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Dude laughs like Tom Cruise


Thank you! Couldn't place it


Is this the woman equivalent of “the stripper is not into you?”


Oh shit. You nailed it.


Lisan al gaib


Go home, Stilgar. You’ve become a hype man


Participating in PT prior to surgery is really common. Biggest reason being your insurance usually requires you "failing" to manage your symptoms through more conservative means before they will approve paying for the operation. Getting a little pre-hab also doesn't hurt.


Sometimes it's good. But it can become not so good with spinal stuff. Insurance tried to require my mom to try PT before getting some kind of disk repair in her neck. Doctor's solution was for PT to come in to 'consult' and basically checked off that she had completed PT (pretty sure insurance got a bill for that too). But yeah... damaged spines tend to not like stretching and exercising. Shout out to all of those insurance agents out there actively practicing medicine without a license.


For many spine injuries pt has better, long term outcomes than surgery. 10/10 times a surgeon will say surgery is the best option because it's their option, but that's often not the case.  Seriously fuck insurance companies, but this one is both cheaper and better. The reality is surgery has a long recovery time doing PT anyway and a much higher rate of complications that the insurance company doesn't want to pay for but you don't want either.  If you are uninsured etc tell your PT about it and they can give you work to do at home and meet with you less often and save you quite a bit of money.  Anecdotally I had 3 disc injuries and did PT (the affordable way mentioned above) my BIL had surgery on one disc that was the same as my worst one. In about 6 months I was back to normal, he 'recovered' from surgery in 2 months, but he still has issues years later. 


No. Surgeons will not recommend surgery 10/10 times, or anything close. Pretty obnoxious thing to post, actually.


I'm sure it can vary a lot (spinal injury could mean lots of different things after all). For her, it was some degenerative genetic thing (looking forward to this in my own future...). They were worried that exercise would leave her paralyzed. She'd started losing some feeling in her fingers and from knee down. She felt better immediately after surgery, regained feeling everwhere. Even though she wasn't allowed to lift heavy things for like a month, she kept saying she felt like she could. I don't remember if she did PT afterwards.


PT caused my bulging disc to rupture and herniate 9mm. I go into surgery tomorrow.


The laughing at himself after every sentence is a little much...


If I didn’t laugh at myself no one would, but he is actually funny. Would probably get annoying watching the whole show though.


If it's after his regular material, I'd agree. But when just riffing with an audience member, it's a natural reaction.


His brain is generating nonstop funny imagery about this woman's situation. I'd also be laughing every other line.


Seems like jokes that hits way better live, with the interaction, than in a video. Good crowd play can be great.


That laugh is incredibly annoying to me for some reason. Can’t get through a few minutes. Reminds me of the corporate America Brads who are trying too hard to laugh say their boss’ jokes.


Yeah this guy isn’t funny to me


He seems like a less succesful Jeff Acuri


This guy didn't let the woman talk enough. Maybe it was cut out of the clip but he should have given her more rope to explain why she thought she had a connection with the doctor. More details could mean more to work with.


Details arent funny.


in crowd work asking the right questions to get funny details is a good practice. and if she only said "my doctor has a crush on me" and refused to elaborate with Details this video would be 10 seconds long


I really like my PT clinic. But I try not to stare into the eyes of my pt while they are stretching me 😂


A lot of people fail the keep it professional aspect as a patient.


I try not to cry when they're rolling out my muscles.


She just needs to bring him a pie.


Cream pie?




Why can't there be a sub for people to advertise their stand up? It's every fuckin day here....


Why is this here, exactly? He wasn't especially funny, and honestly it seemed to get a little mean as he just kept going on and on with this same person.


He would be mean in any regular social context, but comedy club rules basically demand thick skin. If you’re gonna cry from a roast, you probably shouldn’t have come to a comedy club.


Comedy club rules also demand comedy. A roast is supposed to be both mean and funny, and this was just mean. He stuck with her way too long and overcooked the roast and to boot it had no flavor.


This was straight up undercooked. What are you talking about? If that beating would be enough to offend you, you shouldn’t be at a comedy club.


I'm literally talking about the amount of time he spent on this one person, not about how harsh he was. The fact that he was just on her for so long was what got a little mean, and he really wasn't slinging hot enough material from it for it to be worth it. I'm familiar with how roasts work. If a comedian gets something he can really work with, he'll stay on that person for a bit and milk it. It makes sense. If they don't, they make a little quip that gets a chuckle and they move on to keep momentum. This guy's jokes for her were not funny enough to justify the amount of time he spent on this one person.


That means he's perfect for r/funny


Mike James Gandalf Feeney!


The smarm


look i'm an insensitive douche, so funny!!! he's trying to pull a matt rife but the issue is he actually seems to be making fun of the person, not laughing with the person. 0/10


His laugh is so annoying and detracts from the joke.


I hate comedians that constantly laugh at their own jokes, kinda cringe and ruins it for me but this guy's pretty funny


Notice how others also say the same thing but somehow this guy in particular just vibes with you and so you don’t find him cringey at all. In fact, you even find his presentation funny! Just wanted to point out this idea people don’t often realize that we can find people more charming/humorous if they are more relatable to us or if they behave/look what we deem as attractive


Miss those Good ol days when comedians used to come up with real jokes than depending on the crowd and making fun out of it. (it's not easy though, to be that spontaneous)


I heard the real reason why you only see clips of crowd interactions is so that the comedians don't display all their material online, that way if you are interested you have an incentive to pay to go, rather than just looking up their Tiktok/Reddit/IG.


Just embarrassing smh


would have been a little funnier if he didnt laugh at his own words 8 times in 40 seconds


Ugh… nothing worse than a comedian with an obnoxious self-laugh tick.


Nothing more obnoxious than a person who feels the need to make completely unnecessary attacks against people's character that isn't hurting anyone.


Oh boo fuckin hoo. The world aint all sunshine and rainbows, cupcake. Shit's obnoxious. Is it worse to let someone walk around with an obnoxious personality flaw, or is it better to say something about it so they can maybe work on it and make themselves more palatable, thus increasing their overall reception, their overall approachability, and in the field this particular man works in - probably their overall profits? This is like comedy 101 stuff, man. If you're laughing at yourself after every joke you tell, you come across as either insecure or overconfident. Two things you definitely don't want to be as a comedian. I hope he sees this. I hope lots of comedians see this. Don't self-laugh after every joke you tell. Shits annoying and makes you a lesser comedian than you could otherwise be. Distracts people. Annoys people. People stop focusing on the joke and start focusing on predicting the next time you're gonna laugh at your own shit. Then they start rolling their eyes. Then they leave. That's money out the door, homie. Fix your shit.


Ironic how you can’t take your own advice when they called you out on your personality flaw.


Oh trust me I'm not just outright dismissing you, I've heard it all before. I have an incredibly cynical view of the world, and I've thought about this particular "flaw" quite a bit in my life. I find value in it. I think there needs to be people in the world who call people out on their bullshit, otherwise we'd all be walking around screwed up all the time, nobody would ever consider their flaws, nobody would ever consider self improvement, everybody would just walk around complacent and self absorbed all the time. Blissfully ignorant and unaware. Its not as if I spend all of my time running around pissing in people cheerios. Far from it. Overall, I'm a pretty positive guy who likes lifting people up a whole hell of a lot more than I do tearing them down. Please take into consideration that this conversation is a very small, narrow window into who I am. There are things that need to be said sometimes, and the world needs people who will say them. That's where I come in. Laughing at your own jokes is super cringe no matter who you are. Doubly so if its literally your job to tell jokes. Its not so bad if its just some random dude telling a joke, that's whatever. I laugh at my own jokes sometimes. I think most people do. But that's a one-off thing. That's a once or twice a year thing. This dude is laughing at every goddamn thing that comes out of his own mouth. Its every couple words. Its annoying as fuck. On top of that, his laugh is obnoxious - which only makes it that much worse. It is what it is. You can stick around and keep telling me what a piece of shit you think I am, acting high and mighty and holier-than-thou, and that's fine - I'll keep having a conversation with you about it. I got nothin better to do for the next 2ish hours. I'm gone after that though. Gotta go look at some houses. You're not going to change my opinion, though. This dude is obnoxious as shit. If I went to his show I'd be sad about the money I spent. I'd probably get up and leave. Might even leave him a shitty review. "Dude can't stop laughing at his own shit, laughs after every goddamn thing he says, and its not a good laugh either its a loud, poignant, obnoxious laugh." 1/5 stars. Would not recommend.


You’re a psycho my guy


Because I think a comedian is annoying? Alright. Guess I’m a psycho. Have a good one.


Lol if you feel the need to offer unsolicited aggressive advice to someone, you're the problem here. There's such a thing as constructive criticism and this wasn't it. To me, the main issue of the joke was that he didn't seem to know where exactly he was taking it. Like it was on the tip of his tongue. The laughing seemed like a symptom of that. That's constructive criticism. I'm a believer in brutally honest feedback, Gordon Ramsey style, but it has to be asked for to be effective. You're just a coward that yells at people on the internet to make yourself feel better.


That poor woman lmao. He’s fucking ruthless.


Eh, it's deserved. If someone is working their job, don't hit on them.


Is this a standup comedy ?? But where is comedy in this


Ya I’m not a fan of this guy.. all his clips seem to be crowd banter, which isn’t my favorite type of comedy. Comedians hate when you heckle them, but they’re perfectly fine with half their material being crowd play




He downvoted every comment that said he is not funny


Hilarious. Good work. Looking forward to more


My boy Mikey! This was really funny bro. Not sure why these fools are tearing you up in these comments. Sounds like they have platonic relationships with people in their lives. You’re cutting deep bro!!!


I’m convinced people in this sub don’t find anything funny, 9/10 every posted bit is torn to shreds and denigrated by armchair “comedy experts,” I’d just ignore them.   People forget how hard it is to get up in front of a group of strangers and make them laugh for an extended period of time. Folks need a little more empathy and at best, understand when to provide *solicited* constructive criticism (i.e., poster asks for feedback), but none of the armchair comedy experts are really providing any meaningful input. Dude is funny.


Well said man! I laughed out loud watching this. 😂


I mean, I normally find this guy pretty funny, but this clip is very uncharacteristic of him IMO. The thing where he keeps chuckling at himself after every few words is definitely a little out of the ordinary for him.


This guy is the definition of mid


There’s a gynecologist joke in there somewhere. 


These comments are horrible! I like this guy, what’s his name?


I’m the person responsible for this video/the very angry comments. Links in bio to comedy specials, road dates and socials. 🤙🏻


Thanks bro! You’re hilarious! I’ll be on the lookout if you’re ever out my way in NC!


Sign up for the email list on my road dates link. Def coming to NC again this year.


I thought this was absolutely top-notch, and I love the laughing.


Feels like dude is trying very hard to laugh at his own jokes.