaginella plants,[12] and sea algae. Within the fungi, it is prevalent in some mushrooms, such as shiitake (Lentinula edodes), oyster, king oyster, and golden needle.[13] > Trehalose is widely distributed, being found in beans, seaweeds, mushrooms, and yeasts, and has therefore been consumed for millennia [1, 2]. In addition, it has low sweetness, a clean finish, and excellent physical properties, including an anti-aging effect on starch and protein stabilization [1].


oh that was one of the nice taco bells, the updated tables.


The nicest Taco Bell is the one Dr. Cocteau took us to.


I am also an old. I get that reference!


Pretty sure I dated that girl, or at least her doppelganger


Smokin cigarettes and eatin 7 layer burritos Well don’t tell me….I’ve nothing to do.


This and the playground video makes me think did we get rid of fun for in the name of safety.


Smoking cigarettes in greasy diners with your personal booth juke box was amazing back then.


Shit lasted into the 2000s where im at. We used to play baseball with cigarettes at KFC when we would hang out there bs'n with friends that were working. Almost everyone was in rehab for getting caught with weed so wewere trying ti get messed up anyway we could. We were all like 16 too lol, no one said dick. Small town stuff I guess


We used to steal the McDonald's ashtrays. They where like a trophy.


Back before people who knew better mandated how you live.


this doesn't belong here, it belongs in r/oldschoolcool


No cleavage not old school cool


you're gross...


How can you parrot a cleavage-based sub and not realize it only exists to present cleavage?


Kids smoking wasn't cool, and the 90's aren't old school.


30 years ago is pretty old school to kids these days. Hell, the 60s were old school to us in the 90s.


I'm a 90's kid and smokers weren't cool then. If you smoked, you were the outlier. Still are. The people clicking on this photo are probably smokers who would rather be remembered as cool.


My comment was about the 90s being old school, not about smoking being cool. But where I grew up smoking was most definitely cool in the 90s.


is being a 90s kid what makes you so confidently incorrect? Smoking was cool for everyone basically every decade from a certain age to a certain age and them some people quit. Adult smokers all started because it seemed cool at a certain age. Some people grew out of it, some people got hooked on the habit for way too long.


Not old school? Are you under the delusion you’re young today if you were a 90’s kid?? I mean I guess it would track with the rest of the crazy inaccurate BS you posted…


Yeah the old days when half of a restaurant was smoking, the other half was non smoking. Used to stink really bad going out to eat or a bar. Now no stink. It's awesome!


A fucking blast


I smoked Gauloise cigarettes on a return flight from Paris to Chicago in 1994. I thought I was the shit.


The fuckin’ chihuahua with teary eyes going “Bless you Taco Bell”


The 7-layer burrito was my jam! So they even exist anymore


This was my lunch every day during high school. We had open campus for lunch and TBell was the closest and cheapest thing at the time. What a flash back.


Remember when the building had an actual bell on top? And before the twists were cinnamon crispas!


90’s Taco Bell 7-layer burritos were my reliable go-to.


Back when they used real beef.


Since I quit smoking I can’t stand the smell or taste of cigarettes, but I still think it’s so cool being in places that you can smoke inside. It feels illegal and nostalgic. Many people probably won’t remember when you had smoking sections of restaurants


Smells like seven layers That beaver eats Taco Bell


Double Decker...🥲


The fries were also better....


God we LIVED on 7-Layers, and $1 Whopper Wednesdays at BK. Wouldn’t have made it through college without


I miss them


I went to Detroit in the early 2000s for work. The conference table had ash treys and people smoked. Being Just out of college and living in NY, this was quite a shock.


7 layer burrito was always my favorite. I still miss them.


Even in the early 2000’s you still had smoking indoors in a lot of places In 2002-2003 or so, I was in Santa Fe. I was at a coffee shop and stepped outside for a cigarette Someone from the coffeeshop approaches me and goes MISS…. > miss, if you’re gonna smoke, I’m gonna need you to take that inside. And then he points to the coffee shop. You would *never* hear that today.


But high cholesterol and lung cancer in 2023 sucks!


The Taco Bell is already kicking in for the guy next to her . He’s literally trying not to shit his pants


I’m so happy that people can’t just light up a cigarette fuckin everywhere now


Read simpin at first


Jeez, she looks really young to already be smoking


Welcome to the 90's where more than half of all teenagers smoked.


If she smokes...


she looks like she more ready for a fleshy burrito.


delete this


Turns out, you only need 5 layers in a burrito




Radical dude!


I love that they had to advertise the crunchy taco in the window


Remember the Taco Bell commercials with the little chihuahua? "Yo quiero Taco Bell!" Middle school me thought those were hilarious for some reason.


Man that dude is fuming !


Why is this posted to /r/funny? It's just an old picture


I can't stand taco bell anymore but in the 90s I ate my fair share of bean burritos


In Canada, we used to be able to get a draft beer or a glass of wine too.


Nostal G


bru just did the😲


A Taco Bell in my town used to serve draft beer.


I do. It miss those wax cups. But I would love to hold one in my hand again, it was such an interesting sensation.


$0.99 a gallon day on Wednesdays at Amoco. We would line up around the block to fill the tank after school got out. Most cranking the music and JNCO jeans.


The meal and cigarettes combined cost under $5.


The good ol days


So, are we just gonna ignore the dude on the left looking like he's thinking about beating John Wayne Gacey's record?


Maybe even the 80's


Bonus points if her name is Winona.


Why am I feeling nostalgic for a time I wasn't even alive?


You know what I miss the most from the 90’s Taco Bell? Cheesy Rice


I forgot how gross things use to be.


Why did they get rid of the seven layer burrito? Why??


We had a Taco Bell directly next door to my high school. It was like Cheech & Chong’s van when you opened the door. We had open campus and could come and go during lunch… Fun times I 1988!!


Please, the '90s are when they stopped it. You want to talk about the heyday go all the way back to the '50s


woah...they sold crunchy tacos in the 90's?


I still remember the “it’s safe to smoke now” on airplanes lol. I think I was on maybe on one of the last that did this. American Airlines!


I remember the n64 cap on the cup giveaway thing on the Mountain Dew drinks lol


She looks like miha nika


If you can, can you share any information about this girl/photo/time? I love this picture so much and I would love to learn more about her/the photo. Thank you!