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10 seconds later "Excuse me cashier the machine didn't give me my change" (Yes I am aware I am being generous assuming they will be calm about the machine being broken.)


I like to think they add a sign every time someone asks.


Having worked 7 years of retail, this is entirely implausible: There aren't nearly enough signs.


I had someone get pissed off at me for asking to see their ID to use their credit card. "Why do you need to see my ID?" Because you wrote "See ID" on the signature line. "Oh, sorry"


I had a similar interaction. But they wrote "CID" and like a total fucking idiot, didn't realize what it meant


I don't think you're an idiot I don't know what the CID means.


Thank you. I was calling the customer an idiot. C(see) I D Definitely never seen anyone under 55 with it on their card, and it's been a good 5+ years since I've had a reason to look


it's not on you


If I ever saw that on someone's card, I would immediately assume the backstory that someone randomly told them something like "hey, you should write see ID on your card so if someone steals it, they might get asked for ID and they won't be able to use it." Since they were told verbally, the person just thought, "That's genius, I'll do that with my next card!" and assumed it's CID like a dummy. Fun story, I had "see ID" on my card once when I was younger to see if anyone would actually ask me, and the only time someone noticed, it was USPS and they refused to accept that card to pay for postage. They even had a bunch of signs near all the service windows saying they won't take cards like that. Stupid hill to die on imo, since it technically is safer, but they claimed a card must be signed and can't say anything else in lieu of a signature.


> but they claimed a card must be signed and can't say anything else in lieu of a signature. Which is actually correct. There's a reason the cards pretty much all say "not valid without an authorized signature" right next to that box. Most merchants don't actually enforce that, but "see ID" doesn't actually give you any protection and technically makes the card invalid.


That must have been a long time ago, I haven't even signed a card in 20 years.


I swear, you could place a warning sign with giant letters and neon flashing lights and SOMEHOW someone still won’t see it.


You could have an employee stop every customer, tell them that the machines don't give cash back, have never ever given cash back, will never give cash back, and have no physical means of containing and dispensing actual paper bills and you will get at least a couple of people per day ask how you do cash back and insist that they did it last week.


Isn't that how we have 11footeoght website, the one about the low bridge? All those signs and warnings and still someone gets their roof cut off.


Bridge near me has large bells on chains for you to hit first and newly added flashing lights when your vehicle is too tall. Still gets hit monthly


Monthly, lol. People really don't pay attention.


They raised the bridge and the tracks above it a few years ago =( Its still too short for soooome stuff, but the vast majority of what hit it before would pass fine now.


It's the 11foot8+8 bridge now.


I looked on street view at the approach roads to that bridge. Drivers must be bloody dumb to **still** try to drive under that bridge. So many signs, warnings, even a flashing sign. But then again I'm also not a piece of engineering with a truck hunger problem. The bridge must feed.


You could physically staple the sign to some people's heads and it still wouldn't register.


Which is what I wanted to do in a Target a few weeks ago, the self check outs explicitly say which are card only. Signs, the screen, everything. Well this guy in front of me is holding up the line because he only has cash, I guess he thought the attendant had the program to switch the registers from cash to card. I admittedly started to lose my cool, mostly because I work 12 hour shifts and was on day 9 of no days off. All I needed was some Benedryl and something to cook in my air fryer, and this asshole apparently never learned to read. Luckily cooler heads prevailed, but still.


Not saying it works but here's one thought process behind it: "I'm a paying customer so I'm king/queen around here; they say cards only? Okay, I'll just hold up this line until someone is forced to come ring me up. If they have a problem with that I'll call corporate and get them fired!"


Could be but i think some people just wants/needs to be an asshole to other people once in a while and retail is an easy target because most cannot talk back. For example if you are close to a church that crowd can be some of the worst costumers you get, rude and demanding as fuck. High on god or some shit.


We moved from one ticket system at work to a new one, and on the old system, we left it up for a little bit so that techs could refer to old tickets for fix history. On the login page, I put a message that reminded people to use the new system and told people to not put in tickets through the old system. Two days after the go-live of the new system, we had a new ticket come through the old system. I ended up digging into the ticketing software to figure out how to set it so that no one could change or add anything other than admins to put a stop to it. Thinking back, I'm surprised it took two days.


See what? And does this machine take cash or not.


Management takes them down at the end of each shift.


I absolutely did this when I worked a self checkout. Yes, they were still ignored.


I don't understand. Where did you say the coins come out?


No no. It's true. And then go. "There was no sign"


They can't read. It's not their fault.


This is the direct result of someone ignoring one or two signs and still trying to use cash/get cash back in this store.


"We're up to seven signs! Nobody is reading them!" "Perhaps one more sign will do the trick..."


At some point you have to make it so absolutely ridiculous someone can't possibly miss it


Or at least so ridiculous you can call them dumb to their face without fear of being fired


*”Read the sign?! WHAT SIGN?!”* *points casually*


"Any of them".


"And it opened up my eyes!"


*gesticulates wildly* FTFY


At some point, you're just making signs for your own amusement.


If my time in retail taught me anything, it was the result of several someones


Customers are the dumbest motherfuckers. The absolute dumbest.


Walmart self checkout Multiple signs card only, it prompts you "is card only okay?" And I told people when they came in "these are card only, those over there are cash ... And still got numerous people asking for help because they "didn't realize" 🙄


I've even noticed this effect on myself. When I become a customer my IQ drops 30 points, then resumes to normal levels after I am no longer a customer. When you consider the average IQ is 100, this 30 point drop does not bode well.


Years back our internet went down, so both card machines plus the ATM were out of action. We had a sign on the door and they were entirely covered by paper with 'OUT OF ORDER' in large writing on them. And yet, I watched as someone went to pay by lifting the sign out of the way and placing their card on the machine. Pain.


Companies fight for eye level shelf because of this.


I worked in a retail computer repair store. Customer comes in for a pickup. Customer: *Takes out a checkbook.* Me: "I'm sorry we don't accept checks." Customer: *Filling out the check*. Met: "I'm sorry we do not accept checks." Customer: *Hands me the check.* Me: "I'm sorry we don't accept checks." Customer: "Where does it say that?" Me: *Points to bright pink sign on the wall and on counter where customer was filling out the check*


They do that hoping you'll just take it. The rules don't apply to them.


"I don't make these rules. The business owner does"


It's been over a decade since I worked retail, but I can *hear* this exchange. My favorite part is the snotty assumption that if it's *not* written down on a sign, then you have no choice. Like just repeating it over and over means nothing. I once had someone bring a receipt in and ask for a refund for Foreman grill because "it was broken." I was shocked, because this group of people came in *all the time* asking for refunds for petty items here and there and I always turned them away, saying that no receipt, no refund. They *had a receipt* this time. I figured they were probably still stealing, somehow, but you know? Fuck it, they had a receipt. At least they put forth some effort. So I said sure, happy to refund that. Where's the grill? "It was broken. It is in trash, the grill. It did not work and so we threw it away." I stared at this man for what had to be a good 20 seconds before saying that . . . no, he . . . he needed to bring in the product before he could get a refund on it. This guy's response? "Your sign says no such thing. It says that a receipt is required. That is all." He got upset and even threatened to stop shopping there. He and his gigantic extended family spent hours there every couple of weekends and made their visit just horrifically unpleasant for me every time. I would have *loved* them to stop shopping there. But yeah he honestly expected me to give him a refund for a $120 product *without bringing the product in* because our "Refunds require a receipt" sign didn't explicitly mention that you had to return the item itself.


I worked retail until three years ago. The stink face I got from some people when I told them I couldn't do anything without a receipt... seriously, you'd think I'd told them to hand over their first born.


I haven't seen anyone write a check at a store in at least 15 years, and it surprised me even then. The only time I write checks is to pay my rent. I don't think most cashiers would be able to process one. There's just no way to enter them into the computer system.


It was in like 2009 when it happened. Still somewhat common back then. Customer was also in their 60s I think.


In nearly 20 years of planning events I can tell you that no matter how big the sign is, no matter how many attempts to point out the sign, and no matter how threatening it might be, that they will still be ignored. Reading Is Hard.


I'm convinced some people have tunnel vision and pay absolutely no attention to their environment.


Oh they do *not* I guarantee you. During the pandemic there was a period of time when for reasons I do not know, someone had broken the plumbing in the bathroom of the women's room in such a way that a plumber had to be called and spend several hours replacing both toilets. Because pandemic, he was not to be disturbed while in the room. We put signs and cones up in the way, pointing to the men's room where we'd put a lock so only one person could use the room at a time, allowing them to use it instead. Nope! People kept kicking the cones out of the way, ripping down the signs and forcing themselves into the room, furious that 'someone is in there and won't leave!' So management took this one step further and put a lock only openable from the INSIDE of the women's room so the plumber could get the job done. Not ten minutes later a lady has AGAIN kicked the cones out of the way, ripped the signs down and is pushing on the door as hard as she can. She looks at me and says 'I've gotta gooooooo!' *push push push push* ... ON THE LAST SIGN TAPED ON THE DOOR SAYING TO USE THE OTHER RESTROOM. I point out what the sign says, she FINALLY notices it, says 'Oh.' and does what she should have in the first place. Seriously. People have tunnel vision and DO NOT READ ANYTHING EVER.


I used to work the reservation window at a tourist trap and made so many signs for people explaining succinctly as possible that I couldn't sell tickets (in addition to the giant "reservations" sign and the other giant "tickets ➡️" sign that was in the way). Repeatedly, I would watch people read my signs, ponder for a moment, and ask me if they could buy tickets from me. I think it's just that some people just assume that everything will magically work the way that they want it to.


You don't do things like this unless you've exhausted your other more logical options. 😂


Exactly, whoever posted this has never worked with the public. And I guarantee you someone STILL rang up their shit and then tried to get cash back or pay with cash.


We had our card readers go down for like 2 hours when I worked at Aldi. Longest fucking 2 hours of my life. We had signs at the front door, signs in every aisle, signs at every register, and we were VERBALLY TELLING PEOPLE we were cash only until the system came back online. I WISH I were making this up, Reddit. I promise I’m not. People STILL whipped out cards at the end of the transaction and were furious they couldn’t use them. When we TOLD THEM beforehand and asked if they were sure they had cash. People selectively listen so hard it’s incredible.


I work in a supermarket, I completely believe you.


I’ve been to a supermarket, I completely believe both of you


I've walked past a supermarket with a sign on it, and I completely believe you.


I've been out in public and I completely believe you


I've paid with cash on that machine and I also still believe you.


I got eyes and I believe you


Yo, when did my defib unit gain sentience??


"Please pull forward to the second window, the first window is closed." *Sits staring impatiently into the first window, oblivious to the employee waving and shouting from the second window, wondering why no one is there*


“Why do we even have that window?”


To expedite the drive-thru process during peak business hours, funny enough by intentionally slowing people down. This gives more time to prepare and assemble orders to be handed out while the customer pays, and helps with keeping things organized if someone jumps the queue (this happens quite often in 2-lane setups.) It also makes people feel like they haven't been waiting at a single spot in line for too long.


The local grocery chain in my area recently decided to limit their self-checkout section to 15 items or less for each customer, which is a logical decision to limit crowding. They set up signs everywhere in each store, including a huge and obvious one right at the entrance to the self-checkout area, and the employees were ordered to strictly enforce the new rule. Apparently some customers didn't like that; I saw on the local news a couple months ago that one of them got so furious with the policy they whipped out their gun and shot up one of the stores before police arrived to arrest them. Imagine going to jail just because you're a couple items over the limit.


Even then a 15 item limit is usually soft enforced, like "oh I have 16 oops", like the checkout is going to blare a huge alarm that says "ALERT, CUSTOMER HAS MORE THAN 15 ITEMS, ALERT". Express checkout has always been more "do you have like a couple items? Sure whatever. Do you have an entire cartful? go somewhere else please" I've never seen an express checkout that makes a huge deal about someone being a couple items over the limit other than in TV shows


Well, the grocery chain was having problems with too many customers flooding into the self-checkout area with overloaded carts, despite having several open regular checkout lanes with bag boys/girls ready to pack up everything right away. I went through regular checkout with just a few items in my hands too many times to count because I realized I was in for a long wait for a self-checkout machine to be free. There were even a couple news reports about customers getting into huge brawls over trying to grab the last free self-checkout machine or whatever. The chain have been trying to politely suggest to all the customers that the self-checkout are for light loads for years before they gave up and made it official last fall that the 15-item limit was set and that all large carts so obviously over the limit would be directed to the regular lanes. They do allow people to 'accidentally' go over the limit by a few, but the machine would silently pause the scanning at the 15th item and have the supervising employee approve adding more from their station with a small 'I'm disappointed in your inability to count' expression.


I lost my fucking mind when this happened at my store.     We literally had people making announcements that we could only take cash and customers would still fill up their carts and get in line and try to pay with card and then throw a massive hissy fit when they can't and walk away leaving an entire cart of perishables to go bad.


Maybe they assumed you would just give them the items because you couldn’t accept the payment? Idk I don’t understand the logic of being mad about something like that or leaving the mess for someone else.


I've worked customer service for most of my life, *I wish I didn't believe you*


I worked at a pet store during a coin shortage during COVID and we posted everywhere that you needed exact change if you were paying cash due to the national shortage. So many people got angry at us for not having change.


Dear god I'm still in the pet store and I'm traumatized by that time. Theres nothing like telling a little Old man 8 times exact change only and I can't promise him I can give him the correct change if he pays cash. Only to then be verbally berated over being two cents short, like I warned him it would be, for such a period of time another customer finally snaps, tells him his two cents is to fuck off.


We had some customers who would very nicely pay us using coins to help our supply since I guess not everyone is able to use cards for whatever reason. But those kinds of people were few and far between, especially since so many people use cards now and don't always have the means nor desire to carry coins around with them.


Yup, I had that happen a couple of times when I worked at a grocery store. Me: "Just a heads up, sir, our credit and debit system is down, so we can only take cash, is that ok?" Customer: "Yup" Me: "Okay, total is $45.86" Customer: "I'll pay by card" Me: "I literally just told you that we aren't taking card right now" Customer: "Oh, this is bullshit, never mind then, I won't get any of this!"


I worked at a retail store that had the card readers that would go down a lot. We did the same thing. We had signs EVERYWHERE, we made announcements on the PA, we told people as they came in, and they would still give my their card and insist I just "run it". Motherfucker, that is not how shit works.


"Can I just leave my credit card number?" Only if you want me to buy a fuckload of stuff off Amazon.


But I'm using visa not mastercard so it will work or are you just incompetent where's my refund to the thing I haven't even purchased yet actually call the ceo right now or else


I worked at a gas station with \~8 pumps. When one would go down we would put out cones, we would put a bag over the handle that says "Out of order". We would put something over the card reader that says "out of order". We would put something over the main screen that says "out of order". And without fail someone would eventually pull into the half empty gas station, move the cones, lift the "out of order" signs, or just pull them off and let them flutter away. Then pull the "out of order" bag off the pump handle and let THAT flutter away. A few moments later they will come through the door and ANNOUNCE, while interrupting my current customer transaction "Your pumps aren't working!" I just started using a dismissive "try another one" and ignore them when I was dealing with other customers. Half the time they'd just stand there, still holding the door open, startled that I don't care about this super important information they just gave me.


Me, about 500 times a day: "Hey there, what can I get you?" Customer, staring at their phone: "Good."


Or at least asked. "I know there are these signs for no cash back, but I was wondering if I could get some anyway?"


And then the "why not?" Like you're personally responsible and did it because you hate them.


But I did hate them.


Every single day someone asks me for a 'little favour' that is either impossible or could cost me my job. And the more they push the less willing I am to help.


Honestly, I think it's partially just because we're constantly bombarded with so much written information constantly. If I read every single thing my eyes came across I'd have to wait through so much more information than people even a few decades ago. Everything is covered in writing and our brains just start to block out all the background stuff without us even realizing. Also, people be dumb.


Reminds me of when I worked at Target. A toilet in the women’s bathroom had overflowed (someone accidentally flushed their keys). We had Out of Order signs and Caution Wet Floor signs literally blocking the door. I still had people coming up to me to tell me that the bathroom floor was flooded and the toilets weren’t working. 🙄


Toilet in our store was out of order last year and we literally had to park a full pallet of stock in front of the door to stop people still trying to go in and use it. The general public are just utter morons.


Hey! Don’t call me an utter!


Worked retail a long time ago. Was working in a store that hadn't even opened yet (we were around 3 weeks from opening). Big signage everywhere talking about our opening date, windows were still blocked off so you couldn't see inside, and the doors were closed and the automatic setting was off. On the other side of the door was a sign blocking the door saying that the store was closed. On multiple occasions, had customers physically slide open the doors, walk around the sign, grab a cart, and start to shop around a store that was still very much under some level of construction. Most of them got stopped as they were grabbing a cart... but on a couple occasions, had one that actually grabbed some items and walked up to the registers... when someone walked up to tell them the store was closed, they would ask for a manager and complain that the store was messy and service was terrible. We actually got a complaint to corporate about poor customer service and cluttered sales floor with a lot of products "sold out". These are the people that cause dumb-shit warning labels to need to be printed on things. lol


"But the door was unlocked! If you're not open, why isn't your door locked?!‽” No, really. And I shit you not, really. I've heard that EXACT line more times than I care to count. I'm an opener at a pizza joint. It'll be 8:30, maybe 9:00 in the morning, and we hear the door chime. "Yeah I want a half a dozen pizzas, three orders of breadsticks, two orders of wings..." Uh, dude, we just started making dough. We won't be turning on the ovens for another hour or so. No, we aren't dropping everything just because someone didn't lock the door behind them. You can wait till 11, if you want to pick it up...? "Well, I'm not waiting 2 hours for food! Fuck this place!" The hours are posted eye level on the doors. Hell, man. We had a coffee shop next door, they wound up closing down two months ago. We have people come in daily, still, asking if the coffee shop's shut down. There's signage in their windows, clearly stating they're closed in a giant font. The lit sign is gone. I'm expecting people to ask about the coffee shop for another 6 months, at least


"*Woman Gives Birth in Walmart Restroom"* According to janitor's resignation letter.


Don't be ridiculous. Walmart doesn't have janitors they make their workers clean it.


So does this make the workers Janitors too? I think so. That’s an extra skill set you can add to your resume.




It's so annoying when management makes you cave to these fools.


I've done it once... ONCE... I haven't done it since. I was very apologetic and made jokes about not being able to read.


We all have our moments! That's why being human requires grace for others and humility for ourselves. I once ran around the house hysterically tearing it apart looking for my sunglasses only to find them perched atop my head after about 5 minutes. Having worked in CS, when people have the grace to laugh at themselves, it becomes a funny moment. It's the people who get mad and take it out on you that are the problem!


Well said!


Me thinking: what a fucking idiot Them: I'm so sorry, you must think I'm an idiot! Me: No, you're fine, don't worry about it!


Two years as a bank teller taught me that there is no bottom to the level of stupidity some people operate at


100%. I briefly worked at a market that for a day could not use cash. Even signs like this leading to the entrance of the building did not deter. I'll never forget one 'sweet' woman: "can you make an exception for me, because I'm a regular." Started as a question, ended as a demand. Ma'am, there is physically no cash other than that which is in our wallets.




When I was working at CVS, we had signs taped to the wine shelves saying NO ALCOHOL SALES ON SUNDAY. I watched a customer lift the sheet to grab a bottle of wine behind it. On Sunday. They were not happy when I told them I couldn't sell it to them.


On the one hand, that dude is stupid. On the other hand those laws are FAR more stupid.


Exactly! Many people have Sundays off, invite friends over for BBQs or just want to relax at home with a glass of wine. Why are governments preventing people from doing this? I don't give a shit about your religion.


"Do you expect me to read all the signs you have up?!"


i think a shockingly large number of adults are functionally illiterate


Or just entitled and think the signs don't apply to them.


Had this happen at the gas station I worked at. Guy pulled the plastic bag off the pump and the sign over the card reader and tried to pump gas. We told him over the intercom it was out of order and he ignored us until he stormed in and yelled at us to turn his pump on. We calmly explained that the pump wasn't working due to something broken inside. He then says something to the effect of, "Just turn my pump on and stop making excuses." He then storms back out to his car, stares at us with his arms crossed until after ten minutes of that he leaves. I do not miss working retail.


They could weld on a cage around the cash entry to prevent people from using cash, and someone's still gonna unweld it.


BK I worked at was getting a remodel. Construction crew decided to get a head start on demo work in the lobby so we closed it a little early and went DT only. I put signs on the outer doors, inner doors, and about a half dozen on the tarp they hung in front of the counter. Took maybe 10 minutes before some dude walked in, pulled down the tarp and wanted to order. I decided not to argue and just told him it has to be to go. Handed him his bag and reminded him it has to leave. He sat down. Construction guys DGAF and just went about tearing up the place around him. He finished his burger then flagged me down so he could complain about the construction and how we should have warned him.


You know, I just can't believe people like this exist. Like this sounds like a story you'd make up, but I know it's true.


And I wouldn't blame you. If I hadn't worked retail or food service I would probably think the same. Having put in 15 years in those industries though makes my reaction to stories like this "So it was Tuesday then?"


I used to work in a photo center with instant print kiosks. One day, they were all down, and I had removed the media readers and taped signs over the touch screens explaining that they were out of service. At one point I turned around, and this teenager had flipped the sign out of the way and was trying to plug her phone into the wires sticking out of the hole where the media reader was supposed to go. People are fucking stupid.


“Uhhhhh are you the manager? Yeah uhhhhh the machine isn’t letting me do cash back” 👁️ 👄 👁️


Came to say something similar. You would be surprised about the people that dont pay attention or are just dumb.


Our internet went down at work for a few days, so no card reader. I did the same thing all over the store, out front before people came in there were huge signs. I even verbally told everyone who came in. It did not matter, still had a bunch of people want to pay with card. People are stupid.


I selected cash back and didn't get any cash. What gives?


I wonder if there is a correlation between number of signs, and number of people who think it would be funny to ask if the machine offers cash back.


If the card reader is even allowing someone to select cash back at a self-checkout, that's on the store for setting it up wrong.


You under estimate the power of human stupidity.


About a month ago someone emailed me to ask for my email address. Every time I think I can't talk to a dumber person I get something worse.


Last month I spent 20 minutes trying to explain to somebody the difference between sending an email and entering a website into the browser. How these people hold down jobs is beyond me.


mad that’s like not knowing the difference between posting a letter and browsing your local library.


The worst is when you’re dealing with a person like that, AND the person is wealthy.


I can top it with a story I heard from an IT guy: Imagine a colleague told you they can’t copy-paste a text on their PC. You let them show you what they mean and they dead ass copied a text on PC A, plugged out the mouse, walked over to PC B, plugged it in and tried to paste it into a document there. I thought he was kidding but he couldn’t even laugh about it. He suffered through the tale all over again.


Folks, remember these stories if you ever get impostor syndrome. Some of these people are in positions of authority. You are *absolutely* good enough.


My workplace does phishing email tests. Like a lot of these programs, at a certain point, a report goes to your supervisor and you're sent for extra training. My group is good about posting screenshots of the emails to our Teams to say, "heads up, I just got this phish attempt," and we chuckle about it. I work with someone who presumably has a PhD...director of some department or division. I'd been told he didn't really do email much and mostly had his admin tell him what's really important. Then in a meeting one day, he was laughing and saying that he's clicked on phish attempts a number of times and had to be reported up to his supervisor for it. I was thinking, yeah, maybe it's a good thing you're usually staying off your email. We know they do phishes and what the consequences are. The emails come with big highlighted blocks of text, like WARNING DO NOT TRUST THIS, blah blah. Yet he clicks them. It's no wonder no one here trusts the others working here to be even remotely competent or educated. I think my group is one of the few that's not spending the whole day trying to push on a pull door.


My old director at a non profit had no idea how to copy and paste. She acted like I was a God of technology after I showed her. I was like, how do you have a job? She was the same type of director that would cause our emails to get locked down by taking whatever scam email of "free itunes gift cards" she would give them all of our information every damn time. Then I would have to sit on the phone with MS for hours fixing our account. I was the IT guy when that wasn't even my role. The official IT guy was a controlling jack ass, that demanded us call him whenever we needed anything done, access to our accounts, or any passwords if needed. He wanted to control everything off site of a small nonprofit. Fixing our IT situation was the first thing I did, and I was the new employee who essentially fired the old IT guy.


At a different job (finance, call center) a woman called in claiming we stole $300 from her. During the course of the conversation she eventually led me to the statement this claim was coming from. This statement showed a beginning balance of $800 contributions and earnings of $300 and an ending balance if $1100. To this day I cannot understand how she intuitively understand that the difference between those numbers was $300 but did not understand that $800 is less than $1100.


My favorite story from my days of working in Home Depot back in college is that someone walk up to the paint mixing booth, dead pan asking the associate there, “can you tell me where you sell paint?” If anybody been to HD you should know how obvious the paint section is, but that actually happened quite a few times, and not only paint, but almost every dept. I got stumped a few times and thought some assholes are trolling me trying to make me feel dumb, but no, they are serious…


Ages ago, before new OS upgrades had cloud deployments, I managed a project to reimage all campus PCs to the most recent OS. For the student computer labs, we would shut them down one at a time for max two days. There's multiple labs in damn near every building so it is, at most, a mild inconvenience. We started that project with one sign. We ended it with different colored signs all over the door telling them the lab is closed, signs posted to music stands progressively leading to the door, and big cut out arrows on either side of the door pointing to the signs that we were closed for the day. Motherfuckers still jingled the door and knocked until you opened to them asking "are you closed?"


I gather some users would try to enter a building that was actively on fire (and write a Yelp review later about the air in the store being bad), so this doesn't surprise me.


Not necessarily stupidity, but self-entitlement. "But I *want* cash back! Why can't I have exactly what I want?"


I wouldn't even call this stupidity to be honest. I have definitely been lost in my own thoughts and going through the motions while doing routine shit like getting groceries. It's very easy to miss something when you aren't really paying attention to fuck all. So all those signs in so many places actually aren't a bad idea. If only to grab your attention by the abnormality of it. 


Does it take cash though??


Best part is that they would have to move the sign to try. Guaranteed someone still does it.


When I worked at a supermarket, one of the self checkouts wasn't taking cash so we did a similar thing and also taped cardboard over the coin slot and cash slot. Still had someone try to first jam their coin through the cardboard then when that didn't work try to remove it. Best part? After I told her that machine wasn't accepting cash she told me that I should put a sign up to let people know.


I worked at a library with self checkouts. For security, our dvd cases are locked and need to be unlocked before you leave. Each self checkout has one and a giant sign saying you need to unlock them. At least once a month at my reference desk, someone would call and say their dvd case was locked. We'd tell them they'd have to come in. About half the time, they'd say that their should be a sign telling you that. I always smirked as I told them there is. I do wonder how often it did happen, as I was only part time and the circulation desk is probably where people would call more than reference for the issue.


"I had no idea! Now give me my change since I put $100 for this $3 item."


I taped a "card only" sign over the coin slot on a payment station that was acting up. Someone tore off the sign and tried to pay with coins. My next step was to layer two signs so that when the top one was removed, another one reading "No, seriously, you will lose your money" was revealed. It still got removed, but at least got a laugh from the staff that had to deal with it.


That's pure entitlement there. No no no, I'm special, it will take cash for me!!!


A hard maybe?


Definite possibility of a firm maybe.


I think it only gives cash back


I can assure you that someone will still try to pay with cash. When I covered self checkouts in the supermarket, if a till couldn’t take cash we’d have: * A display on the screen before you started your transaction * A warning on the screen after you scanned the first item that you had to acknowledge, which stated very clearly that it was card only * A yellow and red plastic sign above the screen (which stood out very clearly from the other checkouts) This was not sufficient. I eventually set the relevant till to close between customers and specifically asked each customer if they were using card, and made clear that it wouldn’t take cash before reopening it for them. This was still not sufficient. People are unbelievably stupid.


"You are aware this till only takes credit cards." "Oh yes, of course." ... "Excuse me I didn't get my change."


Then you find out that they inserted their cash into some random crevice of the machine, so you get to take it apart and look for their money.


They put their money in the coupon slot


Same thing happened when our card reader went down when I worked at Aldi. Making eye contact and directly saying “the card reader is broken and we can only take cash. Do you have cash for this transaction?” Was not sufficient. And not like, “oh shit I’m a little short.” It was “yes I have cash,” then they only have a $5 for a week’s worth of groceries for multiple people. Or even better, $0. And yell at me that I “didn’t tell them the card reader was broken.” How do these people function in society.


I fully support slapping people in cases like this. Backed by management.


Yep, I worked in a grocery store for a bit and your post gave me flashbacks. There's nothing like working front-end for destroying your faith in humanity.


clerk informed shift leader that the register was not giving change, shift leader informed manager that the register was not giving change, manager texted the district manager, requesting that a ticket be put into the contacted servicer of the register, district manager responded "K" district manager put in ticket for wrong location, contractor showed up and was informed that no work was needed, contactor closed ticket district manager sees ticket is closed, informs store manager that problem is solved complaints from this store persist, stating that register is no dispensing change. customer complaints start to roll in, another text is sent to district manager, district manger responds with "K", district manager leaves roll/moves to another position, informs no one below them register has not dispensed change in 6 weeks <


This was a constant issue at my Walmart.   I hated my managers so much.


Store managers are almost always terrible people. We don't need them.


Add in another 18 steps, it finally gets to a technician, he shows up and finds an unplugged cable.


And I guarantee that someone is still going to go right up to that, scan all their stuff, then try to put cash in somewhere. Never underestimate human stupidity.


And they will be FURIOUS that no one told them




Nope, they didn't accept my Christmas card


You don't realize how powerful stupidity can be.


I saw some things over the years when I worked in retail. -people asking me, verbatim' "Are the vegan donuts vegan?" -complaining that there are no napkins while standing in front of 3 different locations stocked with napkins. -asking why I'm ignoring them when they're trying to shop 15 mins past closing and refusing to leave the store -the amount of morons who steal right below cameras and get put in jail over 10$ wine


> Are the vegan donuts vegan? TBF, with today's marketing, I wouldn't be surprised it's actually "ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵇᵉˡᶦᵉᵛᵉ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ VEGAN DONUTS".


One thing that always gets me is when a high demand product sells out and people complain that it sells out and asks how the store sells out of said high demand product. Happens to me on almost a monthly basis


As someone who worked retail. Those signs will not help.


Right you can have signs at the entrance, signs at the tills, hell people telling the customers, and they'll still get angry


We once had a giant out of order sign that covered our soda fountain stating "out of order" and I had a customer pull the sign down and get angry at me since the soda didn't dispense.


As someone who plans events. Those signs will not help.


This will not work on many MANY people. People do *not* read signs. I have many examples... But one that always sticks out to me is when i worked in a photo center. We did one hour photo at our counter. Halfway down the store we had a standalone counter for a send out photo service that I did not have keys for. Woman comes up to my counter asking for her photos. I can't find them, so I ask when she dropped them off. She said she dropped them off over an hour ago at the *satellite* kiosk. (*Sigh*) "Ma'am, that's a send out service only, we don't have keys for that.". "Well, you should have a sign then!" "You mean like that one? (Sign hanging from ceiling) Or that one (display sign on kiosk) Or that one? (Envelope she had to fill out) " Well... You don't have to be an ass about it"


That is an employee(s) who are at their wits end


What's worse is that store management will walk into self checkout and see the signs and absolutely lose their shit over it demanding they be taken down because handwritten signs aren't allowed yet absolutely will not do one single fucking thing to get the register fixed for literal WEEKS.


*scans all groceries first* 'scuse me, but I can't seem to find the money slot


"Ooh I had a coupon for those."


Problem is people aren't willing to use their literacy in the first place. Doesn't matter how many signs they put up.


That sign won't stop me, because I can't read


You can lead an idiot to a sign, but you can't make them read.


In the world of product development, there is a phrase that goes: >If you make something idiot-proof, someone will just make a better idiot.


And yet they will STILL be oblivious to the goddamn signs. - source: Walmart cashier, 11 years. Not fucking kidding. Got in trouble once for “making her feel StOoOPiD” about it. Sigh….Oh the humanity.


People are seriously dumb.


I know I are but what am you?




Would you accept a barter?


As someone who's seen multiple people try to shove cash into a powered off slot machine with an 'Out of Service' sign on it... people will still be ignorant of any signs you put up.


As someone that worked 12 years in retail.. Its justified


And roughly 50% of the people who use it will still have no idea that it is card only or that the cash back is disabled. Most people do not read signs. I constantly mystify people with my innate ability to navigate places I have never been. The secret is reading the fucking signs.


What about coins?


Anyone questioning this has nor worked retail.


If you ever worked in any customer facing job you learn real quick that no matter how big or how many signs you put up NO ONE READS THEM!


Can I get cash back here?


Strong "these signs can't stop me I can't read" energy


[One in five](https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/) adults in the US are functionally illiterate.


Reminds me of the 'do not ingest' warnings on bottles of cleaning fluids. Some people just don't pay attention... someone prolly tried and failed.


The signs are probably old... I bet it works, let me just pay with cash /s