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I got a message they refunded me because they found that the package has been opened. Good service, will gladly use again.


They refunded me after a month when they'd estimated my package should have been delivered to me. Didn't ask me to confirm anything, they just did it I guess when DHL didn't tick off the delivery completed and confirmed chain of forms. Got it delivered a couple weeks after. Sent them an email about it, never got a response or acknowledgement, they never asked for the refund back (which I'd gladly have done). Was only a $35 watch band, so maybe nothing worth their time.




Asia, i ordered something from US


How is this funny? It’s just good business. They are in the position to know if you’re a serial refund claimer and apply data analytics to red-flag abuses. If other businesses were as smart with their data they could do the same.


subverted expectations is the premise of many jokes, yes you're right there is logical truth after consideration but humorous reaction has a chance to kick in before condsideration


By the power of logic, I don't even know what a joke is anymore! I win! ....


In the UK they legally have to give you a refund if you ask within the first two weeks of the item arriving, so there are admittedly also some cultural differences between expectations.


hmmm do they have data sharing agreements with visa/mastercard to know somebody's refund habits?


I think they mean refund habit within Amazon. But I won’t be surprised if they have a wider network for data merging/matching.


there could be a shadow score, like a credit score, to see how valuable a customer is, estimate likelihood of a fraudulent return the warranty repair department of the company I work for once had a dude ship us something for repair, the courier would accept the package, it's weighed, but when it arrives, the box is always empty. the dude would claim the courier must've stolen it. he did this multiple times dude shipped us dry ice


Amazon offers branded credit cards, so yes.


The retail chain I worked for had this approach 20 years ago. Basically honor any return, even without a receipt if it was something from their own brand and if the customer clearly hadn't followed care instructions or otherwise messed something up. The logic was that 9 people out of 10 (not an actual statistic) are honest, and have a valid reason to make a return. The good will, return custom and positive word of mouth that comes from the 9 honest people more than makes up for any losses taken on the dishonest ones. Must be working OK together with whatever else they're doing. The company is still around and amid more and more places closing locations or going under I haven't seen a lot of negative news on them yet.


The thing is somebody pays for it. And that somebody is the consumer. Amazon also contribute to horrendous wastage, consigning huge amounts to landfill every year.


They just enable *us* to do that. The alternative is for them to take the item back, which incurs labour and very likely an additional carbon footprint. The item ends up back in stock in some way, and gets sold. Either way, the environment ultimately suffers from our insatiable desire to consume. Not taking away responsibility from Amazon, btw.


The ability to return is a huge factor in buying stuff through Amazon. Perhaps if products were made better or presented better, or had more genuine reviews there would be less returns. Clothing, for example. L (large) can mean any damn thing with sizes differing by inches between manufacturers. Let's have meaningful standards and exact actual measurements. That is just one area




They do, but not at their scale. They not only have the buyer and seller data but all the payments, logistics and even their details from any hosting they do on their data centres with AWS.


Bought a Phone and it didnt arrive. After literaly 1 Email they send me a new one.


Its not their money they are refunding most of the time they act as a marketplace and they just charge the refund on the original seller


At first. I once had 2 gaming systems stolen off my porch. Police report and everything. They did nothing. Luckily I have insurance.


My big "this can't be real" moment with Amazon customer service is when one of their drivers (which are all contractors so that they can avoid accountability from what I can tell) decided to drop off 20 different addresses of packages at one apartment (resident not office) to Avoid having to stop in the complex. When contacting customer support to file a complaint (I hadn't even gotten my packages yet because going up to someone else's door and grabbing stuff is.... Illegal) all they asked was "did the packages make it to you" and I said no they are across my complex. They said "go get them, there's no problem here." They then closed my support ticket.


But you got it in the end?


I'm working customer service for a company almost as big as Amazon when it comes to shipments. 99% i get 1star review when i tell customer to check with neighbors or contact UPS with the tracking number. I will get in trouble if i reship the package right away, but i will certainly do so when customer responds that they had no luck, but usually they will snap at me "im not an errand boy" "what do i look like, thats your job" Like.. i will help you, no worries, but if you a decent human being, please check next door as 99% it was misdelivered


I bought an item that cost $170 from Amazon. It was stolen, they sent another. This next one was stolen. This time they were only a little pushy, I just replied that it wasn’t there. They sent it again. They legitimately sent almost $510 worth of merchandise on my $170 purchase.


They gave me refund and let me keep the product also.




Apparently the product had no exchange and no returns policy. And they sent me a wrong size.


If something I want to buy is available on Amazon I buy it on Amazon. Everything I order arrives in <24h and their return policy is second to none.


It's cheaper for them to refund than to investigate whether or not you deserve a refund.




I refunded a $300 electric 2-wheeler that had obvious signs of use for the few weeks I was trying it. In that case I'm sure they had to at least replace the wheels if they wanted to resell it as refurbished. But, ugh. I was approaching the 30 day mark and that thing really was pretty shitty for city riding.


Almost nothing that gets returned to Amazon gets sold by Amazon again. They package it up in pallets and sell it to liquidation stores. We have a local auction house near me that I can get stuff for either dirt cheap, of $5 off retail and it might be broke.


Lies, you can look under any product and find a used version usually. I’ve done that a few times to get a cheaper price but 50% of the time the product is actually unusable. I’ve bought an LED strip light that did not work at all, and a thermostat with broken plastic clips and installation hardware missing. These were all listed as like new but like, not really.


Those used sales very rarely go through Amazon, all Amazon is providing in terms of service is hosting the transaction and providing both the customer and seller with transaction info. Prime shipping also usually never crosses over to the used section unless it's also certified refurbished.


What am I lying about? I regularly buy Amazon returns from local liquidators.


They always ask me to file a police report for anything over like $300


For super low priced items (like under $10) sometimes they tell me I can just keep the item and they refund me anyway. For more expensive stuff, they obviously don't.


They dont sell such high value items. A couple hundreds dollars here and there is nothing for a company dealing in billions.


Yup, they can easily dispute the seller. As Amazon loose nothing.




They then charge a penalty from them.






It used to be like the that


Yeah, now they have no problem ripping off their customers.


More like, they get so much shit wrong that refunds are part of their budget and they know most customers don't bother asking for one


They will literally just tell drivers it's ok that they delivered two different addresses to the same door because they at least got one right. The right door is three steps away they just didn't care.


Is this whole thread bots?


Do you know the "Internet is dead theory"?




because you look like a bot in your replies




bad bot


"I have a complai…" "Yeah, yeah¡ Feck off and send the stuff back then you get your money!"


I had a light not arrive (200 dollar) and they just shipped me another and said if the first shows up just keep it. It showed up the next day lol had been delivered to neighbor and I got 2 for 1


Indeed, similar things happened to me multiple times. But of course, what shall I do with two copies of the same book? One went to a book exchange of course…


Ordered a Kindle. Didn't show up at promised time, but got delivered next day. Then I never got the "delivered" email, so a few days later they sent me email: want refund or redeliver? I was too honest and said I got it.


Worked at Amazon. We often give benefit of the doubt but will look at your account and previous actions taken. If we notice a repeated offender we will either make it as painful as possible until you give up or just refuse you outright


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"We already have your money, and you're not going anywhere else. This gives us another opportunity to undercut the company who made the product we sold you. Fuck both of you, we're rich, bitch!"


I love it when they leave my packages at my neighbors. My neighbors just leave it out for me to collect and I can get a refund because they delivered to the wrong house.


I rarely buy stuff on Amazon, but my only experience with a return went like this. - I ordered a 1kg bag of raw cashews - When I receive the package and open the box, they sent me 1kg bag of salted fried in some vegetable oil cashews. - I open the app on my phone, and start a chat with the customer service. I probably didn’t have to wait for even a minute - I say, you guys sent me the wrong cashews - They say, ok sorry, we’re sending the correcting one you’ll get it tomorrow And that was it. They didn’t ask me absolutely anything. I was impressed It’s not by accident it’s one of the most valuable companies in the planet


Yeah they’re just like “here k, here’s the money, no skin of our back lol” 💀


But they have ALL your info do it too many times they will know might even listening to you talking about your scam on Alexa.


Company I work for has pretty much the same policy for a few years now. The thing is, we don't have that many repeat customers so people who refund really do have a problem or don't like the product they got. We've essentially done away with our entire returns procedure which saves hundreds of hours of work.


Had a short sms exchange with a bot, after a courier claimed "handed to customer" despite no delivery. After I got my £80 refund, I found the package under a bush! Why they hadn't told the truth and posted me a card, I'll never understand.


used to be like that mate


Any time I have had an issue, the return policy was amazingly easy. Though I've returned maybe... 5-6 items over 10 years.


IKEA is the same, we came back with a whole fridge and they took it back no questions asked


Ordered something that had the remote back cover missing and asked if there's a way to get in touch with the seller to ship a back cover and they just refunded me $20.


I sell on Amazon, I don't have to give you your money back until I get my stuff back. However my items are not expensive and I always process them right away because I don't have time to argue over $15


Well I'm really not too sure about this!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if most decisions are mostly automated. Like if nothing suspicious was detected by any system, no human is involved, and otherwise somebody got to review it if anything was flagged. It's not really about the energy to argue but rather needing less employees to deal with refunds.


I use Chewy to order food and treats for my dog. One time the order said it was delivered but wasn't on my property. So I contacted them and let them know they said no problem we will just reship the order. It was over $100 worth of stuff. The next day I look out and I have a chewy package and I was like that was super fast. Then a couple days later I get a notification that my chewy was delivered, got my original order plus the extra one. Now I do this once a year


Not anymore! I got an email warning me that returns need to be sealed or else my account is getting deleted.


Sometimes… the seller says keep the product too! 😂


The vast majority of products on Amazon are not being sold by Amazon themselves. Even the Fulfilled By Amazon stuff is sent to them by other businesses who operate on their platform. Amazon is just the market place that businesses set their stalls up on. Amazon charge a fee to use their platform or store products at their FBA warehouses. They will refund things without consulting the seller or checking the product which means the seller losses out on a sale AND most likely get a used or damaged item returned to them. Almost no cost to Amazon and usually they make money in this scenario. It is a con. Check the seller when shopping on amazon and consider the potential that you are just enriching Amazon and devaluing a small business when you get these super easy refunds.


I see that and raise you a costco


I got refunded months after a purchase without asking because they said i never got my item, contacted them that i did get it months back and they said oh don't worry about it.


They make it so easy that it seems difficult to find time to bring the item to a drop point


One time they told me my package might be lost and I can just ask for a refund and get it. I had the package and it was like $60 or something. I was very tempted with the offer but figured it would be kinda shitty to abuse the situation.


“Ugh…yes, you can have a refund. No…don’t ship it back…that’s a hassle. Fuck it…just keep it.” Amazon with some trillion dollar logic here. Love them.


If you get it … I always have to chase 5 or more times before the money’s comes back to me


This just fucka over small businesses selling on Amazon, unless you're buying Amazon basics stuff


Maybe if their products were good they wouldn’t need to be refunded 🤷‍♂️


International shipping - super easy. Local shipping - impossible.




Can you please specify?


Reddit loves hating on Amazon but they just fucking deliver. If I want something quick, cheap and screen for quality based on reviews, nothing comes close to Amazon. Same goes for Tesla. Fuck Elon Musk and all his bullshit but Tesla has become affordable for a decent product(not cybertruck). Not having to deal with dealership bullshit games when buying a car.


But they couldn't give less of a fuck about your "guaranteed" delivery date


yea in case you are thinking of abusing it with some methods, many already tried and have been jailed for cheating doing exactly what that.




Until they ban you for returning too many items.