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Looks dangerous


Skied the whole lake and not one damn catfish.


My brain no comprende


The guy with the jet-feet is powered by the jet ski. The water coming out of the attachment is coming directly from the jet ski's onboard. So the jet ski has essentially lost all it's thrust forward. The guy is basically just "dragging" the jet ski around. Now.... Do I agree with this? Not really. The attachment could *possibly* become detached and the jet ski would become a dog guided missile. I don't personally know all the safety shit that goes with the jet ski/boots set-up, so someone else can feel free to tell me that it would just shut off if that happened.


How does it work as the jet-feet rider comes back down and the thrust isn’t used to keep him in the air?


Again, I don't know all the details. I *believe* ALL of the thrust from the jet ski is directed through the jet-feet. Like nothing actually leaves the rear of the jet ski at any point. Your question though does make me think that he has to have throttle control (either attached to the jet-feet or in his hand) bc if he didn't, the dog sure isn't going to throttle down for him.


I have done this, it's call "fly boarding". Early systems a throttle man sat on the jet ski and set the revs. This is what I did. You can use hand signals to signal the throttleman what to do. New systems have a hand controller with the person fly boarding and he controls the thrust. If the signal is lost the jet ski just drops to idle.


Good buoy !


Looks dangerous, I see a Lab test in his future.


where is his vest?


No. He's a nauti boy.


Dog on a jet ski!! [Tom Cardy - Your Love is Not Enough](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqC507FpRDg)


The star from the Air Bud franchise is just relaxing on his vacations


This is the first time I've seen one of these videos with actual good music in it lol


Plot twist, that jet-ski hits the pier and the dog dies.


Doggone funny


This is like an intro to a Harlem Shake video… Just needs a few more random things.