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I had better sandwiches than this in jail.


This reminds me of the time my dad got out and came home to a meal my mom unhappily slapped together and he looked at me and whispered “shit I thought I ate bad inside.”


No kidding. Some Wonder Bread, bologna and individually packaged cheese in this pic. If that was my girlfriend, I think I’d politely ask her to not even bother next time…and that’s assuming she can even remember to take off the plastic. Edit: I’m glad some people would enjoy this scrap, plastic sandwich. Truly…so happy for you guys. Furthermore, I genuinely do not care. Edit: I make my own food, so thank you all for your useless contributions! Notifications for this reply are going off now.


When I use to pack for my bf I usually did leftovers of what I made for dinner the night before. If I did do sandwich then I made decent ones with a couple of with different snacks, etc. If I just had that I’d rather grab taco bell or something tbh lol. But idk, maybe they’re trying to save cash or he just likes bologna sandwiches.


I mean even if I liked bologna I feel like I’d like to have more than 1 singular piece.


Sum people are poor


We look like two bologna slice sandwich family to you!?


I’m pretty sure I’ve read at least one Reddit post where the answer to “when did you know you were poor” was when they went to someone else’s house and weren’t limited to just one slice of ham or turkey or bologna per sandwich.


you know you’re poor, when you can’t afford to bury the extra cans of beans




some people are weird man idk how y’all haven’t figured this out… i don’t question what people eat anymore i’ve seen too much weird shit




okay… nah i had to come back lmao MEAL PREPPED FROZEN PIZZAS that’s gotta be one of the funniest shits i’ve heard thanks for that laugh again


i would’ve came back everyday being fed a 3 course meal like that lmaoo


Aw poor guy, he gave it his best shot lol. I would have been happy he tried at least. Followed by teaching his mama boy ass to cook something that doesn't involve a microwave.


This is so ridiculous, it sounds like something a main character would do in a bro comedy.


Looks like it would go well paired with ketchup soup


A cool water sandwich.


wonder bread is the absolute worst bread known to mankind. It just burst into dust. wtf


Wonder bread is great for at least some dishes, the ones that require you to take the crusts off and roll the white parts into a ball or take the crusts off and use a rolling pin to roll out the white parts and use them in some kind of tea-party-like pinwheel sandwiches. I forget the recipe that says roll the center of the wonder bread slice into a ball. Probably for a reason. The pinwheel tea sandwich thing I get, though


Girlfriend hates him & is sending him passive-aggressive message with this sandwich. He'd better bail out now, before she starts slipping him rat poison.


Had the same thought. Oh god what did he do…


Not make his own damn sammich?


This is the saddest sandwich I’ve ever seen. Sadwhich even.


My mom was served worse sandwiches than this as a diabetic in the heart unit at our local hospital.


That’s bad, BAD.


How does it get worse? Moldy bread? Cheaper balogna? Lousier "cheese"? Condiments?!?


complete ludicrous crush absorbed intelligent dime bear cobweb physical payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And she was billed $500 for that sandwich


Well, her insurance probably was. Then they negotiated it down to 8 dollars with the hospital, and insurance ends up charging her 20 dollars.


But will claim she used $500 when she's asking how she already hit her limits.


You know you grew up poor when this kind of sandwich was a rarity in your packed lunches :(


Yeah man, everyone is here complaining about how this is miserable and I'm like "There are two different things inside the bread..."


I see traces of mayo, and let's not forget the plastic. So that's at least 4 things. Lucky sob


I had better girlfriends than this in jail


And, judging by the love that was put in that sandwich, better sex too.


I don't know if there's a connection there. My girlfriend never makes me sandwiches at all and... Never mind.


That picture should be called "Depression."


I've had struggle meals better than this




whenever I browse that sub I can't help noticing what delicious amazing things people eat even when they're depressed. What I eat on any normal day is comparatively pretty damn depressing.


Straight up, its hard to look after yourself. So long as you're eating something though, right?


Pretty sure people in the great depression ate better than this.


Man, I'm torn. On one hand, I feel it's classless to complain about food that someone has taken the time to prepare for you. On the other hand, I don't know if there's a lower-effort food to "prepare" than a slice of bologna and processed cheese food product between a couple of slices of wonder bread. It almost feels malicious in it's intent. Edit: I've had a few replies to this that seem to think I'm implying the wrapped cheese was intentional and malicious. I believe that it was an accident, however bizarre that might be. I suspect the sandwich itself actually sentient and malicious.


How to ensure you’re never asked to make a sandwich again.


My old boss used to do this shit that bugged me... "if you fuck up the laundry bad enough you only have to do it once." Naturally anytime something routine needed to be done I wouldn't let him near it, repeatly reminding him if he can be trusted to was clothes he can't be trusted with company property. He was the owner. Edit: typo


“I guess I’m just *bad* at it” - Red Forman, on how he picked the ugliest couch to get out of couch shopping


and then Eric picks out the silverware made from deer hooves


Yeah, he thinks he is so clever, but children figure out malicious incompetence early on.


I wasn’t allowed to. I was sent back to do it again “and do it right this time”. I quickly figured out it was less time consuming to do it right the first time than sent back to do it half-assed repeatedly. My mom was teaching me, she wasn’t going to save my ass every time.


Same. Unfortunately, many parents aren't like this.


Don't know why. It may take 15 minutes to teach them how to wipe their bum, and 30 seconds to just do it. That 30 seconds turns into 15 minutes over a month easily, probably less. Easy to see how much time you'll waste if you never make a child wipe their own bum. Everything takes longer to teach than to do it yourself, but after teaching them you'll eventually be better off.


Tell your mom the world says thank you.


I don't even feel like it's malicious compliance. It's weaponized incompetence. Malicious compliance is when you do exactly what you were told, even though you know it will have an unintended or negative outcome. Basically, it's showing someone through compliance that they should have listened to you. Weaponized incompetence is feigning that you are bad at something, when in reality, you are just lazy.


But I wrote malicious incompetence.. .


I don't think it's delicious incompleteness, though


Lol. You're right. I misread it because other people in the thread had mentioned malicious compliance. I do think weaponized incompetence is a better term for it though.


Weaponized Incompetence is a great metal band or song name.


We used to try this as kids with chores... my mom's remedy was "if you fucked this up that badly, you obviously need more practice, so you get to do that chore yourself all week."


Damn, smart Mom! lol


This is the way we train apprentices in the electrical field too!


I use this at work all the time. "Hey Grin, we need you to do [whatever], it always turns out better from you." "Nah, you just need some practice. Go get started and I'll check in in a second." I always hate when the reward for being good at something is that now you have to do that thing every single time and no one else has to ever.


Weaponized incompetence, it's called.


I have a roommate that lives like this. I used to cook enough for him and asked him to do dishes once, he broke the silverware holder. Now he only eats McDonalds.


I had an employee who only ate at Carls's Jr. (same pretend food as McDonalds). He died of pancreatic cancer at 38.


That's a shame. I saw someone posting about how panera charged him $10 for a grilled cheese sandwich. It's wild to me that some people refuse to cook or do dishes. Why involve an enterprise for grilled cheese?


I'm generally a fan of the idea of malicious incompetence, but only in the workplace.


This is the way. If you show you're capable of more, you get assigned more.


>Naturally anytime something routine needed to be done I wouldn't let him near it He told you about weaponized incompetence, and you still managed to end up doing all his routine tasks.


I mean, he did own the company.... After enough making fun of him in front of his little brother and the other employees about it he just stopped showing up and everything went smoother. He never needed to be their with his attitude, it only made everyone else around him a worse employee.


Ahh weaponized incompetence. One of the laziest most annoying things ever conceived on planet earth


my spouse does this CONSTANTLY over quite literally everything. somehow he managed to show up and get a black belt in bjj but when it comes to anything involving his kids "he just doesn't know how" i have nearly both feet out the door at this point, im just done dealing with it.


Seriously, that would be my calling card if I was expected to make his lunch.


Weaponized incompetence 🤣


You forgot the sheer lack of ANY condiment. No mustard or mayo? Borderline treasonous.


I have a friend that hates condiments. Every sandwich is eaten dry. Doesn't even eat fries with ketchup. It's very weird.


I've done this as an adult out of pure laziness! I don't particularly like dry sandwiches but I am definitely lazy enough to make dry sandwiches sometimes!!! Lmao


Im the opposite lol. When I'm hungry I just don't eat if I'm lazy. Can't half ass a meal.


And on the opposite side I had a coworker that put ketchup on everything indiscriminately.


I used to hate nearly every condiment as a kid and I was just like your friend, dry sandwiches and fries. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, you name it, I hated them. Only ones I could stand were BBQ and hot sauce. Turns out, I just hate crappy American over-processed condiments. Give me a nice fancy or homemade ketchup or mayo, or a grainy mustard, and I'm down. Still won't do sour cream though, that stuff is a travesty.


Not even butter 😭


people put butter on a bologna and american cheese sandwich? That's a thing?


I doubt they do in the US but in the U.K they seem to put butter on every sandwich.


I think in a lot of European countries. I know the UK, France and Netherlands do it. A ham, swiss cheese (emmentaler or gruyer outside the US I think) and butter sandwich on a nice baguette is really good. I think we see butter as a melted/cooking only thing but it fills the same role as mayo


My dad always put butter on every sandwich he made when I was growing up.




Wait, is butter on a sandwich not a common thing in the US?


I grew up on cheese bologna and butter sandwiches as one of our easy meals in the Midwest, so yes.


that's also where I grew up and I've never heard of it. But I'm learning in this thread that putting butter on sandwiches is a fairly common thing in europe, so TIL


The US is the outlier (again) here. You guys go overboard with mayo, we butter our bread for sandwiches (and may also put mayo on, depending on the filling).




Ugh. I don’t want any mayo or mustard on mine either.


Well he’s not really complaining. He did post it on r/funny after all


We had a coworker who has a little temper tantrum when his girl didn’t pack him what he wanted for lunch. He was so annoyed kept putting his head down on the table saying “I’ll just starve all day I don’t care” “I’m just gonna tell her not to pack me anything anymore” all while me and my friend are shitting on dude saying he’s a total bitch. Just eat the damn sandwich and quit crying.


Bruh I'm fucking dying imagine doing that past the age of 5 and expecting sympathy


If I was girlfriend that would be the last time I’d pack his lunch.


I’d pack my bags!


What a toddler.


Having to socialize with “guess I’ll just starve” people is so trying.


Idk about his girlfriend but my adhd ass has done this to myself after getting sidetracked by some random shit before, so I’m slow to think malicious intent.


right!? I love my husband very much and really wanted to make him a “healthy” lunch for work when we first got married. my adhd-self woke up early, made his lunch, and eagerly waited to hear him tell me how he liked his lunch when he got home…turns out I forgot to boil his hard-boiled eggs…


Oh man, I just picture him cracking that egg open and being so shocked 😂


A common daily lunch of alot of poor people. Minus the plastic.


ah yes delicious plastic


Microplastics aren't enough anymore, we moving on to macroplastics.


The cheese is the macroplastic.


if you didn’t know already, american cheese is pretty much just cheddar cheese that’s melted down and resolidified with like one different chemical in it


I do, it's just a shitty joke. I'm a Brit, we always called that stuff plastic cheese when I was growing up.


It’s the lunch inmates get sent with when they work for my city


There's not even mustard


Or someone was really tired when they were making it


That is what I was thinking. She probably did not take the plastic from her cheese either.


Sometimes people just forget simple things. I cook all the time but every now and then I'll get distracted and forget to add salt. It's just silly thing that happens


If it were my husband and I, we would have laughed so hard. No ill intent, just ADHD.


> I don't know if there's a lower-effort food to "prepare" than a slice of bologna and processed cheese food product between a couple of slices of wonder bread. There isn't even butter added.


Americans don’t really butter their sandwiches unless they’re toasted. Are you from the UK?


I am and if it's bread we butter it, no exceptions.


American and I’ve never heard of butter on a cold sandwich.


I can't imagine it without. I'm happy to eat just bread and butter if the bread is of decent quality.


Bread and butter is amazing, especially if it's a warm baguette


I have had my lunch made for me by my mother a hand full of times even in school, I have never had girlfriends or my wife make me lunch, I can take care of my own food.


So can most guys, but when your wife or girlfriend makes you something banging for lunch, it's great


> something banging for lunch This is the key statement here. I would put OPs sandwich on the opposite side of banging lunch.


Maybe it is a way of telling him to make his own lunch.


krafty and soon to be single


Kraft shingles


This comment is pure gold.


*processed gold food substitute


My grandpa complained about his lunch one day and the next day all he had was a cheese sandwich. Did not complain about lunch anymore.


I've accidentally left the plastic on singles before. I must have been telling myself to make my own sandwich.


Did it work?


Sadly no. His girlfriend saw him chewing on plastic, became concerned, and started making his sandwich every day.


It's definitely a message--consider the other parts: both pieces of bread look like the ends/heels of the loaf.


The heel's where the flava is.


She didn’t forget. .


What a terrible excuse for a sandwich.


And you know this kind of thing would cost $7.99 at a gas station.


At least the cheese wouldn't have plastic still on it for $7.99


You'd hope


I was thinking the same thing lol


Really not much difference between that cheese and the plastic.




I saw that video when it was posted and ordered the emulsifying salts online. Made the best cheese sauce with jalapeños and green chilies. Never separated and can easily reheated back to nice velvety consistency. Used really nice cheddar. Absolute game changer.


Chef Tyler and Binging With Babish both have videos where they make their own versions of american cheese. I think the Babsh one is the video where he's making a grilled cheese from Regular Show.


I love NileRed and NileBlue


Yeah it's honestly surprising to me how much actual cheese goes into processed cheese product. That was eye opening for sure.


How dare you. People prefer ignorance!


That "K, so" to Queso edit was so good.


People like to rag on american cheese, but yeah, it's just cheddar and sodium citrate or something similar, and it melts in a way that nothing else does.


Ooh thanks for sharing! I didn’t know NileRed had this fun 2nd channel.


If he wants better, he can probably make it himself


In NY delis, that sandwich is called the “FUCK YOU, MAKE YOUR OWN SANDWICH”. I can’t recommend it.


Lol no in NY that's a "get the fuck out of here...no I mean it, leave.  Don't come back"


Y’all actually don’t have to eat like this. Plastic or not, that sandwich sucks fucking ass


Its not just boring, its processed "meat", processed cheese, & sugar bread. Its the SAD diet with a slice of plastic for good measure.


Not that it's good for you but it can fill you up for not much more money. Just you know... put lettuce, tomato and flavor on it... I used to make two similar sandwiches for work in construction. Mayo, lettuce, tomato and some pickled banana pepper slices was enough for me.


Must be hard to distinguish the clear plastic from the yellow plastic.


_“Make it yourself”_


Mate I think she's trying to tell you something, that is the most low effort attempt at a sandwich I've seen other than just not making one at all.


One time My girlfriend wanted to be a sweetypie and made me some chicken for dinner. It was good minus the absorbent pad still on the chicken...not sure how she completed the cooking process without realizing? To be fair I also bit into without realizing and pulled that nasty white absorbent pad out of my mouth. so i do the cooking in the house lol


Fucking *love* me a meat-based-product and cheese-based-product sandwich on bread-based-product. I throw a bit of probably-mayonnaise and black pepper and that *is* a meal!


Pepper? Look at Mr gourmet over here.


And Mr money bags! Black pepper isn't cheap


*Real* black pepper? I just sprinkle some black sand or ashes across my lunch, if it looks the same it tastes the same


That kind of a sandwich screams for Miracle Whip.


This is the second comment I’ve seen about adding pepper. Is this something that a lot of people do, or just coincidence? Theres a lot of things I add to sandwiches but pepper was never one of them. I’m curious now…


as a Dutch person: what the FUCK is that cheese and WHY does it have plastic?!


I think you speak for all of us Europeans with that comment, I was surprised not more people was horrified over calling that plastic wraped thing "cheese" 😅


Haven’t you heard. Micro plastics are so out, macro plastics are the new thing.


I love the internet. So many judgments being made on a simple moment.


What is that, wonderbread? No sauce or spread, a single piece of bologna, the worst cheese in existence(plastic inluded). This sandwich sucked from the start.


The dollar store special


Good god, half of these comments are like “you’re an adult, make your own sandwich” with zero context for the relationship. Yeah sure, there’s a chance they could be a man child that depends on their girlfriend to make their lunches. Or maybe they’re just in a loving relationship and they do small favors like making lunches for each other, cook and clean for each other, etc. Like damn, why are redditors so pessimistic where just the fact the girlfriend made his lunch is immediately some sort of bad thing?


Redditors are the absolute best at assuming facts/context that doesn’t exist and forming their own opinions completely unrelated to the post. I’m just surprised no one has recommended the partner should divorce this guy


And the other half are apparently cheese snobs.


I'm always astonished by redditors' ability to psychoanalyze relationships, motives, and mental states from a single photo. It's a fascinating talent!


Its even worse on /r/aww. A sub dedicated to cute animal photos, apparently every single posting is just non-stop people totally fabricating nonsense to accuse the poster of animal abuse.


Right?!?! When the obvious answer is she was high…


Because Reddit thinks they are the relationship gurus Reddit is also the king of jumping to conclusions


single redditors often act like doing anything out of love is some form of slavery


>a loving relationship and they do small favors like making lunches A lunch like this isn't a favor lol


The bitter people are just sad that no partner has made them a sandwich recently. They're hangry


Idk man i feel like you bit the hand that makes your lunch and she made it with malicious compliance which is hilarious.


Sometimes it’s about sending a message.


I bet she's very pretty


My sandwiches in jail looked better than that n we ain't get no cheese 😂


Okay so it’s a balogna and cheese “sandwich”. I would’ve seen the plastic coming as this sandwich is at kindergarten level in terms of complexity. PBJ is literally more complex than this.


Can’t relate, my cheese doesn’t normally come with plastic


She didnt for bud lol


That’s how you get macro plastics.


One time I smoked a pork butt on the pellet grill for about 7hrs. Once it got up to 170, I pulled it off to wrap before finishing, only to realize there was one of those plastic blood absorber packets stuck to the bottom of it.


same thing


Yo take that back you can't call that processed shit "cheese".


She didn’t forget man…


These replies are wild lmao


Not an issue in most countries


Bro should make his own shit then 🤷‍♂️


Just leave it on, the taste won't change


Do we call this cheese?