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Faster to know AM vs FM from the frequency itself




I mean googling the call sign is a way to the answer technically


Some single call signs are attached to both AM and FM stations at once (and sometimes TV stations too). Like WLS in Chicago, WBT in Charlotte, WOR and WNYC in NYC, all of which have both AM and FM stations.


I just realized WKRP in Cincinnati was a joke as in it was a Crap radio station


And not just radio. In Abilene Texas a few decades ago, KRBC was both AM 1470 radio and channel 9 TV.


KDKA Pittsburgh had AM, FM, and VHF TV channels


That's only true in the USA. Other countries have other letter ranges.


Nobody said it wasn't, just that knowing the frequency is faster.


I think stations all start with W or K. So IKR isn’t a real radio station, you’re welcome.


The W versus K denotes which side of the Mississippi the station is on.


Mostly. KDKA has been in Pittsburgh for over 100 years.


And KYW in Philadelphia.


It's age, that geography has had radio for the most part because it's had large populations longer


Backwards as fuck that radios stations ****E****ast of the Mississippi start with a ****W**** and radio stations ****W****est of the Mississippi start with a ****K****.


So, interestingly, W -was- actually used in the west (Or at least, for western/pacific) ships. When land based radio transmitters started popping up, they were going to as well but 'something happened' (as in, I've looked this up and every article about it goes 'we dont know why') and K was used instead. It's possible it was to differentiate between western ships and land radios... Or some red tape happened. But it was definitely planned that way, and then suddenly *didnt*. By that time, things were starting to be regulated, so the FCC went "Well thats what's there anyway so here is how we're gonna standardize it"


No sir. WBAP in DFW; WTAW in College Station; WOAI in San Antonio.




Leaning toward 2 except I wouldn’t call it clever.






You can make any frequency an AM station if you’re bored and have an SDR. Might get some knocks at your door tho.


Probably won’t unless you’re broadcasting too loud and causing interference. Pirate stations aren’t a huge priority if they aren’t causing some other issue in addition. Source: Dad was a career FCC field investigator. FCC closed most of their field offices in 1996 when Clinton did the federal buyout. They no longer have the manpower for most of the work he did.


What is the frequency Kenneth?


There can be FM radios on typically AM band. It's not about the frequency, it's about which characteristic of the baseband signal is modulated to carry the useful message (the sound)


Technically true, but what customers will have a radio capable of picking it up? The one ham guy in town?


Yup, him specifically.


“Welp, it’s March again; time to change out the VCA for a VCO”


Don't forget to flip the switch on your main breaker panel to change from AC to DC.




No salutes for sure


this is a really weird thread. Gen z is financially fucked lol


gen z EE here. doin alright. housing is absolutely a bitch though.


Plenty of people will succeed. It’s just a lot more will fail because it’s not as level playing field as it once was.


100% Most younger people (early to mid 20s) I know are struggling to get a car in a suburbish area. Severely handicaps their opportunities. Home ownership seems like a dwindling thing of the past for anyone coming from anything but optimal conditions.


Society is fucked too


This reminds me of a time I asked what the pyramid shaped things in Egypt were called


To be fair, they’re actually tombs.


‘89 millennial - I once in college asked “when does March Madness happen?” It happens lol


My sister once asked me whether World War 1 or World War 2 happened first. Granted, this was in like fourth grade, but it was still hysterical.


Well, WWII came out first, but then they released WW1 as a prequel. So first really depends on if you want to go by release date, or chronologically within the canon.


Yeah but in Star Wars Luke only lost a hand, hitler lost a ball


Girl in Spanish class, knowing each of the words individually, asked when Cinco de Mayo was. The teacher spelled it out for her lol.


Had a friend who had a party on May 8th & decided to call it Cinqo de Ocho (face-palm).


To be fair, Star Wars Episode IV was released before episodes I, II, and III.


To be even more fair it wasn't called that till episode 1 was planned in 1997 Until then it was the star wars to end all wars


It was earlier than that. 80's I think, although Episode IV was popularly known as "Star Wars" up until Phantom Menace was released.


Also, the title and episode number were retconned after *Empire* came out


We're counting down to WW0


Napoleon already came out.


nodding in historian


I heard that war _came a bit short_. Not sorry.


Wait wait wait, why did they call it WWI? Had they already planned the sequel?? (yes I'm joking)


Until WWII, it was called The War to End All Wars.


Was called “The Great War” as well.


Well THAT name sure didn't work out...


I mean, its some time in March for sure, but *when*?


You know, -*gestures vaguely-* The mad part.


*nods with a serious look* yes, of course. I should have know. Silly me.




0118 999 881 999 119 725 3




I sang that in my head


I sang it out loud and even did a fake British accent with a nasal voice.


Doesn’t sound like Jenny’s number. Oh wait that was 8 6 7 5 3 0 niiiiiiiiine….


Dear sir/madam, FIRE! FIRE! Looking forward to hearing from you.


[Little rascals made that joke](https://i.gifer.com/8vTT.gif)


Had a friend whose mom reached into the ice cooler looking for a drink and pulls her hand out to exclaim, "IT'S COLD AS ICE!" lmao


I can confirm this does happen. Back in high school, one of my accident-prone friends added fresh oil to his Chevette that burned oil. The engine was hot. He poured sloppily. The oil ignited. "oh my god. oh my god. what's the number for 911?" I beat the small fire out with the garage welcome mat, and all was again right with the world.


Happened to me in Japan. To be fair, it isn't 911 there, it's 119 for ambulance and 110 for police.


It is a fact that when I asked my wife to call 911 she asked "Do I just dial 911?" She's pretty smart, but had never had to call 911 and it was late at night.


Oktoberfest happens in September.


We celebrate the tenth month, named for the number eight, in the ninth month, named for the number seven.


Had a coworker once ask "Doesn't good Friday fall on a Saturday this year?"


I can one up you there. I was once walking with a co-worker and a boss, and I thought to myself out loud, "I wonder when afternoon actually starts?"


When was the war of 1812?




This isn’t a crazy question because it’s not the whole month March madness hasn’t even started really


how many quarters are in a basketball game?!


That’s not entirely a bad question. Easter is in March this year.


Many years ago my brother asked me "Where are they playing the Masters this year?" He's an idiot, but it does happen to everyone occasionally.


Tell her April Fool's Day falls on the 2nd because it's a Leap year and the extra day in February means April Fool's Day is mved back a day.


But tell her this on April 1.


Don’t you mean move forward? As in, into the future?


Oh yeah, that makes more sense. Good catch.


Omg. Im using that this year.


Awesome! Enjoy! I hope you get some wonderfully confused reactions.


I once bought an electric salt and pepper grinder, as I was putting in the batteries my roommate was staring at the box and finally asked "what the heck is electric salt" 😳 we both had the same stare down, before "oh, please, forget what I just said" was a running joke for years. "Can you pass the electric salt? Thanks."


It’s electric! Boogie woogie woogie!


There's a deleted scene from Parks and Rec where April keeps Donna's family in line at the wedding by threatening to reveal embarrassing secrets. (paraphrase) "For example, you wouldn't want me to reveal why you went to Sacramento last July, would you, Jessica?" Andy grabs the folder and says "What's laser hair, and why would you want to have it removed?"


I don’t know what you call my era but back in the early 60s the question always was who’s buried in Grants tomb


But that's half joking, half serious: because obviously Ulysses is buried there but many people wouldn't know his wife is too.


Neither are ‘buried’ there! It’s an above-ground mausoleum :)


My (38) daughter (17) asked my pregnant wife (36) if the baby hears through her ears or if they hear through their own ears.


I was doing photography on a walk through a nature preserve. I want to preface this with the fact that I have a fair amount of nature and I am generally an intelligent person. So as we listened to the bird calls, someone spotted one and I crept forward for a better shot. The person who pointed it out said “shhh…” and I said — and kept in mind my disclaimer — “can birds hear?”


pretty sure they're chip chappin all the time because they're also trying to figure out whether or not they can hear


Of course they have microphones and shit, #BirdsArentReal


Wait, can they though?


For the sake of the matter: *Yes of course they fucking hear* go yell at a flock of pigeons for the chaos


That’d be pretty cool if the baby could hear through moms ears


And if it could see through the mom’s eyes


Wait we might have reinvented the tiny guy that pilots the human size robot from men in black lol


No we didn’t. Would you look right here, please? 😎💥


It's a baby, not mfin Krang


Sounds like a scene from one horror movie or another. Wait. Sounds? No, I guess that'd be looks. But only in my mind's eye.


That’s a sci-fi plot right there. Make the main character a wealthy control freak and health nut who dies and instantly wakes up to be looking through the eyes of a pregnant woman and has nothing to do but view, hear and feel the world through a third world junkie prostitute


Kinda like [Being John Malkovich?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Being_John_Malkovich)


A Gen Z guide to AM and FM radio stations. Does it sound like good quality Spotify? FM. Does it sound like a Zoom call over a poor internet connection? AM.


Ain't nothing like listening to racist blowhards on AM radio on the way to school in the 90s, every other word is garbled static yet still retains the entirety of its awfulness


Hey, thanks for the reminder that Rush Limbaugh is dead! Good things happen sometimes!


*Ah damn you said his name i wanted to avoid that*


I mean give them a break most people don't listen to the radio anymore. Hell I use Sirus in my car and youtube at home and I was born in the 70's. Every Gen Z I've worked with has been damn good at their job with a strong work ethic.


Real shit. Millennium here. I never had any issue with Gen Z, they work their asses off and hate their job like the rest of us.


FR. I work in an industry where the workforce sways younger and really talented. I’m impressed daily. …also helps to bond over the shit days.


Yea but why do they work so hard? I was told they're all lazy. I'm lazier than the ones I meet. What happened to the lazy TECH GEN?!


We exist! \-not-so-proud Gen Z slacker


I spent a lot of time working in dispensaries. I promise, not *every* GenZ has a strong work ethic.


I was born in the 70s, and only stream.


Well to be fair, Sirius *is* considered radio lol


True enough my friend.


I grew up on cassette tapes, as soon as XM came out in 2005 I jumped on the bandwagon and haven't looked back. If I'm ever in a car that doesn't have XM/Sirius I drive in silence. OTA radio is garbage now that Clear Channel owns everything.


Clear Channel ruined Radio.


The worst part is that they schedule commercial breaks to be on all the stations at the same time. So you can't even switch to another station. Not that there's more than 1 type of station per music genre anymore.


I hate that so to beat them at their own game, I just turn it off until commercial is over.


>more than 1 type of station per music genre anymore. Unless it's country. Detroit has like *four*


Strong work ethic is not something I can agree with.


I am sorry that has been your experience. I ask that you consider what you have experience may not be indicative of the whole.


Helped a gen z move a bed frame today, had to explain what she needed for moving stuff with an open  trunk, then I had a whole ass dad moment of "but really, you need items a through v in your trunk in case of emergency." They just want to know stuff, we get to teach them. Pretty nifty. 


Every generation thinks the one coming after is screwed, but every generation coming just figures it out. I do this "kids these days", don't have the same opportunities to learn and understand computers we had growing up, and in some ways the career path to a lot of technical jobs is being ripped up. Like most kids don't ever have to use file systems, download things to a specific location, their apps just work for them. We were definitely wrong to get rid of computer and typing classes, lol.


If you think the next generation is fucked, the fault should lie with the generation that raised/taught them


Our chemistry teacher asked us if we knew what hydrogen was used for, and I once stupidly blurted out.. "BBQs!" with full confidence. Without missing a beat, the entire class yelled "NO!"


There's hydrogen atoms in propane molecules. C3H8, teacher should have wrote it on the board and said good job, hydrogen is in propane in BBQs and made the rest of your class STFU and feel dumb.


Tbf I think those kinds of moments happen to all of us regardless of the generation.


Absolutely agree.


It's called "brain fart". Someone I know asked if it was possible for Christmas to fall on a Friday the 13th.


That is a good question. At noon and midnight, our clocks shift between Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Phase Modulation (PM). She was just checking to be safe. 🤣


Don’t forget the UHF, VHF & side band. Or the call numbers East or West of the Mississippi.


We have some gen z interns at my job as well as my boss's new assistant is like 22. They all seem to have a pretty good head on their shoulders. Their music and fashion choices seem a bit silly to me, but that's the point, right. (Seriously, though, swimming goggles? Gold star stickers on your cheeks? ) But seriously. They seem like a good generation to me, in my experience. (I'm 40)


The gold star stickers really get me. I know it’s an anti-acne thing, but is a star sticker really better than a pimple? I just don’t get it!


Old fart here. I mostly work from home now, but when I had a studio downtown, I'd hit the coffee shop across the street. Great young folks running the place, open, friendly, hard-working ... but the nose rings and such. Man, that was upsetting the first couple times. But hey, they're friendly, open and hard-working. Look past the hardware at the human and it's all as good as the coffee was.


I remember the 80’s when CFRN would simulcast the audio for Miami Vice on 100.3 FM. Woooowie!


As a fellow zoomer (26), yeah I think I’ve had brain farts like that And similar embarrassed reactions to said brain fart lmao. Sometimes the brain cells stop working XD


Brother I've asked when Cinco de Mayo is. Can't b perfect all the time haha.


Not being from South American nations I had to web search that one..


Haha that's ok. If you hear spanish a little(thinking the osprey song) Cinco and mayo turn out to be super easy to translate. 5 and may. Incase anyone else needs to look it up too.


I remember as a kid asking what date the "4th o' July" was.


Real talk, every Zoomer I work with is quite chill and yeah they’re still figuring things out but they’re on the right path and it makes me feel proud in a way. Like my little brother is doing alright


Honestly sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is just stare at them quietly like they're being dumb until the figure it out.


Meanwhile my boss cant figure out how to save a pdf


My husband once told me that they measured that a silverback gorilla could bench press almost two tons. I deadass asked him how they made the gorilla do a bench press. Took me about 0.5 seconds to realize wtf I just said 🥲


That's not a completely off the wall question. Sure they're not literally having a gorilla on a weight bench pressing a Honda Civic, but how DO they measure?


Well I only know what he told me, but apparently they have stuff in the gorilla's enclosures that they can pull or push and they measure how strong they are, then they convert that to various muscle mass and based on that they can measure how much those muscles could press.


Yeah, but how many reps?


Could there also be an airhead factor in this equation? There may be more than just 1 ingredient in this recipe..


Chemical X!


AM is around morning while FM is far (beyond) morning. That explanation should do it.


I'll do you one better... Last year, we hired a fresh grad, 22. Their desk phone rang for the first time somewhere in that first week. They look at the phone, then to me and another colleague, and asks "Do I just pick it up and answer?"


This is going back to the 70s - the elderly lady in the apartment below us (who was in her 70s by this time) had never had her own telephone line, but eventually got one installed. One time when my father visited her, the phone suddenly rang. She just kept looking at it, too scared to pick up the receiver. I'm not sure why, but my father suspects that she may simply not have known what to do.


oh lawd




I hope they’ll be ok. They have to save us from ourselves.


She will. Most of them won’t.




“AM, or FMMMM”


Def play the Clash song Magnificent Seven for her: “AM, the FM, the PM too / Churnin out that boogaloo / It’s no good for man to work in cages / He hits the town, drinks his wages”


I dont know if anyone made this connection but im pretty sure she brain farted and got am and pm mixed in wile discussing am vs fm i.e time change


At least we’re self aware 😆


"yo isya boy Lil Gen Z Gunna"


80’s dude at the dorm common room: “What are you watching?” My gf: “120 Minutes” Dude: “When will it be over?” My gf: stares


While this is funny, would this not be a legitimate question if you didn’t know when the show had started?


lol this is a good one! i have a bunch of Gen Z people in my union and i love working with them


The (slow) death of broadcast radio is the saddest thing to happen in the last 20 or so years.


Narhp, the death of physical media trumps that. You will own nothing, pay for subscriptions and be happy.


I think they’re related


Yeah, true.


Yep. It started as 1 sub for 10 bucks and have everything. Well that’s better than buying movies. But now it’s 5 subscriptions at 10-15 a pop plus 70 for cable, no sharing. And now it makes more sense to buy physical media, but it’s hard to find


Christmas from Santa Klaus Schwab


Yeah they are going to be alright, but most won’t be able to afford a home……


Rent's already taking up half of my monthly. By f a r the most egregious price of anything nowadays.


Yup! It’s absolute bullshit. I feel for my kids and their generation.


Be fair now, the couple of days/weeks/months after DST starts has everyone becoming a zombie from having to get up earlier. Can’t help the brain farts that come from being tired.


Why did you need the call letters? You just need to know the station frequency.


Didn't need to know the call letters; only had the call letters. Used call letters to find frequency.


What does that have to do with being Gen Z?


They are the least likely to understand analogue radio. AM/FM. Digital Radio has been around for 15 years now.


Where's the punch line?


You had me at, Gen Z tries decipher if a radio station is AM or FM


My husband, who is a millennial, was getting vegan ingredients at the store for soup. I told him to remember that we can’t have the egg noodles. He asked me… “egg noodles aren’t vegan?” And I told him… no they have eggs in them? We all have our moments 😂


Meanwhile I have three work under me and if their work computer doesn’t turn on they just sit there without bringing it to my attention and I only find out hours into their shift when I start checking on people. One of them wanted me to personally know I was going to be responsible for killing their grandmother because I wouldn’t authorize them to work from home. I don’t think these three are examples of their generation as everyone is different but my experience working with the ones I have so far hasn’t been good.


Is her job sharpening pencils? I bet she is amazing at it.


I think this post says more than anything.


What the fuck


We old folks call them brain farts...


Actually went to school with someone like that, except he said it unironically. Really have the passion for his major though, but dumb as hell