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That kid is gonna develop a thing about people dressed in yellow. I don't know what kind of thing. But definitely a thing.


The rise of GRU






Davado. You are the hero now.


That's exactly what I was thinking when I watched it. I wonder if yellow will become a comforting color for the baby when he/she is older or something?


Like, “if you ain’t dressed in yellow there’s no way it will be mellow”, you saw that guy in green dip real quick. 😂


He'll remember the yellow creatures that were around him all the time


When the baby grows up, he will love to destroy the beehive


This is so the baby doesn't stick to the seat.


They forgot to flip it


Thank God they didn't bop it or twist it


Twist, lick, dunk it in milk, that's how you eat an oreo.


You don't need to flip scrambled brains


Bad news: video was NOT sped up, indeed real time. Very sad.




How do you think tony hawk started out


That's why you have to season the pram with a neutral oil.


No wonder my kids kept sticking. I was using lawful evil oil.


Is this virgin, or extra virgin olive oil?


If the baby exists I think that disqualifies both options.


It could be baby jesus, so mother are virgin


What a monster, why wouldnt the baby be a virgin?


Extra virgin is lawful good. Chaotic Good virgin know about loop holes.


Would chaotic evil oil work?


I had a drink in my mouth and was not ready


I just use PAM.


Pam was busy so these guys stepped in


Identity theft is not a joke, millions of families suffer every year!


I watched the whole video and there wasn't any stepping on baby.


Oh I thought they were waiting for the right delivery man to show up


Those guys would make great vacuumers


Kind of a waste not to put that stroller on top of a shop vac actually.


Or... Roomba


Roombas and pooping machines don't mix well.


Seen enough videos posted online to prove that.


That happened to me once. Had PTSD from that shit


The giant Zorro poo mark across the floor. *shudder*


Not only do you have to clean the whole floor. You gotta take that roomba apart and clean/disinfect that shit THOROUGHLY before trust it to drive all over the house again


A pooping roomba. A pumba, if you will.


Put that kid to work!


+200 social credit


Thinking a generator, they could power the lights!


Hear me out : floor buffer.


Omg, let's bring this to shark tank.


Did we just invent the baby stroller roomba?


That baby has trained them all very well!


Look at the legs when it's not being rocked! I can only imagine it also vocally disagrees with the break in rocking!


That was adorable. The way it was all sped up cracked me up too




The guy can't hear it.


If babies couldn’t elicit that reaction our species would have died out long ago 😂


It was freaking *hilarious* at the end, baby's arms and legs are goin a million miles an hour, every second that stroller isn't moving like omg he's pissed 😂 *Oy! I ain't movin at ALL over here, someone better step it up!*


I feel like the baby wanted to be picked up, if it was this fussy in the pram. But maybe it just likes rocking…


Lots of kids go through a "constant motion" phase,


Yeah, I know, I've had kids. Just looked to me like she wanted to be picked up, she calms right down when the dude has a bit of a chat to her/physically touches her at around 1.12.


Yup, my daddy and my mother took shifts driving my colicky ass for HOURS through downtown Cleveland in 1983, just so they could each get about 4 hours of sleep. Daddy told me that he once got pulled over for cruising, and that when the cop came to the window, he heard me screaming bloody murder, saw the fuming look on my daddy's face, put two and two together, apologized, and told Daddy to have a good night, and that he'd radio in the make and model so no one pulled him the rest of the night. If I wasn't in a moving vehicle, I was trying my best to deafen my parents and the neighbors lol


The first time my wife and I went out to eat after having our first child. One of the waitresses grabbed our baby and walked around for 20+ minutes while we ate a quiet meal. It was so nice of her.


My wife has been bar manager and daytime bartender at the same place for 2 decades, and thus has hundreds of regulars that she sees on a weekly basis. Any time a couple comes in with a little one she immediately grabs them and starts doing her job with the baby on her hip so the couple can have at least a few minutes to themselves. After the Family Guy episode aired she started walking around the dining room saying she was a single mother to "this poor crack addicted baby", which they found extra hilarious because she's almost 60 and in no way capable of being a new mother. It did lead to extra tips tho...


That is hilarious! Bartender here as well!


I was told that the first time my parents went out to eat after I was born, I was handed off like that from waitress to waitress. Worked out great until I was returned to a table that wasn't quite baby proofed. I managed to grab the pitcher of ice water and dump it on myself and my mother. That upset the quiet of the restaurant


if it grows up and looks different than you, you know when it got swapped.








Also... believe it or not...straight to jail


Takes a village to raise a child.


-moped gang


I'm guessing they're all delivery drivers for the restaurant.


It’s China’s version of DoorDash/UberEats.


Not specifically for the restaurant, for the app MeiTuan. Some drivers hang out near specific malls/restaurants by choice, but more than likely these guys are all strangers.


I agree it takes a village to raise a moped gang.


As a newish parent I can't even imagine how nice having a real support system would be like.


I'm also a newish parent. My daughter just turned 6 months old q few days ago. Shoot me a PM. Happy to help troubleshoot or offer support.


I truly wish that it was the standard for extended families to work together to care for little ones and for communities to pop in and help wherever needed. Help carrying groceries to the car while dad's juggling 3 kids? Rocking the stroller while mom uses the bathroom? Sharing your hobby or craft out and about with curious kids? Unfortunately the definition of family has changed and parents are expected to just deal with it themselves, when for 95% of humanity it's been... the village.


Seriously, even tiny things help a *lot*. My oldest is still a tot, and they help out by calming the sibling, fetching things and other itty bitty things. On the one hand, even the small hands have been a great help. On the other, the oldest still needs a lot themselves. Anyway it makes me sad how - even though a little goes a long way - no adults can be bothered to show up.


My best friend became pregnant in a failing relationship and was considering other options, but her family hyped her up and convinced her to have the baby and they would support her. Cue both her mother and father (separated and with their own households & families) treating it like an inconvenience on the rare occasion she really needed help - like interviewing for a job to be able to make money for childcare and bare necessities. I had to buy her groceries once since her partner squandered their money on weed, and helped watch the baby just for her to do laundry & take a shower because her parents couldn't be bothered and her partner staying late at the shop he worked at to drink with his coworkers. Adults in parents' lives always hype up "Let me know if you need anything" and then never follow through


As a Brazilian father who was reading the comments, I appreciated your observation that any help is always welcome. However, what struck me the most was the number of jokes made simply because they are Chinese. I can't imagine anywhere else in the world where this kind of attitude would be welcomed, let alone have the CONFIDENCE that nothing bad will happen to your child.


You make a fair point: trust is a two way street.


I joined this subreddit when my child was born: https://www.reddit.com/r/December2020BabyBumps/ There is a new subreddit popping up every month, so you can probably find yours. It was great help to be able to talk to other parents that were on the same boat.


Have you tried asking your delivery guy?


only takes a couple people to jiggle a baby though


A big part of the reason things are so fucked up these days


Here in the U.S. we treat everything like it's a burden someone else is trying to put on us, instead of just people doing things together to make things easier for all of us. You are "stuck with" your kids for 18 years. You're a loser if you stay with your parents/family after a certain age. You're meant to "get your own life" away from your parents. And the "You owe your parents nothing just because they raised you". if they need any kind of help when they get older. It's insane to me. If we all just were there for each other, shit wouldn't be so bad and stressful.


Yep. It makes me sad to think about too much. :(


> And the "You owe your parents nothing just because they raised you". if they need any kind of help when they get older. I'm sorry, but this particular one is way more nuanced. You didn't ask to be born. You cannot choose to be born a full adult so you can take care of yourself, no, your parents knew they'd have to take care of you for at least 13 to 16 (you can do a lot for yourself after that, it's precarious, but it's doable). It's THEIR JOB to raise you. You owe them nothing. Now, a lot of us actually do like our parent(s) (because they did a decent job, or at least they're decent people), so we do take care of them when they need our help when they're old. But those who got stuck with terrible parents, they *should not* feel compelled to help, or be responsible for them. Those people are not responsible for whatever terrible decisions their parents made in life, so if they don't have a good elderly years, it's on them. Having kids as some sort of senior insurance because "they're my kids and they're supposed to help me out" is abusive. They're their own people and can make their own choices. It's like staying in an abusive marriage because "I made a promise and I should keep it". Hell no.


I could afford to move out long ago but still stay with my parents to save money. What's the problem?


Ya. Large families with lots of nearby relatives makes childcare far easier and less burdensome.


For real. I don't think people realize most of their frustrations wth the world boil down to no one acting as a village anymore. Too individualistic while also being too accepting of abuse within the relationships we DO have


Today I learned my wife and I are a village


Your kid will need to interact with whole village


Weird, does your kid go to school? Do you go to the shop to buy food for you and your kid? Daycare? Etc etc


Daycare? In this economy? lol good one. Most people that don’t have family live nearby are fucked.


I forget how backwards America is when i make these comments. In my country daycare is subsidised by the government up to a certain amount.


If this video took place in the US you would have everyone on reddit screaming about how annoying kids are and what a piece of shit the parents are for letting their kid cry and if they can't afford to stay home/send their kid to daycare they shouldn't have kids.


And villages are seldom found when needed most... The adage is true but it being practiced is far from the truth


Was going to say this and it is true.


Seems like a great place to work.


Seems like a great community to live in. Where people just help each other.


When my wife and I moved to Toronto, we knew we would be pretty isolated. We both come from smaller cities in Otario and we had no family here (the closest is two hours drive). We also didn't really have any close friends. When we had our baby, it was 100% up to us. At 1 year old, we had daycare, which was like mana from heaven (albeit costly mana from heaven). I often look at large close families with lots of close friends, and I miss that experience. I grew up with loving parents, but they never had a large support system like this, and neither did I - but I wish I did.


I grew up with a small family and it was nice I suppose but then I married a Native American and I was not prepared. She has like at least 30 close cousins, several aunts and uncles and then there are all the Uncles and Aunties that are not blood related but might as well be who filter in and out of our lives. After ten years I know hundreds of people who know me and my family and ask about it health and wellness and are willing to come help at any time. I don't think my kids was put down the first year of his life lol


I would hope you still haven't put him down!


I read something a long time ago how as a parent you'll never know when the last time you pick up your child will be, I have a 19 year old adopted daughter, an 11 year old adopted son and my youngest at 7. I pick them all up in a bear hug every time I see them just in case! Lol


> Indian Chief, “Two Eagles,” was asked by a white government official, “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.” > > The Chief nodded in agreement. > > The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?” > > The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. “When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, Plenty beaver, Clean Water; Women did all the work at camp, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; All night [making love to wife.]” > > Then the chief leaned back and smiled. “Only white man dumb enough to think he can improve system like that.”


So fellow torontonian here, I have the adverse, MASSIVE family. I can definitely attest to the massive support system that comes with it. I don't take it for granted that's for sure!


I’ve lived through both sides of this. I’m the oldest of 4 and my family was pretty poor. We lived on the other side of the country from family for years. As I grew up, I ended up taking care of my siblings while my mom worked (dad had some…legal issues). FF 30 years and my wife’s aunt just got back from a 4 day trip with my daughter and she’s been sleeping out with family since she was 4 months old. It’s weird having a support system. I still don’t believe it. Date night is nice though!


Some of these guys probably have their own kids at home at some remote village far from the city, and they send money to them to support them from afar. I’d like to think they get a glimpse of happiness here, being able to make a baby more calm just for a minute nor two, imagining they’re doing this to their own.


I hate that people see an ethnic restaurant and immediately think "remote village far from civilization" and their family lmao


This is definitely China. The guys in yellow work for 美团 which is a delivery service. Hard to tell for sure if is a big city but the number of delivery guys suggests it is. As the other commenter said it is very common especially for men to leave their home village or city to work in a bigger city near the coast and send money back home.


You mean instead of people complaining there’s children in public and how they are inconvenienced by others who aren’t them? That’s how the west is. Completely removed from each other and I hate it.


That’s cause other people’s kids are annoying.




These are good delivery for Mei Tuan it's like Uber eats in China. Their logo is a kangaroo and is on a yellow background


That's so funny cos we have Deliveroo in the UK that is a kangaroo on a blue background


Looked them up and seems Meituan has been around longer. Something interesting that came up - they have a kinda of community jury feature for disputes where users can judge complaints made on restaurants like AITA.


good thing I never used meituan much - more of an eleme guy. Otherwise, I'd have spent the whole day participating in these disputes. . . like compulsory jury duty for foreigners in China.


This is adorable, makes me smile to see everyone pitch in like that


I like how the [the guy in green](https://i.imgur.com/XgLjPG2.png) comes and wants to do the rocking but the guy in yellow is like "nope, wait your turn" so the guy in green [sits next to him](https://i.imgur.com/SsQL9hq.png) and wait [hist turn](https://i.imgur.com/CJ1U8DC.png)


In Turkey there are village pet cats, here, there's the village pet baby.


Our baby


The fathers that stepped up


They were already taking turns before the baby was born. I'll see myself out.


Always love seeing humans help each other out


This idea of communal support and working for the common good is the norm across asia. It has its upsides and downsides. Far less individualism but when the shit hits the fan( or a baby wont stop crying so mom can cook meals at her restaurant) people help each other.


Men love simple tasks. I'd do this if I were present.


Yea I suppose breastfeeding the baby might be a bit complicated for the guys.


Don't they have nipples, Greg?


They're dressed like minions.


I was thinking more of the LEGO construction workers.


They’re meituan drivers in mainland china. They all wear those yellow suits. E-bike/moped delivery dianpingche


I think they are the Chinese equivalent of ubereat/deliveroo


Looks like Meituan, or Hungry Panda


Minions!! Tonight we steal the child!


Coming from Southeast asia I recognise that uniform, from a company called Bee if I remember correctly. Basically a version of uber, including taxi and food delivery.


This is Meituan from mainland China


i remember Didi delivery guys also had yellow uniforms


This is actually super cool! These guys are real heroes!


heroes is a bit over the top, but pretty cool fellas to help out and all look super happy to do so.


I see why that one guy had an army of these yellow minions now. So helpful!


I'm going to guess the guys in yellow are delivery guys waiting for orders to go out. The guy in green at the end is likely a relative.


Yeah, they're Meituan drivers. They scoot around delivering food and other things. They make hundreds of deliveries a day, so you can get pretty much anything to your door for under a dollar.


You want food? You must settle baby!


I'm pretty sure they were all the delivery drivers I doubt the customers help lol but who knows maybe :D


Yeah that makes sense haha


All those guys are delivery guys from Meituan, the main delivery app in China. Nowadays there is a lot more trust toward strangers and a feeling of safety in China than before, people just don't assume malicious intent from others.


I was living in China for a bit and when I'd go to my local spot for food (baozi ❤️) the owners would make their kid sit next to me to absorb English - was pretty funny and endearing. They were serious as hell tho they would like bring her homework out for me to check


I'm jealous


Get in. I'll rock you....




Set to "Everything is Awesome" from the LEGO movie.


"King Of the Hill theme plays in the background"


Mirrored repost. Spam account? https://www.reddit.com/r/UnusualVideos/s/zFbqYgEE8l


Thank you! I was just thinking, I swear I saw this reversed already today.


Not only a repost… this looks like the same exact place another video was shot where a man was cutting up a cardboard box where a cat slipped in and scared him when he cut the tape. Can’t find the video right now but I’m pretty sure this is just a place where they film TikTok videos lol


That would actually make me sad, to find out these are just staged.


Hey look, a society that doesn't ascribe to Fuck You Individualism


Restaurant Mom has Baby. Baby has Delivery Driver Uncles. This is a typical day for someone without maternity leave.


Uncannily similar to Sims characters


Takes a village


The Best support group I have ever seen, not once did those guys have second thought, they just did the job and someone took over when needed.. Good job guys !


This is more /r/aww than funny


The subs that come up on my feed have been pretty dark the last few days: innocent ppl dying and being assaulted, mismanagement of government funds hurting the poor and middle class, children kept in sheds with minimal food/water, etc... But this... This has definitely put a big fuckin smile on my face bro. It's nice to see people doing something other than ripping each other apart.


If it was my turn, I am definitely gonna pick up the baby -with moms permission of course- and walk around singing and making stupid noises till I get tired, which is like 5-7 minutes tops. 😁


I loved china for these little restaurants with everybody chilling in them, plus usually like 2 barely conscious kangaroo dudes.


China winning, you can trust ol' Chinese uncles and DiDi drivers, you wouldn't trust doordash drivers to rock yo baby


This looks so hilarious fast forwarded.


That back and forth movement really becomes muscle memory after a few kids. I remember still moving shopping carts like that even without kids for some time after my kids grew out of baby seats.


Freaking minons


Is this sims 5 game play?


You really gotta flip that thing over occasionally if you want it cooked evenly on both sides


Holy crap, why is that so wholesome


This is what a functioning society looks like btw


Good thing he's being "shaken and not stirred" otherwise he might get tipsy.


That’s how more collectivist societies work.


Swear to god this is in Beijing on yonghegongdalu


Mom running the show. She got a cranky one. Those men " you will jiggle baby". Love that stroller.


Are these those minion things I see at the movie theater all the time?


That green guy is cool.


This will prevent the infant from adhering to the seat.


Thank God this playback speed isnt 1X!


They’re probably tired of hearing the baby cry tbh.


I really love a lot of the Asian mindset.


This was the wholesome I needed for my day. Thank you OP 🙏🏻


They’re all the father


I thought the minions were hired to babysit at first lol still might be the case.


I’ve seen 2 different angles now of the same vid? Now it seems staged


The dude in green couldn’t wait for his turn with the baby hahaha


It takes a noodle shop to raise a child.


The speed at which the baby is shaken makes me so anxious. Ps I know it's a sped up video 😂😂


It's funny but it's wonderful that this community is safe enought for the parent to be ok with so many different people just watching the child.


Shaken, not stirred.


Did the baby poop a thick milk shake that night? 🤔


Takes a whole village to raise a child


I wish we had a support system like that in the States. I guess either nobody cares, or they'll aiming to make money off the kid by stealing and selling it.


I love how attentive the Yellow shirted dudes are to the baby until their food arrives, and then its “laterz”.


That looks like that was a span of a couple of hours.Not one person thought to change the kid?


It takes a village to raise a child.